PAGE FOUR â€" __ LETTERS FR M THE PEOPLE H. J. MILLS MAKES SOME COM-‘ AS THE FARMER SEES IT PARISONS RE CARETAKING AND 3Vaughan Twp. Council The problems of relief occupied the attention of the Vaughan Township THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO MELVILLE i Robert West S:l}'.<.# Nothing is easier than fault. finding, CONSTABLE POSITION IE‘litor The Liberal Council at the regular meeting on no talent and no sell" denial, no bruins, , lSir: I _ ixlflnlllly 13%. January is 11s 1'. u‘cli- no character are i'L‘ii‘lli'i.‘il to set up Editor The Liberal Many and varied are the reâ€"actions j (ml rule 0m. ,f the homily: months in the mumbling bump“. Sir: “I the 3"91‘32'9 farmer to Prâ€? “C‘jui' the year. as far as icliul' Miss Milroy of :\‘..,"ilit’tl{ll'l spent l’ri‘ May I W’int out to tho ratepayers (‘mmts 0f Board 01: Trade ham/Wm“ l“ L"-1u‘11(lillll‘<‘ is conccrnid. the cost day ('{L‘lliilLf \\'lll1 l';:' niece. Mrs. through your paper a comparison ln'fhe city, of gpppchog at man.)- :<how_ “i; {up} Ming 1, I‘m“, fun“: M] Fleming. 90515 to the Village Of employing ml“ arid the SUNNWW-i Ill'tmilillirg-‘mé‘lliF 0i cows \vei'c carefully l'(‘\'l(‘\\‘(‘tl by lllw The Titans. ('lLIi'etii-c and Roy Housâ€" man to “Ct 35 Caretaker and Cm“ the great fmd SulllW-‘O‘l 1" ll“ E‘Pflt council and the hissiiiu'ofthc accounts sor and Miss Il(ii"‘lllf' lli'u 'cr oi". stable, and in employing two men, one I on sound money and what-not. The to act as caretaker and one to act as constable. Salary of caretaker and constable $1,200.00 per year. 81,200.00. Constable salary . . Caretaker salary . . COFt to Village the corner, and from others: that conâ€" ditions arc bad but we should be 31200-00 thankful they are not worse. 'ballv-hoo at, the motor show was hurâ€" iv ol‘; :1 largo part of ‘hc mcml‘i’i‘s timc. The trustees of Maple Police Village rah good times are here. From others appeared before tho mum.†Winflvol We hear that prosperity is Just around .r, ti“. mnng portagmng m H“, Imp“, ‘ comm, “f Mrs. A_ D_ Em“, aft“. hm: i ‘.'illa_u'c, It decided that the iiii-nihcrs meet in special session with V? El S Others ‘ illl‘ Mall]? tl‘ustcf‘is at an early date , for a real watch dog and a gun as in, 900'00 82100'00[t9n us 0f the wonderful romurco‘ “f for a full discussion of Village affairs. of her choice rock hens were taken 'gold, and of the. necessity of keeping ‘ Dr. W. S. Caldwell, M.O.II.. \V {I S C unty grant 420.00 111) 0â€â€œ Paymcnts and 0111' Insurance , present and addressed the council rc-i Dunviilc visited \Vlill Mrs. Cayman and family on )Ionlay. \‘Vc are pleased to report the I‘D-i i'rcci‘1 illness. ‘ Mrs, \V. Tophnm is in the market "r , i one night last week. , The sympathy of tho community; J‘ockci‘el: at bargain prices: THURSDAY. FEB. 91h, 1933 _(-:.Tassiticd Advs. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINCuMAhI? THE MOST OF IT“ RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for ï¬rst ii sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED '7 C‘EV‘TS PER LINE 7 FORWSALE , TO RENT ("OCRlCRELS-“Indi\‘iiluzil and pen SI}: ROOM house on Church St. Apply ‘rcod single comb \\‘hitw Logborni W. Grainger, 43 Yonge Street, Apply Richmond Hill. ‘d'. Vuiidcrlicnl. \Villow Grove Farm, Richmond Hill. telephone iii-11. poi? SMALL HOUSE AND LOTâ€"â€"Elec- tric, just North of Richmond Hill Mar- ket, South Yonge Street. Apply on premises. ’ ('IIOICE \VIIITE PEKIN DUCKS, also Barred Rork cockcrcls, R.O.P,. Tweddle strain, price reasonable. Ap- ply P. T. Evans, Unionville. lot 22, con. 5 Markham Twp, phone Stouffâ€" WANTED ‘ timated revenue from fines premiums. 500.00 920.00 work of feeding and caring for his Cost to village . . . . 