1 ROOM 111 SENIOR IIIâ€"Peter Jarvis, Mary Bradfield, Ronald Lunau, Sydney, Hunt, Douglas Sanders, George Of- fen, Helen Warwick, Winnifred Ran- some, Alfred Elliott, Norman Mabley, Billy Glenn, Byron Shepherd, Mar- garet Bales, Ruth Brown, Billy Hall" and Elgin Barrmv (equal), Mollie Secrett, Flora Kerr, Laura Frisby, Etta Donald, Nellie Coveyduck, Harry Bowen, Reta Daly, Harold Mills, Les- lie Hull and George Bell (equal), Mabel Gilbert, Stewart Tyndall*, Frank Carr, Ethel Mitchell, Donald Barraclough, Joe Brillinger*, Leland Durrant, Jack Evelyn*, Charlie White*. ROOM I Borden Mabley, Audrey Smith, Geo- rge Graham, Evelyn Brown, Florence Barker, Walter Coveydruck, Gordon Armstrong, Velma Monkman, John McGregor, Helen McGibbon Richard Richardson and William Carr (equal), John Glenn, Gladys Stanford, Andrew McNair, Beatrice Rumble, George Stong, Lorna Gillings, Elsie Ley, Elva Young, Ethel White, Alex. Paterson, Marion Mitchell, Winnifred Haworth, Eric Wilson, Hazel Dunn, Mary Pat- erson, Douglas Jones, Harold Patton, Theresa Allan, Audrey Stephens. JUNIOR IVâ€"Derek Mills, Mary Donald, Harold Jones, Wilson Beres- :ord, Wallace Graham, Doris Taylor. ROOM II JUNIOR IVâ€"Doris Jones, James Hewson, Wm. Schurman,‘Lillian Bar- ker and Freda Manley (equal), Med Offen, Stanley Haworth, Marion Es- pey and David Pugsley (equal), Her- bert Gater, Milton Savage, Wm. Wal- lis, Nora Innes, Leon Byers, Jim Fish, Grace Dewesbury, Mildred Arch- ibald, Dorothy Eden, Nancy McKen- zie, Eileen Mabley, Helen Booth, Ger- ald Cuttance, Margaret Webster, Jack Watkins*, Roy Russel], Nixie Fisher, Geoffrey Elliott, Mac Cooper, Reg. Watkins, Gladys Hambleton, Wm. Marshall, Ralph Frisby, Charles Ransome. - SENIOR IIIâ€"Vicioria Beelich, Syd- ney Seatter, Mary Berry, Gordon An- derson, Doris Wade, Jean Walwin*, Bernice Taylor, Dorothy Donald, Marguerite Smith, Peter Megdonald*, Ruth Smith*. ROOM IV JUNIOR IIIâ€"Eva Mihorean, Edna Fish, John Tracy, Olga Kozak, Ivy Belgrade, Alice Donald, Robert Reid, Margaret Endean, James Butler, Muriel Barrow, Amy Kozak, Mar- ion Buchanan, Orpha Archibald, Bert Thompson, Bruce Stephens and Emily White (equal), Arâ€" thur Gater, Eric Srigley, Evelyn Brillinger, Bobby Edmunds and Freddy Leech (equal), Stella Ander- son, Phyllis Brock*, Marion Barker, Sydney Lepard, Mar aret Hunt, Stewart MacDonald, Iolet Rice“, Genevieve LeGue, Douglas Brown, JUNIOR IIIâ€"Margaret Walwin, Lenore Stone, Bill MacDonald, Tony Mastromatteo, Evelyn Bowen, Clif- ford Dexter*, Joan Ca1'penter*, Frank Bodnar. -B()X Lacrosse- Friday, June 2nd, at 8.30 p.m ORILUA vs. YOUNG CANADIANS Tuesday, June 6th, 8539 It will be a game worth driving miles to seeâ€"much depends onvtlE'S spring series as the winner goes intothe play-offs for the Mann Cup and Dominion Championship. Richmond Hill Public School /F or Month of May Richmond Hill Arena ORILLIA vs. TORONTOS PAGE FOUR TRIâ€"COUNTY LEAGUE SENIOR SERIES Mary Duncan*, Walter Dickinson, SENIOR IIâ€"Donald Wellman, Helen Berry, John Carpenter, Ruth Tyndall, Olive Durrant, Jimmy Gates *, Jack Gatesâ€, Sheila MacInnes, Tom Bales". ‘ ROOM V SENIOR IIâ€"Alfred Warwick, Mar- garet McGibbon, Ruth Richardson, George Monkman, Florence Shear- down, Gilbert Mihorean, Joan Carr and Annie Evi'son (equal), John Schurman, Jean Mills, Deane Wellâ€" man, Gwen Schissler, Margaret Mc- Taggart, Clifford Casement, Erle Cook, Edward Healey, Victor Secrett, Florence Bradfield**, Kenneth Shields*, Robert Abbey***, Arthur Abbey****. ROOM VI FIRST BOOK CLASS “Aâ€â€"Dor- een Wise, Elizabeth Elliott, Cecil Of- fen, Lenore Dewsbury, Chester Unâ€" ger, Carl Keetch, Marian Lumb, Donâ€". ald Reid, Gloria Anderson and Gladys Chedzoy (equal), Frank Young, Hazel Raeman, Lorraine Jones, Marjorie Pattenden, Helen Whitten and Merâ€" vin Charlton (equal), Harold Megâ€" donal, Donald Smith, Dorothy Carrx, Esther Morrison, Stanley Baker, Aei- leen Cook, June Davis, Vera Evison, Bobbie Carpenterxxxx, Henry Rich- ardson, Irving Ross. FIRST BOOK CLASS “B"â€"Pa- tricia Belgrade, Bernice