A‘ND YET MORE ACCIDENTS Supposing something happened to YOU. What; provision have you made for weeks and perhaps mnths coming in? Accident Insurance re- lieves (ï¬nancial and physical suffering Teusdayâ€"I Mam afrade are bank here in townz'is 3. getting into pritigy bad shape I 3355 becuz pa says his acct. [has been overdrew two times all md‘dy this \week. . Wensdayâ€"The young cupple wit:ch use to .set in .the_ pitcher show love- ing- each uthelzevry nite cums in now and sets down fur apart and never says a wird to .1Hanuther so I gess mebby .they .have,got marryed. Thirsdayâ€"Pa ‘says he du‘ssen no’ Thirs-dayâ€"Pa .says he dussent no: ones witch reads the titles in the: pitcher show or the ones Witch cant- read the titles. Pa says that we still suffer frum Adamsrsin. he was drove out of Paradise andprackticly‘ evry marryed man since that: time has had a muthe'rn law. Mundayâ€"well all I hope is thatpa is amng about a kwestion in Lang- Wadge. I put down on my paper that Spunk \was the pass tents of spank and new pa- cums along with a theery .that.it shudfoughn; to of hen Spanked. Sundayâ€":Ira Gonney cum over .to are house this morning to gait: change for ,a nickelaso I reckon he is gning to Sunday skool agen and mbby stay for :chirch to. Mr. Shmte and his wife cum home frum a nuther 1 of his Bisness trips Moday: He takes . her with him all 0 the time on his Bisness trips. Mr. Gillem told 1m he tuk his wife with him on his b‘isness trips so he wont half to kiss her when he .comes'h‘ome frum a trip. SLATS’ DIARY 5 NEWTONBROOK Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Richmond Hill THURSDAX.LWOVEMBER 15101.3 1933 Street and No., or R. R. No. . . Enclosed find $ . . . . . being my subscription for . . years. Please send me a receipt. THE LIBERAL SHAW : BusmessSchools This coupon is inserted as a convenience in renewing your subscription. The address label shows you the date up to which your subscription is paid. If it is in arrears we would appreciate your remittance, at $1.50 per year. Agent For STONE & WELLINGTON Toronto are ï¬nding im~ proved business conditions favorable for placing Grad- uates. Good times are sure- ly returning. It will pay to be ready. FIBe \Qfl‘l'i- culum explains best Cours- es of Training. Write De- partment Y-l, 1130 Bay St. W. R. ShawLSacreIarg-p Fonthill Nurseries Fall Orders Taken Now For Fall Planting PRICES MODERATE Darwin Tulip Bulbs of different colors 12 for 81.50 Phone Richmond Hill 22 ACCIDENTS/1 B. A. GRAINGER A. G. SAVAGE dayâ€"I and Jake and Blisters envited down to Elsys awning BY ROSS FARQUHAR . n . . . . . u CUT THIS OUT mg to E ties. It tho girls ting to l! ï¬erm'namt lately. party for tonite’ but we all give Xcuses and didâ€" dent go becuz we are kinda tired .goâ€" ing to girls parâ€" ties. It sems as tho girls are get- ting to be so Ef- fleminann: here «if Saterday â€"â€" well The W.M.S. held their regular monthly meeting at the parsonage last Tuesday afternoon with a. large attendance. The president, Mrs. J. T. Soden, presided. Mrs. Benton of Toronrto wa's‘ the special speaker and gave a very fine address on], “Tem- perance.†Mrs. A. W. Stephenson moved a heatty vote of thanks to her for her splendid5 mcxuge. VA beaut iful duett was sung by Mrs. Harold Armson and Mrs Glen Shaw. Aftem the meeting a social hour was spent and a dainty luncheon served. Mrs» W. T. Wells, president of the Wornâ€"l en’s Association, and Mrs. J. T.