Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1933, p. 1

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lOflOflO Paul Muni i" IAm A Fugative From a Chain Gang MICKEY MOUSE â€" WAYWARD CANARY Lion and the House NEWS 5th Episode THE LOST SPECIAL ECAPITOL Theatre EKATE SMITH in“Hello Everybody” -O=°=O=O =O=O RICHMOND HILL WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Womâ€" en’s Institute will be held Thursday p.m., March 9th, at the home of Mrs. R. S. Cooper, Centre Street West, at 3 p.m. Members will please respond to the roll call by giving “Bright Say- ings of Children.” Mrs. Bruce Davis (Carroll Langstaff), Toronto, will speak on Child Psycholigy. ‘ Mrs. Davis has been in charge of St. George School for Child Study, Uni- versity of Toronto, and has given a great deal of time and thought‘to this subject. This will be an open meeting and mothers with young children are especially invited to at- tend. Members are urged to extend personal invitations and bring friends with them. d0] thi VOL. LV. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The Home and School Club held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening of this week in the Publicl School with a good attendance. Mr.‘ Melecci demonstrated the method used in teaching music in class form and told Ihow.pupils can prepare for examinations at the Conservatory un- der this system, which all proved very interesting. He also stressed the point of practicing in the home from thirty to forty minutes a day. The same pupils showed a great improve- ment over his demonstration of last year. Eric Wilson played a Violin solo with Mr. Buck, his teacher, acâ€" companying him on the piano. Miss Shirley Hill delighted the audience with a reading. Muriel Barrow sang a solo. The prize for the room hav- ing the most parents present was given to Miss Corner's room. A very interesting treat is in store for those who attend the illustrated lecture and concert at the Presbyter‘ ian church next Monday evening. Dr.! J. G. Inkster of Knox Presbyterian church, Toronto, will be the speaker and will give an illustrated talk on “Palestine.” Dr. Inkster spent con- siderable time in the Holy Land and gathered a wealth of interesting in- formation concerning this historic country. In addition to the lecture there will be numbers by the Knox church choir of 25 voices, and other musical numbers. A silver collection will be taken and the proceeds are in aid of the choir fund. CONSTANCE BENNETT and JOEL McCREY in IRISH SUPPER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 Remember the Irish Supper which will be held in the Sunday School room of the Presbyterian church, Wednesday, March 22nd. HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT March 10th and 11th The tenth annual “Commencement” of the Richmond Hill High School will be held in the Gymnasium, Fri- day and Saturday evenings, March 10th and 11th. “Tons of Money” the uproarious English Farce-Comedy will be presented both nights. Presen- tation of prizes will take place Friday night only. Tickets are now on sale. Plan of Hall at Glenn's Drug Store. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AND CONCERT “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER" Camera and SchaafFight TA LKTOON NEWS Life Begins WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MARCH 8,9 LORETTA YOUNG i JOAN BENNETT A Great Big Bunch of You NEWS MATINEE DAILY at 2.30 p. m. YONGE AT CA STLEFIELD FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 3, 4 MONDAY, TUESDAY, IN and ADDED ATTRACTION Me and My Gal Io=0=0=0=0 SUGARING-OFF DANGE A Sugaring-Off Dance and Supper will be held at the White House, Van- dorf, under the auspices of the Tor- onto Men’s Hostel, Saturday, March 18th, [from 3 pm. until midnight. Tickets 50 cents each. DIVISION COURT The