Questions V concerning Heélth, 'ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184- College Sfreet. Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. It is unusual to advise anyone to put off, and we do not give the ad- vice in the sense that it is sufficient simply to put off these diseases. Rather do we with to‘stress the parâ€" ticular dangers they present during the earliest years ofra child’s life. Because these diseases are serious, every effort should be made to proâ€" tect children from them. There is never any excuse for "carelessness which leads to the exposure of a child to the danger of disease. Above all does this apply to children during the first years of life. The parent whose care has kept his child from the dangers of measles and whooping- cough during these early years has accomplished something that is Very much Worth-While. The lesson to be learned anpears to be that measles and whooping-cough are particularlv fatal during the ear- liest years of life. Measles takes its heaviest toll from among children one year of age. A large number die from this disease before they are a year old. Three- quarters of the deaths from measles occur before the fifth year of life. It should be clearly understood that measles and whoopingâ€"cough are serious diseases, and that they are directly responsible for a large num- ber of deaths. It should be known also that more than half of the deaths from whooping-cough t_ake place, be- fore the first birthday, and that over ninety per cent of these deaths occur during the first four years of life. In other words, children over four years of age comparatively seldom die frond whooping-cough. Because our knowledge is limited and because we lack the specific means for prevention, such commu- nicable diseases as measles and whoop- ing-cough cannot be eradicated. But even with our present limited kn0w- ledge, 21 great deal can be done to lessen the number of deaths for which measles and whooping-cough are responsible. 7We have the means to make other communilcable diseases rare. Diph- theria will disappear from our midst just as soon as all children are imâ€" mu_nized against this disease. A few generations ago, the same attitude was hled with regard to smallpox, plague, typhus fever and typhoid fever. These diseases are now rare because methods for their prevention have been discovered and applied. Richmond Hill The older, fatalistic View that everyone must pass through a series of attacks'from the common commu- nicable diseases is entirely unsound. Ignorance prompts the speaker, who says with regard to children and cer- tain communicable diseases: “they must have it, so the sooner it is over, the better." ‘ on this éradrer ME}:- it so mutch yunger then me. Mundayâ€"Gus Grimes says he has rorte two letters to sum rellatives but he is not going to by enny Stamps for them entil they appoint the new Democrat Post master. Teusdayâ€"Pa all ways Argued that 1 mans wird was as good as anuthers but he changed his mind today when he was hailed into police court up at the city and a Motor cop testyfyed vs. him on a charge of Speeding. Wensdayâ€"Slim was tawking in class today about Eagles and he sed he thot if are govemint was Patryotic they wood try to get sum kind of tonick so the Eagles woodent get Bald. Thirsdayâ€"well I binned the teecher down today and ast her whut kind of a grade it looked like I was a go- ing to get in the Final test and she‘ sed. Well youd be siprized. So mebâ€" by I am a going to pass after all. Well I hope so I am getting up A- LLtg MUSâ€"KEEâ€"KE] $1.09 per bottle AUSTIN'S DRUG STORE Mundayâ€"Gus rorte two letters he is not going for them entil t Democrat Post I) Teusdayâ€"Pa a l mans wird was have carryed ma reckoleckt Sundayâ€"we down to the c< and its very are house wit} Hen is Wirry on the farm thing so Ant 2 wig'ry. finely ber w] sed he he sed have 4 ma rec SLATS’ DIARY Frldayâ€"Mrs. U. L. Frett has r9- tumed back frum a Yuropene tmp EURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1933 1y m who BY ROSS FARQUHAR se with c Wirryed farm at. > Ant En rwell Ant Eu 5 country