Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1930, p. 5

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Electrical Repairs Estimates Given Cormley R. R. 2 Agincourt 21-r-2] iIdarHutchison was. a Toronto visitor on Tuesday. H; Sfivér, MiSS Helen Stivâ€" er7§pent Wednesday igToron‘ts). __- . n “Miâ€""aan ers; E. Dixon. Miss G. Eckardt and Mr. W. A. Noble were To_1‘_onto visifigrs ol‘lvgpnday last. A" ,1 Mr. V Thamas "Berry and family, of Chicago, were guests of Mrs. M. Hemingway on Sunday. Miss Lorna Olson, Malvern, was the week-end guest of Miss Aileen Hood. Miss Jean Grant, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. Jas. Muirhead. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Fuller. of Markham, Mrs. W. Snedden, of Rich- mond Hi1]. were guests of Miss M. Sommerville on Wednesday. luv-:5 vlnv -._- Splendid reports of the annual con- vention held in Toronto were given by the delegates, Mrs. Armitage and Mrs. R. L. Stiver at the regular monthly meeting of the local branch held at the home of Mrs. A. C. Kennedy last Thursday afternoon. The splendid program teeming with the Christmas spirit included a fine paper by Mrs. Brooks on “Christmas celebration in many lands.” an instrumental duett by Mrs. W. Perkin and Miss Ila Weig- hill and a Vocal number by Mrs. K. Heisey and Miss Irene Pingle. The roll call “last minute Christmas sug- gestions presented many new and noâ€" vel ideas. Following the program the social hour was enjoyed and afterâ€" noon tea served by the hostesses. Mrs. A. C. Kennedy. Mrs. H.H. Eaton, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Mc- Kinnon. 7 A l'abh. Mr. and Mrs. G.A.M. thison and Master DaVey McKay are attending the Guelph Winter Fair this week, where their entries are prominent ra- mong‘ the prize winners. . . A. WM”, M“ Mrs. I and Mrs Welden ‘ eral of last. vvulauu. Mrs. F. Boadway is visiting relat- ives in Toronto this Week. Mrs. Monroe and her daughters, Mrs. W. Elliott spent Monday in Tor- onto. Mrs. Noah Stouffer, Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Bartholmew and Mrs. Welden of Uxbridge, attended the funâ€" eral of MiSS Sarah Dixon on Friday DULVLLCD ltd-Du u ........ Mrs. D. Coulson who has been with her sister Mrs. Boadway for several weeks is visiting her son Mr. Rob‘o. Coulson. N . . MLL . n. u. N ....... ____O, Mrs. Crawford spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Toronto, the guest of her sister, Miss Harriet Thompson. The annual White gift service held in connection with Central United Sunday School in the church auditor- ium on next Sabbath, promises to be of unusual interest when Rev. W. E. Wilson of the King Street East Miss- ion Will present the needs of this misâ€" sion. This is a splendid opportunity to have a part in a worthwhile work and the executive invite contributions of food, clothing and money. Every- body welcome. -- . . .1,, __A,_1, L:ou ......... Miss LaBerta Hood spent the week- end at her home here. Rev. H. H. Eaton occupied the pulpits of Markham and Stouffville United Churches on Sunday last ex- changing with Rev. Auld and Rev. Laidlaw, who were the special speak- ers at Central Unite‘d Anniversary Services last Sabbath. ‘ ‘ _L Ye‘ who have scorned each other, 01' injured friend or brother In this fast fading year; Ye who by word or deed Have made a kind heart bleed, Come gather here. Let sinned-against and sinning Forget the strife’s beginning, And join in friendship now; Be links no longer broken, Be sweet forgiveness spoken, Under the Holly bough. Ye who have loved each other, Sister, friend and brother, In this fast fading year; Mother and sire and child, Young man and maiden mild Come gather here. And let your hearts grow tender As memory shall ponder Each past unbroken vow Old loves and younger wooing Are sweet in the renewing Under the Holly bough. Charles McKay Mr. George Weatherall has been pending a week with his daughter, i/Irs. W. E. Smith, Langstaff.