‘ Soden, president of the W.M.S.,l The singing 01' the National An- them brought a very happy evening to a. close. ‘ The North York Horticultural So- ciety held their annual banquet and social evening last Friday evening at the Earl Haig‘ Collegiate Institute. It was well attended. An interesting program followed the banquet with Mr. Dan Ross, president, as chair- man .Speeches were given by Mr. J. Lockie Wilson, Mr. Lionel Godson, Mr Grainger, Mr. J. R. Hall and others. Miss Helen Bruce and Mr. W, B. Wheeler contributed to the mus'mal program and Miss Grace Jolly deâ€" lighted the audience with her readq ings. A silver cup for the best kept‘ school grounds was presented to-the Baron Renfrew School of which Mr. Harris is principal. A cleasing fea- ture of the program was the presen- tation of prizes to the members who were successful in the monthly Flow- 'er Shows, also to the one who se- cured the most members. Invitations have been sent out for the fourth annual Commencement exâ€" ercises to be held in Earl Haig Corl- legiate Institute next .Friday eve- ning, Nov. 17th. The program will .be given] by the students. There will also be a presentation .of medals, )prizes and diplomas. The taggers for Poppy Day braved the elements and were out bright and early last Friday morning. Rememâ€" brance Day, Nov. 11th, was a stat- utory holiday. A large number fmm N ewtonbrook attended the North York Horticul- tural Sociedzy banquet Jas't Friday eve ning. Old] King Winter .reigned‘ supreme for a. few days last week-end. A number of motor cars were performâ€" ing curious pranks .crossng street car tracks and ditchs but with no ser- ious results. A Father and ,Scn..Se1-vice will be held in the United Church on Sunday evening, Nov. 26th. There will be special music by a. male quartette and a mens choir will lead] the singing. Mr. F. E. Maxwell of Richvale cir- cuit conducted service in the United Church last Sunday evening. Rev. A. H. Halbert pneached at Richvale and Camille and administered the Sacrament ‘of the Lords Supper. The Girls Mission Circle met at the parsonage for their meeting Last Thursday night. .OWing to the snow storm and icy condition of Yonge St. the Y.W.A. of Riwhmond H‘ill- were unable to attend, however, two of their members were welcome visitors. ‘I The Y.P.S. met last Monday eve- hing with Miss Janet rRiddell, Mis- sionary Convener, presiding. The devotional exernises took the form of an Armistice Service, conducted by the president and Miss G. Sutterly who led in prayer. An interesting paper on “The object of Home Mis- sions†was readi by VMiss Riddell and Mr. Hicks Smith alsocontributed a reading on “Heroes of the Past.†Miss Irene Smith .sang a solo. It was arranged for the Y.P.S. to hold a skating party next Saturday eveâ€"i ning, Nov. 18th, at Varsity Rink, Toronto. A banquet.t0 be held after the New Year was .discuseed and left' over for the next. .meeting'. Meeting closed with \a. hymn .and prayer. I _ _Have you read the classified adver- tis'mg in this issue? JR. I-Bâ€"William Robinson, Claire Lafrenie're, Audrey Stewart, Douglas Copeland, Russell Shuter, Dorothy Wain, Marjorie swartman, Betty Waxlls, John Stapley, ‘Noma Day, Wil- liam Stewardson, Robert Street, Irene Ferguson, Douglas Ruddl, Elsie Wade, David Carter, Gordon Jubb, Iza Giles, Margaret McCrimmon, Ardena Laing, Albert Rolfe, Fred McKinley, Leeta Gelka. ' JR.I-Aâ€"Georg'e Mon-7s (h), War- ren Anderson (h), Ella Thomington (h), Donald Washburn, Norman Mc- Kinley, Noreen Fosb‘er, John Banks, Fred Page, William Rudd. SR. Iâ€"Bâ€"Marie Hillier (h), Doreen Race (h), Doris Wardlle (h), Bobby MacDonald (h), Hazel Duggan (h), Albert Lafreniere (h), Doris\ Nicholls (h), Ralph Bryant (h), Stanley God- dard (h), Edwin Reid, Florence Kelly Irene Hilrl, Arthur Giles, Phyllis Dugâ€" gan, Jean Plumbridge, Rosemary Claringbold, Ross Booth, Margaret Line, Tommy Browne, Allan Mc- Eachern, Herbert Thornington, Jackie Laing, Sylvia Webb, .Jack Fox; Wal- lace McKinley, onald McNamara. ROOM II SR. I-A-Margaret