VOL. LV. J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., K. G. Prentice, Milliken. Toronto, Hyland 0834 1 We are prepared to conduct sales of‘ every description. Farms and farm‘ stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest; notice, and conâ€" ducted by the most approved methods. ‘ Dentist . Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5:30 pm. Telephone 32 MAPLE 806 Indian Road, Toronto Telephone JUnction 4944 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Farm Sales, Furniture Sales, Land Sales, promptly attended to. Over 20 years experience at Toronto Repositary MAPLE North Yonge St. - Richmond Hi] DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Office hours: 8-10 am. & 6-8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIIONVILLE Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Office: Centre and Church Stl‘eets., Richmond Hill Phone 24. udSiS‘EEIEeâ€"sâ€"‘gf‘ véblï¬en and children) Office hours: 1â€"3 pm. Phone 10 MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Bank of Commerce Building Thornhill, Ont. Office Hours: 10-12 am. 2-5 pm. '7-9 p.m. Phone, Residence 14-12 Office 100 Dr. W. Salem Caldwellfnl From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. ‘ Richmond Hill â€"â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS { Dealers in LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHALTg ‘RQOFII‘IQ, GYPDOC. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER C0. Teacher of Violin at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Class and Private Lessons RICHMOND HILLâ€"Wednesdays VIOLIN LESSONS William Buck J. T. Saigeon & Son Prentice & Prentice AUCTIONEERS R. R. No. I â€" Richmond Hill Chimneys Built and Repaired General Repairs (M.O.H. Vaughanâ€"Coroner) Office Hours 9-10 a.m. 12-2 & 6-8 13.111. and by appointment PLASTERING Dr. L. R. M arwood Dr.» M. J. Quigley DENTIST Bank ï¬lréémmerce Building FRIDAi‘i‘RbM 5:30 P. M Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 Telephone 80 Charles Brothers $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is in- creasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. BUSINESS Wright & my Adelmo M elecci Drs. Langstaf f Dr, W. Finlay DENTIST Dr. L. R. Bell Professional And Business Director at your own home. MUSICAL Phone 461-14 MEDICAL THORNHILL TelephOne 27 Office Hours P. FARR, ’. Wilson Richmond Hill PHONE 3 ONTARIO m. t 93 Yonge Street , Immediately North of Masonic Hall ml Phone 8 â€" Rihcmond Hill 100 Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street â€"‘, Phone ELgin 1887 Manning Arcade formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. F. Gordon Cook, B. A., LL.B. Toronto Office: 816 Federal Bldg, 85 Dichmond St. West Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge, Saturday afternoon. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelaide 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whichurch, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill 5048. J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 12â€"2 Barrisetrs and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bales, B. A, Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€" Toronto W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Rodman \V. P. Mulock Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building =outhwest corner of King and Yonge §t1‘eets, Toronto. W.-B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark 1207 Northern Building 330 Bay Street â€" ' Telephone â€"â€" ADelait Money to loan. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Room 503 Northern Ontario Bldg. Cor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. William Douglas, K.C, Donald Douglas Wilson N. Robinson All Work Guaranteed Forty Years Experience City of Tomte License Edgar Avenue â€" Richvale P. O. Box ‘14 Liberal 0ffic>, Richmond Hill Electrical Depairs Estimates Given Gormley R. R. 2 Agincourt Zl-r-Zl Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. ï¬chmoud Hill â€" ‘ Ontario Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every daturday MAPLE nOTEL PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs POWER LIGHTING, FIXTURES, ALTERATIONS McGuire, Boles & C0. N aughton & Jenkins A. C. HENDERSON LECUYER & Co. Ltd. Electrical Contractors William Cook & Cook Douglas, Douglas & Robinson All Classes of Electrical Work GENERAL CARTAGE by True-k WM. MCDONALB, Telephone 62. A. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 Money to loan at Current Rate ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Insurance Exclusively Arthur F. White THURSDAY AFTERNOON 2135 Yonge Street Toronto HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. Mulock, Milli/sen, Clark & Redman Pet-Sana) Claims Service Phone 41 Unionville, Box 29 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. ETC. Thomas Delany T. C. Newman Cambell Line J. A. HOLMES Harold J. Kirby Richmond Hill Every From Maple Gravel Pit SAND â€" GRAVEL â€" _Toronto ADelaide 4140 Thornhill, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. MARCH 9th, 1933 1,357,562 Canadians are now re- ceiving relief. What a dismal picture for a young country, and these fig- ures include only those who are en- tirely destitute. They do not include farmers whose revenues have dwindled to a point where they cannot meet interest and taxes, or keep their farms and homes in proper repair; they do not include families that are living on rapidly diminishing savings, or earnings that have shrunk to a pittance. They are, however, indi- cative of a situation which Canada has never faced in the past and which is adding steadily to the strain on the country’s resources. The unusual occurrence of the seven threes last Friday, sure started some- thing in financial circles in the USA. The number dependent on the municipality for relief seems to be continually increasing in district municipalities. An indication that times are rap- idly getting worse instead of better is the fact that “relief†paid out in Markham Township in one month this year about equals the total cost for the entire year of 1931. The same applies to Richmond Hill. Orillia’s recently organized civic relief committee intends putting on a campaign, beginning this Week, to raise $8,000 locally by contributions, which sum, with equal amounts beâ€" ing given by the Ontario and Domin- ion governments, would make a total fund of $24,000. Here’s one which the Fergus News- Record heard at the recent session of the Wellington county council: It is said that a number from North /Wellington was going along the street in Guelph during the session. A farmer drove up and said to him: “Here! Will you hold my horse a minute?†“Sir,†he replied with dig- nity, “I am a county councillor.†“Oh, well. even if you are, I’ll take a chance.†Canada, with a pOpulation of a little over ten million, has 1,357,562 persons on direct relief. Thirteen per cent of the men, women and children in this country are being kept alive by the relief contributed by Federal, Provincial and Municiâ€" pal Governments His Honor Lieut.-Govenor Dr. H. A. Bruce, Premier Hon. 'G. S. Henry and County Warden George B. Elliott, will be tendered a complimentary ban- quet, by citizens of North York Town- ship, Friday evening, March 3lst. While municipal taxes imposed on rural Ontario are fourteen times the amount they were fifty years ago, field crops of Provincial farms have decreased in value by 812.000,000 in the same period, a statistical sum- mary of rural and urban taxation over the past several decades shows. The increase in taxation between 1911 Legislation to prohibit represent- atives of municipalities in default of their. levy from sitting on county council will be discussed at the next meeting of the York county council legislative committee. Members of the committee, in session last week, decided to take the matter under cori- sideration. Hockey may be an expensive pas- time to some people, but not so to Norm Hopper of town. Last week Norm held a twentyâ€"five cent ticket in a hockey pool that netted him $999.75. Some two years back other local men had runs up to $600, but this last grand slam tops the list.â€" Newmarket Expressâ€"Herald. Milk is the most glaring example of the exploitation of the farmer. A Parry Sound buyer of hides, a few days ago, burned up two car- loads of hides rather than sell them at the low price prevailing, appar- ently unable to see any hope of a rise in the price of this commodity. Hides are selling at less than 1c per pound, whereas 10c. was the prevail ing price four years ago. ‘ The town of, Midland is putting forth determined endeavors to avert a financial crisis and its councillors have come to the conclusion that re- lief expenditures will have to be cut 50 per cent. GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS ago and 1931 is termed “amazing†in the] report which was submitted to thel Ontario Agricultural Council last week" and it observes that “local govern- ments must in the future show more consideration of the ability of the taxpayer to pay taxes that they have in the past.†This advice applies to not only local governments, but to all governments, and it cannot be too strongly impressed upon those in authority at Ottawa and Toronto. As a result of threatened legal pro- ceedings to disqualify them four Pem- broke town councillors have resigned. All four had done busineSS with the municipality after being elected, and thus made themselves liable to dis- qualification. Referring to jaunts taken by mun- icipal representatives at the expense of the public. the Chesley_ Enterprise describes attendance at the Good Roads Convention in Toronto as.