regular sitting of the Third Division Court, County of York, will be held in Richmond Hill, next Tues- day, March 7th, at 10 a.m. THE ANNUAL DANCE Over one hundred young people in the artistically decorated Masonic Hall, on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, danced in the dim light, to the syn- copating rythm of Scott’s orchestra. For two hours and a -half the For two hours and a1half the couples took part in novelty dances, Paul Jones’ dances and Moonlight dances, then refreshments were ser- ved. Dainty packages of sandwiches, wrapped in wax paper were served with cake and coffee and readily conâ€" sumed by the “hoofers.” After refreshments were cleared away, dancing resumed until one 0’ clock. Then the sighs from the fair sex were so audible that the orchestra had compassion on them and agreed to stay another hour if the gentlemen would pay 10 cents. There was a rush to get to the platform with the ten cents. A most enjoyable time was had by all and we look forward to and are saving our pennies for our Annual Dance which will be around again in another year. THE FIRESIDE MEETING On Sunday evening, after church service the congregation. some seVen- ty strong, wended their Way to the Crypt of the Anglican church to take part in the Fireside meeting prepared by the A.Y.P.A. Old time hymns were sung which brought back mem- ories to the older people present. Mrs. Secrett favoured us with a vocal solo which was enjoyed by all. Miss M. Connor played a delightful piano selection. Afterward refreshments were daintin served by the Young People and em‘oyed by all. A Fireside meeting will be held once a month. The next one will be in March. Another successful euchre was held Tuesday evening at the Golden Slip- per, ten tables being in play. The winner for the monthly series was Mr. E. Hayes who won by the narrow margin of two points over Mr. Fisher and Mr. Doonan. Another monthly series will commence March 7th. The prize Winners Tuesday night were, ladies lst, Mrs. W. E. Bagg; 2nd, ~Mrs. F. Hill; 3rd, Mrs. J. Hendry; ‘gents 1st, J. Hendly, C. Witney, M. Smith. To-night (Thursday) a miscellan- ______ eous shower will be tendered Mr. R. Sunnidale township will pay $4 per Sommerville, who is getting married day for work of man and team and Saturday next $2 for man. ROCKABYE MARCH 6, 7 CONCORD . P. A. News PHONE MO. 2172 0:050: 0 IN “In Essentials. Unizv; In Non-essentials. Liberty: In All Things, Charity." RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1933 GALA CARNIVAL OVERSHOE DANCE ity” and “Old Man Depression” will have a race. This is only one of the many features of the gala ice carni- val and dance to be held that night under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Trumpet Band. “Prosperity” & “Old Man Depression” Will Race The eyes of the world should be centred on Richmond Hill arena next Tuesday night, when “Prosper- There will be prizes for fancy and comic costumes, races and many nov- elty features. Bailey’s Carnival Band of Toronto will supply music for skating and also for the “Over- shoe Dance" which will follow. Reeve J. A. Greene will officially open the event and Mr. Paul Mul- liette, of Musical Instruments Ltd., and two other prominent Toronto business men will act as judges. “Rusty” White will have charge of ice events. I Don’t miss this big night of fun. The admission is the popular price of twenty-five cents. Controller Simpson Speaker At Annual Controller James Simpson was the! speaker at the annual congregational supper of the Richmon Hill United‘ Church held Wednesd1 y evening.