Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Nov 1933, p. 1

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HUNTSVILLE HAWKS PLAY HERE TONIGHT §CAPITOLT£§$§ e & Casth WON MANY PRIZES AT ROYAL WINTER FAIR We extend congratulations to the firm of H. J. Mills Limited of Richâ€" .mond Hill on their splendid success in the rose show at the Royal Winter Fair. They succeeded in securing eleven first prizes, three seconds and one third. The rose show was one of the best ever held in Toronto. YORK JUNIORS WILL VISIT CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL In the County Competitions in stock judging for boys anl household science for girls, held in the spring, prizes of a free trip to the Chicago Internat- ional are given to the high standing boy and the high standing girl. This year these prizes were won by Robert Chapman of Weston and Gladys Har- rison of Woodbridge. These winners will go to Chicago early in December where they will be royally entertained during the whole time of the show. VOL. LV. A large number of fowl were stolen from the farm of Geo. Thomas last Thursday night. The school house at Hope was also broken- inbo and a number of fountain pens and a. basket- ball and other articles taken. Con- siderable d'amag'e was done to the property. The Womens Institute packed a. bale of clothing for the needy at the home of Mrs. T. F. Jackson on Satur- day last. - A memorial service for the late Cecil Witney was held: in St. Steph- en’s Church on Sunday. °=0=O=°=°=O=0=0=Oflg It: is hoped there will be a. good attendance at the Bazaar and Chicken Supper in the Parish Hall on Satur- day, Dec. 2nd, admission 25c. A blend of Christian Workers from a. church in Toronto are expected to take pant in the service in the United Church next Sunday evening. The Dramatic Club of St. Colom- ba’s Church, Toronto, that presented the play “Only Me” so acceptably in Hope Church about a year ago, will put on another drama “The Mummy and the Mumps” on Dec. 6th, in the same church. Admission only 25c. and 15c. Everybody is invf’ced. The Young People’s; Society of Tesmm visited the Maple Society on Mkmdéay night. After a program by the visitors games well played and refreshments served. ":I‘he annual Christmas Concert of the Presbyterian Sunday School will be held a? Monday, Dec. 18th. Playing all week, Dec. 4 to 9 KARTOON ‘YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” “ TO-NIGHT IS' OURS ” John and Lionel Barrymore Clark Gable Helen Hayes Robto Montgomery REVIVAL FRIDAY AT 10:45 P. M. CLAUDETTE COLBERT FREDERIC MARCH “NIGHT F LIGHT” MAPLE CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. 1:30 to 11:30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY DEC. 1, 2 MATINEE DAILY at 2.30 p. m. o=0===on01 COMEDY â€" NEWS â€" ETC. NEWS .. UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. The Richmond Hill United Church Young People’s Society are attend- in the Rally of all Societies from the North, East and \West Presby- teries which is being held in Trinity United Church next Monday evening at 7:45 p.m. sharp. The speaker is Rev. James G. Endicott, M.A., out- standing youth leader in China who is home on his first furlough. His subject will be “Whlat Should He Have Us Do.” We Would like to see as many members of our Society .as possible attend this meeting. Those who attended the Rally. last year in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church will remember how well they enjoyed the meeting and We hope you will attend this year’s service. Cars will leave the Sunday School at 7:00 o'clock sharp. PUBLIC SCHOOL ORATORICAL CONTEST The annual oratorical contest for the pupils of the Richmond Hill Pub- lic School was held Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Home and School Club. It was held in. the High School Gymnasium and was largely attended. Eleven contestants took part in the senior contest and thir- teen in the junior division. Gerald Guttance taking as his subject “The Story of Farming in Canada” won the first prize in the senior group. His subject for the impromptu test was “My Pet.” Nixie Fisher was awarded the second prize, subject “Life of Robert Burns” impromptu subject “A Lacrosse Match,” third prize Freda Manley subject “Coal,” impromptu subject “My First At- tempt at Making 3. Speech." Junior group lst prize Lillian Browning, subject “Eskimos and their Land” impromptu “My Experience of a Toboggan Slide,” 2nd prize Molly Secrett subject “Where I was Born,” impromptu “How I would like to spend Christmas Day," 3rd prize John Tracy subject “A Trip through a Smelter” impromptu “How I would like to spend $5.00.” During the evening- Nixola Fisher gave a. piano solo and: little Helen Whitten delighted the audience with two recitations. Mr..Scott's room won the prize for having the most parents and friends in attendance. The Home and School Club wishes to thank those who so generously donated sugar and cocoa which will be used for serving hot drinks to the :hildren at noon hour. Just a Story About a Girl who lost Her Reputation . . . and Never Missed I”... with A Paramount Pidure CARY GRANT THEATR E DUO] COMEDY lastlefield "In Essentials, Unity: In N on-cssmt ials. Liberty; 1W RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1933 YOUNG CANADIANS FAVORITES TO WIN TRI-COUNTY HONORS IN TO-NIGHT’S FINAL GAME Huntsville Black Hawks will swoop down on Richmond Hill to-night (Thursday) with the hope of taking away with them the championship of the Tri-County league and the Me- Carthy Cup. The Hawks will have a two goal lead under their Wings as a result of their victory in Huntsville by a score of 9-7, but right now the theme song of the Young Canadians is “Who’s Afraid of the Big Black Hawks" and they are confident that they can overcome that two goal lead and win the championship of the Tri- County Association. The fans haven’t stopped talking about lag/t Thursday night’s great game here and they are in for an- otheg' thrilling and exciting exper- ience to-night when Youn'g Canadians and the Huntsville Black Hawks will Huntsville has a smart team. They' are young, sturdy and hard workers.‘ With the exception of three players they are all under twenty years of age and they set a pace which is hard for any team to follow. They have had excellent coaching at the hands of Bucko McDonald and they know their lacrosse. They have had a great season of Canada’s‘National game in the north country and the ,Black Hawks have had some close and exciting games before they fin- ally won the championship of the northern group from Bracebridge and Orillia. The citizens of the northern town are justly proud of_ their team and give them excellent support and‘ it is expected a goodly number will make the long- trip down here to-day. battle for the 1933 lacrosse champion- ship. I The third period was featured by an absence of scoring, each team scor- ing one goal. Gioletti scored for the Hawks and Beckie Jacks got Young Canadians counter. The period end- ed, Black Hawks 8, Young Canadians Toâ€"night’s game is called fer 8:15 p.m. and the referees will be Frank Doyle, president of the Tri-County league, and Len Smith of Toronto. Young Canadians journeyed over the northern hills to Huntsville on Tuesday by chartered bus and were accompanied by a number of fans and supporters. Huntsville’s fine arena was crowded to capacity for the game and the home town support- ers had a big night of it seeing their favorites trounce the famous Young Canadians by a score of 9-7. It was a fast clean game with plenty of heavy checking, but notably free of any rough tactics. The Hawks all keyed up for the big- battle opened with a burst of speed and Cole, one of the stellar performers, got the first goal of the night. “Cal” Miller came back with one for the Hill, and then Cole again scored, making it 2-1 for the Hawks. The northerners con- tinued their drive and added two more before the end of the period, Per- rosotti and Snowde'n scoring. Hopes of Huntsville‘fans rose high as they had visions of piling up a formidable lead and they entered the second period fhll of confidence. Young Canadians succeeded in some- what quelling the onrush of the Hawks although they were outscored in this fieriod 3-1. In this stanza the Rich- mond Hill team appeared to have about an even break on the plays and missed several chances to score, miss- ing beating the Huntsville goalie by just the narrowest margin. Higgs, and Cole scored for Huntsville and “Cal” Miller talliedl for Richmond Hill In the final period Young Canadians rallied and outscored the Huntsville crew 4-1. In addition they scored another which looked like a sure goal but which was not allowed as the goal umpire claimed it wasn’t in the nets. “Cal” Miller scored first [on a pass from Rusty