From tuberculin tested herds, produced under the super- vision of the Health dept. of Toronto. Some of the duties of this Dept. are as followsâ€"Bacteria tests for bottles, cans and equipment, butter fat tests proper pasteurization sedi- ment tests. etc. as well as inspection of cows and farm prem- ises of all milk shippers. All of which must meet with their requirements. WE CAN ASSURE YOU OF A SUPPLY OF THE FIN- EST QUALITY OF MILK, CREAM AND BUTTERMILK, AS WELL AS BUTTER AND EGGS. Over ten thousand satisfied customers is our best advertisement. =0=0=0=0=¢ Mrs. Martha Thompson and daugh- ter Miss Minnie Thompson of Toronto called on old friends in Town on Fri- day last. Miss Effie Miller of Toronto Who has been spending a week with Miss M. Sommerville returned home on Saturday. 0:10. Mrs. Geo. Murphy left on Monday to visit her father, Mr. Henry Welch of New Carlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Parkinson and daughters of Toronto visited Mrs. J. R. Hood on Sunday. | Miss Watson and Mr. Allan Meade of Port Credit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Watson on Sunday. Mr. L. Kennedy of Vineland, New Jersey, is'holidaying with his brother Dr. A. Kennedy. The annual meeting of the Ladies Lawn Bowling Club is announced for Friday evening next at the home of the president, Mrs. J. R. Hood. It is desired that all those interested in this popular sport will plan to attend as the memberships for the coming season will be received at this meet- ing. The Lawn which is now con- sidered to be one of the best in York County and is well equipped along with a thriving club is indeed an asset to any community. Plan to become a member as soon as possible so that the schedule of events may be ar- ranged. l Miss Powell, Departmental Repre- sentative, will be the guest speaker at the June meeting of the local Womâ€" en’s Institute which will convene at the home of Mrs. B. Sabiston on Thursday afternoon next. The memâ€" bers are reminded that this is the annual picnic meeting. It is desired that as many as possible will attend. The Junior Farmers Dance held in Malvern Hall on Tuesday night proved a decided success and why __ not? Failures in Junior Farmer en- The funeral of the late Mrs. Robt. terprizes are not catalogued. These Petch took place on Friday from her energetic young folk have a way with late residence. Rev. D. A. MacKerâ€" them, if you don’t believe it, attend acher conducted the funeral service. the next regular meeting and be mm The late Mrs. Petch was a life long Vinced. An educational program and ; resident of this community and was a jolly time is always scheduled. [62 years old. Some three years ago The local “Cubbies†had the firstFwith her husband retired ‘from the baseball game of the season with theffarm and came to live in Milliken. Markham “Cubbies†on Monday eveâ€"{She was much devoted to church ac- ning. The score was in favor of the itivities and work and was a life mem- visitors, but wait until the next gamerer of the W.M.S. and a member of it may be a different story. Under the WA. of Ebenezer United Church. the supervision of M. Thurston the “At the service Mr. John and Miss Ella local Cubs enjoyed a hike to Box Pike sang solos. The members of Grove on the holiday. Ithe W.M.S. and WA. occupied the Miss Powell, Departmental Repre-Echoir chairs. For many years Mrs. sentative, will be the guest speaker Petch taught the girls class in the at the June meeting of the local Wom- ' Sunday School. She is survived by en’s Institute which will convene at ‘her husband, one daughter Lera, one the home of Mrs. B. Sabiston on son Percy and 2 grandchildren and Thursday afternoon next. The memâ€"'one sister Miss Gertrude Eckhardt. bers are reminded that this is the The pall-bearers were Mr. Wm. Gough annual picnic meeting. It is desired Mr. Robt. Coulson, Mr. Jas. Macklin, that as many as possible will attend. ‘Mr. A. Risebrough, Mr. D. Shadlock The annual meeting of the Ladies and Mr. W. Hope. Our sympathy is Lawn Bowling Club is announced for extended to her family at this time Friday evening next at the