Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1930, p. 1

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3=o===o=o==lo=lox Living up to the National Anthem AN “The rapidly increasing divorce rate,” remarked the wit “indicates that America is indeed becoming the cap land of the free.” on “Yes,” replied the prosaic friend, “but the continued marriage rate sugâ€" gests that it is still the home of the brave."â€"Epworth Herald. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday DEG. 13, 15, 16 Yonge at Castlefield Hud. 2172 VOL. LIII. CAPITOL Skating Comedy “Average Hu5bands’ UNIVERSAL NEWS Continuous Saturday 1.30 to 11.30 p. m. SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY at 1.30 and 4 Rin-Tin-Tin in The Lone Defender Unionville “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” THEATRE WEDNESDA Y4 TH URSDA Y FRI DA Y :o=o=o=o= .10 NOW PLAYING DOROTHY MACKAIL and LEWIS STONE Comedy ‘Dont Bite Your Dentist' OFFICE WIFE ANNUAL PUBLIC SCHOOL CON- CERT LARGELY ATTENDED The annual concert of the Richmond Hill Public School was presented to capacity audiepces in the Masorlic Hall "A -_ -1: VurluvAvJ ......._v..-ca on Friday and Saturday evenings of last week. G. H. Duncan, chairman of the Board of Education presided as chairman on Friday night and the certificates were presented to successâ€" ful candidates by trustee T. H. Trench On Saturday evening trustee Harry Endean occupied the position of chair- man. The program included three short plays, “Christmas Carol,” “War of the Months” and “The Mother Goose Family” as well as drills, recitations and numbers by a novelty band. All the pupils took their respective parts exceptionally well and principal Walt- er Scott and the members of the staff are to be congratulated on the success of the annual event. l0=0=0=0 “In li‘swnti-alJ'g Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 ICHRISTMAS STOCKING BANQUET I BOOSTS COMMUNITY TREE FUND The Christmas Suggestion Box prov- ed interesting as well as amusing, when each guest made suggestions for suitable gift from Santa Claus for some other member of the gather- ling. Many of the suggestions gave old Santa Claus a big contract. but he assured all that he would do his best to gazry out the suggestions. A Bdsch radio su‘rfplied music dur- ing the supper hour through the.cour- tes;v_ of G. Yerex, local dealer. The program took the form of a class room, supposedly Richmond Hill Public School on the Friday after- noon before Christmas thirty-five Over one hundred attended Community Christmas Stocking Ban- quet held in the Masonic Hall, Rich- mond Hill on Wednesday evening, sponsored by the Board of Trade. The banquet was catered to by the Rich- mond Hill Women’s Institute and a sumptuous supper was served on tab- les attractively decorated with roses. T. H. Trench, President of the Board of Trade presided and the speaker of the evening was Rev. L. Claud Secâ€" rett, of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Novelty numbers by local talent made up the program and the feature of the evening was the Christmas Tree laden with presents for which when handed out by a very bus- iness like Santa Claus cleared over $65. The funds will be used for the Com- the correction proved popular with the audience if not with his pupils. The class of boys included, Lauder Glass, Reginald Cooper, Morley Beynon, Wes Middleton, Bill Mylks, Garfield Yerex Walter Baldock, J. A. Greene, Harold Reid, Jack Daunt. The reg-mar lessons of the day Were not heavy, but the class was examin- ed by some of the parents. Reeve Lunau had the honor of testing the knowledge of the class in “Civics” and Walter Scott sr., substituted very ably for James McLean in examining the class in Agriculture. Ex-councillor Gordon H. Sloan. for- merly of Richmond Hill, but now of everyone,Toronto, joined the class long enough to pay his tribute to Richmond Hill which he said he was always glad to call his home town. He commended 1munity Christmas Tree which will be the principle of salesmanship to boost held on Tuesday evening, December Richmond Hill and suggested that l23rd. The giant Christmas Tree will‘everyone be a salesman always alive be erected on Yonge Street this week to an opportunity to sell the advant- and will be suitably decorated. On ages of the town to those who might the night of December 23rd another be considering a place to live. ‘ community gathering will be held.