White, the Richmond Hill team in this period showing their bst lacrosse and combination play. Harold Weese scored next on a pass from “A1” White. Snowden got the, only counter for Huntsville in the when the speaker will be Miss Clara Mason who will give an illustrated talk on her experiences this past summer driving a miss'ioniary van. There will also be a varied musical program. All are welcome. BIRTH FORSYTHâ€"On Friday, November 24th, at Mrs. Cardwell’s Nursing Home, Richmond Hill, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forsyth, Elgin Mills, a son (William John). Who’s Afraid of the Big Black Hawks Say Local Stalwarts â€"â€" Lose First Game to Huntsville By Two Goals. Eihmmt period. “Rusty” White scored after-1 a rush which brought the applause of the entire crowd. Harold Weese shot from about the centre of the rink to beat Houser in the Huntsville l nets for the final goal of the game. Young Canadians were short the services of “Chuck” Weese who was unable to get off work in time to take in the game. Otherwise the team was the same as last Thursday night, except for the addition of Mike Miller. To-night it is expected “Chuck” Weese and Ollie Barret will be on the line-up. If Young Canadians can go out to- night and play anything like the.I game they played here last Thursday! night against Fergus they shouldl overcome Huntsville’sl‘two goal lead and win for the second time the Tri-i lCounty championship and. the Mc-. lCarthy Cup. 1 l Jubilee Banquet Thursday Dec. 7th All is in readiness for Richmond Hill’s Diamond Jubilee celebration which will be held in the form of a Community Banquet to be held in the Masonic Hall next Thursday evening, Dec. 7th. A reception will be held in the Municipal Hart commencing at 4:30 p.1n. to which all residents as ,xvell as former residents and friends throughout the district are cordially invited. It is planned that at this gathering many old acquaintances and friendships will be renewed and a few hours very pleasantly spent. The reception committee will be Reeve and Mrs. J. A. Greene, ex- reeve T. H. Trench, Mrs. F. Atkinson, ex-reeve and Mrs. J. 'Lunau, Mrs. Agnes Campbell, Mrs. V. W. Pugsley and Miss Elizabeth Brown. The banquet will commence in the Masonic Hall at 6:30 p.m. This event is for all ladies and gentlemen who care to attend and a limited number of tickets are now on sale and may be secured at the business places of the town or from members of the committee. Citizens are urged to BUY TICKETS EARLY as it is anticipated the demand will more than exceed: the capacity of the hall. Mr. Harwood Duncan, proprietor of Hotel Richmond, will cater for the event and the banquet tickets are 50 cents each. A splendid program has been arranged and among those who will contribute to the program are many former residents of the community. Rev. Edward Kelly, now of Toronto and formerly of Richmond Hill, will give a historical talk and Dr. McCutcheon, Ontario Civil Ser- vice Commissioner and an outstand- ing public speaker of the province, will give an address. The Burton Avenue United Church Young People’s Society of Barrie, will impersonate “Seth Parker and his Jonesport Folks,” in the United Church Sunday School room on Tues- day, Dec. 5th, at 8 p.m., under the auspices of the Women’s Missionary Society. Price: Adults 25c.,' children Richmond Hill Presbyterian Y.P. S. will meet Monday evening next when the speaker will be Miss Clara. Mason who will give an illustrated talk on her experiences this past summer driving a missionary van. There Will also be a varied musical program. All are welcome. SETH PARKER CONCERT PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. A number of the young people atâ€" tended Kleinburg and Nashville Wom- en's Institute Dance on Friday eve- niqg.