home of[ in their bereavement. Central United Y.P.S. had an in- teresting meeting on Monday eve- ning last when the topic was in charge of Evelyn McClellan, Christine Mur- phy, and Marion Warne taking the devotional exercises. Misses Milner of Toronto spent the Phone LOmbard 7001 & 1765 On Thursday evening last Mr. Edwin Dixon, our local Taxidermist and Naturalist, presented an inter- esting lecture on North American birds in the Dixon Hill School. In- teresting slides personally prepared by Mr. Dixon accompanied the lec- ture; Mr. Dixon has an extensive collection of birds, eggs and nests that is perhaps the best in Canada. The lecture was well attended and Miss Bebe the teacher of the school presided. ROSELAWN FARMS Limited A delightful event in which fifty neighbors participated, was the eve- ning spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kincaid on Saturday last when they assembled to pay tribute to this couple on the eve of their de- parture for their new home in Union- ville. During their sojourn in that vi- cinity many lasting friendships have been made that will ever be the con- necting link between these neighbors although living in distant places. On behalf of the gathering Mr. Geo. Compton expressed this feeling of good-will and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid following which Miss Alberta Stiver presented an Electric‘ Clock. A delightful social hour that} included games and refreshments had a part in this delightful evening. Unionville extends a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid and trust they may- enjoy a long and happy residence here. Drink Roselawn Jersey or Approved Milk WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM 1 S THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICTj P THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1933 10=0=0=0=0=0=OEQ 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Public Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. Monday 8 p.m.â€"Y.P.S. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2:30 p.‘m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. 7:30 p.m.â€"Y.P.S. ST. PHILLIPS ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 1 Mrs. M. Hemingway visited her sis- ter Miss M. Goode of Toronto over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Heisey and sons 'Allan and Larry of Toronto spent the [holiday with Mrs. W. M. Smith. Miss Christine Murphy and Miss iJune Warne were Toronto visitors on i Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. Milford McDowell spent Sunday at Tyrone. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Church Schnnl Mrs. Harry Walsh of Toronï¬; Has been the guest at the home of Mrs. F. Boadway during the past week. Miss Lillian Parkinson of Toronto spent the holiday at her home here. Mr. Jas. Sims of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gray. Mrs. Deaken, nee. Grace Rannie, of Fort William, and her mother, Mrs. C. Rannie of Guelph, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver last week. Mrs. 0. McCrowan of Toronto was the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Boad- way, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Knight and daughter of Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rush. 1181' To my fellow-officers and directors I extend my sincere thanks for their loyal support and attribute to their untiring efforts the success of the 1933 Fair. To one and all, I say, THANK YOU. To those who contributed financial support we are very thankful, because without the aid of such subscriptions the annual fair could not be fi- nanced. ****-xâ€"* On behalf of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society I wish to extend thanks to the general public for the whole- hearted and enthusiastic pat- ronage of the Fair on Wed- nesday, and assure you that such ~support is encourage- ment to the members of this Society to go ahead with greater efforts to prepare for a bigger and better fair next year. day with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mil- J. A. GREENE, President Richmond Hill