‘ ‘ LECUYER & Co. Ltd. EEECTRICAL CONTRACTORS PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER Adults 25c; Children 15c WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT VICTORIA SQUARE Telephone Stouffville 6116 Wall Paper SI-nplied if Desired Christmas Eve. Decide Now (0 Skate on Uhidfiville CROSBY MEMORIAL RINK General Admission: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 LE“ EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. H. Eaton 1.30 p. m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 p. m.â€"A representative of Fred Victor Mission will tell of their work. 7.30 p. m.â€"Y. P. S. Next Sunday at 2.30 p. m.â€"â€"White Gifts Service. Dec 24â€"Sunaay Schonl entertainment Hagerman United Sunday School 1.30 7 p. m.â€"Nowâ€"The time for action. Monday 8 p. m.â€"-Y.P.S. Christianity equalizes life. Leader of Topic Mr. Eaton. Wednesday at 8 p. m.â€"Mid-Week Ser- ice at the Church. Pentecost and Religious Imperialism. PHONE 188 THE JONES COAL C0. FOR COAL 0R WOOD. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"God’s Day of Power. 2 p. m.â€"Rev. W. E. Wilson, King Street United, Toronto, will speak on his work. Sherwo odi ; Sherwood â€" 10 a. 111. Sunday School ~11 a. m.â€"Divine Service. Unionville â€"â€" 2 p. m. Sunday School 3 p. m. Divine Service. . w . u V . . . y n x uuulrfi on Tuesday afternoon last. Although not in the best of health. death vr-‘ unexpected and the symnathy of lrin" friends go to the parents and relat- ives in the loss of this tender flower just budding into womanhood. 9hr was an attendant of Mount Jov Puh Iic School, where too she will be miss- ed b_v little ifriends. The service was held from the family residence on Thursday at 2.30 p. m. Rev. W. R. Auld, pastor of St. Andrew’s Unit- -ed Church, Markham. officiating. In- terment followed in Elmwood Cemeâ€" tery, Markham. Rev. Laidlaw was an interesting speaker at Central United Sunday School last Sunday afternoon bring-- ing a fine message to the young folk. The splendid attendance of 138 at the session is an indication of the popu- larity of this fine organization. “Where friend met friend” pleasant association enjoyed the usual fine sup- per and entertainment provided by the ladies of Brown’s Corners United Church was the pleasant experiencc of many as they assembled for the an- nual Oyster Supper, Wednesday evenâ€" ing‘ in the church. The play, “The Alley Daffodil” given by Greenwood Dramatic Club proved a great success, displaying unusual talent by the young people. Miss Bee, elocutionist also rendered pleasing items. Mr. G. B. Padget was chairman of the evening. LATE ELLA ISABEL NASH The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nash, seventh concession of Markham, were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of their only child and beloved daughter, Ella Isabel, who died in her twelfth year, at their home Miss Mary Rodick spent the week- end with friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wallen, of Bothwell, visited their son, Mr. Len- ard Wallen over the Weekâ€"end. Mrs. W. Bennett spent Sunday with friends in Schomberg. Mrs. Earl Pal'kVifisb-I-Ifiénd daughters Jean and Lorane were guests of Mrs. Ad‘zE'Hogg oveg' the week-end. Miss end wi Mr. and Mrs. Ira Milne were guests ff Mrs. Martin, Wexford on Sunday ast. grandfather, Mr. eve; the week-end. ' e- -... J. ‘VAAL’. H. R. Dancey had charge of the music especially fine was the solo “Jesus Lover of my Soul,” at the morning serviceâ€"with “Lead me Gently Home Father” sung by a mixed quartette at the evening service. Anniversary services mean a great deal in the life of our churches and tend to cement the bond of good fellowship that should exist among sister congregat- ions Inspirational services marked the 5th annivevrsary of the United Con- gregation held in Central United chur- ch Iast Sabbath. The weather con- ditions though being most unfavor- able, did not hinder the attendance, which this year was very large. m the morning, Rev. W. R. Auld, of St. Andrew’s United Church, Markham, occupied the pulpit, with fine special music contributed by the Headford United Choir. Rev. Laidlaw, of Stouffville, preached in the evening, when the choir of Wexford United Church under the'leadership of Mrs. YY-nn Miss Dorothy Stiver, of Brighton, Mr. Walter Stiver, of