Cook, Mary Megdonal, John White, Jack Taylor, Audrey Seatter, Albert Fishx, Elmer Reid, Annie rowningx, Ferris Allen, Donald Stephens, Clarence Espey. Morley Hillaby. JUNIOR IIâ€"Billie Keetch, Leo- nard Lunau, Lloyd Sanderson, Jean Marshall, Alex. Belgrade, Hugh Charles and Murray Hunt (equal), Teddy Evelyn, Effie Jarvis, Vernon Mitchell, Donald Wolfreys, Harold Reesor, Kenneth Woods***, Mabel Brock, Douglas Manley. SENIORVIâ€"Florence Espey, Fred Allen, Garth Palmer, Jim Bales. PRIMER CLASSâ€"Donald Archi- bald, Kathleen Butler, George Bales, Norman Gatesxxx, Henry Fish, John Allen xxx, Murray Bowenxx. ROOM VII SENIOR PRIMERâ€"Stewart Well- man, Marie Brillinger, John Curzon, and Harold Reaman (equal), Marâ€" garet Allison, Peter Kozak, Dorothy Offen, Mary Brock, Betty Mansbridge and Donald Glenn (equal), Bobby En- dldan, Mildred Seatter, Olive Ross, Helen Ransom and Dick Baker equal, Anne Walwin, Jean Cruickshanks, Marie DeFerrari, Viola Woods, Mur- ray McTaggart, Leonard Richardson, Ruth Webster*, Arthur Barraclough, Willie Kanis, Murray Archibald, Charles Srigley, Alice Berry, Marâ€" garet Brown, Merlyn Graham, Jack Forsyth, Billie Bell, Jack Evison, Rosie Jones, Mabel Loughlin. * Absent for tests. JUNIOR PRIMERâ€"Florence Ed- wards, Foss Mallory, Joyce Barra- clough, Lolu Sanders, George Lough- lin, Donald Chedzoy, Bobby Watson. Names amrked x missed exams. ST. MARY’S A.Y.P.A. We wish to draw the attention of the A.Y.P.A. members to the follow- ling activities for the summer months. Miocal Council Picnicâ€"Saturday af- ternoon, June 10th ï¬Ã©Ã©glight Cruiseâ€"Tuesday, July 6th, or Tuesday, July 13th. A.Y.P.A. Camp at White House, Lake Couchiching from July 15th to August 13th. There is a greater deâ€" mand than ever this year among A. Y.P.A. members for billets at camp. To avoid disappointment, you are re- quested to secure your application form from president Don. Frisby and reserve a place in advance at the most popular camp in Ontaro. The tremendous popularity of this annual excursion has warranted the chartering of two boats» ‘The Dal- housie City’ and the ‘Northumberland’ of the Canadian Nat‘mnal line. Bands, orchestras, magicians and singers will entertain on board ship. Itinery-Across the lake to Port Dal- housie, then on to Port Weller and View the locks of the new Welland canal and see them in operation, or if you wish you may take the electric train at Port Dalhousie to Niagara Falls. UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. CRUISE "SHIP AHOY. United Church Young People’s Cruise, Saturday af- ternoon, June 10th, leaving York St. dock at 2:15 p.m. What an afternoon’s outing and a full moon at night on good old Lake Ontario. See your local Society’s president for full particulars. All (your friends are going so meet them at the boat. ' FOOTBALL MONDAY A league schedule game will be played at Richmond Hill park next Monday evening with Maple as the visiting team. Turn out and cheer the boys to victory. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Friday at 8:30 p.1n.â€"Preparatory Service. Sunday Sunday, June 4th 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. Note change of hour. 11 a.m.~â€"Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed. 7 p.m.â€"The Pastor. Whit Sunday > Jum 10 aimâ€"Sunday Schnol. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. A.Y.P.A. Corporate. 7 p.111.â€"Evening Prayer A deep feeling of sadness spread over the village last Thursday when it was learned that Mary (Polly) Johnson had passed away. Her illâ€" ness was quite protected, but it was not thought that the end was so near. Always kind and helpful, she was a general favorite and will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends. The funeral took place on Saturday, the services being conducted by Rev. C. H. BOWman, and Rev. 'Capt. Sidney Lambert, who was a personal friend of the deceased. The many beautiful floral offerings showed the esteem in which she was held. The sisters, brothers, and other friends have the deepest sympathy of all in their be- reavement. In a football game at Aurora last week between the Maple and Aurora teams the result was a tie neither side scoring. