NOTICE ,- The municipal building (Old High School) will be open on Tuesday af- ternoon' from 2:30 to 5 pm. to re: ceive donations of good used clothing which can be utilized for relief pur- poses. Lady members of the com- mission Will be in charge of this de- partment and it is requested that an inventory list, stating sizes, etc., be included with each bundle donated. The monthly meeting of the Wom- en’s Institute will be held on Wednes- day. Feb. 8th, at the home of Mrs. E. Forbear. Rev. W. F. Wrixon will be present and address the meeting. Rev. D. Davis of King City, gave a lecture, illustrated with lantern slides, on his trip to the old land, at the meeting of the Young People's Society on Monday evening. At a meeting of the Horticultural Society last Thursday evening, Mr. A. Cameron was elected president, Mrs. Parnell White, 1st vice-president and Miss A. Walking-ton, 2nd vice-pres- ident for the ensuing year. All the other committees and officers were reâ€"elected. Mount Nebo was the subject of Rev. A. M. Partridge‘s third sermon of the series of Mountain Peaks of Chrisâ€" tianity. . The annual meeting of'the Women’s Missionary Society was held in the Parkdale Presbyterian Church last week and was attended by the follow- ing ladies from St. Andrew’s Church. Mrs. W. J. Johnson, Mrs. J. B. Mc- Lean, Mrs. Geo. Matheson, Mrs. R. D. McNaughton, Mrs. A. Rumble, Mrs. A. C. Robinson, Miss A. Walkington and Miss Agnes McLean. Mrs. Caldwell of Newmarket, visit- -ed over the week-end at the Parson- age. The Board of Trade held a very successful Bridge, Euchre and Dance in the Masonic Hall, last Friday even- ing. There were five tables of Bridge and twenty-five tables of Euchre in ‘play, and prizes were won by the following: Bridge. ladies’ first, Mrs. H. Bryan; second, Mrs. E. Forbear; gentlemen’s first, Mr. N, Cooper; sec- ond, Mr. H. Bryan; Euchre, ladies’ first, Mrs. C. Smith; second, Mrs, J. Gunn; gentleman’s first, Howard Pirge; second Lorne Lloyd. The music for the dance was supplied by “the McDonald brothers of Vellore, and Mr. .Alex. Bishop was floor manager. Dainty refreshments were served by 'the ladies’ committee. There was a good attendance at the skating rink on Saturday evening. The annual congregational meeting and supper was held last Wednesday evening. About seventy were present .and favorable reports were received from all the departments. The mem- bers of the board and officers were Te-elected and a motion of confidence in Rev. A. M. Partridge and of ap- preciation of his work was carried, with the invitation to remain as pas- tor for another year. 5" ALISON SKIPWORTH & OSTEWART ERWIN E NEWS °=Ol=0=0= MAPLE OBOE Ralph Bellamy Roland Young â€"-inâ€" AND â€"inâ€" .‘THE AIR MAIL’ ‘Wedding Rehearsal’ =IOI=0= .‘VOL. LV. g=o=aouo FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEB. 3. 4 3 TWO FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Mitzi Green ND George Raft H â€"inâ€" 4 A _in_ LittleOrphan Annie UnderCoverManE Comedyâ€"HOT SPOT NEWS _â€"â€".â€" miï¬gï¬ngï¬n ‘The Lost Special’ CAPITOL Theatre Comedyâ€"Burns & Allan in } OUR HAT. NEWS A Wonderful New Serial CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 1.30 to 11.30 pm. “YORK COUNTY’S N EWSIEST NEWSPAPER†WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FEB. 8, 9 William Powell in Lawyer Man MATINEE DAILY at 2.30 p. m. YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEB. 6, 7 xand/_ HE LEARNED ABOUT WOMEN 9:0 meeting. PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. The monthly meeting of the W.M. S. of the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Beresford, Arnold Street. Reports of the annual meet- ing of Toronto Presbyterial were given by Miss D. Kelly and Mrs. W. Snedden. Miss Barker sang a solo “Help Some One To-day.