That whereas almost 100% of those on relief in the Township have ex- pressed their desire and willingness to work and considering the difficult times through which we are all pass- ing, we feel that this township is not in a position to give further relief (accept where there is no wage earn- er) and we as a body of ratepayers assembled do ask our Township Coun- cil to pass such legislation making it compulsory for those receiving relief to work in return, which the town- ship will try to provide, for those only who are in need, and that the Council earnestly request every citizen in the Township to grow at least enough vegetables for their own use; to secure every possible days work through the summer, to make provision for their own fuel supply and in every possible way provide for the coming Winter. And further, we would ask every rateâ€" payer who can possibly provide a few days work through these trying times to do so and so help one another. Moved by Wm. Champion, seconded by A. R. Burkholder,that this reso- lution be adopted. Carried. TENDERS WANTED Farmers who have field stones that could be used on Township roads please notify the Secretary of Relief Committee. Telephone Wm. Chamâ€" pion, Unionville 1918. MarkhamTownship Ratepayers’ Make Recommendations on Relief Problem Clerk’s office, Richmond Hill, up to 5 o’clock pm. on Thursday, April 20th for the delivery in Richmond Hill at points designated by the Council of 100 or Gravel. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. A. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill, April 6th, 1933. PAGE FOUR Tenders will be received at the The following resolu~ tution was adopted at a public meeting of the citizens of Markham Township held last bat- urday under the aus- pices of Relief Com- mittee. We exhibited some samples at the Unionville seed fair. These samples were taken from a load cleaned for a customer in the usual manner. Read what Mr. White, Agricultural Representative for York Cï¬unty said about those samples. “I do not hesitate to have my name used in supporting such work." Why sow dirfy seed? . _ ~ A special rate is given to farmers cleaning gram for sale. SEED GRAIN Let us sell you that North Yonge St. Our charge amgmts to only a feW cents per acre of land sown. more yards of good Road WE ARE EQUIPPED TO CLEAN IT FOR YOU BRUCE BROTHERS Fdll Range of Sizes Phone Stouffville 3602 Mill at Lot 34, Concession 5, Markham. HALL’S SERVICE STATION WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED ONE OF of Sizes â€"â€" No Charge for Installation When you think of TIRES, think of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cameron at- tended King Horticulture banquet on Wednesday night. We are sorry that Mr. and Mrs. George Rountree and family are mov- ing away from our neighborhood. The Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls will hold their April meet- ing in the Township Hall on Tuesday night, April 11th. The girls are kindly asked to bring lunch. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McNeil spent a few days in Toronto last week. St. Paul’s Mission Band will hold their next meeting on Saturday at the home of Stanley McNeil. ‘ Miss Alberta MacLachlan of Buck- ingham, Quebec, is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. C. H. Ruth- erford. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Mc- Donald’s parents in Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rutherford and Laurena. attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. Robb of Tottenham last week. Another successful euchre was held at the Golden Slipper Tuesday night. Prize. Winners were, ladies 151:, Mrs. R. Woods; 2nd, Mrs. J. Sparks; 3rd, Mrs. W. Norris; gents lst, W. E. Bagg; 2nd, L. Tarpley; 3rd, 0. Schie- brach. Commencing next Tuesday a weekly novelty prize will be given, also one for three weeks combined. This will be in addition to the six weekly prizes. Vellore Old Boys and families gathered in the Township Hall on Wednesday evening, March 29th, to pay a slight token of appreciation to the McDonald family, who have moved to Maple. They will be greatly missed, for their genial dispositions and as talented musicians their places will be hard to fill, however, we are pleased they are not going far from We wish you all prosperity in your new home, but you wil always find a welcome here when you return. Signed on behalf of VELLORE OLD BOYS. The Euchre Club met n Vellore Hall on Monday night. Although the roads and weather was quite disa- greeable there were eleven tables of euchre played. Prize winners for the ladies were: First, Mrs. Wm. Bates; second, Miss Beatrice Mathewson; third, Mrs. B. PeeLar; consolation, Miss Deborah Davidson. Gents: First Mr. Chas). Dibbs; second, Mr. Herb Joslin; third, Mr. Jim McDonald; con- solation, Mr. Robt. McNeil. Lunch