PAGE EIGHT Phone 119 Richmond Hxll Davies’ Dry Goods Store Phone 116-M . U VIIIKI Ivlvucl) Ilvul 01.67 { Inviting ‘ you to hear "Amos 'n' Andy in Person†GARFHELD YEREX Make a point of coming to this store tonightâ€"~hear the “tend-cab†boys as you’ve never heard them beforeâ€"â€"“in personâ€! . . . That’s the thrill of this new Bosch Radioâ€"it brings you into the very presence of the artists . . . Come and enjoy your favorite featureâ€"â€" tonight or any other nightâ€"Without obligation. Richmond Hill Saturday, Beeembey 13th Parents of the Village and surrqunding districts are invited to bring the child- ren, when each Will be greeted by Santa Claus andpreeented with a suit- able toy from 2.30 to 5p.m. arrives in Richmond Hill Richmond Hill “Ace-a... special speaker from Torontmis ex- pected to address the meeting. } Rev. F. N. Bowes, of Richmond Hill occupied the pulpit here last Sunday {evening and gave a very interesting 'and helpful talk on “Togethernessz.†Mr. Alfred Coombs, of Severn Bl'luâ€" ge visited this week with his niece, Mrs. Lewis Clement. Mr. Ernest Muirhead. of Dnndalk, is spending a few Week; with Mr. Walter Reaman. Miss Grace MacMillnn event Sunday a' her home in Port Perry. IMisses Laura and Elizabeth Delbrocco of Toronto, Miss Mary Delhi-once. of Maple, spent Sunday at their home here. __.... . mi mu". (m- The Y.P.S. meeting will be held in ithe church, Friday evening, with Ken. :neth Barker and Lloyd Gane in charge 30f the program. The first edition of [the Y.P.S. paper is to be read at this ‘meeting‘. Friday, December 12th, a ,special speaker from Toronto ‘is ex- pected to address the meeting. ( .. -v n W“- ,1: Din'lamnn.‘ Tin“ I The Anglican Young People’s meet- ing on Monday night last in charge of James Marston, hold for its feat- ure 3. Travelogue with lantern slides by Rev. Dr. McElheman, Principal of Wycliffe College. Toronto, on his trip through the Holy Land. Mrs. McClure, Supply Secretary of Toronto Presbyterial, gave the young women of the Presbyterian Church a talk on Missionary Supply Work on ‘Monday night last. Woodhridge folk who responded to the call issued by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McBride, of Mount Charles on Satur- day, November 30th, to Celebrate the tWenty-fifth anniversary of their mar- riage were, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Farr and daughter ElmaY Miss Bertha Agar Floyd and Bartley Farr, and Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Clayton? ‘ __ .. .. 1 01‘ Lul'uuuu, AVLA~M1 .-.._ Mable, spent Sunï¬ay‘lat their home Tmre. Miss Sadie Middleton aul Miss 011- ver had tea on Friday WIth the latter’s brother, Mr. Jack Oliver at Mr. James Vanderburgh’s. _ Mrs. J. Clement spent Sunday In Toronto, with Mr. Albert Hamilton 3rd Miss Hamllton. , vuv... Bachelors night with Clairville Euchre Club, and sponsored by Mr. John Stokes in Community Hall on Friday night, November 28th, was one of the biggest the club ever held. A dance follo ed with music provided by Mrs. Is c Lawrence, Messrs Al- bert Wiley and Norman Webster. Euchre winners were Messrs. Harry F‘ieldhouse, Frank Armstrong, Mrs. Thomas Codlin, and Mr. Robert Gra- ham Richvale W.A. held their meeting at the home ,of Miss Mary Valliere, Mill Road, with a splendid attendance. Plans were made for a Tale of home- made baking on Saturd-iy, December 6th, at 3 o’clock in the church. The parcels which arrived too late for the Rumage Sale will be disnosed of then. Rev. F. N. Bowes. of Richmond Hill, occupied the pulpit in Community Church on Sunday afternoon. Woodbridge CARRVILLE Richvale 3Wm. NEAL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 3° iTHORNHILL WOMEN’S INSTITUTE A‘ A way“ nnvr‘:l\] «hun'i-rM-Snn In nvimnxil, J A very cordial invitation is extend- ed to the Women of the community to iattend the regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute at the home of ‘Mrs. A. Thompson on Thursday, Dec- iember 11th at 2.30 p. m. Roll call, “White gifts towards the Christmas Relief.†There will also be an aprmi shower. The proceeds received Will go towards winter relief. ’- W. M. S. ELECT OFFICER FOR 1931 Election of officers took place at 'tlie December meeting of the W0- men’s Missionary Society of the Unit.- ed Church and the following were elected;â€"President, Mrs. J. J. Spar]- ing; lst Viceâ€"President. Mrs. N. Smellie; 2nd Vice-President. Mrs. Spencer; Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. P. Johns; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. Simpson; Treasurer. Mrs. Munroe; Secretary of Stewardship & Finance, Mrs. McDonald; Missionary Monthly Secretary, Miss A. Boyle; Strangers Secretary, Mrs. E. Francis; iLiterature Secretary, Mrs. Davidson; Baby Band Secretary, Mrs W. Wesley Supply Secretaries, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. J. Davis; Associate Helpers Secâ€" retary, Mrs. Wells; Pianist, Mrs. S. Elson. Mrs. A. Armstrong arfd Mrs. S. Bone were in Toronto last Week atten- ding- the twenty-ninth annual conven- tion of the Women’s Institutes of Centiml Ontario. and Were also guests '0f the Ontario Government at the ban- ‘quet held in the Royal York. ‘ A? thrilling drama in three acts )“The Mystery of the Third Gable†lwill he nresented by Trinity Church IA.Y.P.A. on Friday, December 12th, in Lawrence Memorial Hall, Stop 17. [The caste which includes Arthur Jar- (ed is excellent and a good evening’s ientertainment is promised. Mrs. Baker, formerly of Gormley, passed away on Wednesday morning at the residence of her dauEhter, Mrs. Elliott of this village. The