1180.00 and sits down to read the paper in Difference 32000 which the day’s supply of bread come It Wm be seen the saving by balling from the store, decked out as he. is in two menis $2000 per year' The rel" last year's shirt, the year before’s enue from fines is estimated at twenty overalls and the tattered vestiges of per cent less than laSt year' A Con' a sweater with an origin lost in anâ€" Stable dOing the caretaking dutiei tiquity, it cannot. but do his heart! would not permit him any time'for good to View the pazewide ph0t0_ cheekjng traffic’ and hence therelgraphic lineâ€"up of industrial moguls womd be no revenue from fines' and dignitaries of state gracing the H' J; MILLS salons and banqueting boards of these great social and busincSS events every individual a dazzling example of sar- torial perfection. RICHMOND HILL Surely if full dress linen, glistening FLOUR AND CEREALS and expansive, is any cure for the ec- onomic ills from which the world suf- ALL OF YOUR NEEDS IN FFEDS FOR fers, the mythical too long delayed, “good times†should soon become a FARM STOCK AND PETS WE DELIVER reality. Res. 82-W PHONES Mill 139-M But as the farmer reads the brave assertions of these leaders he begins to wonderâ€"in all those hundreds upon hundreds of car prospects. how many‘ farmers are thereâ€"speaking for him- selfâ€"with three gallons of gas ecst- ing a bag of wheat and a good set of tires the best part of a ton of hogs, it is not a question of a new car at all, but (of any possible continued operation of the present one, if any. And he wonders, have these wise- acres any real basis for their oozing optimism or are they simply whistling to keep up their courage or going on the principle fliat if a thing is repeatâ€" ed often enough it will become a real- ity?. They certainly enjoy making speeches about it all. To the farmer it means more than talkâ€"it has beâ€" come harrowing tragedy, with himself playing the stellar role of understudy to the toad. It is little wonder he wonders. FARMER. ! Give the Children MORE MILK Auction Sale Poflponed OWING TO THE SEVERE WEA- THER CONDITIONS THE AUCTION “The cheapest, safest and best food for children is good clean milk†Dr. Helen Mc- Murchy, Child Welfare Di- vision Department of Health, Ottawa. SALE or W. A. QUINTON, WEST Get your supply daily PART OF LOTS 4 & 5 REAR CON. ' frOm ‘ 2 KING TWP. WHICH WAS TO Phone 42 HAVE BEEN HELD TQâ€"DAY (THURSDAY) HAS BEEN POSTI- WEDNESDA , Phone 42 PONED UNTIL FEBRUARY 15th. RICHMOND HILL, Young’s Service Station / “JIM†YOUNG, Prop. All British-American Gasoline at new low prices Pressure Greasing, Oiling and Washing. Satisfaction guaranteed, COAL OIL â€" ANTI-FREEZE TIRES BATTERIES ACCESSORIES Batteries Charged. TELEPHONE 153 Richmond HiH North Yonge Street AU LE ï¬brin Holstein Cattle Fully accredited, negative to blood test. W. Musselwhite_ at Springbrook Farm, 2 miles south of Agincourt 'on .lâ€"n- Kennedy Road, Scarboro Township . ' WWW Wednesday, February 15th Cows fresh and due tokfreshen with ROI). records 7.; The pr0perty of “a... .1.» “M RTMKHOCT Sale. Mgr. Sgi‘a';3o"pfi£' Term; 71 ‘Ca‘s‘h" L. E. FRANKLIN “ '"“‘ " Auctioneer glative to certain features of health When the farmer finishes his day'S‘ 1180'00 twoâ€"cent cows and three-cent hogs, administration and relief. Routine and passing of accounts occupied the major part of the meeting. J. C. Saigeon, representing the Globe Indemnity Company. was pres~ cnt re the renewal of the public lia- bility and property damage insurance on the roads of the township for the coming year. The insurance was re- newed. UNIONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT FOR JAN., 1933 SENIOR IVâ€"Annic Maynard 84; Alberta Stives83; Lenora Mackay 82; Arnold Court 79; Margaret Rush 78; business goes out to the relatives of the. late‘ iMr. Donald MacKinnon. l , The Rcv. McEwcn purchased a new Durant car recently. Don‘t forget. there will be a pro- igrcssive crokinolc party held at the home of Mr. IV. J. Powells on Tuesday‘ ,cvcning, Feb. 14th. Everybody wel- fcomc. The Cashcl cupboard is not bare now, it has been replenished since the raid made on it one night last week by four hungry local men. We have it on good authority that they devoured a ham, a crate of eggs, 4 loaves of bread. 