Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1933, p. 8

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HE WAY TO ENJOY A HOLIDAY Plan the financial side of next year’s holiday this year. Open a savings account at the nearest Branch of Imperial Bank of Canada. Start today. Save regularly. l; intent Milli or and HERD OFFICE TORONTO RICHMOND HILL J. A. GROSKURTH. Manager GORMLEYâ€" Open Wednesdays Only. ' Branches at: Newmiulrol. Aurora. Schomberg. Notice Re Relief ******* All those on relief in the Municipality of Richmond Hill Village, desiring supplies, in- formation etc. are directed to apply Tuesday or Friday of each week, between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. to the secretary of the Relief Committee, Miss Hazel Switzer, at the Mun- icipal Building, Yonge‘ Street. By order THE RELIEF COMMITTEE 'Richmond Hill Machine Shop Rear 81 Yonge Street GENERAL MACHINERY REPAIRS, BOILERS LAWN MOWERS AND BINDER KNIVES GROUND GUNSMITHING w Have You Any of These Things to Sell ? Eggs for Hatching Hay Seed Grain Automobile Seed Potatoes Auto Parts Young Pigs Rabbits Baby Chicks Pigeons Live Stock Pets Poultry Seeds Mapl€ Syrup Home-made Pickles Cordwood Home-made Jam Shrubs or Plants Singing Birds Honey , Knitted Mats Preserves . Used Piano Farm Second-hand Articles And a Hundred and One Other Articles House and Lot Money to Loan Or Do You Want Any of These ? Lost Article Clerk Found Article Saleslady Furnished Room Stenographer House and Lot Situation Moveable Building Board Farm Apartment Second-Hand Article Rented House Trucking Auto Parts Housemaid Money on Mortgage Farm Help Business Opportunity ******1 Why Not Try a Want Ad. in THE LIBERAL Richmond Hill Telephone No. 9 THE COST IS ONLY A TRIFLE ______.â€"..â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- l The People Turn to THE BEST IN RADIOS. I l Miss Elizabeth French. of Wexford, gvisited with her father and sisters on I li'roni Alrlncourt and Browns Corners. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THORN HILL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Thornhill Women‘s Institute met at the home of Mrs. C. R. Craw- ford. Garden Avenue. with a good ililltlng' Fall." 3‘ Ill“ CIR-Shy 319mm“ ‘iittendance of members and friends. ial Rink at Unionville. (.11 Wednesday Mrs. R. ThompsOn. president. presid- (.\~(.nmg' pop. Browns Cm._ red. The business of the meeting inâ€" . 1 .t .H Dnerwn‘cluded a discussion on the Ontario new 5mm mmmlt (0 “1 1 ‘ ‘ lSchool Trustees and Ratepayers Asâ€" Iii'own as convenor then lcd the wayisocialion. The Institute joins the 0_ to the hall where refreshments were . S.T. and RA. and are sending a deleâ€" gerwd and a imp, 4,12,50,13: brought gain to the Easter- (,onvontion where the evening's fun to :1 close. [all piizises ot' the system of eduâ€" . cation are discussed. Miss .\'. Munilv .\. . r .. . A)? . ‘ _ _ . on Thm'dn“ aitilnmm' ICb' “’ld' read a very llllt'l'L‘Sllll‘: and educative the “IRIS. met in the basement 0f .paper of Mrs. F. Simpson's trio the church. Two quilts were quiltcd.lnl>roml whh-h wn< enjoyed by all My: guy“. pwsidui at “1,. regular present. A new memberwas welconr A A . 7 ' o(. T} is i: the .‘cventh new member meeting. Miss Mabel llord read thcl 1 l \ devotional leaflet. Mrs. G. Padgct and Mrs. Wm. Craig gave excellent reports of the Toronto East. Presbyâ€" terial W.M.S. annual meeting which was held 111‘ Hope linitcd Church, -,_.Squ.n_p., Thmvno‘ after whom Thorm Tommi“- Mlss Mill'guerlte Stewart hill was named. was laid to rest at. sang “My Task.” The men folk of St. Jaincs' cemetery on Monday. The the community arrived in time for ‘ service was held at his late residence supper which was sowed from Six to HR Sheldrake Blvd., was attended by BUTTONVILLE l l A large number of young peoplel Young People's Societies enjoyed 33nd. September. Dainty refreshments were :ervt-d by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. R. Holmes and Mrs. N. Smelâ€" lie. Richard