Toronto, spent the; wegk-gnd at their home here. Mi's. Talbot Findlay, of Thornhill, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Findlay on Tuesday. MrsfStanley Stiver spent Wednes- day in Toronto. Miss Jean Harper, of Toronto, was the week-end guest of Miss Mary Harper. clued, watch 101‘ later announcement. Sergt J. Reid of the Municipal The program being prepared for the Jail Farm staff, received painful in- Public School concert promises many juries when he fell on one of the novel features. Kindly reserve the floors. He was taken to Christie date, December 22nd in the Township Street Hospital, His many friends hall'. . wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Marion Warne spent Wednesâ€" Mrs_ A, Bryant and baby June, of day in Toronto' T onto. 5 ent Sunday with MiSS Reta Miss Jean Harper, of Toronto,__was foweu p LLA _._r1_ ___,1 ,,,, In spite of unfavorable weather con- ditions, the annual bazaar and sup- per held in connection with St. Phil- ip’s Church on Saturday evening last was a decided success. Mrs. Robert White, North Unionville, was the wm. ner of the lucky ticket that entitled her the fine quilt. The Sunday school are also planning a. holiday concert, but as date has not definitely been de- cided, watch for later announcement. Mrs. A. Brownlee, Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. A. C. Kennedy last Thursday. Mr. ahd Mrs. 0. Anderson were in Lemonville on Saturday last, attend- ing the celebration of the 80th birth- day of Mrs. Anderson’s mother, Mrs. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. N. Eckardt and Miss Grace Harrington, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington onA Saturday last, Miss Marigr} G_allogvay visited her S'I'. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN Rev. J. J. Robbins a. m.â€"Sunda,\' School a. m.â€"Ho]y Communion. LUTHERAN CHURCH E. Heimrich. Pastor That sore throat, tonsilitis, catarrh. hay fever, colds, whooping cough, croup, cough, and tonsil troubles with Sybilla Spahr’s remedy good results quickly. Try it. H. F. AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE The undersigned wishes to announce the opening of his new harness shop and is prepared to do all kinds of hat- ness repairing. Harness made to ‘order. Machine or hand stitched. Call and see us. Mrs. George Baker wishes to thank the Women’s Association of Carrville United Church for their kindness dur- ing her recent illness. Sunday. December 7th 11 a. m.â€"Quarter1y Communion Service. Members please plan to be present. 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p: m.â€"The Minister. Richmond Hill BAKERâ€"In loving memory of James R. Baker, who departed from this life. December 14th, 1923, at Grand Valley. Each lonelv hour that we have spent Is threaded through and thmugh. With threads of gold in memmy chain Dear father, all for you. What matters if life be weary And we tread its path alone. If when the journey is ended In Heavens we meet our own. BOOK ACKNOWLEDGE!) Mr. William Guv Carr on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, has received a gracious acknowledgement and letter of thanks for the gift of his recent books “By Guess and By God” which he presented to Imperial War Muse- um. The letter was from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales who is chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Museum. Geese, ducks and chickens, 2:2 riflos and shot guns, Lot 31, Com. 3, Mark- ham on the farm of R. L. Nelson, one mile south of Gormley, Sa‘arday, De- cember 13th at 1.30. The ladies of the L.0.B.A. Lodqe are holding a sale of homeâ€"made bak- ing and fancy goods in Mr. T. W. All- ison’s store on Saturday afternoon, December 13th, at 3 o’clock. A satisfied user of Bosch radio re- ported this week getting 80 stations on his Bosch radio. G. Yerex is the local agent for the Bosch. _Clear It Up Now A quartette, Miss Heise, Miss Ireland, George Sims, W. Wellman, reading: by Miss Eleanor Drury. solo by Mr. Sims piano duett by Miss L. Yerex and Mrs. Ramsay. The winners of the guessing contest were. Miss Stella Mackie, and Frank Anderson. Mus- ical