‘ The class proved themselves very when Christmas Stockings full of ,talented in music and songs as well as good things will be distributed to all in the three r’s and several very the children of the district. ' ldelightful numbers were rendered by Rev. L. C. Secrett delivered an inte- the members who appeared as boys of resting and thought inspiring address the late nineties. Morley Beynon deâ€" on the subject of Community Spirit. lighted the class and the. audience He traced the growth of the commun- with a vocal solo, J. A. Greene gave ity from the early days and remarkedlthe class welcome, Lauder Glass ren- on the changes that time has brought about in the lives of the people of the world since that time. The speaker emphasized the thought that no one whatever their calling or business in life can be separated from the com- munity. We must associate with our fellow men and it is only by doing this.that the progress of the Com- mumtv as a whole can be really brought about. dered in fine voice the classical num- ber “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Gar- field Yerex gave a practical demon- stration that it is possible to do more than one thing at a time and gave a violin solo and accompanied himself on the mouth organ. Wes Middleton gave a solo and was joined in the chorus his fellow class mates and Jack Daunt delighted all with a mouth organ number. _. n1 years ago. W. W. 1school master and his class with an times resorted to The address was very much apprec- iated by the gathering and a vote of thanks to the speaker by J. A. Greene and J. R. Hen‘ington was enthusi- asticallv adopted. Jolly Old Santa Claus will make his annual visit to Davies’ Dry Goods Store on Saturday afternoon and the children of the entire district are in- vited to come and join in the welcome to him. He will arrive at the store at 2.30 p. m. and will receive the chil- dren until 5 o’clock. He will have a suitable gift for every child and will be glad to receive suggestions for Christmas presents. Remember the date, it is this Saturday, December 13th and he will arrive at 2.30 and be at the store until 5 o’cloek. ' ARRIVES AT DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.30, Davies’ Store is Well laden with a choice stock of toys and a variety of goods suitable for Christmas presents. This year as in the past coupons are given with all sales and everyone has an equal chance to win one of the three handsome prizes which are offer- ed and which are now'on display in their attractive windows. Santa Claus at Davies’ Dry Goods Store on Saturday Everybody turn out on Saturday afternoon and make it a royal wel- come to Santa Claus. Parents are given a cordial invitation to bring the Mr. and Mrs. L. Hood and Mr, and Mrs. Patterson have returned from a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. Ehildren The Y. P. S. of Brown’s Corners United Church are holding their an- nual business meeting on Friday eve- ning, December 19th. All interesLed in this society are invited to attend. The business meeting is to be followed by a social. Four members of the J.W.I. pa‘d a visit to the Willowdale Orphanage last Tuesday afternoon, taking with them a large box filled with Christ- mas gifts for the children. There was an attendance of thivty- two at the Junior Women’s Institute held last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Kelly, Jr. A splendid Christmas address was given by Mrs. St. John, of Toronto. The members also enjoyed the violin selections given ‘by little Miss Barbara Petch, of Lan- sing. Miss Jessie Thomson gave an linteresting account of the ‘trip she won for judging. Over One Hundred Attend Board of Trade Function. BUTTONVILLE A.’ Trench was the although he ruled iron hand and at stern methods of The Friday afternoon Christmas concert was climaxed by the arrival of Santa Claus who caused some con- sternation by his unusual appearance. Lou Teetzel in this role looked for al the world like a pirate of bygone days. He however assured the audience that he was really alright but that he ap- peared that way because the audience was not yet quite fully in the posses- sion of the Christmas spirit. He proceeded to unload the tree and there was a gift for everyone present. How-i ever it proved that Santa was not only dressed as a pirate but was a real pirate as well and each one favored with a gift was assessed a tidy sum in aid of the Community Christmas Tree fund. After the gifts were all distributed the receipts were counted lupfiand totalled $66.36. 