Thorne. son of the original Dodge and Plymouth TUBES , , . many fricnds and relatives. Rev. eight oclock. An open meeting was Charles Carpenter officiated. held in the evening, Mrs. R. L. Stivei- Mm c, 0_ Mom-09‘ Mrs. W. J_ was- presiding. Following the worship ley and Mrs. R. J. Smellie attended period solos were rendered by Hynd- the Conference. held by the cxccutive man Russell and Hazel Hill, Ruth Gohn recitated “Just Canadian.” l of Mrs. W. Trench. on Tuesday after- Those who were present listened with ‘ noon. intense interest to Mrs. McDonald's MIT (Illa-V 0/“ Torlnnlto ang'fm‘rnefl‘v “Review of wins. Work." She be- “nag” “319‘ 0“ “0”” 0“ gan her story from the time the firstl 1‘1“: ,1 pmggm.‘ Student W.M.S. hospital was started in thelmanuel College, will take charge of Klondike at the time of the gold rushlth" smiths at the United Church . v ‘ inext Sunday. in 1809 and told of the “01k and The Ymmg Pm‘nlek Societv of the success of the society up to the pres- {inimd mmwh have apce‘pted an in- cut timc. Mrs. Kerr and Miss M. \‘ll’Ilil’lll to visit the, Newtonbrook Y. Stewart. then sane: a duet. Rev. W. PS. lir'xl' Monday niirht. ' D McDonald was called t0 Thr- regular monthly meeting of the Upon. . Women's Association will be hold on speak and related a humorous inCi- “votimgdny' March 8th. at g nichck’ dent connected with the arrival of aiat the home of Mrs. Nelson Smellie, W.M.S. bale. I forum) S:;.11Tl}i(;lilxt;'st§cssFes ‘thelxal: i i' no! 'i i . i ~- .The women S WT” Day M Prayer 1 iiiiilin.1 Mrs. J. Fisher and Mrs. Guill- Will be observed in Brown: Cornersiam‘ The Iadim of the cmmregatim church on Friday afternoon at a meet- are cordially invited to attend. ing which will commence at 2:30 p_m, The death occurred on Friday. Feb. A“ ladies are invited t0 attend this 24th of Marv M. Clarke. widow of the meeting. “Partnership with India” was the topic at Y.P.S. on Sunday evening last, under the auspices of the Mis-, sionary Committee, Hilda Hord Con- venor. Miss Della Brown'read and explained the Bible reading. Miss Janet French read a poem. Mrs. R. L. Stiver gave a talk and led the dis- cussion on the topic. Mrs. James Calvert rendered a solo accompanied by Miss Jean French at the piano. Mrs. Flett then led in prayer. Next Sunday’s program will be under the leadership of the Christian Fellow- ship Committee. The topic will be “Our Church.” Miss Kate Craig, of Lockport. US. A., spent the week-end at her home Mrs. Smith was a resident of Port Whitby. The funucral was held on Monday from her son’s residence and was conducted by Rev. Dr. J. J. Sparâ€" ling. pastor of the United Church. lntermcnt took place at Port Whitby, where a service was held at St. John’s Anglican Church. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Ilnitcd Church will he held on Tues- dav, March 7th, at the home of Mrs. J. L. Davis. Yonge St.. at 3 o’clock. The sunnly committee. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Sniellic and Mrs. Hunter have charge of the program. The ladies of the congregation are invited to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Delmore Adams of Toronto visited with Dr. and Mrs. Sparling on Tuesday. ._'~.__..___. THE MAGIC HARP Sunday. Mr. James Rodick is spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Sellars at Grand Valley. Mr. Norman Reid visited his father at Unionville on Sunday. We regret to report that Mr. Reid has had the misfortune to suffer a broken collar- bone as the result of an accident. Mrs. A. L. Scott is visiting friends A magic harp is singing in the night, A harp of poles, upholding silver strands Against a starlit dome of prairie sky, 13 ringing at the touch of unseen hands. Some say the wind makes music in the wires. in Toronto at present. But here there is no wind, and yet Mrs. James Wright is convalescing they hum favourably after a severe attack of And throb like bowstrings, taut, and‘ flu. quivering M155 Rozena HOl‘d attended the Beneath the pressure of an