†A unique feature of the meeting was that every lady present took part in the program. qleanings from Glad Tidings being q'iven by several. A social hour was enjoyed by all at the close of the MOTHER AND DAUGHTER BANQUET The Canadian Girls in Training will hold their Mother and Daughter Ban- quet in the United Church Sunday School at 6 p.m., on Thursday, Feb. 9th. They will be happy to provide either a mother or a daughter for you. Every lady and girl intending to be present kindly notify Miss Jean Middleton well in advance. Ad- mission 250. each. The thanks to the ladies for the fine dinner was acknowledged by Mrs. Isaac Watson on behalf of St. Steâ€" phen’s ladies. Following the speeches, progressive euchre was enjoyed, the prize winners being: ladies‘ lst, Mrs. W. J. John- son Sr.; 2nd, J. A. Rose; gents lst, George Cooper; 2nd, J. B. Mc- Lean. Useful prizes were given to the fortunate winners. Glowing tribute was paid to the Maple Fire Brigade for its efficiency and for the good‘Wvork since it was organized. It wag pointed out that since\its inception the brigade has brought in receipts of about $1700 for attending fires in the township. This money all goes to the treasury of the Police Village, and only ‘the donations go to the firemen’s fund, and all members serve without re- muneration. Following the dinner, Mr. J. Carl Saigeon acted as toastmaster and short speeches were’made by every lady and gentleman present. The toast to the\ Fire Brigade was pro- pOSed by J. A. Rose, chairman of the Village Commission, and was re- sponded to by Chief Laver. The toast to the ladies was proposed by clerk and treasurer J. B. McLean and was responded to by Mrs. W. J. John- son, Sr. The members of the Maple Fire Brigade with their wives and a few guests held an enjoyable, banquet Wednesday evening in the Masonic Hall, Maple. A'sumpthous chicken supper was served by the ladies of the St. Stephen’s Anglican Church. The banquet was arranged by the members of the brigade and a very pleasant evening was spent. Tribute Paid To Efficient Services 0f Volunteer Brigade lo=0=0=0=0 MAPLE FIRE FIGHTERS ENJOYABLE BANQUET OVER THE COUNTER =O=Ol= All British Production 0=0=0=9 PHONE MO. 2172 "In Esgntials, Unity; In Non-essentials. Liberty; In All Things, Charity." After a couple of hours skating, the hungry crowd repaired to the home of Mr. Robert Marsh, where a sump- tuous feast was in readiness. Every- one did justice to the good things, and the party was voted a great success. On Wednesday evening, Jan. 25th, a very successful skating party was enjoyed by the members of the Pres- byterian Young People’s Society at the Waterworks Pond. The mem- bers attended in full force, and the ice was good. VALENTINE SOCIAL ‘ A Valentine Social and supper will be held at Zion Lutheran church, Sher- wood, Feb. 14th. Admission 25 cents. Following the supper an entertain- ment will be given including features by the Peaches Male Quartette, Miss Muriel Riddell of Toronto, elocution- hist, and musical selections by Miss Laurena Rutherford. All are cordialâ€" ly invited. Members are reminded to bring their mothers, grandmothers or grandmother friends. There will also be a darning contest. Bring your darning ball and thimble, other equipâ€" ment will be supplied. RICHMOND HILL WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. G./Yerex, Markham Road, on Thursday, Feb. 9th, at 3 pm. The roll call is to be answered by repeat- ing a Proverb. The outstanding fea- tures of the program will be given by some of the older friends and grand- mothers of the Institute. Members present were: Chairman A. A. Eden, Trustees T. H. Treach, Bert Cook, F. N. Hopper, Mrs. O. L. Wright, Rev. L. C. Secrett, F. S. Ty’nâ€" dall, J. F. Atkinson and P. E. Angle. The estimates for the coming year were considered and it was finally de- cided to make the requisition for the coming