Geer (h), Olga Pereshuk (h), Margaret Kelley (h), Louise Skelly (h), Grace Copeland (h), Ina. Johnstone (h), Ale-x Stewart (h), Isabella Henderson“ (h), Alma Clouter (h), Vernon Horton (h), Pearl Brown, Gordon Reid, Lily Mc- Conkey, Herbert McEachem, Stanley Wain, Teddy Bonnell, Percy Ransom, ROOM III l II CLASSâ€"Alfred Curtis, Ellen ’Sayeweu, Jack Claringbold, Violet Rocheser, Harry Dunlop, Evelyn Banks, Jessie Jacks, Douglas: Wardle, Allan Southern, Fred Harrington, Ai- leen Riddell, Bernard Jubb, Norman McC'rimmon, Ruth Smith, Betty Jar- dine, Robert Skelly, Julia Gelka, Geo- rge Duggan, Robert Wiltshire, Harold Moore, Rosie Sanderson, Roy Stewart Allan Page, Donald Street, George Faulkner, Kathleen Page, Ralph Day, Dunesan Creme, Donald Wain, Jack Boxall, Lois Risebroug‘h, Joseph Wash burn, Robert Reid, Iona Smith, Irene Burtt, Bert Swartman, Ernest Line, Erma Smith, Alvery Wallis, Phyllis Ferguson, William Banks, Walter Banned], Marie Moon; Edward Rudd, Margaret Parry and Walter Chill- man (absent). JR. THIRDâ€"George Sayewell (h), Doreen Patterson (h), James Ferrari (h),_ Pearl Wimbs' (h), Doris Coltman (h); Constance Duggan (h), William Washburn and David Delville (equal), Lillian Thorningbon, Ralph Hawes, Robert Risebrough and Harry Gelka (equal), Gordon Bonnell, Charles Morris, Doris Holt, Constance Burton, Doreen Bayma'n, Herbert Gouinlock, Evelyn McConkey, William McConke'y Marie Phinnemore, Ann Wells, Mar- jorie Line, Murray Copeland, Jack Underwood, Hazel Turmon, Neil Mc- Namara, Grace Smith, Louise Mee- kins and Doreen Wilkin (equal), Rosena Anthony. ing, Victor Day, Lorne Hill, Patricia. Foreman, Fred Claringbold, Ben Bramble, Charlie Wimbs, Annie Un- derwood, Elsie Hill, Gerald Whitmore, Arthur McCrimon, Malcolm Holliwell, Dorothy Burtt, Ronalél J ohnstorue, Ed- ward Page, Rose Nicholls, Leona Ransom, Elizabeth McBain, Elwood McNamara; Isobel Hicks, Audrey Lons'dale and Harry Locke (absent). Honours“. SR. THIRDâ€"Leah Sennhausevr, Lorna Anderson, Margaret McRae, Alice Wiltshire, Lawrence Thorning- ton, Audrey Booth and Herbert Phin- nemove (equal), Harold Street, Ollie Line, Charlie Banks. Fitedda Copeland, Harry Billson, Dor- 0th); Smith and Sam Kelly (equal), Frank Tough, Alice Archer, Clayton Clouter, Joan Coltman, May McCon- lqu, Eleanor Bonnell and June .Holli- well (equal), Bill Kelly, Violet Brill, Alum Masales, Edna Lonsdale, \Geofâ€" irey Lonisdlale, Gavin Henderson, Wil- liam Prebble, James Mair, Billie Giles Paul .Stneet, Billie Ferris. .SR. ILLâ€"Eveline Rochester’i', Lily Booth*, Phyliss Risebroughfl Marie Smith“, Mary Pereshuk, Irene Riddlell Carol hewin, lanaine Risehroug'h, Alvin Patterson, Ralph Heading, Aur- thur Southern, Billie Copeland, John Burtt, Frank Horton, Leonard Head- NEWTONBROOK SCHOOL REPORTâ€"September and October .SR. LIVâ€"Alma Wardle* (h), Irene Booth* (h), Edna Boxall, Dorothy Swartman, Carmen Lockyel‘, Ruth Tm'ras, John Weesle, Mable Brett, Arthur Caffin, Kenneth Foreman, Ina Henderson, Victor Phinnemore, Walâ€" ter Duggan, Victor Holt. JR. IVâ€"Dulcie Tough“ (h), Jean McRae* (h) an dMuriel Swartman“ \(.h.) (equal), Jean Jacks* (h), Ruth Wardle, Donald Geer, Delva. Conner, next meeting Will be held day, Dec. 12th, at the home Harold Murphy. poured tea. The Women’s Associa- tion were guests at this meeting. The next. meeting Will be held on Tues- TH]: LlBERAL, RICHMOND ELL, 'ONTAEIO OMI INA“ Mrs. .03} In tthe minor form, there may be simply loss of consciousneSS for a moment or two. The child stops what he is doing, and sits or stands with his eyes fixed and staring; the face is somewhat pale. In a few moments however, he starts again where he left «off. He may fall or may make certain movements. From this mild type, the 