‘ Controller Simpson delivered an in- teresting and inspiring appeal for the support of the League of Nations and all other agencies which are workâ€" ing towards the improvement of con- ditions throughout the World, and. aiming at a better feeling between the different nations and peoples. Mr. Simpson who has represented Canada at a large number of world conferences was particularly well qualified to speak on the subject of “International Good Will” and his masterly oration was well received by the large gathering. Mr. P. E. Angle acted as toast- master and the following toasts were honored: “The Church” proposed by Dr. J. P. ‘Wilson and responded to by the minister, Rev. G. E. Coulter, “Our Sister Churches” proposed by Councillor Alex. Little and respond- ed to by Rev. L. Claude Secrett, rector of St. Mary’s Anglican church, and Rev. David Marshall of the Pres- byterian church, “The Ladies” pro- posed by Mr. Norman Anderson and responded to by Mrs. David Hill. During the evening numbers were rendered by Miss Moore, elocutionist, and by a quartette composed of Messrs. Rand Phipps, W. L. Glass, Allan Duncan and Chester Salter. Mrs. O. L. Wright was accompanist for the quartette. A vote of thanks to the speaker was extended on behalf of the gath- erin by Mr. James McLean. HIGH SCHOOL SPORT NOTES The .final league game of the sea- son was played on Tuesday, Feb. 28, between Newmai‘ket and R.H.H.S. girls, at Newmarket. The game was fast, and both teams played well. The final score was 31â€" 24 in fa‘vour of Richmond Hill. The R.H.H.S. girls have been successful a second year in Winning the North York Girls Basketball League Cup, and have not; lost a game during the whole season. We congratulate them. VAUGHAN AND RICHMOND HILL VETERANS The regular meeting of Vaughan 'and Richmond Hill Veterans will be held on Tuesday evening, March 7th, at 8:30 o’clock, in the Council Cham- ‘ber. “WILD GINGER” “Wild Ginger” 21 comedy drama in 3 acts, and with eleven characters will be presented in the Community Hall, Maple, Friday, March 10th, by Laskay Dramatic Club, under the auS- ‘pices of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. 3 NEXT TUESDAY Church Banquet Mm’rmL Ff, a;a Public School ‘ February Report SENIOR IVâ€"Borden Mabley; Helen McGibbon; Audrey Smith; Richard Richardson; George Graham; Ethel White; William Carr; Jack Glenn; Velma Monkman; Evelyn Brown; Gladys Stanford; Andrew McNair; Winnifred Haworth; George Stong; Gordon Armstrong; Elsie Ley; Beatrice Rumble; Douglas Jones; John McGregor; Alex Pater- son; Florence Barker; Hazel Dunn; Audrey Stephens, Elva Young, Jean Zuefelt’i‘ (equal); Mary Paterson; Eric Wilson; Walter Coveyduck“; Marion Michell*, Harold Patton* (equal); Lorna Gillings; Theresa Allen. JUNIOR IVâ€"Harold Jones; Mary Donald; Doris Taylor; Edmund Brown*; Derek Mills; Wilson Beres- ford; Wallace Graham. ROOM II JUNIOR IVâ€"Jack Watkins; Doris Jones; James Hewson and David Pugs- ley (equal); Freda Manley; Lillian Barker; \Vm. Schurman; Mildred Archibald; Eileen Mabley; Herbert Gater; Stanley Haworth; Grace Dewesbury; Fred Offen; Marion Espey; Leon Byers; Helen Booth; Nora Innes and Milton Savage (equal); Wm. Marshall; Nixie Fish- er; Dorothy Lehman; James Fish; Margaret Webster; Bill Wallis; Nancy McKenzie; Grant Courtney; Dorothy Eden; Geoffrey Elliott; Reg. Wat- kins; Gerald Cut’cance; Ralph Frisby; .Mac. Cooper; Gladys Hambleton; Roy l kins ; Ger: Mac. Coop Russellxx. SENIOR IIIâ€"Sydney Seatter; Gor- don Anderson: Victoria Beelich; Ber- nice Taylor; Doris Wade; Peter Meg- donald; Dorothy Donaldx; Mary Berryx; Lorraine Burns. ROOM III SENIOR IIIâ€"Ronald Lunau; Maryl Bradfield; Peter Jarvis; Helen War-‘ wick; Margaret Bales; Ruth Brown: Flora Kerr; Etta Donald; Douglas Sanders; Leslie Hull: Sydney Hunt: Norman Mabley; Mabel Gilbert: Nellie Coveyduck & Ethel Mitchell (equal); [Reta Daly; George Offen; Billy Glenn; Stewart Tyndall; Joe Brilling’er; Harry Bowen" and Harold Mills (equal): Elgin Barrow; Byron Shep- pard; Billy Hall; Jack Evelyn; Laura Frisby; Frank Carr; Mollie Secrett; Donald