.V 0L. LV. gBERKELEY SQUARE ï¬LEsuE HOWARD - HEA TFVIER ANGEL “ Eddie Loughton , AND HIS (“Al I UPIAKTC Tenders will be received by 'the undersigned up until November 20th for the supplying of fuel, coal and wood, for relief purposes in Vaughan Township. Tender price to include delivery price in two specified areas as follows: (2) Vaughan township west of the 4th concession; (b) Vau- ghan township east of the 4th con- cession. Tenders must specify grade and quality of fuel. Lowest or any Lender not necesâ€" sarily accepted. Clerk Maple, Ontario. i=o==o=o Tenders for Fuel AND “‘5 COLLEGIANS In an Entirely New Act. MATINEE DAILY at 2.30 p. m. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†COMEDY ON THE STAGE fOX FILM onuonu a JESSE L. lASKY Pmdudlon McLEAN, of Vaughan Twp NEWS A RECORD COLD SNAP The district has been in the grip of one of the coldest spells on record for this time of year. Tuesday night the thermometer at Dunlop’s green- houses registered as low as five be- low zero and Wednesday night as low as four below. There was a. con- siderable snowfall last Saturday and it has remained ever since. Old timers and various weather prophets prophecy that this snow and winter weather will remain with us. Wed- nesday was the coldest November 15th on record for the past 93 years. STRIKE, STRIKE, big news. The UI Ladies Aid goes on Strike. See this day play at Masonic Hall, Richmond Hillpire next Saturday evening. “A 0=0=O=°I 10=O=0=0 ETC. "In Essentials, Umty: [n Non-essentiab. Liberty; RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1933 DOZEN GOALS DOWN YOUNG CANADIANS DETERMINED TO OVERCOME FERGUS IN SERiES Defea Fergus Thistles come to Richmond Hill Friday night for the final and deciding game of the Tri-County championship playâ€"off series with the Richmond Hill Young Canadians. They will come with. a twelve goal lead as a result of their 17â€"5 victory in Fergus Wednesday night. Young Canadians will step on the home field determined to overcome this big handicap and Win the series and the right to continue in the final series for the league championship and the coveted McCarthy Cup. It’s a big lead, but those who say it can’t be done underestimate the ability of the Young Canadians. With their backs to the wall, on their home field and with a couple of thousand loyal fans to cheer them in their fight, Young Canadians can do it and many of their supporters think they will. Wednesday night, playing in frigid atmosphere, in a strange rink on a board floor, Young Canadians gave lanything but their best demonstra- ition of lacrosse. They were just not ‘clicking, the breaks and- luck seemed against them. Even at that they l gave Fergus a real battle and the: critics at “the game unanimously agreed that the score was no indli- cation of the play. With these conâ€" ‘ditions changed, with their old time 'speed and combination working, a. [little of the luck and a few of the lbreaks of the game a twelve goal |lead is not an insurmountable ob- {Stacie Amyway, the fans of this district are going to see the lacrpsse game of the century as‘ Young Canadians go out and try to overcome this lead. Fergus fans saw that for action and speed, Wednesday night’s game was the best, most thrilling and exciting seen in that great lacrosse town for many years. Fridlay’s' battle here Will be even better. Ollie Barret, one of the Young Canadian’s star performers, was un- able to make the trip to Fergus Wedâ€" nesday night, but he will be on the line-up Friday night. Just by way of comparison it is interesting to recall the recent Camp Borden series. Up at Alliston in the first game of the series Young Can- adians had to put up a hard battle to come out with a victory by a mar- row margin of one goal. 0n the home rink they easily defeated the Flyers by a margin of fourteen goals. It was a nip-andâ€"tuck game at Allandale and the outcome was in doubt until‘ the final bell. In the second game? at Richmond Hill the Flyers looked easy for the Young Canadians. The? lâ€"same reversal of form may happen [in this series with equally satisfying lresults. The point is that in this great game of Box Lacrosse nothing is very sure. Fergus Thistles are un- doubtedly coming to Richmond Hill