archer‘s Couchiching Summer School Re-union thumb banquet on Saturday evening last at Trinity United Church, Toronto. The some say the spinning earth makes 1933 Young People’s Summer School mebdy’ ‘ will be held at “Glen Echo,” Muskoka, And the poles transmit the music Off and not at Couchiching as in former the sphere Years» Up to the wires, which magnify the sound ' mini)? fiiifi‘émtomtihee “$3.53”. A“ make it 1°“ emugh M US to Seas. and the Orient, the Can- hear- adian Pacific liner “Empress of Japan" cleared the Narrows at Meanwhile, a thousand voices throb, Vancouver January 14 with a list of 411 passengers. unheard . Along these Wires. strung across Recent payment by Great Brit- ‘ the land. ain of $95,550,000 war debt instal- ment, reminds old-timers of the war days when $96,000,000 in gold was shipped by Canadian Pacific Express. from Asia to England. Via iCanada,and was carried across the Dominion on a special Cauâ€" adian Pacific train, having abso- Words framed by lips a thousand miles away Flash thru the night to ears that understand. The prairie cannot guess what mcs- lute rig'ht-of-way. The train trav- 53395 elled Without lights and was pro- Pass by, as silent and as swift as tected by scores of armed guards. light I It bears, instead, the, throbbing Hudson Decorators 0 “1‘3”, t, . . i B_ E. WOLFREY’ Prop. f maguc' tarp s iings, Singing n the night. Painting. Paperhanging and â€"â€"Gene Lindberg. ‘ Decorating _______ i Another reason for righteousness is the fact that men at liberty can turn off the radio and prisoners can’t. WORK GUARANTEED I Estimates Free I A Taxpayer of The District, i l The reason people enjoy discussing technocracy is because ‘hose who know nothing about it know as much as anybody else. Church St. Richmond Hill P. O. Box 32 TESTED FREE. welcomed to the Institute since last, l l l t For Best 1933 Motor Car Value PAGE 19le THURSDAY. 33mm 2nd. 1933 WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT ‘NEWS ()I’EN MEETING Mrs. Margaret Scott. tress: of Ontario \Vest. large gathering at the open meeting of the Queen Victoria I..U.B.A. in the Orange Hall, on Tuesday night lzist. Woodbridge Orchestra played at in« tervals. REY. DR. (iIDEON L. POWELL RETI‘RNS As everlasting time is measured. tliii'y years is but a flash. yet to we humans it is a long span and we all experience many changes. ()ii the return of Rev. Dr. Gideon L. Powell of Pittsbui‘g lust week. after nearly thirty years absence, he found many who were more girls and boys during his pastorate here had married and were fathers and mothers. Others who reached manhood and womanhood at the time of his departure he found are in the grandfather and grand- mother class, while nearly all of the fathers and mothers at that time had passed on. In the men's choir that provided the musical services at the Bachelors and Benedicts Anniversary Services on Sunday. Feb. 10th, and the Knife and Fork Banquet on Tues- day night following, he found a few of the originals of thirty years ago. They were Melvin Clayton. conductor; J. G. Whitmore. Ed. Warren. A. W. Farr. W. J. Blake, Charles Hollingsâ€" head and George White. While Pork and Beans along with an abundance of pie and cake were being served in the Sunday School an orchestra com- posed of chib members player a proâ€" gram of lively fill’S. The Church Auditorium was comfortably filled at Emâ€"lwith club members and friends to hear Dr. Powell who was the feature attraction. deliver his lecture “When I was in Europe by U. R. Tircsonie" which he presented in a style that was mOst interesting and entertaining. A most pleasing feature of the program was a number of solos suno by Madam Holland. Contraâ€"alto, a Woodhridgc resident and soloist with the Metroâ€" politan Choir, Toronto. Rev. John McKenzie spoke briefly and Rev. J. E, Anderson presided. Accompanists were Miss Marjoric Blake and Mrs. G. D. McLean. W. .