Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Nov 1933, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THE LIBERAL Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada's Best Suburban District. I . o 5 Advertising Rates on Application. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1933 WHAT ARE YOU INVESTING? A young lady recently complained wistfully to us that “my life’s terribly dull; nothing ever seems to happen to me. It newer seems to occur to her that you can’t expect to get anything out of life, if you don’t put something into it. . There are lots of people like her, complaining fretfully because they don’t get a hundred per cent happiness out of life, without pausing to consider how much they’ve put into it. She complains of the dullness and narrowness of life “stuck down in the office,” when she’s “always longed to see the world.” But what is the use of expecting to get ad- venture out of life, if you don’t put the spirit of adventure into it? It is the same with people toâ€"day who complain of the lack of opportunities for making a success of themselves. They say, dolefully, that there are no longer the same op- portunities for getting on, as there were a couple of decades ago. Of course there aren’t the same opportunities. But there are~others just as good. If you build a better mouse- trap to-day, the world will still beat a path to your door, just as it would twenty-years ago. And the World is mov- ing at a higher tempo than ever before. New discoveries, new inventions, new ideas, are more valuable than at any time in history. You get out of life what you put into it. This rule, like all others, has its exceptions, but it is undoubtedly true of the majority of others. The man who is waiting for the depression to blow’ over, without doing anything about it in the meantime, will find that life will be one long depres- Slon. When the depression is over, the ones who will reap the benefit are those who are investing their time now, to take advantage of the better times. A news despatch the other day revealed that in Eng- land, a camp has'been opened where thousands of young men may recondition themselves. Those young men are not waiting. They are investing now for the future. ‘¥*****# WHY YOU PAY We howl about taxes. And well we may. Much tax is wastefully spent. But what about the good the taxes do? We never mention that. All we do is yell and shriek, bark and complain. ' But the tax is the difference between the tribesman with his club and the high school principal. It is the dif- ference between the code of the jungle and civil and moral law. In the primitive days a woman or an ox was the properâ€" ty of the man, and, when a man wanted another man’s wife or his ox he went with his club and took possession. All the law then was the law of force. The tax is the difference between the rule of force and the polling booth and the balâ€" lot; and the council table and the citizens’ assembly. The tax We hoot at and howl at is the difference be- tween the government by the beak ,and talons and bloody maw as compared with government by constitution, free- men and the ballot. The tax is our shelter, our guardian against crime, the crime and criminals that would overâ€"run us and rule us and be our masters but for the defence taxes provide. / The tax educates our children. It takes them in child- hood, follows them from the elementary into the high school goes side by side with ‘them into the higher institutions and sends them out into society, schooled and trained and equipâ€" - ped to think and reason and form intelligent conclusions. The tax builds bridges, constructs highways, digs tunâ€" nels of facilitate our government through the countryside and gives us easy access to wonder spots and pleasures We could not otherwise have. ‘The tax gives shelter . . . to our mentally ill and, when poss1ble, brings them back to society, reneWed and restored. The tax stretches out a helping hand to the human derelicts and to the human driftwood in the eddying stream of life, takes them to the farm home for the poor and feeds, nurtur es and ministers to them. Thus the tax is application of the policy of him who said, “All things whatsoever ye would’ that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” I The despised tax that we scream at and shriek at is the handmaiden torch, light and symbol of a Christian civili- zation, the foundation and pillar and cornerstone of Chrisâ€" tian governmnet, the guarantee and reliance of human liberâ€" ty through the education it carries to youth. It should be our thought to revere and reverence the tax, not to despise it; to cleanse it of waste, to rid it of paras1tes, to defend it, stengthen it andâ€"pay it religiously as 3)sacred and patriotic privilegeâ€"Oregon Journal (Port- an . ******** TEAMWORK IS NEEDED ' .The development of TEAMWORK is the greatest fac- tor in the promotion of the best interests of the community. The-development of TEAMWORK will do a lot to make the coming JUBILEE CELEBRATION a success. In the words of the poet: “It ain’t the individual, Nor the army as a whole, But the everlasting TEAMWORK Of every bloomin’ soul.” ******** Britain recently heard the Prime Minister on Arms. The Archbishop of Canterbury. leading a committee of inquiry. was told that while Britain is perfectly willing to take the lead in disarmament. nothing really effective can be done Without an international agreement. The Prime .Iinister is working for something which must precede iisarming and which he declares is actually ten thousand times as iiiip01taiit~â€"Tllis is the spirit of peace. TEL.".T‘HONE 9. “‘ day with Miss Etta Watson. WEEK-LY NEWSY NOTES FROM ‘ THE AGINCOURT DISTRICT Christmas will soon be here. and then comes the New Your. \Vhat about those fine resolutions we made for 1933? Were they only l'uSUlthlOIlS, or have they been carried out? Miss Margaret Thoman of Toronto I and Miss Margaret. Hood spent Sunâ€" 'l‘ln- annual convention of Women‘s Institute was held at the Royal York Toronto on