3 (102. cans sar- dines and a case of pop. Sounds like exaggeration. lint they say not. Their wives are still wondering why they couldn’t eat any breakfast next. morn-' mg. ‘villc 5210. FOR SALE OR RENT, red brick house, 11 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill. 7 rooms, bath, hardwood floors, all conveniences, good garden, garage. For full information, apply at 21 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. 75 BAGS SEED POTATOES, Dooleys 75c. per bag; feed turnips 10c. per bushel; table turnips 15c. per bushel; TO RENT, a small house with garage and conveniences, permanent if satis- factory. Apply Box III, Liberal Office. HORSEâ€"Wanted. a driver, must be» cheap, state age and price, etc. to Box 57 Liberal Office. COAL BROODER, not over 500 chick size. John Vandenburgh, Mill Road. Telephone Maple 764. carrots 30c. per bag. No delivery.‘ BOARDERâ€"ROOm and board in com- John Espcy, Lot 30, Second Concession fortable home. reasonable charge. Vaughan, 1 mile North of Elgin side- Apply at The Liberal Office, Box 73. road. ' BABY CHICKSâ€"CUSTOM HATCH 0111' tellth .Veal’a Repeat Orders from LOSTâ€"Female Hound, black and tan, SatiSfled Customers Shows it Pays t°:answers to name of Lassie. Reward. blly from PXPGYiCNCGd DOUIWY far‘ F. L. Stiver. Telephone Stouffville, Mrs. W. Carruthers spent a few days with her daughter Miss Ethel and son 0. K. Cari‘uthcrs and family in Toronto last week. Lloyd Rurkin 76; Norma Penstone 76. JUNIOR IVâ€"Norman Macpherson , 66; Margaret Gray 65; Gordon Stiver. mers. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. OppOSite Orange Orphanage. Telephone King 16r26. Prices, Leghorns 5512.00, Rocks $15.00, day 4501, night 4507. LOST~A small package containing two tablecloths and three tray cloths 56; June Kennedy 54; Roberta Allen 51; Johnny Coulson 45;. SENIOR IIIâ€"Marie Forester 75; Charles Maynard 74; Dorothy Mayâ€" nard 73; Audrey Maynard 72; How- ard Stiver 67; Beatrice Mustard 66; Marie Stiver 65; Lloyd Allen 61; Olive Martin 57; Reginald Perkin 56; Eleanor Perkinson 55; Luella Cle- ments 54; Jean Forester 53; Goldie Wassen 51; Earl Sellers 48; Earl Payne 39. JUNIOR IIIâ€"Helen IVatson 80; Jack Clements 72; Gwen Brown 70; Mona Sabiston 62; Muriel Penstone 60; Jean Watson 59; Richard Maynard 58; Jean Sellers 57; Phyllis Parkinson 56; Kenâ€" neth Stiver 56; Eilleen Stiver 55; Kathleen Callard 54; Eleanor Wilton 49; Leonard Callard 30; Wesley Cle- ments 29. SECOND CLASSâ€"Bernice Ander- son; Jack Watson; Donald Stiver; nouncements Marguerite Johnston; John Thomson; _' Douglas Ogden; Lillian Hawkins; ‘ m. Velda Perkin; Helen Ogden; Norma D ; J ' ' ' - _“_ - ear ames Sabiston, Charles Min The Womens, ASSOciatlon of the ton; Norman Allen; Barbara Wasson; Bruce Pellatt. FIRST CLASSâ€"â€"Marjorie Roberts; Glen Kennedy; Betty Watson; K'eith Connell; Doris Coulson; Betty Rae; Douglas Parkinson; Charles Coulson; Roy Johnston; Hazel Norton. SENIOR PRIMERâ€"Marein Stiver; Nonnie Rae; Myrtle Latimer; Harold Roberts; Betty Ogden; Donald Dukes; Kenneth Maynard; Gordon Norton; Roy Minton. JUNIOR PRIMERâ€"Leone Brook- field; Clara Marsh; Janet Sabiston; Phyllis Roberts; Gloria Allen; Russel Allen; Clarence Morden; Oscar Conn; Arthur Rose. SALE REGISTER TUESDAY, FEB. 14thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of the estate of the late James A. Latham, Lot. 13, Con- cession 4, Scarboro. Sale at 1 p.m. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15thâ€"Postpon- ed auction sale of farm stock imple- ments, etc., the property of Win. A. Quinton, West part lots 3 and 4, Con. 2 King Township. Sale 1 pm. Terms cash. Prentice and Prentice, Auctionâ€" eers. THURSDAY, FEB. Nthâ€"Important Auction Sale, farm stock, hay, grain. implements, etc., the property of William Clark, East half Lot 4, Con. 9 Vaughan. Prentice and Prentice Auctioneers. WED., FEB. 22â€"Auction sale of farm stock implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of the estate of the late John Mortson, Lot 20, Con. 4, Markham. Sale at 1 pm. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. FRIDAY FEB. 24thâ€"Credit Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, furniture, etc., the proâ€" perty of KENNEDY & GIFFIN, lot 3, concession 3, fourth line Vaughan Township. No reserve whatever, giv- ing up farming. Terms 7 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- eers. TUESDAY, FEB. 28thâ€"Credit Auc- tion Sale of valuable farm property, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of ALBERT MAL- I.OY. lot con. 5 Vaughan, com- mencing at 1 p.m. Terms 8 months credit. F. A. Egan, Auctioneer. Mr. Robt. Ratcliffc must believe that. Signs point to an early spring for he has purchased a new motor for his boat. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hisey and daughter visited at Mr. Percy Spot'- l Miss Blanche Topham, nurse in training at the Ontario H0spital, Whitby, spent the Week-end under the parental roof. We understand Mr. Harold Powell of Oshawa has been very sick with the flu. We hope for him, a speedy recovery. fards, Sunday. The Melville W.A. held their reg- ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Carruthers last Tuesday evening. Preparations were begun by this wide awake band for a big event which will be staged in the Spring. Watch this column for further an- United Church held a very successful Valentnie Birthday Tea last Thurs- day afternoon and evening. Dainty refreshments were served and a social time spent. Those contributing to the afternoon musical program were: Mrs. Earl Bales, soprano, and Misses Eileen Kirby and Eleanor Innes who played piano duets. In the evening the following artists took part: Miss Grace Jolly, elocutionist, Mr. Tees and his string quartet consisting of Miss Greenway, Miss Porter, Miss Wheat- ley and Mr. Ratcliffe of Toronto, who gave quartets, violin solos and vocal solos. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the artists for their very splendid program. The W.A. has accepted the kind invitation of Mrs. J. Dean of Thorn- hill to her home for the March meet- (ling. Missionary Sunday was observed last Sunday morning in the United Church 8.8. The Missionary Supt. gave an illustrated address on “Italian Missions in Toronto†and “The Story of Little Beppo†whose parents em- igrated to Canada. Miss Cora Good was in charge of the Y.P.S. meeting last Monday even- ing, and a very fine inspirational pro- gram was presented. After the busâ€" inesa period. Mr. Hicks Smith gave a very graphic essay on “The Life of Holman Hunt†and his great master- piece “The Light of The World,†after which the picture was shown on the screen and its significance fully ex- plained. Miss Sybil Skelly read the Scripture Passages which inspired the artist to paint this picture. A duet “The Light of The World is Jesus" was sung by Miss Eleanor Moore and Miss Margaret Shaw. An interesting paper on “The Great Faith of Some of The Worlds Greatest Leaders†was read by MiSS Good. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and the iniznah benediction. The Y.P.S. will hold a Valentine Party next Mondav evening, with the Social Committee in charge. Mrs. M. Sutterby has been confined to her home with the flu. Rev. A. H. Halbert attended the funeral in Toronto last Thursday of Dr. S. D. Chown. Mrs. A. W. Galbraith is recovering after her recent illness. Misses Jean and Dorothy Dermott returned home to Everett last Thurs- per hundred. Custom Hatching $3.00 per hundred eggs. Member Canadian Chick Association. between Yongehurst and'St. Mary’s Anglican Church on Saturday. Findâ€" er please leave at Liberal office. BABY CHICKS from S. C. White ' . - Leghorns and O.A.C. Barred Rocks, NOtlce to Cledltors bred especially for high standards in In the matter of the Estate of Louisa size, uniformity, type, production of Kaake‘ late of the Village of Maple large eggs, and vitality. Rock Prices in the County of York, Widow, Feb. 13c. each, March 131/2c., April Deceased 121420.. May 101/20- Leghor“ Prices All persons having claims against liéc. per chick less than Rock prices the Estate of Louisa Kaake’ 1ate of (no Leghorns in Feb.) Discountslthe Village of Maple, in the County of 1/:c. per chick off on orders of 300 : of York, Widow, deceased, who died 01’ more: 3513- Off on 500 or more a{ldlon or about the 18th day of Dec., 1c. off on orders of 1000 Or more.l1932’ are hereby required to send by Custom HatChlng 36- per 9818' Set: McC- post prepaid or to deliver to Thomas per egg off on lots of 1000 or more. Baker, R. R. No_ 2, Maple, or Bert Please order space early. Write for Boston, R_ R. No_ 2, Gormley’ the new Folder on further information to executors under the will of the said J. Sandusky and Sons, Britannia Poul- Louisa Kaake’ on or before the 25th try Farm R- R- 1‘10- 6, Brampton, Ont- day of February, 1933, full particulars 01‘ Phone COOkSVlue481'H- of their claims. Immediately after the said 25th day of February, 1933, the assets of the said deceased will NOTICE rebuilt; also woodturning of all des- criptions done. 'Workmanship guarâ€" anteed. J. Stallibrass, 6 Markham All kinds of furniture repaired andl be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only _ to the claims of which the said ex- ecutors shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto, the 19th day of RO d, R' l d ‘ , _ a ic imon Hill telephone 172 January, 1933. THOMAS BAKER, BERT BOSTON, Executors. By their solicitor, C. G. FRENCH, 512 Temple Bldg., Toronto 2. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER FRANCIS DAVID McCAGUE‘ All persons having claims against .the estate of Walter Francis David‘ McCague, late of the Township of Markham in the County of York, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of November, 1932,. are hereby notified to send in to the- undersigned on or before the First. day of March, 1933, full particulars- lof their claims. Immediately after the said First day Of March, 1933, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, Brotherslhavingmegard only to the claims of Ford Sales and Service lwhich the executrices shall then have notice. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dated at Toronto, this 6th day of February, 1933. HAROLD J. KIRBY, 2135 Yonge Street, Toronto Solicitor for the Executrices ‘ Richmond Hill Arena Used Cars $175.00 1928 FORD COUPE in excellent con- ditionâ€"New Tires. $125 1928 WHII’PET COACH, overhauled. day after spending a month with their sister, Mrs. Knipe on 40th Ave. Satur’y Night " GOOD BAND IN ATTENDANCE AND EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY thereafter weather permitting. Special Rates to Skating Parties. Apply Harold Mills Chairman Arena Commission Phone 41-w