to-morrow night cock-sure of the victoryâ€"and they \may get fooled. ,Remember once a team gets away, :hit their stride and get a scoring combination working even a twelve goal lead soon melts. Anyway, every man, woman and child in this district who enjoys the thrills and excitement of Canada’s national game should let nothing less than twenty foot snow drifts prevent their attendance at this game of games. It will be worth driving miles to see, and it promises to be the la- crosse classic which will be the topic of conversation for months and years to come. Can they do it? Well, we’ll see Friday night. You will be commrtable at the rink Friday night. The weather promises ‘to be warmer, the windows and openings of the arena. have been carefully checked and! gone over and there will be no bothersome drafts to Worry about. The ladies dressing room will be heated for the c0nven~ ien ated But Not Downhearted â€"- Young Canadians Last Chance To Stay in Championship Raceâ€" A Great Game in Store for Fans.‘ ommenting on the game Wed‘ night The Toronto Mail and i 5 says: After playing three periods of ladies the game game Wednes- lightning lacrosse Richmond Hill Young Canadians went donn to de- feat before- the onslaught of the speedy Fergus Thistles, emerging from the first game of the semi- final Tri-County lacrosse play-offs on the short end! of the 17 to 5 score. The ,,fil'St 45 minutes of play was about the fastest seen this season, and the lobsid‘ed score is certainly no indication of the play. The teams were very evenly matched, and as a result close checking was one of the features of the tussle which at times bedame quite rough as the teams battled it into opposing territory.†The Thistles opened the scoring, getting three before the Hill got on the score board. “Chuck†Weevse and- Harold Weese. each got one before the end of the period to close the initial stanza 3â€"2. ' In the second the Thistles got four to the Young Canadians two, Jack Hart and Beckie Jacks getting the counters. The ‘period ended 7-4. / In the third Fergus scored three While the Young Canadians were held scoreless the period ending This‘tles 10, Young Canadians 4. In this per- iod “Rusty†White was knocked out and had‘ to be carried to the dressing room. “Rusty†returned to. the game ;during the last period. In the final period the Thisvtles got 7 ttya single counter for Young Can- adians by “Chuck†Weese. EXPECT CUT [N ELECTRIC LIGHT RATES A reduction in electric light rates in Richmond Hill Village is likely to come about in the near future ac- cording to an announcement by Reeve J. A. Greene at the regular meeting of the municipal council held Mon- day eve'naing. The reeve reported to the council that along with‘coruncillor James McLean he had interviewed the Hydro authorities and that a re- duction of between five and ten per cent in local rates would likely be: made. He pointed out that each year approximately $1,000.00 was added to the surplus in the electric light account and that now there was a substantial sum in this account. It was felt that with this amount on ‘hand a reduction 'in rates could safely be made. All members of the coun- cil concurred in the suggestion and unanimously agreed that a reduction in rates would be very welcome and should be brought about. The Hydro refused to make anyl reduction in the charges for street lighting, which members of council stated closed the discussion of recent months concerning a. new lighting system for Yonge Street in the vil- lage. The cost of the installation could be taken care of out of the electric light account surplus but the increased maintenance charges would be a direct levy on the people and would mean about another half mill on the taxes. The reeve and memâ€" bei‘s of council agreed that under those conditions and the Hydro un- willing to make any concessions the pi‘oject should be dropped for the present. ICE AT THE CURLING RINK “Bunny†White, iceâ€"maker for the Richmond Hill Curling Club armour»- cxes that ice will be ready for curling to-night (Thursday). There is ap- proximately tWO inches‘ of ice on the rink and the rings and markings are being put on to-day. Curling to- night will, we believe, establish an all time record for early curling in this district and the devotees of this great winter game would seem to be in for a fine winter’s sport. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE In All Things, Chafit‘v.’ Orders is ers YORK J UNIOR PLOWMEN The annual Banquet of the York County Junior Farmers" Plowing Competition was held at Vellore on Thursday evening, Nov. 9th, 1933. This Banquet was very successful with an attendance of over one hum- dr‘ed plowmen and their friends. Episode 5---THE THREE MUSKETEERS SPECIAL FOR THE CHILDREN SAT. MATINEE ONLY SATURDAY M'A'I‘HA‘IEE_;T_£38 PZM. EVENINGS 7:00 & 9:00 Where “Capitol Entertainment†Relgns Mr. James P. MacGregor of Tor-l onto was guest speaker. Mr. Mac~1 Gregor also presented his trophy to the winner of Class 1, Single Plow, Sod or Stubble, won this year by Rus- sell Burr of Gormley. Mr. J. Lockie Wilson of Toronto was present and spoke a few words. Mr. A. J. H. Eckard’t presented his Silver Tea Set vice to the win:1;1' of Class 4, Tractor Sod! or Stubble, won this year by Frank Brown 0; Agincourt. “ WALTZ TIME †1 Mr. William .Dohel'ty of Toronto Judged the plowing which was done on the home farms. Forty-seven boys took part in this competition and the following are the winners in each class: Class 1: Single Plow, sod or stubble. lstâ€"Russell Burr, Gormleyâ€"Mac- Gregor Trophy. ‘ 2ndâ€"Oameron Kennedy, Agincourt Class 2: Tractor, sod or stubble. lstâ€"Elgin Walker, Markhamâ€"â€" Robert Simpson Co. prize, $10.00. 2ndâ€"Bill Kennedy, Agincourt, Class 3: Walking Plow, sod or stubble lstâ€"Alvin Wideman, Markhamâ€" Unionville J.F.A. Cup. 2ndâ€"Jaok Beck, Woodbridgeâ€"Geo. Kellam Trophy. 3rdâ€"Fraser Gee, Gormley. Class 4: Traétor, sod or stubble 1stâ€"Frank Brown, Agincourtâ€"A J. H. Eckardt Tea Service. 2miâ€"Clarence Graham, Maple. 3rdâ€"James Valliere, Um’onville. Class 5: Boys 16 and underâ€"single plow. lstâ€"Andrew Mc'Clure, Woodbridge â€"T. Eaton 00., Club Bag. ï¬endâ€"Lorne Ham, Millikenâ€"Robt. Simpson 00., Pen. Claudette Colbert Ricardo Cortez _ _ 1N _. _ Prizes Presented To Winners In Annual Competition- Over One Hundred Attend Banquet At Vellore. FRIDAY and SATURDAY NOV.17,18 James Gleason, Charlotte Greenwood, Cyril Maude ___.1N____ Bedford Theatre ’HETlTflwï¬ï¬‚flllâ€"‘Kâ€"VQUET NEXT FRIDAY & SATâ€"TOO MUCH HARMONY MONDAY and TUESDAY NOV. 20, 21 Evelyn LaYe I LIONEL BARRYMORE GLORIA STUART I’\Y NOVELTYâ€" ‘Motorcycle Mania' Torch Singer WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NOV. 22, 23 THE HOME OF' HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE AND GLEN FOREST COMEDYâ€"TH EvBIG FIBBER Comedy ~râ€" Yours Sincerely PARAMOUNT NEWS “SWEEPINGS’ 3rdâ€"James Cowieson, Weston. Class 6: Beginners’ Classâ€"horses or tractor. lstâ€"â€"Russell Pearson, Agincourbâ€" Plow, Fleury’s Sons, Aurara. 2ndâ€"Fred Wesley, Aurora. 3rdâ€"George Wellman, Gomley. Mr. J. Lockie Wilson of Toronto, Reeve George Kellam of Vaughan, Reeve Norman McMurchy of King. Councillor Ratcliffe of Whitchurch Township and Councillor W. L. Clark iof Markham Township Were present and spoke words of commendation and encouragement for the young plowmen. Musical numbers were given by Mr. Moscow of Agincourt, violinist; Miss Agnes McLean and Miss Margaret Watson, piano num- bers. Mr. Cla-ence Graham, honorary president of the York County Junior Farmers, moved a vote of thanks to Vellore Women’s Institute, the townâ€" ship council and to all individual don- ors who contributed to the succeSS of the annual plowing competition and banquet. This motion was seconded by Mr. Bill Hodgson, president of the N obleton Junior Farmers, and heartâ€" ily endorsed by all present. DIAMOND JUBILEE Richmond Hill Village will cele- brate the sixtieth anniversary of incorporation as a village at a great community banquet early in December. This was decided at the regular council meeting Monday night when councillor James McLean was appointed as chairman of a special committee to arrange the event. The members‘ of council felt that the Diamond Jubilee should‘ not pass unmarked and it is hop- ed that this great community not pass unmarked and it is hop- ed that this great community banquet [will fittineg mark this important milepost in the history of the village. / No. 20