Barraclough; George Bell; Alfred Elliott; Leland Durrant; ‘ Charles White. JUNIOR IIIâ€"Lenore Stone; Clif- ford Dexter; Margaret Walw‘in*; Morley Chedzoy: Evelyn BoWen; Frank Bodner; Alex. MacDonald. ROOM IV JUNIOR IIIâ€"Margaret Endean; Olga Kozak; Eva Mihorean; Ivy Bel- grade; Emily White; John Tracy and ‘Edna Fish (equal); Stella Anderson; Phyllis Angle; Freddy Leech; Amy Kozak; Muriel Barrow; Eric Srigley; Bobby Edmunds; Bruce Stephens and Bobby Reid (equal); Violet Rice; Alice Donald; Orpha Archibald; Doug- las Brown; Evelyn Brillinger; Arthur iGater; Irene Brock; James Butler; Margaret Hunt; Mary Duncan; Mar- ion Buchanan; Marion Barker; Gene- vieve Le Gue; Herbert Thompson*; Walter Dickinson*; Sydney Lepard”; Morley Hillaby; Stewart MacDonald. SENIOR IIâ€"Ruth Tyndall; Helen Berry; James Gates; Donald Well; man; Sheila MacInnes; Tom Bales; Jack Gates*. Olive Durrant, absent. ROOM V SENIOR IIâ€"Margaret fiehman: Alfred Warwick; Florence Sheardown; Gilbert Mihorean and Ruth Richard- son (eq'ual); Annie Evison; George Monkman; Margaret McGibbon: Flor- ence Bradfield; John Schurman; Erle Cook; Joan Carr; Gwen Schissler; Deane Wellman; Jean Mills; Clifford Casement; Victor Secrett; Eddie Hea- ley and Margaret McTagg‘art (equal); Arthur Abbey; Robert Abbey: Lloyd Robb*****: Kenneth Shields*****. Kenneth Shields*****. Kenneth Shields*****. JUNIOR IIâ€"Billie Keetch: Effie Jarvis and Vernon Mitchell (equal): Teddy Evelyn; Murray Hunt; Leoâ€" nard Lunau; Douglas Manley; Lloyd Sanderson; Harold Reesor: Alex. Belgrade and Hugh Charles (equal); Donald Wolfreys; Jean Marshall“; Mabel Brock*; Anna Robb****; Ken- neth Woods*****. SENIOR Iâ€"Florence Espey; Jim Bales*' Fred Allen; Garth Palmer“ FIRST BOOK “A”â€"-Chester Un- sword swallowers. ROOM I ROOM VI gel‘; Cecil Offen; Lenore Dewsbury; Mackie Kee’cch; Gladys Chedzoy; Marion Lumb; Mervin Charlton; Don- ald Reidx; Helen Whitten; Marjorie Pattenden; Doreen Wisex; Gloria Anderson; Lorraine Jones; Hazel Rae- man; Stanley Bakerx; Frank Young xx; Elizabeth Elliottx; Vera Evison;| Harold Megdonal; Aeileen Cook; Es- ther Morrison; Henry Richardson; Irving Ross; June Davis. FIRST BOOK “B”â€"Audrey Du-‘ Maresq; Bernice Cook; Dorothy Carry Donald Smithx; Elmer Reid; John Whitex; Mary Megdonalxx; Ferris Allen: Jack Taylor; Patricia Bel- grade; tDonald Stephens; Albert Fish xx; Audrey Seatterxx. PRIMERâ€"George Bales; John A1- len; Norman Gatesxxx; Donald Arch- ibaldx; Kathleen Butlerxx; Clarence 1Espey; Henry Fishx; Murray Bowan xxxx. ,1 Names marked x missed exams The Sport Parade ‘ ROOM VII SENIOR PRIMERâ€"Bobby Endean; Marie Brillinger; Donald Glenn; Peter Kozak; Stewart Wellman; Ruth Webster; Harold Reaman; John Cur- zon; Billie Darby and Margaret A1- lison (equal); Betty Mansbridge; Dorothy Offen; Olive Ross; Mildred Seatter and Dick Baker (equal); Wil- liam Kanis; Stewart Courtney; Mur- ray McTaggart; Margaret Brown; Mary Brock; Merlyn Graham; Leo- nard Richardson; Arthur Barraclough; Gerald Courtney; Jean Cruickshanks; Jack Evison; Alice Berry; Charles GEORGE RAFT and NANCY CAROL! in ‘He Learned About Women Srigley; Helen Ransom*; Viola Woods*: Jack Forsyth; Marie De Fer- rari; Billie Bell; Mabel Loughlin; Mur- ray Archibald“; Anne Walwin”. * Absent for one or more exams. JUNIOR PRIMERâ€"Foss Mallory; Lorne Lehmav' Florence Edwards; George Loughlin; Joyce Barraclough: Donald C‘mdzoy; Robert Watson; Margaret Jordan; Lorna Baker; Lolu Sanders. A large crowd attended the farm sale of Mr. Albert Malloy, held Tues- day, and prices obtained were fairly good considering the depression. Cows sold for from $48.00 to $69.00 and other stock and implements sold well. The farm, a good 100 acres, was up for sale but was not sold, the highest bid being $5,750. The Vanishing Frontier NOVELTY Wes Clarkson has had the stone crusher on his farm