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MacLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) One Year THE LIBERAL . . . . MacLEANS MAGAZINE (24 issues) One Year OFFER N0. 4 MAGAZINE DIGEST . . . . . . . From Publishers to You. FAMOUS MAGAZINES Pick your favourite offer zoning 0:0] At Wholesale Prices with to-day and rest assured of good evening‘s’ entertain ment for the entire family CANADA’S No Dealers’ Profits. This Newspaper. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE “ The LIBERAL †OFFER NO. 1 OFFER N0. 2 OFFER NO. 3 Motor Accessories NAME ADDRESS offer NO . . . . . . . . . . . '. .S’cart the magazines to come as quickly as the (Write number of offer you desire) ghblishers are notified. CITY Please check whether New or Renewal. Enclosed find $ OED] Bargain Order Coupon ONTARIO g IO=0=O=0=O=O=l0=°= . . . . . . One Year , find S . . . . . . . . for which send me the clubbing combination (Enclosed amount required for offer you desire) ACT NOWâ€"THIS IS A SPECIAL OFFER One Year One Year One Year One Year WQX Never Before Has This Newspaper Been Able to Give You Such Unbelneveable One Year One Year Gas and Oil ONTARIO 0:0] ORDER While the offer is still good. If your subscription does not expire for some time, renew now and your subscription will be ex- tended from its present expiration date. Value $4.50 â€" Save $2.00 Value $4.50 â€" Save $2.00 Value $6.50 â€" Save $2.80 Value 83.50 â€" Save $1.25 ALL THREEâ€" only ALL THREEâ€" only ALL FOURâ€" only ALL THREEâ€" only The Vellore Euchre Club met on Monday night in the Township Hall. There were 15 tables played. Prize winners for the ladies were, first, Mrs. F. Foster; second; Miss Lauremi Rutherford; third Mrs. J. A. McNeil; consolation, Miss Mary Constable. Gentlemen, first, Mr. Robt. McNeil; second, Mr. Fred. Constable; third, Mr. Alvin Puterbaugh; consolation, Mr. J. A. McNeil. The next meeting of the euchre club will be held on Feb. 6th. Miss Mary Constable and Miss ~Annie Kerr were appointed delegates to attend the Toronto Presbyterial Women’s Missionary Society, to be held, Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs. C. Rutherford accompanied by her sister, Miss Margaret Black, R. N. of Nashville, motored to Detroit last week to visit friends. While going through the county of Middlesex they saw several teams plowing in the fields. $2.50 ( )NEW. ( RENEWAL. zo=o==o=o===fls $2.25 $2.56 $3.70 "PO-D AY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO VELLORE Way Back in the St. Mary's R.C. Church was crowd- ed on Wednesday morning, Jan. 19th, 1898, when two young people of the Village, Miss Frances Glover and Mr. Francis Robinson were united in mar- riage by Rev. McMahon of the church. Miss Maggie Glover, sister of the bride, aéted as bridesmaid, while the groom was assisted by Mr. T. Doyle of Newmarket, cousin of the bride. The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore her travelling dress of Blue Camel’s haircloth trimmed with shot silk, and her bridesmaid wore a very pretty green cloth dress trimmed with pink chiffon. Wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents, after which the newly married couple left on a short wedding trip. ‘ On Tuesday, Jan. 18th, Mr. John Hutchinson of this Village celebrated his‘ 90th birthday at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Isaac Crosby. The Village Council met on Jan. 17th, with the Reeve in the chair. Councillors present. Messrs Hill, Hopâ€" per and Innes. Mr. Innes introduced By-Law No. 161 to appoint certain officers and to state the amount of their remuneration. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the byâ€"law were read a first, second and third time and passed. The following officers were appointed: Auditorsâ€"Isaac Crosby and R. E. Law; Assessor, Hesse A. Nicholls; Fence-Viewers; M. McNair, J. W. Elliott and James Freak; Board of Health. Henry Miller; High School Trustee, Andrew Newton; Public Li- brary, W. A. Sanderson; Pound-Keep- er. Jas. Brownlee. The following were the Standing Committees: By-laws, Messrs Savage, Hill and Innes; Fire, Water and Lights, Messrs Savage, Hopper and Hill; Park and Buildings, Messrs Innes, Wright and Hopper; Streets and Sidewalks, all the mem- bers of the council. WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES Thirty-Five Years Ago From Our Issue of Jan. 20th, 1898 Tickets of Invitation were out an- nouncing the annual Banquet of King Plowmen’s Association to be held at Harris Hotel, Schomberg, on Friday evening, February 4th. On Friday evening about 8 o’clock nearly fifty Epworth Leaguers arrived at the Methodist school room far the purpose of paying a visit to the Lea- gue. Mr. Hume very ably occupied the chair and welcomed the visitors after which the program was given by Newtonbrook and Richmond Hill Leagues. Refreshments were served and a social time was spent with the visitors. From Our Issue of Jan. 23rd, 1913 The annual meeting'of the Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society was held in the Council Chamber, Friday afternoon. There was a large at- tendance and everybody showed a deep interest in the work of the Soc-l iety. Good speeches were made by} the retiring president, G. B. Padget; president-elect, J. S. McNair and others. The auditor’s report showed a larger balance than the previous year. The society starts with a paid up membership of 63. The following officers and directors were appointed: President, J. S. McNair; lst Vice- President, N. Breakey; 2nd Vice- lPresident, J. J. Lunau; Secretary- Treasurer, H. A. Nicholls; Directors, Markham, J. E. Francis, R. Thomp- son, G. B. Padget; Vaughan, J. N. Boyle, G. Dibb, W. H. Clubine; King and Whitchurch, J. Wells, T. H. Legge W. Thompson; Richmond Hill, W. H. Pugsley, J. H. Sanderson, T. F. Mc- Mahon, T. H. Trench, J. Palmer; Aud- itors, L. E. Hand, W. Hall; Hon. Di- rectors, Capt. Wallace M.P., Alex. McGowan M.P.P., Thos. Lloyd, George Leek, A. J. H. Eckhardt, Col. Pellett. The transformer opposite Trench’s Carriage Works burned out Thursday night, consequently the caretaker had to resort to the street lamps. When the company was notified of the acci- dent, they sent expert workmen who speedily set everything right again, much to the advantage of our citizens. A large number of Foresters (A.O. F.) attended the funeral of their late brother Thomas Brown, last Thurs- day, to Aurora cemetery. The church service was conducted by Rev. Des- pard, Anglican clergyman, after which the Forester’s address at the grave was read by Bro. H. A. Nich- olls, a Past D.C.R. Mr. Stirling had just completed the installation of an Electric Lighting System consisting of a Steam Engine, 100 light Dynamo and wiring at the Lake Wilcox Brick Company’s works. - On Friday evening, Jan. 17th, D.D. G.M., F. J. Lucas of Toronto assisted by an installing team, installed the following officers of Hillcres: Lodge 'No. 409, I.0.0.F'. for the ensuing year: J.P.G., Bro. W. H. Legge; N.G., Bro. J. P. Naughton; R.S., Bro. A. Jewett; TWENTY YEARS AGO Burnett. After installation, refreshments were served to the visiting brethren, and a pleasant social hour spent. R. Wor. Bro. Davison of Union- ville. D.D.G.M., paid an official visit to Richmond Lodg‘e, Monday evening, and brethren were present from Tor- onto, Aurora, Thornhill and other lodges. The distinguished visitor highly complimented the Master Wor. Bro. E. M. Byrne and his officers on the work done. Refreshments were served in the Forester‘s Hall, and the usual toasts and responses given. The following took part in the program in speech or song: Davison, Byrne, Nicholls, Thompson, Newton, McMa- hon, Stevenson, Todd, Gohn, Legge, Padget, Cowie, Newbery, Hopper. Hill, Trench, Savage, Helmkay, Hand and Currie. A most enjoyable even- ing was spent. The J.W.I. held a quilting bee Wed- nesday, Jan. 11th, at the home of Miss Della Stephenson. Two