'disease grades out into the major ï¬om. Some cases of epilepsy are due to brain injury, following fracture of the skull, for example. Cases‘ of this type .are often helped or cured by surgiral treatment. The cause in the vast majority of cases is not, known. Heredity is: an important factor. The disease appears in two main forms, the major and the minor. W THE EPELEPTIC CHILD The vast majority who suffer from epilepsy experience their first sei- zures early in life. This is a matter of extreme importance for parents, because parents must know that there should not be any delay in securing medical attention for the condition. Treatment should begin at once. Un- fortunately, the disease is usually in- curable, but treatment is successful in some cases, and if it is to be most helpful, it must start before the dis- ease fhas become chronic. (ï¬auah‘ian mehiml Azznriaï¬nm GRANT FLEMING. M.D. N ASSOCIATE SECRETARY ADVERTISE THE LIBERAL imamh S‘ewiflze X Worth Telling Worth Selling IT COVERS THE HOME DISTRICT Advertising, to pay, must be consistent and per- sistent. Advertising does not push, it pulls. Advertising Advertise when business is poor to keep it from getting worse. Advertising Advertise when business is poor to make it better. Advertise to get new trade. Advertise to hold old trade. Advertise your new goods and sell them before they get old. Advertise your old goods and move them. Advertise what you expect to do. Advertise what you are doing. The major form has two outstand- ing symptoms, muscular spasm and unconsciousness. The attack is sud- den, although many patients exper- ience a warming sensation of “aurs†which proceeds the attack. The aura. is followed quickly by abrupt loss of consciousness. The patient fall in he is not already lying down. The mus- cles are first held contracted, the face turns blue, and then for a minute or two, follows a twitching or jerking of the muscles. Consciousness re- turns, the patient may be dazed, and he frequently passes into a. deep sleep. Every epileptic should receive prompt medical care. Physical defects should be corrected, and the health of the child built up. The child must be prepared for life by firm, but kind and understanding care. The child will have to be watched and trained with regard to his habits. Overeating, excitement and exposure are to be avoided. It will be necessary to select an occupation that is within the child’s mental capacity and which will at the same time be safe for an epileptic. We cannot be optimistic about epi- lepsy, but we do know that by proper treatment and training, a. great deal can be done, provided the case receive early attention. is a preventative. is no ‘ t a ‘cure-al] †OF THE Educa'by ADVERTISE IN IS SIGNS Treasurer’s Sale of Land in Arrears of Taxes The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said list may be had at my office. Dated at Richmond Hill A. J. HUME. August 10th, 1933 Village Treas. By virtue of 3 Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill, dated the 27th day of July 1933, and to me directed, commanding me to proceed with the collection of the arrears of taxes together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared and is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette†under dates of Aug. 19th, Aug. 26th, Sept. 2nd and Sept. 9th, 1933, and that, un- less the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 6th day of December 1933 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of taxes and the c arges thereon. Phone 150 PHONE 9 VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs. Metal Garages, Roofing “Jobbing Prhnptly Attended to SHOW CARDS PRICE TICKETS â€" BANNERS G. MORLEY BEYNON ’ PAGE SEVEN 76 Yonge St.