‘ The pupils and eXâ€"pupils of Vellore Public School are busy preparing- for their Christmas concert which Will be held on Monday evening, Dec. 18th. ’ Keep in mind that Junior Farmers’ and Farm Girls’ next meeting Will be held on Dec. 5th. The Vellore Old Boys are entexu taining the Vellore football team on Friday evening in the Township Hall. A number of the ladies attended the Women’s Institute convention held in Royal York Hotel last week. Mrs. Lorne Weldrick and Miss Jean Rob- son were the delegates from Vellore Congratulations are extended to the boys on York County Livestock Team and their coach for their stand- ing second place, competing in the Inter-County Judging Competition composed of 28 teams at Royal Win- ter Fair. Peel County was the win- ning team with a small lead on the York County boys. Both teams scor- ed the highest aggregate score that has ever been scored at the Royal Winter Fair. The team consisted of Albert Rutherford, Vellore, who stood second place, four points behind the high man of the competition, Heber Irwin, Klve'inlbm'g, who scored first in beef cattle and stood 10th place, and Bill Hodgson, Noblebon, 11th place. The calf club team, Norman Bagg's, Edgeley, and Wilbert Jen:- nings, Temperanceville, provincial winners, competed against the other provinces and stood second, Quebec leading by a. small score. All these boys are members of Vellore Junior Farmers Club and the Vellone Club are certainly proud of their boys. Mr. R. E. White, York County Agriâ€" culture Representative, has proven by the standing of his boys, an efficient coach and Worked unsparingly with the boys to bring out the best of their ability in placing eleven classes of livestock and giving reasons for their placings. M55 Gladys Harrison, winner of the Chcago trip in York County Do- mestic Science Judging Competition leaves: on Saturday for Chicago. The Masquerader None are bored if you talk about them instead of yourself. “ BERKELEY SQUARE” Next Friday and Sat-“Charlie Chans Greatest Case" Bedford Theatre SATURDAY MA'I‘INEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7:00 & 9:00 Where “Capitol Entertainment” Relgns Lpisode 7â€"--THE THREE MUSKETEERS SPECIAL FOR THE CHILDREN SAT. MATINEE ONLY Leslie Howard, Heather Angel and Beryl Mercer _[N_ “PENTHOUSE” I "THE 'RIT: NOVELTYâ€"I LIKE MOUNTAIN MUSIC WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY DEC. 6, 7 WARNER BAXTER STANLEY LUPINO and MYRNA LOY ‘ W â€" _ m _ _ ‘THREE LITTLE PIGS’ FRIDAY and SATURDAY RONALD COLMAN & COMEDYâ€"NOTHING EVER HAPPENS CARTOON -~ BETTY BOOP THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE AND GLEN FOREST VELLORE Return Engagement by Request Our Gang in Kid From Borneo PARAMOUNT NEWS MONDAY and TUESDAY DEC. 4, 5 AND Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Winter made a brave start, but seems to be I'osing its nerve as it pm g'resses. We did enjoy the rare Op- portunity of skating in November anyway, and the recent rains are we!- come to fill empty cisterns. Misses Dorothy and Grace Valliere attended the Institute Conventfion an! Banquet in the Royal York one day last week. Many from this district have en- joyed the big- Fair. Douglas Gee WIS fortunate this year in standing third in the Interâ€"College Judging Compe- tition at the Royal, also heading the list in sheep. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Klees are once more making their home at Victoria Square. We welcome them back b our community. VICTORIA SQUARE Those attending Y.P.S. enjoyed a. fine program Sunday evening. Miss Marion Smith gave a. well prepared paper, pointing out the benefit de- rived from reading books. Mr. Bruno Lehman of Melville Y.P.S. played two fine piano selections and Misses Pearl Caseley and Margaret Avim sang a pleasing duett. Christmas practice is under way once more, all are requested to put forth their best effort to keep our Christmas Concert up to the high standard it has maintained this past few years. It won’t be long till the night, Dec. 23rd. Don’t fail to remember the play "The Old Home Place” by a. caste of young people from the Mt. Albert district in our Community Hall, Fri~ day, Dec. lst, at 8 pm, und'er the: aw pices of our J.W.I. The regular J.F;A. & J .W.I. meet~ ing will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 5th. A report of the Institute Convention, an exhibit of original ideas for Christmas gifts, and don’t forget girls, the box of candy to answer the roll call with. At the boys meeting held in the Hall at 8 p.m. the roll call will be answered by naming a. disease of livestock and its control or cure. Mr. Fraser Gee will give a talk on “Herd Improvements” and Mr. C. P. Sanderson a talk on “Economic balâ€" anced rations for winter feeding.” Ali in the community are welcome to come and enjoy these meetings. KING OF THE RITZ The power of advertising. Reau the medicine ads and you’ll feel all the symptoms. DEC. 1, 2 ELISSA LAND] No. 22

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