§___Heavy and Light Horses S‘XDDLE CLASSES HURDLE EVENTS VICTORIA DAY Wed’day, May 24 * RICHMOND HILL BIG PROGRAM OF ATHLETIC EVENTS Bailey’s Clown Band in Attendance HORSE SHOW Children’s Department Prize List (AGE FOUR 10. 11. 12. Ladies Archery, exhibit as a boy’s pet Water Color Painting . . . . . . . . Charcoal Drawing .. . . . . . . . ,. Bouquet of Wild Flowers . . . . . . Rabbits, buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabbits, doe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Display of Handwriting, 2 Maple Leaf Forever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child’s Pony Outfit, Local Entries only . .. garments to count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best decorated Doll House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Bird House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys’ Pet, judging to be based soley on value of Best Display of Plain Baking, 4 different items. . $2.00 Best Home-made Candy, 1 pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Doll dressed in fancy costume, cut and make of Pony Races, Football Tournament ‘ Horseshoe Pitching LADIES POLO GAME Richmond Hill Agricultural Society Class No. 14 verses, The J. A. GREENE, President R. S. COOPER, Secretary 2.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Double Columbia $1.00 .50 1.00 2.00 .75 2.00 1.00 Ladies Polo and the jumping events are sure to prove a popular attraction at the Fair. Malvern Hall Tues. May 23 Junior Farmers ANNUAL 4" THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Dance REFRESHMENTS SERVED ADMISSION 35 CENTS Unionville A memorial service will be'con- ducted in Eversley Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening- at 7:15 p.m. in memory of the late Rev. H. J. Ferguson of China who was a missionary there for many years. Rev. David Marshall of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church will be the speaker. Special music will also be rendered. » Ilantern slides on Northern On- tario and the Ferguson Highway were shown at the Y.P. meeting on Wed- nesday evening in the United Church. Miss Reeva Gambrill, missionary con- venor, was in charge of the program. A vocal duet was sung by Reeva Gambrill and Mae Boog. A violin solo was rendered by Charlie Gates. Just three more weeks and the end of the contest. Will it be Whirlwinds or Hustlers? A Mother’s Day service was held on Sunday afternoon in Laskay United Church. Rev. Davis delivered an inspiring address. A mother and father choir gave two numbers which were mushzemoyed. Bailey’s Clown Band will supply music and entertainment at the Fair. Mother’s Day services were con- ducted in all the local churches on Sunday. A special Mother’s Day program was followed at the United Church Sunday School on Sunday afternoon Rev. Davis gave a talk to t_l'_1_e qhildren. Mr. and Mrs. Howard‘ Manning of Guelph spent Mothers" Day visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning. The W.M.S. of Laskay United Church are havin'g a concert and‘ sup- per on Tuesday evening, May 23rd, Woodbridge Y.P. are putting on the play “The Eyes of Love.†On Sun- day, May 28th, at; 3 pm. and 7:15 p. m. there will be spec1al services. Dr. G. Robinson of New Toronto will be the special speaker. Maple Presby- terian choir will render special music at both services. These services are under_ the auspices of the "M‘r. aï¬d‘Mis/Leo Obham of Tor- onto visited friends in the village on Sunday. _ ~v...v...‘, . Many from here nlan to attend the annual Fair at Richmond Hill next Wednesday: _ At the meeting of the Young Peo- ple’s Society on Monday evening the topic was taken by Miss Muriel John- ston, and the Scripture lesson was read by Art. Foster. Miss Minnie Line and Miss Margaret Rumble gave a piano duet, Miss Edna Hapgood a recitation and Mrs. Jennings a read- ing. Two vocal selections were given by the McDonald Brothers and Mr. Musselman was appointed manager of the baseball team. VA 7 A large crbwd from this district will attend the Fair at Richmond Hill next Wednesï¬ay. A Seth Parker group of Ollivet congregation, Toronto, will give a musical on Friday, May 26th, at 8 m., in Eversley Presbyterian Churc . The program will be put on by the mothers of the church. Thirty char- acters will be in costume. Soloist, violinist and elocutionist will also be on the program. Twelve piece or- chestra. Strange 'Presbyterian Church are holding anniversary services on Sun- d‘av, May 28th, at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Rev. A. Hood, B.D., D.D. of McPherson Presbyterian Church, will be the speaker at both services. Special music will be rendered. MRS. P. WHITE RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT OF WOMEN’S INSTI- TUTEâ€"â€"FORTY TREES PLANTED IN PARK The United Church W.M.S. was held on Thursday afternoon in the Church Auditorium. Mrs. (Rev.) T. R. White, vice-president of Toronto Centre North Presbytery, was 'the guest speaker and gave a very fine address. Mrs. Cocking of Toronto also was a visitor and told a little of her work in Japan when she was a missionary there. Laskay W.M.S. visited this society. After the vIro- gram a dainty luncheon was served by the local society. » __n-. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s Church was held in the school room on Tuesday, May 9th. with the president in the chair. After the usual business, two quilts were quilted. After tea was served the meeting clpsed with player. “ Mrs. Lightfoot and Mrs. Irwin of Toronto visited at Mr. and' Mrs. W. Rolling’s home for the week-end. Mrs. W. Carson is visiting with her mother in Newmarket this week. A great number attended the Dance in McDonald and‘ Wells Hall on Saturday night. Another this Saturdav, May 20. Max Cameron’s orchestra. Farmer Ball, floor manâ€" ager. “R36? ‘fï¬Ã©'s'f'Wal‘lécé'bf Newtonville and his sister Mrs. Grainger of Tor- imto visited with friends in the vil- agq. - .. -vv‘.n Follow the crowds to the Rich- morï¬d Hill Fair next Wednesday, May 24t . The annual meeting OI the Mission Band was held in St. Andrew’s Church on Saturday when many of the mothers and other ladies of the congregation were entertained by the members. An interesting program was given and Miss Laidlaw of Tor- onto told a beautiful story to the children and Miss Walkington ex- hibited some curiosities from Japan, Manchuria, etc. Tea was then served by the members of the Band. St. Stephen’s W.A. held its month- ly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. McFeeley last Thursday afternoon. Quite a number of ladies took part in the quilting and later were joined at tea by a number of gentlemen. On Saturday over forty trees were planted in the park. These are soft Maples and in a short time will af- ford a good shade. Mr. J. T. Saigeon and Mr. C. Robâ€" eson are having their houses touched upiby a fresh coat of paint. _ p. The monthly meeting of the Wom- en’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. M. Palmer on Wednesday of last week. The roll call was responded to with current events and was followed by the election of officers. Mrs. P. White was re-elected as president and Mrs. J. Manning secretary-treasurer. Mrs. F. P. Rumble gave a paper on Agriculture and Miss Minnie Line a piano solo. The committee then served dainty refreshments. KING CITY MAPLE BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING Our tenth year. Reneat orders from satisfied customers show it pays to buy from exoerienced poultry far- mers. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. Opposite Orange Orphanage. Telephone King- 16r26. Prices, Leghorns $8.00, Rocks $10.00 “er hundred. Custom Hatching $3.00 per hundred eggs. Member Canadian Chick Association. H. G. Mecred'y. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up until June lst, 1933 for the construction of 1000 feet, more or less, of concrete sidewalk in the Po- lice Village of Maple. The constitu- ency of concrete to be 4 to 1, and the work must be completed b" July lst, 1933. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. ‘ For full narticulars apply to, J. A. ROSE, Trustee or J. B. McLEAN, Clerk. Mother’s Day Services were held last Sunday and were very interest- ing. Superintendant E. Bowen was in charge of the program furnished and filled his place admirably. The specâ€" ial features were: the choir, a duet “That Wonderful Mother of Mine†by Washers George and: Bruce Davis, readings by Misses Annie Walker and Louise Carson. Rev. Davis gave an address on Mother’s Day. There was a very fair turnout of people for the occasion. PUREBRED WHITE ROCK HATCH- ING EGGS, good laying- strain, 600 eggs from 30 birds during the month of Anril. All hatching- eggs sold weigh 25 025. per dozen and over. Price 50 cents a setting of 14 eggs. Miss R. Hood, R. R. No. 2, Gormley. Missionary evening at Y.P.S. was in charge of the President and there Was an interesting service. Ed Bbwen read the lesson, E. J. Hitchcock read a very interesting letter from Rev. Netram, Missionary at Selroul. India, Misses H. Diesman and A. Walker sang a duet accompanied by Miss F. McClus'key and a solo by Douglas Henderson. In the business part Miss Annie Walker was elected Mis- sionary Viceâ€"President in place of Miss H. Carson who was unable to take the office. With a full exec- utive the Y.P.S. will go ,ahead in its world - PH“ Roy Bowen was appointed to look after the interests of baseball for the coming season. There will in all “robability be a team in the schedule for the year, CHEVROLET TON TRUCK, Ford ton truck, sell cheap; also number of leather straps, six and seven feet long; one pair of goats. Apply Flet- cher, Spruce Ave., Stow 22A Yonge Street. ELECTRIC RADIOS from $12.00 up, Majestic