quilts were made and along with some children’s clothing, will be used for relief in Markham townhip. The January meeting of the J.W.I. was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Jessie' Thomson. There was a large attendance, and af- ter much discussion on relief prob- lems, the sum of fifty dollars was granted for the purpose of supplying boots and clothing to the needy. A paper on “Laws Pertaining- to Women and Children†was read by Mrs. R. L. Stiver. This was very interesting and a good many comments and ques- tions about some of these laws were raised by the members. Miss Edna Wiltshire contributed four solos in her usual pleasing way. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Hill to all assist- ing in the success of the program. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Hord and Misses Cora Hooper, Florence Hill‘ and Jessie Thomson. F.S., R. I. Farr; Treas., Bro. A. E. Lehman; Chap., Bro. G. E. Reaman; Ward, Bro. S. Tyndall; Cond., Bro. J. Wigmore; R.S.S., Bro. F. Burnett; L.S.S., Bro. A. Wilson; R.S.N.G., Bro. Wm. Robinson; L.S.N.G., Bro. M. Ma- ckie; R.S.V.G., Bro. H. Graham; L.S. V.G., Bro. C. Hickson; I.G., Bro. H. A number from here attended the euchre held in Unionville last Thurs- day evening under the auspices of the Veterans. In her latest advance, poor Japan had to defend herself from 342 children. BUTTON V ILLE Liberal Files? INSURANCE Gilscn Mtg. (30., Limited, Gihon “Magic†The “Magic†wood burner is entirely different in construc. tion. Built of Toucan steel electrically welded in one piece, sealed against gas or smoke. Extra large door enables you to burn knots, stump roots, etc. Over-size combustion chamber radiates heat without loss. Pipe or Pipeless models. GILSON “ MAGIC †WOOD FURNACE ROBT. MICHAEL YONGE STREE’L RICHMOND HILL- Ideal for small homes, oï¬ces, stores. schools, etc. Looks like a piece of furniture. Built of steel. Beautifully ï¬nished in brown crystal. Draws cold air from floorâ€"circulates warm air. Big fuel saving. Both coal and wood. styles. Most economin jug-nice fggr designec'L Saves l'lval. yum-“nun... .â€" 33 :0 50% of fuel, bunt-of. electric- ally welded agran 315 or smoke leaks. Dusdess. Bum: any fuel. Easy menus. Inquire today. THE GILSON MAGIC FURNACE Saves 1-3 Fuel GILSON HEAT WAVE Maple, Ontario -- Telephone 232 Fire, Life, Casualty, Plate Glass, etc THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th EverySATURDAY FINDLAY'S HALL Featuring 0. M. BROOKE and his SHINGLE LIFTERS THORNHILL DANCING To do my part to relieve the burden of the farmers during these difficult times, I have reduced the price of harness until Feb. 15th, as follows: Breeching Harness . . . . . . . . $39.00 Backhand ‘Harness . . . . . . . . 32.00 Traces 1% inch, 3 ply with heel chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 12.00 Lines, 1 inch, 21 ft. . . . . . . . . 3.75 11; inch heavy raw hide hal- ters, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Team Bridles, per set . . . . . . 7.00 All cut from No. 1 Oak Tan Leather: Lcng Straw Collars, each.. 5.25 Short Straw Collars, each .. 3.00 Modern and Olde Tyme dancing from 8:30 to 1 RM; Maple. Ont. â€"- R. R. 2 (1 1-4 miles north of Concord) HAT is what one owner of a Gilson wood fur- nace claims. His “Magic†wood burner now heats his home better than the three stoves which he formerly used, and does it with only half the amount of fuel. Figure out what you can save if you were able to reduce your present fuel cost by half. A two cent stamp is all you need, to investigate. Write today for complete illus- trated literature. Save money, and enjoy the full comfort of a warm home. Easy time payment plan. Fac- toay prices. A very small down payment will place a “Magic†wood burner in your home. Easy monthly payments on the bal- 31106. MM. Davison UNIONVlLLE, ONT. HARNESS CAR and TRUCK LICENSES Admission 25 Cents ISAAC BAKER Motor Cars a Specialty Now on Sale BYAM Giluon "Hut Wflo’