Agricultural Society CROWDED OUT , Owing to the holiday on Wednesday I I > many interesting news items are un- . , fortunately omitted from this issue, Emma Hm 54 E but as many as possible of such items muo=°=o will be included in our next issue. THANK YOU "...'tttttt Generous prizes are given for these competitions and many competitors haw been brought out in the past. These competitions are open to ail young men and women in York County. A special program for the girls will be held in the afternoon when canning demonstrations will be given by Sen- for members of different clubs under the supervision of the Instituute’s Branch, Toronto. The Competitions will conclude with a banquet in the evening- where pres- entation of prizes will be made YORK JUNIORS HOLD ANNUAL JUDGING COMPETITIONS The annual Junior Farmer-5’ Live Stock Judging Competition and Junâ€" ior Institutes' Household Science Judging- Competition will be held in the Richmond Hill district on Wedâ€" nesday. May 31st. Registration will take place at 8:30 standard time in the Town Council Chambers. Bring the family along: and have a good time. No admission charge. There will also be a program of music and recitations, and an address by_z_an a_b1e speaker. ‘The Races, will Start promptly at 1:30 p.m. standard time, and the Fiddlers Contest at 2. Another is Races for the childrenâ€" first, for kiddies 5 years old and unâ€" der; second, for girls 10 years old‘ and under; and third, for boys 10 years old and under. Lots of prizes for these events. A most interesting program is be- ing prepared, one of the main fea- tures being a contest for Old Fiddlers over 60 years of ageâ€"three cash prizes will be given. A large number of entries is expected. CONTEST FOR OLD FIDDLERS OVER 60 YEARS OF AGE In commemoration of the June Feast Day of the Children of Peace the York Pioneer and Historical So- ciety always celebrates at the old Temple in York Pioneers Park, Shar- on. This year the date is Saturday, June 3rd. KING’S BIRTHDAY WEEK-END TRAVEL BARGAIN ' Round trip Toronto to Ottawa and Montreal Friday, June 2nd, $5.00. Re- turn Saturday 01' Sunday. Telephone nearest C.N.R. ticket office for fur- ‘ther particulars. ’ TO GIVE CONCERT Miss Marion Douglas, 14 year old granddaughter of Rev. E. T. Douglas, a former minister in this district, and Canada’s only girl Xylophone radio artist, will take part in a concert in Markham Town Hall Saturday, May 27th. The regular meeting of the United Church W.M.S. will meet in the Sun- day School room on Thursday, June 1st, at 3 pm. At this meeting, Japan will be the main topic and sketches will be given by Mrs. A. J .Hume, Mrs. G. Gee and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson. A duet will be given by Miss M. Wright and Miss Smith. All ladies of the congregation are urgently re- quested to attend as this will be the last meeting before the holidays. A large crowd representative of the entire district and including many from Toronto enjoyed the fourth an- nual mu’sical festival of the Richmond Hill United Church last Sunday eve- ning. The numbers by the massed choir of 100 voices under Mr. Melecci were much appreciated and the numâ€" bers by Mr. Norman Wilks, pianist, were impressive and inspiring. Mr. Peter Kennedy of St. James-Bond Church, Toronto, was guest organist and conductor and the choir of that church also assisted in the service. Much credit for the success of the evening is due to Mr. Melecci the choir leader of the church and to the members of the choir who devoted much time and effort in preparation for the evening’s program. The annual Court of Revision for Markham Township was held ast Monday afternoon. Eleven ap eals were presented and reductions of $200 and $100 were made in some cases, but no substantial change was made in the roll as submitted by the asses- SOTS. H. Eckhardt, Mr" J. LockieWWilson,‘ -Mr. James Cosgrove, Mr. William Cook, K.C. _,_......D __ -â€" EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Special Evangelistic Services will be held in the Jefferson Public School by Messrs. Garner and Stewart of the Faith Mission of Great Britain and Canada. Commencing Sunday, May 28th, at 7:30 p.m., standard time, they will†continue each Week-night at 8 p.m. (except Saturday). As this cam- paign will be of an interdenomination- al character the co-operation is asked (Discussion group). 