was served by the committee. us and Wish them all success in their new home. A social evening was spent in playing euchre and dancing. Mr. George Brownlee, president of Vellore Old Boys, took the chair and called on Mr. Archie Cameron and Mr. J. A. McNeil, who presented a pair of beautiful chairs to\Mr. and Mrs. Milton McDonald. Dear Friends: We have met here this evening to offer you a slight token of our esteem and regard for you and yours, and take this means of conveying to you this expression of our united good wishes. Please accept these chairs, as you use them may they bring cherished‘ memories of Vellore E. H. HALL, Prop. Tire; Dealers CONCORD VELLORE New Tire It will not be long until the kiddies will enjoy Easter time in Bunnyland. Jig-Saw puzzles will give Way to gardening. of St. Timothy’s Women’s Auxiliary on Friday evening, ‘April 7th. in St. Timothy’s Anglican Church, at 8 o’- clock. All are invited. It was not cowardice which forced the Yeamans to Canada, for history records that young William and his father entered the fray, the former having served with General Brock at the memorable battles of Queenston Heights and Lundy’s Lane. Young Wlliam Yeamans was the grandfather of the present David Yeamans of Agincourt. 'Wlliam often told his grandson of the fine character of General Brock during the fights. “He never told his soldiers to go on, but was always to the fore, shouting ‘Come on.’ He was ever in the lead,†he said. Following the war of 1812, David Yeamans and his son, William, like most of the U.E.I. stock, turned to husbandry and took up land in Vau- ghan Township. They were not quite pleased with the location, no doubt a Crown grant for services ren- dered, and disposing of it, moved to Scarboro Township. Here William settled on Lot 27-8, Con. 3, then a tract of bush, which he and his father purchased from Nicholas McDougall. _ Don’t forget the talking pictures of the Passion Play under the auspices Congratulations from their numer- ous friends were received by Mr. and Mrs. David Yeamans, Lot 27-28, Con. 3, Agincourt, on Monday, March 27th, the auspicious ocassion being the 54th anniversary of their wedding. The history of Scarboro’s pioneer families can only date back to the arrival the first white settler, David Thomson, who with his Wife, Mary Glendinning and their four children arrived at what is now known as Bendale from “Muddy York" in March 1796. Later when the U. S. A. declared war against Britain, there arrived from the States a number of United Empire Loyalists, who re- fused to serve with the rebels, sacri- ficed their holdings in United States and came to Canada. Prominent amongst the latter was David Yea- mans and his son, William, the latter a husky youth of 17 years, who fol- lowing an adventurous career, ar- rived at New Brunswick from the Dutch settlement of Wilmington in Pennsylvania. As was the custom, generally, “wayi back†fifty years ago, the happy couple were married at the residence of Andrew Paterson, Kennedy Road, by the Rev. Malcolm McGillivray, minister of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Bendale, Scarboro, at that time. Mr. Yeamans was the son of: David Yeamans, whose‘ ancestors set-l tled in Scarboro about 125 years ago,| whilst his bride was Joan Bertram,i daughter of Andrew Bertram of Aginâ€" court. I Here David Sr. died and William married. One of William’s children, David, married a Miss Leopard, the father and mother of the present David Yeamans of Agincourt. Mrs. Yeaman’s father, Andrew Bertram, came to Canada from Scotland and settling in Scarboro married Margaret daughter of James Glendinning, the latter being a relative of Mary Glen- dinning, wife of David Thomson, the first white settlers in Scarboro. So sparse was the population in those days that it is recorded on the grave of Mrs. Thomson. “She passed the first seven months, after their settle- ment, without seeing a woman, and the first she saw was an Indian.†Andrew Bertram served at the timel of the Fenian Raids and was with thei famous Scarboro Company when it was severely tested at Niagara at the time of the historic St. Alban’s Raid. So successful was he at the plough, that on March 26th, 1844, he was judge of the first ploughing match, held under the auspices of the Scar- boro Agricultural Society at Archie Muir’s farm, Kingston Road. WEEKLY NEWSY NOTES FROM THE AGINCOURT DISTRICT Opposite Orange Home THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mr. Yeamans is a noted Plowman, too, his skill being such, that he was appointed a\judge at many matches of importance. Time has taken a hand in shaping into modernism the crude methods of farming and marketing since the hap- py couple were children. The winding narrow Kennedy Road is now a high- way. Teams of oxen have been sub- stituted