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson attended the baptism of their little grandson at Athens last Sunday. The 10th local Wychwood company of Scouts of twelve boys and two of- ficers Scoutmaster W. F. Tighe camped over the week-end on W. Glass’s flats. Owing to the partial loss of his voice Rev. A. M. Partridge was unable to preach on Sunday night. The de- votional part of the service was con- ducted by Dr. F. Routley and an ad- dress on “Citizenship†was given by Mr. Angle of Richmond Hill. Next Sunday morning, June 4th, at 11 o’clock, Rev. Hunnisett of the Fred Victor Mission will conduct the anniversary service in Hope United Church. He will have with him a number of boys from camp who will take part in the service. The niusic will be furnished by the Cedar Grove male quartette. Rev. Fred Graham of Toronto will be the special speaker at 7:30 p.m. and the choir of Rich- mond Hill United Church will lead in the service of praise. Mrs. W. Brown of Toronto and Mrs. Tiffin of Muskoka visited their bro- ther, Mr. Robt. Jon“ and family last week. The choir of St. Andrew’s Church took part in the anniversary services at Strange on Sunday last. Mr. J. T. Pollock, Miss Evelyn Pol- lock and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund spent the holiday and two following days with friends near Orillia. ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Communion. 7:30 p.m.â€"Evening Service RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO MAPLE June 4th, 1933 The ladies of the W.M.S. met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stoutenberg to pack their bales. Several bales were packed and sped on their way to those in need of as- sistance. Don’t forget fthe regular monthly meeting of W.M.S. on Friday afternoon at 2:30 when Mrs. White of VSchomberg will be the speaker and the ladies of Richmond Hill, will be their guests. - The community was saddened to learn of the death of one of our most respected citizens last Tuesday in the person of the late Miss Alice Hopper. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon from her late residence. The large number of friends and neighbors present bore mute testi- mony to the esteem in which Miss Hopper was held. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the sorrowing brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Valliere spent a few days last week with the latter’s sister in Midland. " Mr. Rumney of Midland spent the week-end at the home of his son, Mr. D. Rumney. VICTORIA SQUARE Her many friends will be pleased to learn of the speedy convalescence of little Frances Cripps. She is ex- pected to return to her home here from the Wellesley H0spita1, Toronto. The matrimonial probs say “fre- quent showers.†At the time of going to press two of our popular young 1 dies are ill, Misses Laura Gee an Margaret Avison. Mrs. W. Mortson of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mrs. R. E. Sanderson. There was an excellent attendance at Y.P.S. on Sunday evening. The program consisted of a topic by Miss Dorothy Hart, solo by Miss Marion Smith, guitar selection by George Wellman and a reading by Mr. Fraser Gee. The regular monthly meeting of the J.W.I. will be held on Tuesday, June 6th, at 8 pm. Full arrangements have not been made as to the program but an excellent and instructive eve- ning is being planned. Many of our young people are plan- ning to attend the Junior Farmers picnic at Musselman’s Lake on Friday June 9th. Several of our young J.W.I. and J. F.A. members attended the county judging competition in Richmond Hill on Wednesday, and as in the past they brought home several prizes. Mrs. J. Snider 2nd in Senior Nutrition, Miss Dorothy Valliere 4th in Senior Nutrition and Mrs.Frank Brumwell 6th in Senior Clothing. In the boys, Douglas Gee won 2nd prize in Dairy Cattle. Several of our