3rdâ€"Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Including a hike and supper, and continuing through the eve- ning). 4thâ€"Closing worship service at 9:30 am. Sunday. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 28th 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. 2:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"The Minister. Sunday, June 4th of the members of all denominations. 11 a.m.â€"Quarterly Communioï¬ Ser- Come and bring your friends. vice. Among the Toronto visitors at the Fair were: Mr. D. W. Harvey, Gen- eral Manager of the T.T.C., Mr. A. J. H. Eckhardt, Mr J. Lockie Wilson, Mr. James Cosg'rove, Mr. William Cook, K.C. Pupils of Mr. A. Melecci will give a recital in the Sunday School room of Richmond Hill United Church Friday evening, June 6th, at 8:30 pm. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COURT OF REVISION Social and Personal ‘ UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. LARGE CROWD ENJOY MUSICAL FESTIVAL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Spring Rushes In “Behind the door of Winter The Spring on tiptoe stands, With daffodils and crocuses And tulips in her hand. She trembles on the threshold; Then bravely lifts her chin As if to say, “I’m not afraid,†And, laughing, rushes in.†“Poetry is the fruit that comes from the soul of man.â€â€"John Mase- field. Guests of Mrs. McCluskey on Sun- day were, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Walâ€" lace, Woodbridge, Mr. Henry Mc- Cluskey, Cobourg, and Miss Jean Coots, Toronto. Master Albert Hall celebrated his fifth birthday Monday when he en- tertained his little friends, Masters Irwin and Lennie Cooper and Miss Marion Mrs. Buckland of Toronto is guest of Mrs. McCluskey for a weeks We expect a visit from Mr. Bate- man of Toronto for the week-end when he will address the Y.P.S. At a meeting Monday, May 22nd, to decide matters for the annual Strawberry Festival and Anniversary,‘ the dates set were Sunday, June 25th, and Wednesday, June 28th. Further announcement will be made. Mrs. Bates called on Mrs. Taggart one evening last week. The Women’s Association met lasl Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Gar- net Diesman with a fine attendance Rev. and Mrs. Davis were present. A feature of the afternoon was a con- test “A floral description of a bride, the winners being Miss H. Diesman and Mrs. Bates. Lunch was served and a collection taken. On Monday evening May 29th, there will be an entertainment under the auspices of the Y.P.S. when Laskay will present their one act play “The Neighbors†and Temperanceville an- other one act play “The Rector.†These plays will make a very pleas- ant evening and the price of admis- sion is small. Come and enjoy an evening with the Y.P.S. in the United Church at 8 p.m., May 29th. The Y.P.S. on Sunday evening was enjoyed by all. Miss Marie Castator, the vice-president of the Citizenship Department, was in charge. Douglas Henderson led in prayer and Roy Bowen read the lesson. Jim McClus- key gave a solo witir Quitar accom- paniment. Mr. E. J. Hitchcock gave the topic “James and the Perfect Law.†Other matters were discussed and the meeting closed with the Lea- gue Benediction. IRISHâ€"At Willowdale, on Wednes- day, May 24, Beatrice A. Irish, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Irish, in her 25th year. Funeral Friday, 26th inst, at 2:30, Daylight Saving. Interment Thorn- hill Cemetery. Service at her late residence on Thursday, 25th inst, at 3 o’clock (Standard Time). Interment Victoria Square North Cemetery. DIED HOPPERâ€"At Victoria Square, on Tuesday, May 23, Alice J. Hopper, in her 65th year. May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. War- rington, Richmond Hill, a. daughter (Edith Carrol). 11 a.m.â€"Ordination of Elders. 2:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Service. 8 p.m.â€"ClaSS for Young Communâ€" icants. ' Sunday after Ascension Day, May 28 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 Emuâ€"Evgzn’ing’ Prayer. Sunday Schobl wilvl be at 10 a.m. during June, July and August. Sunday, May 28th 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. 2:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"The Minister. C.G.I.T. CONFERENCE Any girls who may be interested are invited to attend the C.G.I.T. con- ference for North York at the United Church, May 26, 27, 28. The regis- tration fee is 10c., and the sessions are arranged as follows: lstâ€"Friday at 7:30 p.m. 2ndâ€"Saturday at 9:30 p.m. BIRTH WARRINGTON â€"- On Wedhesday, RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL TESTON DIED Selected. the few Sub-section IVâ€"All contributions, assessments and proceeds from Coun- cil activities shall be received by Secretary and after recordings amounts and source, forwarded to Treasurer. Section Vâ€"Assistant Secretary. Sub-section Iâ€"Assistant. Secretary shall prepare and give out all press announcements and notices, pertain- ing to Council activities. ' Sub-section IIâ€"All bills, receipts,‘ vouchers. check stubs. bank book and "err‘rd books shall be presented for audit at least three weeks previous to annual meeting. I Sub-section IIâ€"Secretary shall not- ‘fy all Council members of Regular Council meetings at least three days m'evious to meeting, and shall notify 111 Council members of Special Coun- cil meetings at least ten days pre- vio_us, Inclusive of notification date. Subâ€"section IIIÂ¥W}EEEéH‘ reports and all correspondence shall be re- ï¬ailxefi by $ecreï¬tary. \f the Executive members. Notifi- ‘ation shall be at least seven days ‘1'evious to meeting. ~§ection VIâ€"Treasurer. Section IIIâ€"Second Vise-iï¬resid‘erit â€"shall also assist in supervision of Councii activities and preside at Council meetings and Executive meet- ings in absence of both senior officers. Section IVâ€"Secretary Sub-Sectionâ€"Secretar" shall keep the minutes of all regular and special meetings. Section IVâ€"Subsequent Convenors will be members of executive on en- dorsement by 80% of Council mem- bers. By-law IVâ€"Duties of Officers. Section Iâ€"Presidentâ€"shall convene and preside at All Council and Exec- utive \meetings. He or she shall super- vise all activities of Council. Section IIâ€"First Vice-Presidentâ€" shall assist in supervision of Council activities and preside at all Council meetings and Executive meetings, in the absence of the President. Sub-section IIâ€"Assistant Secretary â€"shall be Executive Secretary con- ‘rening such committee on order of Di‘esident or on petition of two-thirds Section Iâ€"Hon. Presidentsâ€"one from each church in advisory capac- ity. Section IIâ€"President, First Vice- President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Assistantâ€"Secretary, Treas- urer and all Past Presidents. Section IIIâ€"Convemrs of Perman- ent Committeesâ€"Tennis, Social, Draâ€" matic ï¬nd Rally Convenors. Section IVâ€"Council Executive must authorize all expenditures, except in an emergencyâ€"at which time the President Will issue 3 Written order, with the approval of 6 Executive members. By-law IIIâ€"Executive of Council. cil. Section IIIâ€"Counciiwyvnust author» ize, organize and diwct all joint ac- tivitieg throughout the year. Sub-section Iâ€"Treasurerâ€"shall re-l win all bills, receipts, vouchers and] 'ocnrris of receipts and expenditures 'uving his or her term of office. I Section Iâ€"The Council shall have complete jurisdiction over all joint activities and is not obliged to secure endorsement of unit branches, except through their representatives. Seciion IIâ€"Cotincil inter- fere in any way with the internal activities oifriany branch. Richmond Hill Arena Saturday, May 27th, If - "’†TORONTOS By-law IIâ€"Pov Council Executive (c) Temporalry suBstliullog "of members illegal unless member is ill or outâ€"ofâ€"town on business. (d) Past President’siéifï¬Yloung Peo- ple’s Council will be ex-officio mem- bers. Sub-sectiOn IIâ€"(a) Prevsrirrlieniis and Secretaries or their permanent per- sonal representatives shall be Counâ€" cil members exâ€"officio. (b) Three membéi‘s of Council will be Elected by each unit branch. Sï¬b-section Iâ€"Five rii’e'rï¬ié‘rs from eaghAunit branch of the Council. -BOX Lacrosse- Section IIIâ€"The Council shall be composed of fifteen members. Section IIâ€"The member organi- zations shall beâ€"St. Mary’s A.Y.P. A., Presbyterian Y.P.S. and United Y.P.S. Section Iâ€"The name shall b4 “Richmond Hill Young People’s Coun‘ cil.