THE EXCLUSIVE ROGERS FULL-E GUARANTEED 7-POINT TUBES PLUS PAGE EIGHT All the Features of Consoles that Sold Last Year for $125.00 Phone 18 Turn to U THE BEST IN RADIOS. The People COME IN AND SEE THEM W. BRATHWAITE HARDWARE ‘ THE NEW “DUO-VALVE†TUBE POLICE CALLS NEW MODERNE TYPE CABINET AND {S FULL-SPRAY, SEAL-SHIELDED _(Cost you no more) Dadge and DeSoto We Deliver TUBES TESTED FREE. the Thornhlll ar Institutes met 51‘ D. Boyle, Centre day afternoon to zether. The pre: vulva. This Will be an evening well spent,l invite your friends and come along.‘ The program will start with the sup-‘ per at 7 pm. ‘Do not forget the open meeting of lthe Young Women‘s Class held to- night in the United Church. Mrs. -E. Midford will speak on Bunyans “Pilgrims Progress," illustrated with lantern slides. Y.P.S. Hold Election of Officers The election of officers of the ‘ Young People’s Society of the United Church was held Monday evening. Rev. E. E. Pugsley presided and the ‘ following, officers were installed lHon. President, Rev. E. E. Pugsle'y; Mrs. A. Thompson and Mrs. W. Luu- d-ell attending. After the convention they visited the Royal Winter Fair. The next part of the program was given by the Aurora W.I. and was exceptionally fine, Mrs. Clark, acting president, presided. A paper on “Home: the anchor of National Life†was given by Mrs. Bryan, also one by Mrs. Charles on “Beautifying the Home.†Solos by Miss A. Dunning, Miss Sloan and Mrs. Bilborough Were very much enjoyed, and a reading by Miss G. Southmayd. Tea was served at small tables by the Thornhill Women’s Institute and a social time spent. _- - 1 , A__s-4.:.‘._ -..:11 kn halt] Tl’ aycuu. The December meeting will be heldl at the home of Mrs. A. Thompson. Horticultural Society The annual Supper and prize giving of the Horticultural Society will be' held in Lawrence Memorial Hall on! Monday, Nov. 27th, from 7 to 10 p. In. There will be‘an address by Rev. W. Harold Young of St. Paul’s Aven- ue Road United Church, Toronto, the subect will be “Hyacinths and Bisâ€"l cuibs.†n ____4_ ne u 1‘ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND 11 THORNHILL ï¬Ã©Ã©day, .Wednesc ,r of this week. M: Thompsqntand Mrs ‘ OHV Held at the Home of Mrs. D. Boyle, - ande year ng able bers and friends of 1 Aurora. Women’s the home of Mrs. Street, last Thurs- mjoy a meetingAtjq- my a meetmg to- »nt, Mrs; W. Ridâ€" roll call was ans- rst rmemberr, and able to let their :k to when they age. Delegates attend the Proâ€" 1e1d in the Royal Wednesday and .Rid and Webb, held President, President, President President President tary, Lel: retary, ‘ Doris F Mrs. C. J ies; Ass Echlin; Smellie; mg an enwnammenn at, r near Georgetown, on Dec. Mr. and' Mrs. Stewart and sons of Parry Sound weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mr linger. Allngvl . Mrs. A. M. Rice of Ayr has been‘ the guest this week of Mrs. D. Boyle and Mrs. N. J. Smellie. We are pleased to know that Miss Mabel Brillinger, who is home with a factured arm. is‘ imnroving. A Tea and Sale of Work will be held in the United Church by the Women‘s Association on Saturday; Dec. 2nd, watch for further notice. Mrs. J. J. Sparling- of Toronto call- ed on old friends here on Monday. Patterson Lodge Inspection Last Thursday night Patterson Lodge. A.F. & A.M., was honored by an official visit bv Rt. Wor. Bro. Frank G. McLean, D.D.G.M., Toronto District C. A large number of visit- ing brethren from city and neighborâ€" ine‘ centres were present to assist in doing- honor to the distinguished visitor. Following the work in the lodge room Rt. Wor. Bro. McLean highlv complimented W. Bro. Mc- Intosh and the officers on their ef- ‘ficiency in Conferring' the degree mmrk. In the banquet hall a delight- ful repast was served after which the usual toasts were honored. Are you thinking of a radio? Read Braithwaitue’s message in this issuwe Correct tlï¬s sentence: “Yes, dear, you are spending more than I make,†said the husband, “but don’t worry about it.†. The troubles that never come are the most troublesome. RY HILL, ONTARIO Attend ell, Donald Smellie. The Y.P.S. initeresting meetings each‘Monâ€" night at 8:15 and all the young lye of the community are invited Thornhill Orchestra are giv- entertainment at Ash Grove, eolrgetown, on Dec. lst. and’ Mrs. Stewart Brillinger ns of Parry Sound spent_la_s_t Motor Car Vaiue W o 1 OFFICIAL O. M. L. STATION Phone 210 For Best 1933 Vice“ WOODBRIUUH Vice- Vice- Viceï¬ Dick Weatherill Stages Successful Secret Shooting Match sec' The Shooting Match staged by sure', _ . . sure; D1ck Weatherlll at hls farm, Lot 7, Dav- Con. 9. a. short distance West of the aun' York County Jersey Breeders AssociatiOn Banquet Upwards of 200 members and friends of York County Jersey Breedâ€" ers Association participated in the annual Banquet held in the Orangel Hall prepared and served by the Women’s Institute on Thursday night of last week. President Jack McNeil presided, and the following speakers made appealing addresses favoring the Jersey breed of cattle as pro-‘ ducers of butter fat; Dr. C. 1. Chris- tie, President of Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph; Professor J. C. Steckley, 0.A.C., D. 0. Bull. Bramp- ton; H. Abbott, President Peel andl Halton Jersey Breeders Association;l and. R. E. White, Agricultural Repre- sentative York County, Newmarket.i