Tuesday, \Vedncsday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. A. E. Kennedy, Mrs. W. A. Young, Mrs. W. McKean and Mrs. McDonald were the delegates from the local branch. Mrs. McDonald secured one of the prizes for sewing. A new baby girl came to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thomson’s home last Wednesday. Mrs. Irons, who has been living with her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Swit- i zer at Ellesmere, passed away sudden- ly in her ninety-eighth year. Mr. G. A. Tees has returned from Nova Scotia, where he and his bro- ther, Mr. Dave Tees, were opening up a coal mine. Mrs. Jas. Green, one of the oldest residents of Agincourt, passed away on Saturday, in her seventy-eighth year. She had been in failing health for some time. Before her marriage, she was Eleanor Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy. She spent nearly all her life in this vicinity. A member of Knox United Church. She- is survived by her husband, one son, R. J. Green, three grandchildren and one brother, Robert Kennedy of Cam- bourne, Ont. Miss Hamilton of Ottawa, who has been living with Mrs. W. A. Young, has gone to Toronto for the winter. Wm. Smith, Gladys and Fred huge success. Everybody happy. of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. ‘and Mrs. J. Hambly. The Highland Creek Baseball Cluby held a party and dance in Mammoth} llall. Malycrn . on Friday evening. Junior Farmers Orchestra was in at- tcndancc. The hockey enthusiasts held a mcct~ ing in Heather Hall last Tuesday eve- ning and decided to enter a team in] the intermediate O.H.A. Mrs. George Patterson entertained‘ on Tuesday evening in honor of her: brother Walter Elliott’s birthday. \Valter does not know how old he is,l but he does know the year in which he was born. Miss Christina Ionson celebrated her birthday on Tuesday too. How these birthdays do come around. The Scarboro Agricultural Society sponsored a concert in Heather Hall last Friday evening. The Scarboro Choral Society furnished the program and an excellent one too. The W.A. of St. Timothy's Church held a “thrift” tea at Mrs. Robert Kens-ett’s on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 23rd. As each lady gave her donation she was presented with a gift. One game that caused much merriment was “Proving that the way to a man’s heart is through his stom- ach.” Several of the children of the neighborhood came in after four o’- clock and presented “The house that Jack built.” A most delicious tea was served to about thirty ladies. l Mr. R. M. Paterson celebrated his birthday on Sunday. Congratulations Robert and may you enjoy many more birthdays. The Calathumpians had a concert and box social in the east hall last Thursday night. The concert was splendid and the box social was a TEMPERANCEVILLE The regular monthly meeting of the Willing Workers Mission Band was held at the home of the superinten- dant, Mrs. N. Thompson, on Saturday, Mae Harman, acting president, pre- sided. The watch tower was read by Norma Jones, Constance Jones, Mar- garet Henshaw, Gertie Henshaw and Reta Rumble. Piano solos rendered by Jean Umehara and Norma Jones were much enjoyed. A story “The Missionary Potato” was read by Mil- dred F olliott. Mrs. F. R. Hicks of Northmount was the special speaker, her subject being “Holidays.” She stated that all holidays are “Holy Days” and we should always stop to think why we celebrate each holiday. Mrs. Hicks also presented to the band a certificate, a personal gift from the Mission Band Secretary of the Tor- onto Centre Presbyterial, Mrs. J. H. Arn‘up, for being the first ban-d in this district to win the banner. Meeting. closed with the M'ispa'h benediction. Lunch was served. Mr. M. B. Beynon and son Carl celebrated their birthdays on Satur- day. Just the immediate relatives of the family were present. Mr. and Mrs. N. Thompson attendâ€" ed the Pattonâ€"Carson weddinv last Wednesday afternoon. The beautiful home of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Johnson was burned to the ground early Monday morning. With such a terrific wind blowing a number of houses to the south were in great danger, but however the fire did not spread. Very few of the contents were saved. Mr. and Mrs. Robert English of Alliston visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bovair over the week-end. Miss Violet McColeman spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pellatt spent Sun- day with Miss Mary Barker. The Ladies Aid quilted two quilts at the church last Wednesday. The Y.P.S. was in charge of the Citizenship Convener on Friday eve- ning. Mr. Owen Bair of Snowball was the special speaker. Mr. Robt. Carr, Mr. Graham and Miss Jean Switzer, all of Vandorf, at- tended the services in the United Church, Sunday cveniny. Wives listen best to their husbands when they talk in their sleep. - About the only place now to find “home cooking” is at the restaurant. â€"â€" BROTHERTON’S Steamship 313%th Special Sailings to the Homeland by: Canadian Pacific. Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone \‘Jillowdalc 63.} Office Stop (5, Yonge St. Lansing THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1933 We handle quality fuels Pocahontas Nut Welsh Blower Welsh Cobbles Blue Coal Vinton Smokeless Lump Soft Coal Semit Solvay Coke The best coke made. All sizes of Anthracite coal. LISTEN IN ON Blue Coal Programme Friday evening 8 to 8.30 p.m. C.F.R.B. xâ€" All Canadian ALL KINDS OF FEEDS Purity Flour for all your baking Telep'ni: 1) LD. Ramer & Son Richmond Hill Young Canadians A few of ii") '1 in Richmond H Eli's i ounf: ('untiziki": great victory last Thursday night, and who are hope- ful of to-night winning the McCarthy Trophy for the second time. Top, “Chuck” chse and “Rusty” White. centre: Kenny Blanchard, Beckie .‘ Jack Johnston. Alf Stong. Harold Weese. Jack Hart, and Vic Orr were the other members Jacks, “Cal” Miller. "Al" White, lower: “Dempsey” Armstrong and of the learn participating in this historic game who are not Shown in the above layout.

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