young ladies atten- ded a shower in Toronto on Wednes- day evenihg in honor of Miss Hattie Freeland, a bride to be of this month. A goodly number of the members and friends of Queensville Y.P.S. were guests of the local Y.P.S. last Tues~ day evening. Queensville presented an excellent program and a dainty lunch was served by the local society. The regular meeting of the Junior Farmers will be held in the Commun- ity Hall, Victoria Square, on Tuesday ev'ening, June 6th, at 8 p.m. The milk situation is to be discussed by Mr. Ernest Clark of Aurora. A general discussion on maintain- ing the summer milk flow, promises to be interesting. The roll call be answered by naming a clover or grass and its value as pasture or hay. Notice to Truckers TENDERS 'Tenders for the purchase, and de- livery of crushed gravel per cu. yd. containing at least 75% stone, for the Markham Township roads, will be received up till 2 pm. on Monday, June 5th, 1933. ' The Township will be divided into five divisions made up as follows: No. 1. divisionâ€"From Yonge St. East to Con. 4, and North of No. 7 Highway. No. 2 divisionâ€"From Con. 4 to Con. 8 and North of No. 7 Highway. No. 3 divisionâ€"From Con. 8 to Markham and Pickering Townline and North of No. 7 Highway. No. 4 divisionâ€"~From Markham and Pickering Townline to Con. 6 and South of No. 7 Highway. No. 5 divisionâ€"From Con. 6 to Yonge St. and South to N0. 7 High- way. Tenders may tender for one or more divisions and may blanket tenâ€" der for whole Township. Tenders must reside inside the Townline boundaries. Township also «Nerves right to gravel with teams as said council may see advisable. Tenders may be sent to any mem- ber of council, clerk, or road supt., and must be enclosed in sealed en- velope, marked Tenders. W. G. MAXWELL, Road Supt, Markham. GIRL’S Bentley, FRAME GARAGE, 16 by 10 feet, shingle roof, bargain for quick sale. Apply P. G. Hill, Richmond Hill. POTATOESâ€"30 bags of potatoes, ap- ply L. H. Clement, telephone Rich- mond Hill 35m. GOAT MILK, excellent for invalids, babies or delicate children. Apply R. J. Srigley, Richmond Hill, Ont. QUANTITY OF SEED BUCK- WHEAT. Geo. Hoshel, Lot 10, Con. 2, ‘Markham, phone Thornhill 511'13. 2 SUCKEYE INCUBATORS, 400 egg capacity; coal brooder, 1000 chlck size; 1 new mpwqr, Frost and_ Wood; A PURE BRED, reg. Ayrshire bull, fourteen months from a high testing R. O. P. Dam. A splendid chance to get a good herd site at a low price. I. D. Ramer and Son. blbc, .I. uch unvvvu; ALv-Jv uuu n vvu‘ 1 Cockshut Wheel yplow, nearly new Apply Mr. Gordon Bonnell, Stop 13 97!; mile East of Yonge St. BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING Our tenth year. Reheat orders from satisfied customers show it pays to buy from exnerienced poultry far- mers. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. Opposite Orange Orphanage. Telephone King 16126. Prices, Leghorns $8.00, Rocks $10.00 *er hundred. Custom Hatching: $3.00 per hundred eggs. Member Canadian Chick Association. H. G. Mecredy. EXPERIENCED WOMAN would like position as housekeeper or general, moderate wages, references, Box 197 Thornhill. YOUNG GIRL desires wom as mother’s help. Box 59 Liberal Office. LAD about 15 or 16 years, for farm work and milking, nonâ€"smoker, good worker, give particulars and wages expected in letter to Box 79 The Lib- eral, Richmond Hill. Don’t miss the two big lacrosse games in the coming week. Orillia vs Torontos Friday night, and Orillia vs Young Canadians on Tuesday night. Both gameé at Richmond Hill arena. County of York PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Township of Vaughan will be held in the Township Hall, Velfore on MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1933 at 11 o’clock a. m. to hear and adjudicate upon any com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township 01' Vaughan for the said year 1933. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly.‘ i J. B. McL’EAN, Clerk of the said Municipality Maple, May 23-, 1933. Business. Dated at Maple, May 29th, 1933 J. B. McLEAN, Clerk MondayJuneSth TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th Barley Bailers 5 piece orchestra Old Tyme and Modern Dancing Everybody Welcome Gents 25c. Ladies provide "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF ['1' BATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst i1 sertion and 15 cent: for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extn each inset-tier}. IF‘ CHARGED '7 CENTS PER LINE. Vaughan Council The Regular June meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore 1p. m. DANCING Classified Advs. at the Community Hall VICTORIA SQUARE BICYCLE. Apply Harold Stop 22 Yonge Street. FOR SALE Muï¬icipality of the WANTED THURSDAY, JUNE lst, 1933 LOSTâ€"Will the party who picked up the umbrella at the Fair grounds on Wednesday, May 24th, kindly return same to The Liberal Office. HOUSE at Mac and A15 Service Sta- tion, Elgin Mills. FOUR ROOMS in comfortable home with use of hen house, corner Lucas and,Mill Streets. Apply 26 Mill St... Richmond Hill. HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap- ply Mrs. J. A. Greene, Richmond Hill. EIGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSE, with-1 land one quarter of an acre in Village of Maple. Apply Mrs. Archie Mc-l Quarrie. Phone Maple 2450. 6 ROOMED HOUSE, summer kitchen. and woodshed, hard and soft water, good garden, moderate rent. Apply 87 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. HOUSE on Centre Street Wesï¬, Richâ€" mond Hill, nosession July lst, six rooms, hardwood floors, all convenâ€" iences. Apply Mrs. W. Mortsonz 107' Walker Ave., Toronto, phone ngs- dale 5613. l FYVIE IDEALâ€"Champion Clydes- dale Stallion will make the season standing at his own stable, N0. ‘7 Highway near Unionville, every week day except Tuesda’y. This stallion is three years old, weighs 1900 lbs., and has been a prominent prize Winner at the largest shows of Canada, and won four Championships in two years. Enrolled as a government premium stallion. TERMS: To insure foal $10.00, payable March 1934. Will make the season of 1933 as follows; Thesaay morning, May 29th, will leave his own stable, Markham, Lot 15, Con. 6, and proceed via truck to the property of Anthony Bowes, Lot 15, Con. 4, Vaughan, 114 miles North of Concord, for noon. Thence to the property of Wm. Watson, 1 mile North 0fÂ¥Map1e for night. Wetfnesday afternoonâ€"Proceeds to the property of George Neil, Yonge St.,rat Jefferson for night. Thursday morningâ€"Proceeds to the property of Charles Hoover, 3rd Lme Markham, at Gormley, for noon. Thence to the propety of Garfield Kellington, Lot 1, 9th Line, Whit- church, at Stouï¬vfllei for night. Fridéy morningâ€"Proceedg _to hi_s own stable where he will remam untxl theufpllpwing M_<_)nd_ay afternoon.‘ This horse will also stop anywhere convenient for service along the road of his regular route if appointments hayebeen made w_i_t_h the groom_. This rroute will be “continued: throughout the season, health and! we3t_h»eg‘ Qergitting. TERMS: To inEure a foal $13.00, $1.00 cash at time of service. Balâ€" ance Feb. lst, 1934. A11 accidents at owner’s risk. â€"â€"alsoâ€" Kodi Jr. 12863, No. 2537. This horse is very thick, low down kind: weighing over 2000 lbs., seven years old, a good; stock horse. Will stamT for service at the owner’s own stable for the season. TERMS: For the above horse $12.00 to ensure a foal. A11 accidents at owner’s risk. The above horses are the property of W. H. JOHNSON. Markham, Ont. Used Cars ‘1932 FORD 4 Cylinder Tudorâ€"Like New 1930 FORD TUDORâ€"Excellent Conâ€" dition All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 days 1931 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY Little Brothers 1928 FORD 11/; TON TRUCKâ€"Over- hauled, good tires and license Ford Sales and Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THE IMPORTED PREMIUM PERCHERON STALLION Stock Register FYVIE IDEAL TO RENT _ Owner Unlonville, Ontario McHAVAH $475.00 $275.00 $275.00 $225.00 OSCAR COX LOST