iAn \intresiting program was submit- ‘ted by Newmarket mixed quartette composed of Miss Hart, Mrs. White,‘ Alex. Eves and Tommy'Scott; vocal} solos by Dorothy Sloan, John T. Beck, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. William Locke, and readings by Miss Helen Gould. Many {complimentary remarks have Been heard eulogizing Lorne A. Ostrander for the excellent preparation of the 35 geese served which Were roasted in the oven of his bakery. Local Jer- sey Breeders present who enjoy wide- spread publicity and are leading prize winners at the Fairs were, James Bagg and Sons and Alf. Bagg. Castlemore W. I. Hear Address on l Educational Topics Castlemore Women’s Institute who met on Tuesday of last week at the home of Mrs. J. F. Bryne heard an inlstructive address given by York County Public School Inspector L. Campbell, on “Educational Topics." A talk was given by J. C. Shearer, Agricultural Representative of Peel County, on “Improvement and Re- search in Agriculture during the last six years.†Mrs. Isaac Lawrnce and Mrs. Robert Wright had charge of the} program while the refreshment com-I mittee included Mrs. Albert O’Don- nell, Mrs. Oscar Ellis and Mrs. Wil- fred Fitzpatrick. It was arranged to hold a party in Claireville Com- munity Hall in January to raise funds to help pay the mortgage on the Hall. United Church Young Women’s Auxiliary 1 There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Young Women’s‘ Auxiliary of the United Church held: on Thursday night of last week at the home of Miss Margery Blake, No. 7 Highway, at which Miss Blake oc- cupied the chair. The feature of the program was a synopsis given of Henry Van Dyke’s book, and read- ings from the same book by Miss Margery Darker and Mrs. Alvin .Wood. Miss Marie Allen contributed a musical number. Plans to send Christmas gifts to needy families in the West we've discussed and refresh- men'ts served. Late John Elliott John Elliott, aged 88, an invalid: for a number of years, died on Mon-‘ day last in St. Joseph’s, Hospitall where he had been a patient for more'i than three years. Mr. Elliott was a. son of John Elliott, a pioneer in the Woodbridge district, and was born on Lot 11, Con. 8. The farm is still an Elliott possession. He was a staunch Liberal and took a keen in-‘ terest in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the world in general, and our Dominion. in particular. His wife who predeceased him many years ago was Jane Phillips. Surviving are four daughters and two sons, Mrs. Kate Sedgewick, Toronto; Mrs. Harry Stone, Toronto; Mrs. David WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS Austin, Kenneth Kidd. Another by Mr. Weather- (t. Nov. 25th. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd. 1933 Toronto; James muou A sister, Mrs. Sarah M also survives. ' If you’re looking take things as they them go the same way Woodbn‘dge L.O.B.A‘ Officers Bowman, Woodbridg'e; Mrs. Albert Johnston, Woodbridge; Alex. Elliott, Toronto; James Elliott, Woodbridg-e. A ciqtp'rt Mrs. Sarah McKee, Toronto, Officers elected by Queen Victoria. L.O.B.A. for .1934 are, W.M., Sister L. Boddy (re-elected); W.M., Sister E. Smith (re-elected); Chaplain, Sis- ter R. Shaw (re-elected); Recording Secretary, Sister L. Ingram (re- elected); Financial Secretary, Sister R. Shannon; Treasurer, Sister H. Kinnee; 1st Secretary, Sister K. Bagg; Dept. Secretary, election left over, Sister C. Shaw absent; D. of C., Sister H. Willis; Inner Guard, Sister M. Ostrander; lst Committee, Sister L. Willis; 2nd Committee, L. McNeil; 3rd Committee, C. McNeil; 4th Committee, L. Cousins; 5th Com- mittee, T. Ring; Auditors, Sisters S. Robertson, B. Sutton, L. Robertson; Guardian, Sister M. Gillan; Pianist, Sister E. Robb; Acting Past Mistress, Sister J. Bagg. A11 officers re-elect- ed for the coming year. Gifts were ‘presented to each'of the Sisters con- ‘ducting‘ the election and; a. dainty lunch was served at the conclusion of lodge business. Queen Victoria. L.O.B.A. undeg.‘ thé leadership of Sister Boddy, W.M., is just one year old and reports a very successful yéar having a, membership of thirty-three and practically all re- galia including the banner. Furs Made To Order Repairs & Remodelling Raw Furs Bought Elgin Mills Phone Maple 1049 VILLAGE of RICHMOND HILL Voters’ List 1933 NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Votersl List Act and that I have posted up at my office, Richmond Hill on the 15th day of November 1933, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for membens of Parlia- ment (or as the case may be at Muni- cipal elections) and that such list re- ‘mains there for inspection. i And I hereby call upon all voters 'to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for lapped being December 9th. DATED this 16th day of November. A. J. HUME, Pedestrians who have been in the habit of crossing the High School grounds are warned that a continuance of this practice will not be tolerated. “ Warning signs will be erected and citizens are warned that strict} notice must be paid to such signs, and this objectionable prac- tice discontinued. County of York CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F NOTICE Muï¬igï¬aï¬ty of the John Donald Richmond Hill By Order, Board of Education Clerk 01' Richmond Hil ‘ay. .A. Election of for happiness come, and let urrler