electric refrigerators, elec- tric plug-in stoves with oven $14.95, radio licenses. G. Yerex, Markham Road. Mr. and Mrs. I Miss Bertie and I ster visited with I McDonald Sunday We are glad 156 welcome Mrs. Mc- Cluskey and family to our Y.P.S. meetings 7 again: Misvaarï¬ie Castator has a position at7Woogibridg‘e. Miss LauraTMcCIuskey has returned to Toronto to a ppsition there. EIGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSE with land one quarter of an acre in Village of Maple. Apply Mrs. Archie Mc- Quarrie. Phone Maple 2450. eendition, new tires, and new brékes, motor just overhauled. Apply Box 80 Liberal Office. Richmond Hill, Ont- 7 Mrs. Mood†of'Toronto. Mr. Moody and Noreen visited with Ella Mc- Iaughlin Sugdav. Laughlin Sundav. Mr. Jack Bateman of Toronto vis- ited at McCluskey’s for a few davs and thinks there is no place like the country. FURNITURE, 9 piece walnut dining room suite; 1 single bed, spring and mattress; 1 mahogany dresser. In- quire after 6:30 pm. at 9 Lucas St. BROTHERTQN’S 1927 CHEVROLET COACH in good 1 ACRE AND 5 ROOMED COTTAGE on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, cheap.__-.App1_y_ H: MacMillan, Rich- mona Hill.“Télephone 30W. JERSEY HEIFER, 2 ,vears, fresh with heifer calf at side, purebred and T. B. tested. Apply Cline Burr, But- tonville. Special Sailings to the Homeland by: Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines :1; Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 631 Office Stop 6, Yonge St. Lansing Open 9 am. to 9 p.111. HEN HOUSE, 24x15 feet, in excel- lent condition, good as new. Ap Box 64, The Liberal, Richmond Hi 5‘? FRAME GARAGE, 16 by 10 feet, shingle roof, bargain for quick sale. Apply P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill. TENDERS “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. BOOKING OFFICE Classified Advs. FOR SALE TESTON Harry Forster with Master Harold Forâ€" E. Hitchcock and. A. THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1933 SATURDAY, MAY 27thâ€"Cash sale of valuable household furniture, the property of B. Ward, 31 Centre St., Aurora. This furniture is practically new. No reserve as the owner is re- turning to England. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 D.S.T. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. WELLS, WELLS, WELLS, clean out or new ones to dig. I find you water and dig your well. If no water, no pay. All cistern and concrete crib- bing done at very low rates. Write Wm. Paul, Richvale P.O., Stop 22A, Yonge Street, Spruce Ave. TUESDAY, MAY 30thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, étc., the property of John A. Cosg'rove, west half Lot 28, Con. 2 Markham. Pren- tice and Prentice, auctioneers. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Asses- sment Roll for the Township of Mark- ham will be held in Township Hall, Unionville, on MONDAY, MAY 22nd, 1933 at 2 o’cIOck p.m. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the said year 1933. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. _G. A._ M. DAY1S_ON,W HOUSE on Centre Street West, Rich- mond Hill, nosession July lst, six rooms, hardwood floors, all conven- iences. Apply Mrs. W. Mortson. 107 Walker Ave., Toronto, phone Kingsâ€" dale 5613. FYVIE IDEALâ€"Champion Clydes- dale Stallion will make the season standing at his own stable, N0. 7 Highway near Unionville, every week day except Tuesday. This stallion is three years old, weighs 1900 lbs., and has been a prominent prize Winner at the largest shows of Canada, and won four Championships in two years. Enrolled as a government premium stallion. TERMS: To insure foal $10.00, payable March 1934. OSCAR COX Owner Unionville, Ontario PASTURE for a limited number of cattle; also 100 bus. of good oats for sale. Apply L. H. Clement, Rich- mond Hill. Telephone Richmond Hill 35M or Maple 349._ 6 ROOMED HOUSE, summer kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft water, good garden, moderate re_nt. Apply 87 Yong-e St., Richmond H111. Clerk of the said Municipélity. Unionville, M?" 2nd, 1933. HOUSE on Richmond Street, Rich- mond Hill, near Yonge Street, low rent. Apply 0. L. erght, phone 78. HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap- ply Mrs. J. A. Greene, Richmond Hill- YOUNG couple with 1 child desire 3 or 4 housekeeping rooms in Rich- mond Hill. Apply Box 54 Liberal Office. Used Cars 1932 FORD, 4 Cylinder Fordor Sedan Excellent Condition 1930 FORD TUDOR 1931 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY Court of Revision 1929 DURANT COACH All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 days RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Little Brothers TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM MISCELLANEOUS Ford Sales and Service SALE REGISTER Stock Register COUNTY OF YORK Municipality of the TO RENT $525.00 WANTED $275.00 $275.00 $175.00