‘i. WOOLLARD STARTS SEVENTH YEAR AS CHIEF OFFICER W. A. Woollard is now starting on late James Smith. at the residence of his seventh S'Cal‘ 8% Chief 0f the W00d~ her son. J. Charles Smith, Yonge St,ll)t‘l(lEe police. during which time ho has proved to he a most watchful and efficient officer who in official hours is always on the job. At the close of the Pickering Fam- ily Engagement, which held forth in Community Hall. Thistletown. last week. Mrs. Norman Livingston was winner in a popularity contest. Mr. Robert Wilson of Claireville was badly injured on Saturday of last week when kicked by a horse. Fire destroyed the barn of Mrs. D. Ashley. Lot 14, Concession 10. Tor- onto Gore, on Monday last. Origin unknown. WOODBRIDGE. SCHOOL CADETS WIN TROPHY Once more Woodbridge Public School Cadet Com“! is in the snotâ€" light of the Brill-Ti Empire. Last week Principal G. W. Shore. the Cadets' trainer. was informed by Captain Cummings that the coi‘Ds had won the Duke of Devonshire trophy for senior and junior rifle marksmanship in competition with school cadets in Canada. and that the score had been sent to England to be further examined for British Empire honors. Woodbridge school cadets have brought Woodbridge out of hid- ing into the Open where it is spoken of by every cadet and many others in the British Empire. This is an ac- complishment of which the community should be proud. Thanks to G. W. Shore and his~assistant Charles Tam- blyn. who saw to it that the boys didn’t shirk practice as onlv by con- stant practice could they have ever made good. To be the best in an Empire of 500,000,000 would in itself 0F L.O.B.A. . Grand Miss izil Event is set for Friday. March addressed zit liltll. l been sent out. The dzite of this Soc- Floyd Henderson's Orchestra. will provide music. A To travel at the rate of an hour. such as has just been achieved by Sir MalColm Campbell, speed wizard of the world, is speed almost equal to being shot out of a L‘LlllllOll. EI'CHRF. CLI'B MEETS \\'inucrs ol' Woodbridge Euchre Club :1: last week‘s meeting held at the ironic of Miss Helen Ross. was Mrs. .. " Rowntrcc. Mrs. Robert Mitchell, Mimsm. Loci Elliott and P. H. Fisher. MRS. \V. \V. SMITH CELEBRATES 99TH BIRTHDAY Mrs. W. W. Smith. 8th Avenue. for irony years a resident of \Voodbridge. celebrated her 80th birthday on Mon- duv. Many friends called on the old lady who lives alone to offer her good wishes. and sang favorite hymns of Mrs. Smith who servpd lunch. For one who is so advanced in years she enjoys fairly good health. A wee stranger arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh liindsav. Pine .‘trcct. in the form of a baby girl on Thursday of last week. Best wishes and a hearty welcome to the newcomer. IIOLIJNGSIâ€"IEAD-SAMPSON The marriage of Irvin Stanley Hollingsliead of Schomberg and Miss Vioth Lillian Samnson of Thornton ttok place On Wednesdav at the Wood~ 'm'itlt‘e Manse with Rev. John Mc- Kenzie conducting the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Hollingshead will live at Schomherg. .7F.) .41- miles MILLIKEN The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of Ebenezer United Church will be held on Tues- day, March 7th, in the church. Mrs. R. Adams has charge of the meeting and Mrs. Henry Harding is the host- ess. Mrs. Gouch of Toronto has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Robt. Denby. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coppard of Bar- i'ie visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Coppard, on Friday. Miss Bradley, returned Missionary, proved a very interesting speaker when she addressed the congregation which was well attended, at Ebenezer, last Sunday afternoon. The induc- tion of the elders also took place. At the Y.P. Service in the evening, Mr. Leslie Miller gave a Very inter- esting talk on three of our well known poets, Peter McArthur, W. H. Drum- niond and John Burrows, With quo- tations from each. Dr. E. G. Hood, of Ottawa, visited er. and Mrs. C. A. Hood, on Friday ast. Mrs. H. Harding, Mrs. Robt. Adams and Mrs. C. Underwood visited