4- 1 correction proved popular with the audience if not with his pupils. The class of boys included, Lauder Glass, Reginald Cooper, Morley Beynon, Wes Middleton, Bill Mylks, Garfield Yerex Walter Baldock, J. A. Greene, Harold Reid. Jack Daunt. The reg-mar lessons of the day Were not heavy, but the class was examim ed by some of the parents. Reeve Lunau had the honor of testing the knowledge of the class in “Civics” and Walter Scott sr., substituted very ably for James McLean in examining the class in Agriculture. Ex-councillor Gordon H. Sloan, for- merly of Richmond Hill, but now of Toronto, joined the class long enough to pay his tribute to Richmond Hill which he said he was always glad to call his home town. He commended the principle of salesmanship to boost Richmond Hill and suggested that everyone be a salesman always alive to an opportunity to sell the advant- ages of the town to those who might ‘be considering a place_ to liv_e. It was a very successful evening the enthusiasm evident augurs Well for the success of the Community Christmas Tree on December 23rd. The class proved themselves very talented in music and songs as well as in the three r’s and several very delightful numbers Were rendered by the members who appeared as boys of the late nineties. Morley Beynon deâ€" lighted the class and the. audience with a vocal 5010, J. A. Greene gave i To the Executive Committee â€" Misses Gladys MacLatohey. Kath- lleen Morris and Messrs Donald Fris- gby and James Kerswell much credit lis to be given them for their splendid 1efforts in making this banquet a suc- .cess. The opening banquet of St. Mary’s‘ Church Branch of the Young People’s; Association held Monday evening, De-i cember 8th, in the crypt of the church was a very delightful affair, over seventy people being present. The decorations for the occasion Were car- ried out in blue and White, the colour of the A.Y.P.A. Mr. Donald Fris- by, President of the Association, act- ed as chairman and gave a short ad- dress of welcome to all guests, a plea- sant feature of the evening being the representation of other Young Peon- le’s Associations. The toast to the King was proposed by Mr. Oswald Carter. after which a piano solo was lz‘iven by Mr. James Kerswell. Mr. Ted Mansbridge proposed the toast to the Church, to which the Rev. L. C. Secrett replied very fittinglv, that the church, in spite of all its failings, had made its mark upon civilization and that civilization was what it was because of the Church. After comâ€" ‘munity singing, Miss Dorothy Duncan ‘gave a recitation. The toast to the ‘Association was pronosed by Mr. Fred Mansbridrre to which Mr. James Kerâ€" ‘swell replied. Mr. Donald Hick pro- ,posed the toast to the local organiz- 1ations represented at the banquet, Miss ‘Mackie replied. as President of the Presbyterian Young: People’s Associ- ation, and Mr. Lewis Sims on behalf of the Young People’s Association of the United Church. The toast to the .Anglican Young People’s Association ‘of Thornhill, was pronosed by Mr. ‘Ralph Paris and Mr. John Bruce re- plied on behalf of that organization. After a solo by Mr. Allan Duncan and a few remarks by Mr. V. Armâ€" istrong‘, the Rector’s warden, the ban- nuet was brought to a (10% with the singing of “God Save the Kine." The Maple Fire Brigade wishes to thank David Kanlan for his generous donation and all- others who have so generously given to help the brigade. Signed on Behalf “The Jonah” a farce in three acts will be presented in the Masonic Hall on Friday and Saturday night of this week by the Y.P.S. of the United Church. Admissions, adults 35 cents, children 25 cents. APPRECIATE DONATIONS Y. P. A. BANQUET “THE JONAH" MAPLE FIRE BRIGADE EYES and EARS ON HARD DAYS ‘ A while ago I went into a man’s place of business. I knew him very well, and as I looked into his face I could see that he was suffering, so I said, “You do not look very well to- day.” “No,” he replied, “This is one ;of my hard days.” Periodically he ;had an attack of pain which made 1116 Sometimes we have our hard days when we' are physically tired, but, a good sleep, strengthening food, a- nother good sleep, more food, a chance to :talk into sympathetic ears, and then work to do, and “the blues” are amongst the forgotten things of liie. n L ,___ “AIAV>.D_- V. Some folks are what they call tem- peramental. We don’t hear that ex- pression frOm people who have very much to do. Depression lasts but a very short time with people who have enough to' keep their minds and hands busy. There is such a thing as men- tal and spiritual re-action, but again rest and a new task will soon put things right. Others, principally fi- gety, nervous, touchy, squabbly folks, should consult a physician, generally it is wrong diet, liver out of order, or something like that. Maybe a good dose of fruit salts would do the trick, or still better, a plunge into some good philanthropic effort, and life a- gain becomes full of zest. 1 hi; ‘1‘..