RICHMOND HILL, RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Be sure of a thlesome, Pure, Safe supply by get- ting yours daily from BECAUSE it is rich in vitamins, minerals and pro- teins, milk is the ideal food for all, and an absolutely necessary food for children. Use it in preparing their desserts and other foods; serve a glass at every meal; give them warm milk at bedtime. MILK This week’s feature is a drive for New Subscribers. With each year 50,000 Extra Votes will be added, or 70,000 in total votes for one Year's New Subscription. This credit is given with a View to having the Candidates secure as many New Subscribers as possible, and also to induce those not taking the paper to subscribe this week in order to give their favorite Candidate the largest number of vot es. Q Ezwlg Good for One Week Only Tuesday, May 16th to Monday, May 22nd o o For the Largest Cash returns between Tuesday, May SpeCIal Prize CAMERA PAGE 81). FOR ENERGY Phone 42 Richmond Hill Grand Prize Awards Include the following V 'h: x3 ;=‘~ . ‘ - :1 The Richmond “Liberal†Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood and daugh- ters Allison and Ainslie visited friends in Toronto Sunday afternoon. Mother’s Dav was generally obser- ved here. Flower gifts and other tokens of affection were hrouzht to mother hv the members of the fam- ily. “Honor th,v father and thy mother that thy days, may be long The Leaside Girls gave a. dance on Wednesday night at Adam’s Pavilion. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell visited rel- atives in Azincourt on Sunday. Mrs. B. Hope and Miss Duncan of Toronto visited the farmer’s mother, Mrs. J. Clavton, on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Lennox of Kingston Rd. is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Gal- Iowa A number of the ladies of the Wom- en's Missionary Society accepted the invitation to attend a meeting in Sherbourne Street United Church, Toronto, on Wednesday last. A mis- sionary on furlough from Korea gave an interesting address. Luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. Sorfv to repdrt that Mr. Cecil has been 111. He is on a fair way to reâ€" covery. Messrs. Wilson and Nelson Johnson and Victor Little visited Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Johnson, Shanty Bay, on Sun- day. Mr. L. Reesor, Scarboro Junction, Mrs. Henry Mason and daughter Eve- lyn, Agincourt, visited Mr. C. Lam- oreaux and son Ross on Sunday. Mr. Bert Hope and daughter Lois visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hope, on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band of Ebenezer United Church will be held in the church on Saturday afternoon at the usual time. KELVINATOR ELECTRIC ' REFRlGERATOR David Hill 3: Company MILLIKEN Richmond Hill on display by upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.†The Bov Scouts of Unionville, on Sunday afternoon at Ebenezer ceme- tery, placed a wreath on the grave of Theadore Dixon, a deceased Brother Scout, Rev. D. A. MacKeracher tak- ing: part in the ceremony. Misses Clare and Muriel McConnel of Toronto visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McConnel, for the week- end. 2436 Yonge Street, Toronto At the Mother’s Day service in the Sunday School at Ebenezer, Mrs. ( Rev.) MacKeracher gave the talk. Doris Beare read the lesson and Mur- iel Macklin told a story. Mrs. Hamill and son visited her daughter, Mrs. Earl Risebrough, on Sunday. Little Ted Emery of Toronto visited Master Melville Davies on Sunglayn 7 Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell were Toronto visitors on Sat- urday night. 7 1 Mr. Shannon has been on the'sick ist. BEAUTIFUL CHESTERFIELD Has feather down filled detached cushions at back, Marshall spring seat cushions, solid walnut carving. â€" on display by â€"- Seeding operations, delayed by cold, wet weather for some time, are now general throug‘hOut the province. Fall wheat, alfalfa and clovers continue in excellent con- dition in most sections, while or- chards look promising and spray- ing‘ is being more carefully under- taken this year than for some vears. Strawberries appear to have wintered exceptionally well. Hatcheries report an increased business in baby chicks. and poul- try flocks nroperlyâ€"handled have beenrone of the best paying proâ€" nositions during: BUEDEQHEP ES Weekly Crop Report Name of Candidate This coupon, when neatly cut out and mailed or brought to Campairn Headquarâ€" ters, will count for the person whose name is written above. In each issue during the campaign. Start saving these nowâ€"if not for yourself, for your favorite candidate. Save These Coupons Iv. , x, 1,000 FREE VOTES FOR the paét ééaéon THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FURNITURE CO., LIMITED Mr. and Mrs. J. Stevenson visited with Miss A. Bone on Sunday. Mr. P. O. Drury has had an oper- ation on his eyes for a form of cat- aract. Owing this he has handed in his resignation as choir leader. Miss Carrie Hayter and Miss Eileen Saunders of Toronto spent the week- end at the home of Mr. A. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. G. Snider spent Sunâ€" day at her parents home at Aurora. I Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. J. Anderson’s. Mrs. L. Adkins and children of Tor- onto are visiting this week with her garents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vander- urg. There was a good attendance at the Y.P. meeting on Mondav evening. The meeting was in charge of Mr. Stuart Wark. The lesson was read by Miss Olive Bovair. The program consisted of a solo by Mr. Stuart Wark, reading by Mr. Lloyd Gane and an organ solo by Miss Ruth Bone. The meeting next Monday night is in the form of a social evening to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker, Elgin Mills. Mr. and day at her Mr. and spent Sund Several residents of Carrville spent an enjoyable evening at a meeting at Richmond Hill, last Friday evening, of a new political party, the C.C.F., Facts from Hansard being read, which moved that some changes must be made if the common people are to survive. CARRV ILLE nlnLn...l, 91 94 MAN’S HEART STOPPED, STOMACH GAS CAUSE W. L. Adams was bloated so with gas that his heart often missed beats after eating. Adlerika rid him of all gas, and now he eats anything and feels fine. Druggist equipment used exclusively on our up-to-date plant. Bring your eggs in NOW. or write or phone your lieser- vation of space. Prices: Up to 1000â€"3c. per egg. Over 1000â€"2V2c. per egg. WRAY HATCHERY â€" Garden Ave., Langstaff Phone â€" Thornhill 47-R-23 Custom Hatching Richmond Hillll G. H. GLENN GILSON ELECTRIC WASHER on display by Other Valuable Prizes Richmond Hill F.Y.W. Brathwaite Electric Range The place to see old friends is at the Richmond Hill Fair, Mav 24th. THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1933 GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62. I Y0ur chicks are strong and healthy when hatch- 9 ed in the modern “Bundy Sanitary Hatchery†Richmond Hill on display by This is your oppor- tunity to save money, and make big profits. Poultry stocks in stor- age are lowest in years. Good prices are assured for your eggs and fowl this autumn. SAND â€"- GRAVEL From Maple Gravel Pit Thomhill