contest winners were. Miss Mar- garet Buchanan and Miss Sims. Follâ€" owing a good sing-song, refreshments were served and a short address by Mr. Cooper of Thornhill, closed the meeting. Next Monday’s meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Snedden and Mrs. Beresford. Members of the “Red” side take notice that the “Blu- es” are gaining ground. W. J. SCRIVENER PRESBYTERIAN Y. P. S. The Presbyterian Y.P.S. members were guests of the Thornhill Young People on Monday evening and the program given by the Richmond Hill Society. The Vice-President, Miss Sheila Beresford occupied the chair. Mrs. Lorne Sheardown retumed to her home here on Saturday, after spending a month very pleasantly with friends at North Bay and Burk- es Falls. The many friends of Miss Jean Hall are pleased to see her able to be out again after her recent operation in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. ’R. A.” sewell, of Schreiber, Ont., visited her sister Mrs. R. Petch during the Evgeekn Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs. J. Houston and two children, Mr. E. Lew- is, all of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Petch. Mrs. O. B. Sheppard and son Claire of Toronto, visited on Sunday after- noon With Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Winch and cousin, Miss Mae Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing, of Dun- das, formerly of Richmond Hill. spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs. A. Elson, Roseview Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Beynon left on Tuesday morning by motor for Flori- da, where they will spend fihe Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke, formâ€" erly Miss Gertrude Smith, of Toronto visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith. Be sure to visit the L.0.B.A. Lod- ge’s sale of home-made baking and fancy Work suitable for Christmas Gifts in Mr. T. W. Allison’s store on Saturday afternoon of this week. Misses Emma and Rhoda Barker visited Miss Susie Winch on Sunday gnd attended the United Church serv- ice. Social and Personal 1Annual Meefing Women's R. R. No. 2 Maple 1 1-4 Miles north of Concord Sadly missed by Wife and Family THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, UNTASAL‘ SHOOTING MATCH Phone 107 PAINTING PAPERING -â€"~ DECORATING Estimates Gladly Given 26 Centre Street West CARD OF THANKS NOTICE RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH GOOD RESULTS IN MEMORIAM ISAAC BAKER BAKING SALE Richmond Hill Ont. Mr. Marshall took the chair for the election of officers, which resulted as followszâ€"I-Ionorary Presidents, Miss Coulter, Mrs. C. Cooper; President, Mrs. J. Beresford; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. A. D. Buchanan; 2nd Vice-Presiâ€" dent, Mrs. Geo. Kelly; Secretary, Mrs. G. Yerex; Assistant-Secretary, Miss C. Heise; Treasurer, Mrs. Groskurth; Glad Tidings Secretary, Mrs. A. Bowâ€" es; Home Helpers Secretary, Mrs. C. Cooper; Assistant H.H. Secretary, iMrs. G. Kidd; Strangers Secretaries, Mrs. Yerex, Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. Kidd: Superintendent of True Blue Mission Band, Mrs. L. Zuefelt; Superintend- ent of Busy Bees Junior Auxiliary, Mrs. D. Ramsay; Press Secretary, Mrs. W. Snedden; Pianist. Mrs. G. Yerex. 11 a. m.â€"rMorning Worship. 2.45 p. m.â€"Sunday School 7 p. m.â€"â€"Evening Service. Hymn Lectureâ€" Subject, “God moves in a mysterious way.”â€"W. Cowper. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL BIRTH POULSONâ€"On December 2nd. 1930 at Nurse Cardwell’s Home to Mr. and Mrs. N. Poulson, of Langstaff, a son (Conrad) N The Sunday school anniversary 18 to be held on the following Sunday, December let. Services in the afternoon at 230 p. in. There will be special music by the choir. Service in the evening at 7 n. In. St. Paul's choir. Valmfhan will take charge of the singing. Every one come and make this anniversary a real success. Eggs showed a Five Cent drop in price on the market at ‘North Toronto Tuesday night. Turkeys were also down a nickle, selling at 40 cents a pound. Nice heads of celery cost 25 cents for 3. Curly kale was 