- Some anniversaries are hard days for many people. I wonder if we crowded our sad anniversaries with duties and service for others, they might not be a little easier to bear. Is not the anniversary hard largely because we allow our minds to dwell too much on our own troubles? We are all inclined to take ourselv- en seriously. But ourselves, we don’t ever we urfiiertake that should be tak- The other day I was discussing with a friend the matter of leadership. He drew attention to the fact that all the picturesque figures that Were respon- sible for confederation have passed a- way. That no one apparently had really taken their places. The same may be said of political leaders in the Motherland. Also of every depart ment of life, law. medicine, church, business, etc. This, of course, is a general statement, and general stateâ€" ments are seldom true in entirety. For some men were accounted great in ‘their own day. who would be regard- ‘ed as very ordinary individuals to-day. en serious. But ourselves, we don’t matter so very much. Now education is more general, the average ability in some of the profes- sions has risen. There is a tendencv to idealize the great men of the past. D THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT- YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 RM. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. SATURDAY, MONDAY, DEC. 13, 15 E“ All Talking Movietone Drama Comedy“ How’s My Baby." BUSTER KEATON. _ 1N _ FORWARD MARCH CLIFF EDWARD I MANHATTEN SERENADE COLOR REVUE MOVIETONE NEWS BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT â€" WITH â€" DORTHY MACKAIL and MILTON SlLLS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 17 â€" WITH Ann Harding COMEDY “GOOD MORNING SHERIFF Man Trouble LEADERSHIP THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 19 HOLIDAY NOVELTY “ GYM JAMES ” (By Elsie Ess) WITH Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I On the other hand, here in Ontario with our wonderful educational sysâ€" tem, possibly the part that money and lbrains could evolve, the object is to raise the whole mass of the people. To the sons and daughters of the rich and poor, irrespective of race or coL gour, is given this equal opportunity of .acquiring‘ a mass of‘ learning, conse- quently the resulting tendency is to produce a more efficient mass of man_ lkind, and the price is paid in a certain 'scarcity of outstanding leaders. This Iis the logical sequence. ‘ yet, somehow one cannot escape the feeling that there is a scarcity of great outstanding figures in politics, in law, and churgh. Maybe it is in the realm of education we can find a partial explanation. A comparison of the education systems of Ontario and Quebec may be enlightâ€" ening‘. In Quebec the bright boys are noted, every encouragement is given to these. The consequence is that these bright ones develop reâ€" markably well, they flower at the top \as it were. Their leaders are not inumerous but they are of a very fine larder, and few can compare with the [brilliant French Canadians. The first lchairman of the League of Nations was a French Canadian, Senator Danâ€" dourand Whose extraordinary ling- uistical ability is incomparable. And one could enumerate a list, not a long list it is true, of very brilliant French One of the largest and most enthus- iastic gatherings of the season was 'held at the United Church Y.P.S. on IMonday evening when Mrs. George Gee gave a very educational and inâ€" structive illustrated address on "The New Outlook Excursion to the Peace River district." An equally interest- ing program has been prepared for [next Monday evening under the di- rection of Miss Corner. The address of the evening will be given by Miss |Graham the Public Schosl Nurse of 'this district. Everybody welcome. All members are specially urged to be present as this meeting is the last meeting for the attendance contest. Canadian church. Furthermore it is to be noted that this is not so much the day of great leaders. Things do not depend upon them as formally. Rather it is a day of great movements in politics, law and church, furthered by the masses of the educated, more highly efficient population.“ It is still an open question as to which system is the more effective, whether dictator, “a la Mussilino” are to\be the order of the future, or the democratic ideal at its highest. The latter largely depends upon the mind of the “demos.” Young People’s Society Mary Astor Leaders in' politics, law and Movietone News No. 23

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