†By-law Iâ€"Specificati Branch and Delegates. Young People’s Council News Sub-section HIVâ€"Treasurer’s reports Admission 25c. OFFICIAL OPENING TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE SENIOR SERIES YOUNG CANADIANS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Powers of Council and Children up to and including Public School age admitted free when ac- companied by parents. Unaccox Name C. l. L. Plant Food HOLSTEIN BREEDERS WILL HOLD PICNIC The annual picnic of the York County Holstein Breeders’ Associa- tion will be held at the farm of Hon. G. S. Henry. Oriole, on Saturday, June 3rd. Picnic dinner at 12:30 standard time. Sports and judging competitions will be held commencmq at 2:30 p.m. Everyone is cordially in- Yited to this outing. Phone 10, I. D. RAMER & SON Authorized and passedâ€"Monday evening, May lst, 1933. (1) Notice of motion to amend constitution, specifying alterations or additions is given at a previous reg- ular meeting of Council. (2) A metion to suspend the rules receives the support of 80% of the Council members, that is (12) twelve members. Section IIâ€"Noï¬-Caï¬ï¬‚Ã©ï¬ rib-(it‘lï¬k-fl members may be selected by Conven- or as committee members in an ad- v1s_or3( capacl‘gv. Byilaw‘ VIIâ€"Amending of Consti- tution. » Section Vâ€"Executive shall be con- vened by Assistant Secretary as pro- vided in Sub-section IVâ€"Section‘ Vâ€" By-Iaw IV. By-Iaw VIâ€"Committees. Section Iâ€"Council shall appoint Convenors to investigate, organize ans report 0‘13 any proposes! activity._ Section Iâ€"This constitution is sub- ject to ammendment ifâ€" Section IIIâ€"A quorum of Council shall consist of 10 members. Section IVâ€"A quoruiririxrof the Exec- utive shall consist of 6 officers. Section lIâ€"The Special meeting of Council shall be held on a Friday, with proper notification as nrovided in Sub-section IIâ€"Section IV of By- law IV. Section I~The Regular Council meeting Will be held on the first Fri- day of each month on notiï¬cation by Secretary as provided in By-Iaw IVâ€" Section- IVâ€"Sub-section II. Sub-section Vâ€"Convenor shall sub- mit Written committee report to President or acting President, at least two days previOUS to Regular Council meeting. Sub-Eection VIâ€"Convenor may authorize small exbend‘itures when approved by President or acting President. By-law Vâ€"Meetings of Council and Executive Committee. Sub-section IIIâ€"Non-active com mittee members shall be replaced by convenor and work of committee del- egated to all committee members. Sub-section IVâ€"Convenor will or- ganize and direct all activities relat- ing to his or her committee, when such activities have been approved by the Council. Sub-section IIâ€"Convenor is entire- ly responsible for his or her commit- tee and reports should be made reg- ularly to Council for endorsement, re- jection, alteration or any action deemed necessary by Council. shall be presented at every regular Council meeting and the annual reâ€" port must have the auditor’s certif- icate attached. Sub-section IVâ€"Accounts shall be paid \monthly by cheque, when pro- perly‘huthorizedâ€"as stated in By-law IIâ€"Section IV. Section VIIâ€"Convenors. Sub-section Iâ€"Convenor Will ap- point his or her committee from coun- cil members, avoiding as‘ far as pos- sible the duplication of members on too many committees. The Complete Plant Food In 5 lb. Packetsâ€"45c. Vigoroâ€"The square meal for Plants For Shrubs, Lawns and Gardens In 5 lb. Cartonâ€"45c. 25 lb. Bagâ€"$1.65 Phone 10 For a Supply THE MODERN WAY TO HOME BEAUTY Use Vigoro Unaccompanied 150. PAGE FWD 8.30