for y very Loar PUT OFF and t] Emmy out 2117 for the w I Loansome Lt Ant Emmy about the n [ the taxes evry buddy h: go round in E Saterdayâ€" ma was she} this morning a spoke to her and she was up here at are house this evning to tawk about her trip a Broad. She told ‘Ant Emmy and ma and pa & I about Lunden and Parris and Petro. a town in Rushie and Veâ€" nice. she diddent care so much for Venice becuz they was haveinv: a spell of High water Wile she was there and evry buddy had to go, round 'in Boats. nes says he um rellatives b,v enny Sta appoint the was a] Emmy be so much nice becuz s haveint? a : High water a was there Ontario he replyed very very_' helping ;_ he has :lves but Stamps the new y had to in Boats. 57â€" Wile shopping rimem L for they spell wile and ld to man and Free Felt Paper LL perfect quality and shown in a number of smart new patterns, block, tile and floral; 2 yards wide; suitable for kitchen, bath- room, pantry, hall, sunroom or dinlng-room. All purchasers of linoleum Friday, Saturday or Mon- day, will receive sufficient yardage of felt paper to go under the linoleum. This will give it longer life and make it more resilient. Simmons “ Valubilt†Inner Spring White layer cottonvfelt mattresSes. rPay enly now. N 0 interest charges to balance. Printed Linoleum SQUARE YARD HESE Studio Couches are very comfortable and make a smart lounge by day which may be easily turned into a single bed, a double bed or twin beds, as you wish. They each have three pillows and two This Simmons Studio Couch good bedding, so you may rest assured of its quality. The full width “Valubilt†contains no less than 312 coil springsâ€"no skimping of materialâ€"between layers of white cotton felt. Covered in a beautiful Roman stripe ticking of good weight, deeply tufted and finish- ed with roll edges. If you want real value in the most comfortable type of mattress made, come to the Bur- roughes Store Friday, Saturday or Monday at 2436 Yonge Street. IT bears the label of the world’s foremost maker of â€"312 COILS â€"UPHOLSTERED IN WHITE LAYER FELT -DEEPLY TUFTED -ROLL EDGES BEAUTIFUL ROMAN STRIPE TICKIN G ALL Standard Sizes at $19- Barrymore rugs so y sured of their quality. terns in each size. Pa cent down. CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL Showing a splendid r: new patterns. Every anteed. Small mats m to match. 9 x 41/; fee 9 x 6 feet $5.50 9 x 71,4. feet $6.85 9 x 9 feet $8.25 9 x 101/2 feet $9.60 9 x 12 feet $11.00 9 x 131/2 feet $12.35 9 x 15 feet $13.75 Regular $28.00 Regular $18.00 MANUFACTURERS 0F BEDDING They state that these new prices are not sufficient to take care of in- creased cost of materials, but in or- der not to make the advance too great they have issued one list to go into effect one Week to-day and an- other list to be issued in the not far distant future. Have Issued New Price Lists Show- ing Advanced Prices. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SEAM LESS AXMINSTER RUGS STEEL BED in walnut finish; round posts 2 inches in diameter. SPRING has rustless fabric at- tached by helicals to angle steel ends. MATTRESS filled only with clean, new cotton; finished with roll edges. All standard widths. iore rugs so you may be as- their .qualit‘y. Three pat- a sple_ndid range of smart I'y rug is guar- ' may be bought feet ,. A “ A Pay only 10Lpér SIMMONS BED OUTFIT $11.25 $18.50 RUGS $4.10 faWn fini sliding h« attached wheels. 161'. Thi Has two electric plates and oven; ivory and green enamel finish. Just nlug in to your baseboard sock- et. The very thing for apartment use. Md‘larv with high back anti $24.95. 2436 Yenge hood; and hood in two-tone windshield included; has adjustable back, brake handle, wood artillery, mart, comfortable strol- Ele'ctrjc Rangette JFIEE 110.. LIMITED Street, Toronto $2.040 Down [C mattress with 312 coil springs shelf, Phone MOhawk 2124 Pillows each 59c Filled with clean, chicken feathers. English style. These are shown in blue, sand, brown. Very special value. Open Till 10 pm. - Guam/:3 FRIDAY H SATURDAY On Sale at Burroughes MONDAY 1’1 am, »-&-‘fl.ï¬- A N D7 DOWN PAGE SEVEN $17.95 ae-ouuuzed