this week, the operations being supervised by W. O. McDonald, township road superintend- ent. Lenton Services commence next week, Rev. D. Davis giving a series of sermons of “This Season of Lent.” "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MA'I‘INEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 p- m. & 9 p. m. ADMISSION PRICES ADULTS 25c. UP TO 8 P.M., 350. AFTER MATINEEâ€"ADULTS 150.. CHILDREN 10c. The Young People are preparing to give their play “Farm Folks.” What to do with used razor blades is always a problem. Looks like a fine opportunity for unemployed JOEL MCCREA and MARIAM MARSH STUART ERWIN and ALISON bKIPWORTH \VEDNESDAY and THURSDAY MARCH 8, 9 Johnny Mack Brown In CLARA BOW in 'h V 'h' e F$T2elrng “Call Her Savage” Chapter «4: >â€"'l‘lne Lost Hpovial PLAYING SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY iomedymâ€"Sherlocks Home Paramount News Mickey Mouse --â€"Trader Mickey BWEDFOFRP” THEATRTE HF. 'FlnMF‘. 0 II J! . .ARR FNTRR’I‘AINMEN MONDAY and TUESDAY MARCH 6, 7 TESTON FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 3, 4 Undercover Man Tom Howard in Breaking Even and IN Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Little OrphanAnnie A very interesting service was held on Sunday evening in the United Church, when the installation of the officers of the W.M.S. for the ensuing year, and the re-affiliation of the C. G.I.T. took place. Rev. W. N. Chant- ler, of Toronto, preached a. powerful sermon on the occasion. The funeral of the late Mrs. W. Bailie took place to the Maple ceme- tery on Saturday afternoon after a service in St. Andrew’s Church, at which Rev. C. H. Bowman officiated. Mr. Bailie and family have the sym- pathy of all in their bereavement. Rev. Mr. Christie of Toronto will be the special preacher at 3. Rally of the Young People’s Societies of Maple circuit, in the United Church on Sunâ€" day evening, March 12th. Mrs. E. Hamilton of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mrs. T. Cousins. The members of Hope United Church purpose holding an Irish Stew supper on Friday evening, March 17. Particulars of the program next week. Mrs. C. Robeson was convenor of the Missionary program at the Y.P. MITZI GREEN anâ€"d‘ EDGAR KENNEDY S. on Monday evening. A talk on Character was given by Mr. W. Hoiles and papers Were read by Mrs. Caldâ€" well and Miss Frances Mathewson. Instrumental and Vocal numbers were given by the members. The Y.P.S. held their meeting on Monday evening as usual. The Mis- sionary Convener, Mrs. W. Keffer, supplied the young people with a first class program. Mr. Allie Forrest gave an interesting talk on home and foreign missions, which was thoroughâ€" 1y enjoyed by everyone. Our atten- dance is gradually climbing up and up every week. Next week Miss Kathleen Walker is going to set a new standard in the name of pro- ‘grams, so lets all be there to see for 3 ourselves. Mrs. M. McCrone attended the reâ€" union of the ex-pupils of Kimberley School in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Plumbridge and daughter Jean vacated the fruit farm owned by Mr. Ross last week, am” Mr. and Mrs. Dean and family of Newtonbrook moved into it. There are a number of sick in our community. Mr. Walter Bone and Mr. Eitnest Bone have been confined to their homes for over a week. Mrs Hobday is also on thp sick list. Miss M. Reaman visited Mrs. Bey- thel in Toronto on Tuesday. Sh! also visited Mr. Beythel, who is ir the'GeneI-al Hospital, suffering wit!- a broken leg. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE An illustrated lecture will be giver in the Presbyterian Church, Monday March 6th, by Rev. J. P. G. Inkste" D.D. of Knbx Presbyterian Church. Toronto. The subject will be “Pal- estine.” Universal News CA RRV ILLE MAPLE No. 34

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