year as follows: For public school purposes $8,500.00, and for High School purposes $4,500.00. Last year the requisition to the village was for $9,000 and $5,000 respective- ly. During the discussion it was pointed out that it is necessary for the Board to have a considerable sur- plus at the end of the calendar year, in order to have sufficient funds to carry on Without borrowing until the grants are» available. The secretary reported that the average cost of education in Rich- mond Hill School in 1932 was 67.18 cents per pupil per day, as compared to 73.5 cents in 1931. The report of the High School in- spector was received and showed the school to be in a very satisfactory condition and the efficiency of the staff was commended. Dr. Lillian Langstaff and Mrs. Lloyd A. Hill were appointed as rep- resentatives on the Library Board. At the first meeting of the Board of Education of Richmond Hill Village held Wednesday evening, Arthur A. Eden was unanimously elected chair- man of the board for the c0ming‘ year. Mr. Eden has been in business in Richmond Hill since 1913 and has been a member of the Board of Edu- cation for the past six years. He has always taken a deep interest in the affairs of the Board and his unanâ€" imous election to the chairmanship was a tribute to his record of service and evidence of the confidence of his fellow members. In accepting the of- fice, Chairman Eden paid tribute to the services rendered by the retiring Chairman, T. H. Trench. He said that in the coming year the existing conditions demanded the practice of strict economy, but pointed out that the members should keep foremost in‘ their minds the best interests of the} education of the young people. “We must not lose sight of the fact," he said, “that our job is to maintain the efficiency in our schools." Committees for the year were nam- ed as follows: Management, P. E. Angle, T. H. Trench, Mrs. O. L. Wright, Bert Cook; Property Comâ€" mittee, J. F. Atkinson, F. N. Hopper, Rev. L. p. Secrett, C. H. Sanderson; Finance Committee, J. E. Atkinson, A. D.- Buchanan, F. S. Tyndall. A. A. Eden New * School Chairman REQUISITION FOR SCHOOL PUR- POSES REDUCED BY S}000.00 ‘ FOR 1933 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEB. 2nd PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. SKATING PARTY Room VI FIRST BOOK “A"â€"Chester Unger; Doreen Wise; Gloria Anderson; Frank Young; Donald' Reid; Helen Whitten; Esther Morrison; Mackie Keetch; Vera Evison; Lorraine Jones; Lenore Dewsbury; Marjorie Pattenden; Merâ€" vin Charlton; Stanley Baker; Gladys Chedzoyxx; Irving Ross; Aeileen Cook; June Davis; Cecil Offenxxx; Harold Megdonalxx; Marion Lumbx xxx; Elizabeth Elliottxxxx; Henry Richardsonx; Hazel Raemanxxxxxxx. SENIOR Iâ€"Hugh Charles; Lloyd Sanderson; Jean Marshall; Alex. Bel- grade; Murray Hunt; Hal'old Reesor; Garth Palmer; Florenc'e Espey; Jim Bales; Fred. Allen. JUNIOR IIâ€"George Monkman; Erle Cook; Florence Sheardown; Vic- tor Secrett; Alfred Warwick; Mar- garet McGibbon; Gilbert Mihorean and Ruth Richardson (equal); Jean Mills; Gwen Schissler; John Schur- man; Florence Bradfield; Kenneth Shields; Clifford Casement; Margar- et McTag‘zart; Edward Healey; Don- ald Wolfreys; Kenneth Woods; Billie Keetch; Leonard Lunau; Teddy Eve- lyn; Effie Jarvis; Vernon Mitchell“; Douglas Manley; Anna Robb*; Mabel Brock“. SENIOR IIâ€"Margaret Endean; Herbert Thompson; Sydney Lepard; Marion Barker; Margaret Hunt; Ruth} Tyndall; Tom Bhles; Donald Wellman; Helen Berry; Jimmy Gates; Sheila MacInnes; Olive Durrant; Jack Gates. Room V SENIOR IIâ€"Margaret Lehman; Lloyd Robb; Deane Wellman; Joan Carr; Annie Evison; Robert Abbey; Arthur Abbey. Room IV JUNIOR IIIâ€"Mary Cowie; Olga Kozak; Emily White; Stella Ander- son; Bruce Stephens; Ivy Belgrade; Edna Fish; John Tracy and Muriel Barrow (equal); Eric Srigley; Amy