funeral will be held on Saturday. December |6th and interment will take place at [Heise Hill Cemetery. | The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of the Unit- ed Church will be held on Wednesday, December 10th in the Sunday School room of the church. A full attend- ance is requested as election of ofï¬cers lwill take place at this meeting. I Mr. and Mrs. E. Irish and family moved to Aqincourt recently. Mr. and Mrs. Brody visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ness last Wednes- ldav eveningt Mrs. P. Teare. of Haileybury, was calling on friends in the village this week and attended the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Garnet Archibald, in To- ronto on Monday. A very successful euchre and dance was held under the auspices of the members of North York Market in the Lawrence Memorial Hall last Tuesday evening. The ladies prize winners were, first, Mrs. Albert Cox. Gentlemen were, lst Mr. Herrington and Mr. Roy Woods. The music was provided by Billy Hole and his live- wire orchestra. Mr. Hole was floor manager. Refreshments were served about tWelve o’clock. Billy Hole and his live-wires will provide the music for another enjoyable evening on Mon- day. December 15th. The Young People’s Society of the United Church were entertained last Monday evening by the local dentist Dr. Quigley. His talk was illustratâ€" ed by lantern slides and x-ray photo- graphs and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. A vocal selection was given by Mr. Floyd Davies. Next Monday evening, December 8th the C.P.R. are giving lantern slides followed by “Our Gang†comedy. This promises to be a very enjoyable evening. There will alsdlbe a home-made candy booth. Come along and bring your friends. The annual meeting of the Ladies Curling club was held Monday even- ing at the home of Miss Agnes Boyle. The followingP ofï¬cers were elected; President, Edith Luesby; Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. R. Scott; Secretary-Treas- urer, Miss Agnes Boyle. THE LATE ISAAC MURRAY The death took place early Friday morning. November 28th. of one of our oldest residents, Isaac Murray in his eightieth year. He had resided in this vicinity practically all his life, having been born in the old home where his last years were spent. His wife predeceased him about nine years ago. Surviving are two daughters and two sons, Mrs. W. O. McDonald, Maple; Mrs. W. Malloy, Toronto: David C. Aurora and John on the old homestead; also one sister. Mrs. Kef’fâ€" er, Toronto. The funeral which was largely attended took nlace on Sunday to Maple Cemetery. The family have the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement. Trinity Church W.A. had a very successful bazaar, tea and concert on November 20th. The ‘St. Matthew’s Male Quartette gave an excellent programme. The proceeds amount- ed to $150. of which $3113.33 was clear. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Mr‘ Stevens visited with Mr. and Mrs‘ Wm. Ness last Sunday. The Elgin Mills Girls Club are holdâ€" ing their regular monthly meeting on Monday evening. December 8th. at the home of Mrs. Whitten. Miss Graham, Public School nurse, will be the speak- er of the evening. A club paper has been prepared, which will he an inteâ€" resting feature on the nrogramme. Lunch will also be served. Anyone thirteen years of age and over are in- vited to the meeting. The boys as Well as the girls are given .a cordial invitation; Come and spend a social evening with your neighbours. SOCIAL and PERSONAL ELGIN MILLS Thornhill TESTON §§Aladdin Mantle L751]; §€RAB$S§ $STOVES and HEATERS g Our prices and quality meet city competition m Thornhill Hardware COLOURED GLASSWARE, FANCY CHINA. CUTLERY, ALUMINUM, WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC. FOR CHRISTMAS Be sure to hear this fine instrument before you decide to buy your Radio for years to come. Phone 18 F or Your Convenience We are agents for the Well known PHILCO & ROGERS RADIOS. Priced from $99.90 to $375.00. A few reconditioned Radios at Bargain Prices $15.00 to $50.00 A. C. Jamieson Aladdin Vase Lamp FREE Philco ani VICTOR Call at our store for entry blank into this simple contest which any man or woman, boy or girl may enter.. Be sure to ask for a demonstration so that you may be better qualified to Win. There’s no entry fee or obligation incurredâ€"just a few minutes of your spare time spent in filling out the blank may bring you this beautiful Aladdin Vase lamp, selling at $19.50, absolutely without one cent" of expense. Don’t waitâ€"come in today, se- cure your entry blank and ~ If you are sending money for Christmas, parcels or money for Christmas presents or mailing parcels, Post Office at Elgin Mills is open until 9 p.m. every night for money order Business. W. H. ESPEY Make our Store Your Gift Shop an Exceptionally Fine Line of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK 6F CANADA WW: MT 1:; Station Win a Beautiful $19.50 DeForest Crosley than any other Radio. Telephone Richmond Hill 129w. MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 . W. Brathwaite ASK FOR FULL PARTICULARS RADEOS Canadian Bank of Commerce Safety Deposit Vaults IF YOU desire to place any of your valuable papers, jewellery, or other precious belongings in one of our Safety Deposit Boxes. you will find our staff ready to render prompt and courteous service at all times during banking hours. The cost to you is only nominal and we are glad to be of any possible assistance when you wish access to your box. Tinted Radio Richmond Hill Telephone 33