“the real gallivanting tripâ€"a wonderful jollification at the public expense without any public benefit" That sizes it up about right. There is a man in our town, And he was wondrous wise, He swore by all the gods above, He would not advertise! But one day he did break this rule, And thereby hangs a tale, The ad was set in real small type, And headed “Sheriff’s Sale.†One factory in New York in turn~ ing out 2,500,000 of the puzzles every week now, and the number of people employed in the industry, in the me- tropolis alone is estimated at 2,000. Cardboard and paper box plants in the vicinity of Boston, idle a little while ago, are producing puzzles at the rate of 15,000 a day. Mr. Roy Bowen, who had his ton- sils removed last week by Dr. Wilâ€" Iiams of Aurora, was at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Murray, Aurora, is home again. A fad like the jig saw puzzle is not only a means of amusement to the public at large, but it means bread and butter to the men and women who manufacture and market the little blocks. Druggist Mr. Alexander and Mr. Robeson of Maple with Rev. Wallace of Toronto, attended services here Sunday morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Carver King, visited with Piercey’s on Sunday and attendâ€" ed the church service. Mr. B. Corfield has returned to his work with the Bell‘ Telephone Com- pany and feels that “Happy Days are Here Again.†W. L. Adams was bloated so with gas that his heart often missed beats after eating. Adlerika rid him of all gas, and now he eats anything and feels fine. Mr. and Mrs. Moodie and daughter Noreen were Sunday visitors at J. McLaughlins. Teston Y.P.S. will take part in the Rally at Maple next Sunday evening. The regular meeting of the Junior Farmers’ will be held in the Com- munity Hall on Tuesday evening, March 14th, at 8 p.m. Mr. Wm. Vanderbent is going to speak on the topic of Farm Poultry. Mr. Vander- bent’s flock of White Leghorns have made a name for themselves in R0. P. work at Ottawa. This promises to be an interesting and instructive evening. MAN’S HE ART STOPPED. STOMACH GAS CAUSE The regular meeting of -the J.W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Willows, on Tuesday evening, March 14th, at 8 p.m. ‘ The program will consist of a short talk on “It is the effort: of each blade of grass that keeps the meadow green,†by Miss Mabel Sanderson; a paper on “Fishing Industry of Can- adaâ€"Nutritive value of fish,†by Miss Marion Smith; and a demon- stration on “An invalid’s tray,†by Miss Mildred Collard. Roll Callâ€"“A fish recipe.†After the meeting a joint social hour will be held with the J.F.A. in the Community Hall. VICTORIA SQUARE TESTON G. H. GLENN meeting of the Junior be held in the Com- on Tuesday evening, Richmond Hill Your Hardware Requirements Are best taken care of at this store A COMPLETE STOCK AT THE BEST PRICES. (SUCCESSOR To C. N. COOPER) We Give Prompt Delivery Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Crocus and other plants PER POT 15c. 2 FOR 25c ELGIN MILLS CASTROL OIL HAROLD REID’S SERVICE STATION GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castro] MOTOR OIL. It paws to use the Best. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality products. Sieberling Tires Horse Blankets, Harness and Harness Repairs South Yonge St. Richmond Hill Market STOVES and ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT you can telephone about 100 miles by making an "any- one" C41 (stationâ€" to-station) after 8.30 p.m. See list of rates in from of directory. For 30 cents FLOWERS . Trowell, Haréware surprisingly inexggpéive .‘ LceThat’s great, 3 Bill -â€"we’ll sure be there†Motor Accessories “I’d give an eye-tooth to go into the city and see that hockey game to- morrow night,†Fred said, “but we’d never get seats.†“Why not get Bill on Long Dis- tance?†Hilda suggested. “Perhaps he could get you a seat today.†“By George, I’ll try it,†Fred agreed. Two minutes later he had Bill on the line. Bill not only could but would and, what’s more, he had a seat for Hilda too. “I did enjoy that game,†Hilda said afterwards. “I’m certainly obliged to Billâ€"and glad we have I telephone.†PRINTING SERVICE An unexcelled printing service 8 available to this district at The Lib- eral Job Printing Department. Our plant is equipped to take care of your every requirements in the line of printed matter. “If it’s printing we do it.†We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. Richmond Hill Phone 93 Gala and Oil ONTARIO No. 35