Kozak; Violet Rice; Robert Reid; Freddy Leech; Phyllis Angle; Bobby Edmunds; Arthur Gater; Jim Butler“; Eva Mihorean*; Alice Donald*; Eve- lyn Brillinger; Mary Duncan; Marion Buchanan*; Orpha Archibald"; Gen- evieve Le Gue; Douglas Brown"; Irene Brock*; Walter Dickinson**; Charlie Rodgman***. JUNIOR IIIâ€"Leland Dun-ant; Mol- lie Secrett; Frank Carr: Lenora Stone; Morley Chedzoy; Clifford Dex- te1'*; Frank Bodner. (’k) Those absent for one or more evaminations. ' JUNIOR IVâ€"Harold Jones; Mary Donald; John McGregor; Wilson Ber- esford; Edmund Brown; DorisTaylor; Derek Mills; Wallace Graham. Room II JUNIOR IVâ€"Doris Jones; Wm. Schurman; Marion Espey; Lillian Barker; Herbert Gater, David Pugs- ley (equal); Dorothy Eden, Freda Manley (equal); Margaret Webster; Roy Russell; Stanley Haworth; Mil- dred Archibald; Leon Byers; Jim Fish; Grace Dewesbury; *James Hewson (equal) ; Nora Innes; Geoffrey Elliott; Nixie Fisher; *Nancy McKenzie; Billy Wallis*; Milton Savage; Ralph Frisby; Jack Watkins; Helen Booth; Dorothy Lehman; Mac Cooper*; Reg. Watkins; ***Fred. Offen. Room III SENIOR IIIâ€"Peter Jarvis; Helen Warwick; Norman Mably; Douglas Sanders; Joe Brillinger; William Glenn; Sydney Hunt and Ethel Mit- chell (equal); Reta Daly; Ruth Brown and Stewart Tyndall (equal); Ronald Lunau and Elgin Barrow (equal); George Offen; Laura Frisby and Harold Mills (equal); Flora Kerr and Nellie Coveyduck (equal); Don- ald Barraclough; Mary Bradfield and George Bell (equal); Charles White; Alfred Elliott; Mabel Gilbert; Etta Donald; Harry Bowen; Margaret Bales; William Hall*; Jack Evelyn; Leslie Hull“; Byron Sheppard*. den Mabley; Walter Coveyduck; Velma Monkman; Gladys Stanford; Helen McGibbon, Richard Richardson (equal); Ethel White; Florence Bar- ker; William Carr; Alex. Paterson; Winnifred Haworth; Jack Glenn; Beatrice Rumble; Marion Mitchel, Evelyn Brown (equal); Elsie Ley, Douglas Jones, Hazel Dunn (equal); Mary Paterson, Andrew McNair (equal); George Graham; George Stong; Lorna Gillings; Eric Wilson; Harold Patton; Theresa Allen; Elva Young; Gordon Armstrong; Audrey Stephens. Richmond Hill P. S. January Report FIRST BOOK “Bâ€â€"Audrey Du SENIOR IVâ€"â€"Audrey Smith; Bor 1933 BIG DANCE AT MAPLE Friday, Feb. 10th A grand re-opening dance will be held in Maple Community Hall, next Friday, Feb. 10th, under the auspices of the Community Hall Executive. Alf. Hannigan and his Rocky Moun- taineers will supply the music and there will be modern and olde tyme dancing. The event will mark the opening of the hall after the laying of the new hardwood floor, and is sure to be the big dance of the year. A record crowd is expected and every effort is being made to make sure everyone has an enjoyable evening. The admission is the popular price of 25 cents. Plan to join with your friends in a real jolly evening at Maple next Friday night. You’ll be sorry if you miss it. SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for Geese, Ducks and Chickens will be held at R. L. Nelson‘s, Lot 31, Gormley, on Satur- day- afternoon, Feb. 4th. Shotguns and 22 rifles. Mrs. R. Dingman of' Toronto will address the meet‘ng on “The Present Temperance Situation.†A special in- vitation is extended to all the ladies of the community. to attend. rari; Lorne Lehman; Florence Ed- wards; Margaret Jordan; Lorna Bak- er; Foss Mallory; George Loughlin; Joyce Barraclough; Donald Chedzoy; Robert Watson; Lolu Sanders. W.C.T.U. MEETING The W.C.T.U. will meet at the home of Mrs. O. L. Wright on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 7th, at 3 o’clock. ster(h); Bobby Endean(h); Marie B1‘illinger(h)*; Betty Mansbridg'e(h); John Curzon(h); Stewart Wellman; Jean Cruickshanks; Merlyn Graham; Helen Ransom; William Kanis; Mar- garet Allison’i‘; Margaret Brown; Dorothy Offen*; Myrray McTaggart; Olive Ross’“; Harold Reaman*; Mabel