Mrs. J. S. Honey, who has been ill for a time, on Friday afternoon. Mr. Reg. Gibbons of Stouffv‘ille spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Henry Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Vardon motored to Detroit on Friday to attend the funer- al of a cousin, who died suddenly, and returned home on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd of Toronto vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. R. Adams on Mon- afternoon. The Men‘s Association of St. Paul’s Church held their regular meeting at the home of Mr. J. Todd, on Thurs- day night. We are sorry to report that Miss Bella Nicol is in the hospital in Tor- onto. The skating party of the Y.P.S.. which included the members of the Y.P. Bible Class, was held at Cedar Grove Rink last Tuesday night, was a decided success and a large number of young people enjoyed the trip. Mrs. R. Adams. Mrs. F. Miles, Mrs. C. Miles, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Cockerel attended the annual meeting of the Women's. Association of Toronto East be an accompliShment deVOUtly t0 be Presbytery of the United Church, wished. HORTICULTURAL LECTURE The lecture delivered by John S. Clark, Provincial Lecturer on Hortiâ€" culture, in the Orange Hall. on Thurs- day night of last week. under the auspices of Woodbridge Women’s In- stitute. attracted a good sized audâ€" ience composed chiefly of members of the Horticulture and Women’s Insti- tute. Mr. Clark, assisted by Mr. Frank Stelifant. presented a series of interesting pictures that had an edu- cational value if acted upon which will aid flower growers and aid beauty to home surroundings. VVoodbridge or- chestra and members of the Institute presented a program of music uhich included Mrs. Susie Jones. Mrs. G. W. Shore. Mrs. D. C. Longhouse. Mrs. Russell Ward. Mrs. G. W. Bagg. Mrs. \Vm. King. Mrs. Mamie Farr. Mary Brigg and Evelyn Cook. UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. DEBATE The feature of last Monday night’s meeting of the United Church Young People’s Society was a debate on “Re- solved that the Farmer is harder hit by the depression than the business man” with J. G. Whitmoro and Don McCallum for the affirmative. and S. ‘V. Mavliew and Norman Jackman for the negative. The docisio;1 ElVPn hv .Tiidnes Mrs. W Rnri'v. Rev. J. E. Anderson and Robert Watson was for the negative. Timeâ€"keeper Alvin ‘Vood. Others (in the program were “fly-V 'M'r-l'ean. Mabel Jones. Marie Allen. Mm'im‘ie Blake. Mrs. I eo Wat- son and Gordon Rage. President. “on hIcClalluni onened the meeting and following the devotional evm‘cis‘efi. I,itoi'ai‘v (‘nnvenoiz Velma Darker: took charge of the program. Tnvil’qfinns for 1119 annual ball of the VVoodbridge Euchre Club have l W. NEAL OFFICIAL O. M. L. STATION Phone 210 Richmond Hill held in Riverdale church, on Wednes- dav. Feb. 22nd. Mr. Frank Rivers is on the jury this week. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Henry Leaman visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell on Friday night. Mrs. Vardon attended the funeral of her cousin at Stouffville on Friday. Miss F10ssie Denby and Mr. R. Hord took in the skating party on “’cdnesdav night. _ Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. Reid of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Adams on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles, Mrs. Henry Harding and Mr. J. E. Miles attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Mr. Hawkins of Islington, on Thursday last. We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. Lillie has returned from the hos- pital after an operation. All but two of the big nations are determined to stay off the silly gold standard till they get some gold. You can’t blame the Chinese for being apathetic. Ball fans lose in: terest‘. when the home team loses all the time. PRICE TICKETS â€" BANNERS SHOW CARDS G. MORLEY BEYNON Phone 150 76 Yonge St.

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