5 cents a head. Spinach sold by the basket. Home baking was not as plentiful as usual. Flowers were scarce. Hand-painted calendars were a novelty and sold at 35 cents each. Prices were as follows: Poultry, chicken, roasting, 30c and 35c 1b., boiling 25c and 23c; ducks 30c; geese 25c; turkeys 40c; rabbits 75c and $1 each; eggs, specials 65c doz., extras 60c, firsts 55c, pullets extras 50c, pul- lets 40c; butter 40c and 43c 1b.; cream 40c pt.; Devonshire cream 35c 1-4 pt.; pork, loin 28c 1b., shoulder 20c, leg- 25c side 220, butts 25c, chops 30c, roast 60c, ham 50c, back bacon 40c; saus- ages 300, lard 20c. head cheese 15c. mincemeat 2 lbs for 25c. saurekraut 25c qt. McInfosh Red< 40c M 60 basknt. Kings 40c, Spies SEC to 55c, russets 30c to 50c. A cold meat supper and a concert will be held in the basem‘ént of the United Church on Saturday evening, December 20th. Supper commencing at 6.30 o’clock. Following the supâ€" per there will be a splendid concert consisting of a play entitled, “Uncle Jimmy,” several dialogues, choruses by the school, and other musical selâ€" ections. Admission, adults 25c.; chil- dren 15c. Potatoes 20¢ basket. carrots or Feefc 25c, parsnips or onions 300, cabbace 5c and 10c each, leaf lettuce 3 for 100 green onions 3 for 10c, sninach 25c F qts., celery 3 heads for 250, turnips .- foI; 10c.¢ curly kale 5c head. Bread 12c and 15c, nut and date bread 30c, whole wheat 15c, buns 30F doz., tarts 40c. ample. pumnkin hie? 30c, douahnuts 30". ton Nx‘cuits 23c jams and jellies 25c and 35c. BROWNâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Wednesday, December 10th, Mary Pugsley, widow of the late J. E. Brown in her 75th year. Funeral notice later. PARISâ€"At York County Memorial Hospital, New‘market, on Friday, December 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Paris, a son (Gerald Ralph.) The retiring President, Mrs. W. Snedden, in a few well chosen words thanked the officers and member-5 one and all for their loyalty and kindly support during the three years- she had held the “Presidency” and urged the members not to make the “allocat- ion” their chief aim, but to try and interest more women in the work and so increase the membership. An inâ€" teresting feature of the meeting was the presentation of a life member- ship certificate and pin to Mrs. George Kidd. Rev. D. Marshall on behalf of the auxiliary presented the certifi- cate and Mrs. Snedden presented the pm. Financially our Treasurer stated we had raised more money this year than in any previous year, having gone well over the allocation given to us. This was a very grafifying report since all our money is raised by free- Will offerings. The annual meeting 3f the Women’s Missionary Society of Riclm-cnd Hill Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. W. Snedden on Thurs- day afternoon, December ~lth. Splen- did reports were given r.f the work done during the year by the “True Blue” and “Busy Bee” Mission Bands. The report of the Young: Women‘s Auxiliary spoke of the good work which they had accomplishe'] also. The Departmental Secretaries of the Senior Auxiliary in their reports told of progress in all Departments. Monday 8 p. m.â€"Y. P. S 3rd Sunday in Advent 8 a. m.â€"Holy Communion 11 a. m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School 7 p. m.â€"Evening Prayer. Roses $1 doz., mums 75c to $1 doz RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH York Market Missionary Society LA SKAY BIRTH DIED Women’s r-cnd Hill -1d at the )n Thurs- . Splen- the work RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL Room VII ClaSs A.â€"Peggy Endean, Bert Thompson, Gwen Schjssler, Gladys Chedzoy, Clifford Casement, Marga- ret McGibbon, Harold Reesor, Gilbert Mihoreen, Donald Wolfreys, Lloyd Sanderson, John Schurman, Murray Hunt, Clifford Geddes, Effie Jarvis, Garth Palmer, Jean Mills, Lenard Luâ€" nau, Teddy Evelyn, Opal Glasford, Hugh Charles, Clarence Espey, Eddie Healey, Kathleen Butler, Mary Swital- ski, Aileen Cook, Lenore Dewsbury, Bruce Bales, Kenneth Shields. SCHOOL REPORT 5 Wm §§§%§§§§%§§%‘% PAGE FIVE

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