Loughlin; Dick Baker“; Billie Bell*; Jack Forsyth*; Alice Berry*; Murray Archiba1d*. Glenn(h); Peter Kozak(h); Arthur Barraclough; Viola Woods; Mildred Seatter; Charles Srigley; Stewart Courtney“; Leonard Richardson; Gerald 'Cofurtney“; William Darby; Jack Evison*; Mary Brock. Maresq; Dorothy Carr; Ivy Belgrade; Bernice Cook; John White; Albert Fish; Mary Megdonal; Ferris Allen; Elmer Reid; Audrey Seatter; Jack Taylor; Donald Stephensx; Donald Smithxxxxxxx. PRIMERâ€"George Bales; John A1- len; Norman Gatesxx; Donald Arch- ibaldxx; Kathleen Butler; Henry Fish; Clarence Espey. Names marked x missed exams. Room VII JUNIOR PRIMERâ€"Marie SENIOR PRIMER “ "â€"Ruth Web SENIOR PRIMER “Aâ€â€"-Dona1d Six Hours To Live Comedyâ€"FALSE IMPRESSIONS NOVELTY "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 p- m. & 9 p ADMISSION PRICES ADULTS 25c. UP TO 8 P.M., 35c. AFTER MATINEEâ€"ADULTS 15c.. CHILDREN 10c. “ Tess of the Storm Country †“ COMEDY-â€"WHAT PRICE TAXI" Cartoonâ€"Mickeys Nightmare. Paramovnt News MONDAY and TUESDAY FEB. 6,7 WAREEgBï¬x'TER :All Star English Cast a [I m I' IN llapter 12 â€"-'.l‘he [Jast P‘rontier PLAYING SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY BEDFORDNJHEARE THE HOME OF HIGH . . . n RNWRTAI FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEB. 3, 4 JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FARRELL Comedyâ€"PATENTS PENDING UNIVERSAL NEWS DeFer- IN The Home and School Club will hold a Bridge and Euchre on Friday evening, Feb. 17th, at 8 o’clock in the High School Gymnasium. Refresh- ments served. Admission 25c. The Girl Guides are holding- a Gyp- sy Tea in the cyrpt of St. Mary’s Anglican Church on Saturday, Feb. 4th, from 2:30 to 7 o’clock. Every- one cordially invited. Price 15c. Our small Village was the scene of some excitement on Monday after.â€" noon, when the car carrying the ban- dits who robbed Markham Bank pass« ed through our corners with the pur- suers hot on their trail. The Y. P. S. enjoyed a skating party at the Unionville Arena on Saturday evening. Lunch was enjoyed by all at; the home of the Misses Valliere after the skating. Our Y.P.S. have entered in the deâ€" bating series again this year. They engaged in their first debate on Wed- nesday evening, Jan. 25. They were opposed by Aurora. The subject “Re- solved that the Socialization of all in- dustry would be in the bestvinterests of Canada." The affirmative was upheld by Aurora, while the negative was supported by Victoria Square. The debaters, Miss Vera Clark and Mr. Jack Babcock of Aurora and Miss Dorothy Valliere and Mr. Frank Brumwell for Victoria Square, proved to be an evenly matched quartet of debaters. Each side put up a very convincing argument, and the judges, Miss E. M. Bernie, Mr. Harry Klnick and Dr. Devins returned a decision for the affirmative. Each season of the year brings its crop to be harvested on the farm. Messrs. Jarvis, Duncan, Slanderson, Valliere and Martin are harvesting the winter crops, these daysâ€"ice. Miss Ester Rumney of Midland is visiting her brother Mr. D. Rumney. Miss Dorothy Oliver is spending her holidays with Miss Laura Gee. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klees and fam- ily visited the former’s parents in Aurora on Saturday.. Rev. and Mrs. Percy Peacock had tea with Mrs. W. Brumwell on Wednesday of last week. Misses Reva and Vera. Nichols and Messrs Douglas Gee and Cecil Nichols motored to London on Sunday and visited friends there. The weather conditions remain ideal for the season of the year. King winter so far, has been easy on the bin. Mrs. J. P. Wilson of Richmond Hill, spoke in Sunday School on Sunday. She gave an excellent address on Frances Williard, founder of the W. VICTORIA SQUARE Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE FOLLOW THE LEADER BRIDGE AND EUCHRE GYPSY TEA No. 30