by the more upâ€"to-date autoâ€" mobile. The gossiping around the blacksmith’s door as ploughs were be- ing forged into shape for the famous ploughing matches is now substituted by sitting at home, and “listeningdn†Mrs. Yeamans, who is in splendid health, celebrated her 79th birthday on Feb. 17th, 1933. Mr. Yeamans health is fair and he is quite Spry at the age of 81. The couple have three children, Frederick on the old home- stead, Mrs. J. Reesor of Edlgeley, Miss Emily at home and six grand- children. Mrs. W. Miller, Toronto, is a sister of Mr. Yeamans. on the radio. Yet memories of happy childhood days often flicker through the minds of Mr. and Mrs. Yeamans as they sit on the verandah, looking out on the well kept farm lands once bush cleared by their pioneer ances- tors. Mr. Jas. Muirhead’s vocal solos, “My Ain Wee House†and “At The End of The Road,†were enthusias- tically received. ' ' Mrs. John Nicol is spending a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. John Watson. Mrs. G. French of Elmvale is spend- ing several weeks with her sister, Mrs. S. King. Miss Francis Blair spent the wee- end with her parents in Mimico. Mrs. S. King had a, jolly quilting party last Thursday afternoon. Miss Mildred Forfar gave an illus- trated address on “Esther†at Knox Presbyterian Y.P.S. service last Sun- day evening. We are pleased to learn of the im- provement in the condition of Miss Belle Nicol, in Grace Hospital, Tor- onto. Miss Mary Armstrong, Kingston Rd., was the guest of Miss Agnes Davidson over the weekâ€"end. Mrs. George Thomson of Markham and her granddaughter, Miss Jean Miller, teacher at 8.8. No. 4, Hillside, visited the former’s brother, MI: E. A. Milroy and Mrs. Milroy, last Satur- day. Miss Ruth Large was a guest with Toronto friends over the week-end. Mrs. A. D. Hay and Mrs. H. A. Ballard attended the banquet given by the Students’ Club of the Ontario College of Art last Friday evening. Mr. Thornton Purkes, formerly war correspondent in RuSSia was guest speaker on the subject “The Revo- lution in Russia.†The Adelphe C.G.I.T. group of Knox Presbyterian Church were en- tertained at the home of Miss Evelyn Barnet on Monday evening last week. The girls had a most enjoyable time. Sunday School and Church Service next Sunday as usual. The W.A. met on Wednesday, Mar. 29th, at the home of Mrs. Fat-rants with a good attendance of members and visitors, two new members join- ing. After the business of the meet- ing, afternoon tea. was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Duckett and Mrs. Allison Jr. An enjoyable meeting of the Y.P.S. was held last week. On Thursday, April 13th, a social will be held for members only. We are glad to report Miss Wood better again. Mh‘. C. Baker spent Sunday at Port Perry. Some time ago we visited the Rich- mond Hill Knitting Mills and repart~ ed that we found Richmond Hill’s newest industry busy and thriving. Again this week we visited the fac- tory and judging by appearances: everything is going fine and the in- dustry is progressing. The plant has been in operating for about fifteen months and on Wednesday when we dropped in a staff of seven was em- ployed. Mr. William Davies, the pro- prietor, expressed optimism concern- ing the future and satisfaction with the progress being made despite the difficult times The firm specializes in the manufacture of men’s and children’s knitted goods and now are selling to some of the leading retail establishments “of Canada. This is levidence that the products of Rich- mond Hill Knitting Mills must com- ‘pare favorably with that of old es- tablished firms, both as to quality land price. A display of the products I of the factory will be made this week end at Davies’ Dry Goods Store. HILL. Radio licenses for sale at Brathâ€" waite’s Hardware store. HARNESS FROM $25.00 PER SET P AT 'BILL NEAL’S, RICHMOND LOCAL FACTORY BUSY RICHVALE seed. 'Apply S. Wilkinson, R.R. No. T, York Mills. Telephone Agincourt 1 31'14. TIMOTHY SEED for sale. Apply H. A. Tutt, Thornhill, Ont. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"Brick house on Keele St., Maple. Apply F. Line, Telephone Maple 431. SEVERAL YOUNG PIGS, also 8 breeding ewes. Walter Reaman. Phone Maple 1564. GREY LLOYD FIBRE BABY CAR- RIAGE in excellent condition. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 28. LIGHT SUSSEX EGGS for setting; also parsnips. Anderson, 92 Rich- mond Street, Richmond Hill. CHATHAM INCUBATOR, 25o egg capacity. Apply Mrs. W. Morrison, Oxford St., Elgln Mills. SEED OATS 144. Apply J. Brum- well, R.R. No. 1, York Mills. Tele- phone Thomhill 45r2. weighing 1100. Apply Robt. Beatty, RR. No. 2, Gormley, Ont. MOORE ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 ele‘ ment, elevated oven and warming closet, good baker. Price reasonable. Apply Box 43, Liberal Office. HATCHING EGGS, barred rocks, bredâ€"to-lay strain, $2.50 per hundred. Apply Alvin Stephenson, RE. No. 2, Gormley. ONE BAY MARE 10 years old, AMERICAN BANNER OATS for SHETLAND PONY, Ford Coupe, Ford 1 ton trailer cheap. Apply A. MacKay, Stop 24, Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill. GARDEN PLOUGH, also Brooder Stove 500 capacity. Apply R. War- ren, Doncaster Gardens, Stop 141/.» Yonge Street. BANNER OATS, Government grade, No. 1, germination 98 per cent, 50c. per bushel. Robert Watson, Wood- bridge. Phone 2366. DINING TABLE and 6 chairs, in good condition,- also davenport and other articles of furniture. Mrs. E. Elliott, Thornhill. Phone 65. from heavy laying strain, 60c. a doz. Apply Edgar Fuller, R.R. No. 2, Gormley. Telephone Stouffville 9106. GRAINâ€"200 bushels of good seed oats, and 50 bushels of good goose wheat. Apply Wm. Leuschner, R.R. No. 2, Gormley. Telephone Richmond Hill 47r14. ROUEN DUCK EGGS for hatching MASSEY HARRIS BINDER, 7 ft. cut, 2 Massey Harris Mowers, 1 heavy roller, 2 drums, 1 light spring wagon, 1 McCormick Deering Wagon, a number of 60 lb. lard pails, 1 seed drill. Mrs. D. Kozak, Richmond Hill. BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING Our tenth year. Repeat orders from satisfied customers show it pays} to buy from experienced poultry fart mers. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. Opposite Orange Orphanage. Telephone King 16r26. April prices, Leghorns and Rocks $10.00 per hundred. Custom Hatch- ing $3.00 per hundred eggs. Member Canadian Chick Association. H. G. Mecredy. All kinds of furniture repaired and rebuilt; also woodturning of all des- criptions (lone. Workmanship guar- anteed. J. Stallibrass, 6 Markham Road, Richmond Hill; telephone 172. FRIDAY, APPRIL 7â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Duncan McKinnon, Lot 19, Con. 6, Vaughan, Vellore. Sale at 1 pm. Prentice ‘& Prentice, Auc- tioneers. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT“ RATESâ€"Five lines or less= 25 cents for ï¬rst i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. SALE REGISTER Higher Prices for Eggs and Poultry Next Fall and Winter _APRIL CHICKS PAYE’I BEST Not toe early or too late, not too hot or not too cold Be Ready for Next Season, Buy BRAY Chicks Now and cash in on the higher prices coming for Eggs and Broilers. From flocks 5 years Government approved, 7 years bloodtested. 100% live delivery guaranteed. Foundation eggs averaged 24 oun- ces and more to the dozen. Free booklet. Classified 'Advs. FOR SALE BRAY CHICK HATCHERY 80 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines. Ont. NEWMARKET HATCHERY -â€" 8 Botsford St. NOTICE Phone Newmarket 426 THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1933 OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT on Es- tate, good carpenter, gardening, poul- try, general repairs, domesticated, references. Apply Box 25, Liberal Office. ELECTRIC FORCE PUMP for pump- ing water in the house. C. Baker, Telephone Maple 264. QUEBEC HEATER, medium size, in- good condition, reasonable. Tele. phone Richmond Hill 233 or Liberal: Office. PARTY WANTS to buy oil stove, 2 or 3 burner, in good condition. Ap- ply, Phone 16, Rchmond Hill. DRIVER OR TRUCKER making reg- ular trips to city and returning empty to haul manure from York Mills twice weekly. Box 763, The Liberal. EXPERIENCED farm hand wants work on farm for the season, married, capable of taking responsibility or full charge. Apply William Greer, R. R. No. 3, Woodbridge. FIRST MORTGAGE. I have a client in Markham Township near Yonge Street with a 100 acre farm, good‘ buildings, who requires $1,500 on ï¬rst. mortgage. This property is worth many times the amount of mortgage and, of course, the security is un- questionable. Apply A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill, telephone 20. HOUSE on Roseview Avenue. Apply Wm. McNeely, Markham, Ont. LOWER DUPLEX, Yogge_ Str_ee_t. Roseview Avenue, all conveniences. Apply J. H. Jackson, Maple, telephone Maple 826. Abply W. C. Savagé or Wesley Palâ€" mer, Richmond Hill. FOR RENT 0R SALE brick house on 6 ROOMED HOUSE in centre of the Village, No. 82 Yonge Street, reason- able rent. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill, Ontario HOUSE on Centre Street West, 5 rooms and sum-00m, all modern con- veniences, good garden, garage, large verandah. Apply Box 203 Richmond Hill P. O. or telephone 89. Used Cars 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Excellent con- dition. 1932 FORD V-S DELUXE TUDOR 1931 mme PARCEL DELIVERY BRAND NEW 1932 4 CYLINDER FORD DeLUXE ROADSTER. A BARGAIN NEW CAR GUARANTEE Ford Sales and Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Little Brothers- All cars guaranteed for 30 days. Small Mileageâ€"A fine car. SPECIAL TO RENT WANTED $600.00 $375.00 $375.00