Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Nov 1933, p. 4

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Mr. Walter Reaman left Monday morning for Severn Bridge to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. W. Rea- man, which was on Tuesday after- ch, A'LLD- 1Jva ‘lL-uw‘vvâ€"m Mr. Stuart Wark goes on Monday to take up his new duties with Mr. Alex. Forrest. Mr. Ross Bowes has- a temporary mill set up and is now ready for business. Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton motored to HuntSA Ville on Tuesday to attend the Rich- mond Hill-Huntsville lacrosse game. The Camille Christmas Tree and Uoncert will be held in the church on '5 umday evening, Dec. let. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker of Elgin Mills spent Sunday with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Bert Middleton Misses Eva and Helen Baker spent '; uesday in Toronto. The shooting match held at Mr. Leo. Surtons last Saturday was quite a. success. There was some splendid shooting done, although none of the crack shots from Richmond Hill that we here so much about, turned up to show their skill. Headford Community Christmas Tree will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 20th. Everyone welcome. Rev. Peter Bryce of TorOnto will preach at Headford on Sunday, Dec. 10th, at 11 am. A FIRM oureaow w} a Take advantage of this new and better cleaning service. Phone to-day and our man will call. 80 Clayburn Ave. St. Catharines, Ont. u Note:â€"-If you are in the market for early January C_hicks write us for prices and get your orders in early. First hatch January 8th. Would You Like 200 Bray Chicks Free PAGE FOUR HEADFORD CARRV lLLE The requirements are simple. You don’t have to send any money or solve any puzzle. Writ us to-day for particulars. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY complete Laundry and Drycleaning Service” A surprise party was given last week to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bel] at their home, it beinv the celebration of their birthdays. About forty friends from Toronto and the surrounding neighborhood gathered despite wea- ther conditions. After some time spent in progressive euchre a pro- gram of music was given by the art- ists present. The tea. table' was centred with two cakes nicely decorated and with can- dles, gifts from the friends present, to Mr. and Mrs. Bell. A most enjoyable time was spent and Mr. Bell thanked the friends for their kindness and said they apprec- iate it very much. The party came to a close in the wee sma’ hours. Miss Allison Hood spent the week- end With- friends in Toronto and at, tended the Royal Winter Fair. ' Miss Della. Hands is spending the winter in Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. J. Gough and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Agincourt Thursday evening. Mr. Wm. Timbers returned home from his hunting trip bringing his game along Mrs. Morgan Blaylock and daughter Gwen spent several days last week visiting relatives here. Accompanied by the teachers of Milliken School, Miss Lorna. Stratton attended the Oral Contest of York County held in York County Cham- bers, Toronto, on Friday afternoon. ' Miss Aifislie Hood visited her cousin Miss Margaret Wilkie, Toronto, a few days this week. in the years that this firm has been in bus- iness we have grown to be one of the largest organizations of its kind in Canada. To serve our customers with an even more complete service we have recently installed a The men who established this Company and built it to its present proportions are still its Directors and absolutely no change in per- sonnel or management has been made. To represent more truly our widened activity and complete service the firm name has been changed to TORONTO LAUNDERERS AND DRYCLEANERS LTDâ€"hence the old trade mark. MILLIKEN DRYCLEANING DEPARTMENT £71422 ’44 flown War M51] LAU NBRY L"? gives way to the new. Z, 72. 7/4 7 17 I/ 4m x» ,2, I 1/1 z. (/4 , I”. » //. There were eleven competing and Miss Stratton came 8th in the compet- tition. Mr. Perkins, teacher of Hagerman Public School, took his pupils for a day to the Royal Winter Fair on Monday. Mr. And Mrs. Robert Bell spent the week-em} with friends in Toronto. Mrs. A. Donaldson visit/ed Mrs. S. Gibson on Saturday evening. Miss McCutcheon spent the week- end in Toronto. It is requested that gifts for/the bale to be sent to Saskatchewan be in on Sunday next at Ebenezer United Church. Some articles required, mitts scarves, jackknrives, hard candy, dolls, etc. These 130 be packed and sent in time for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Scratch of Kingsville have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Var- don. Miss Elsie Spring spent the week- end with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood and daughter Allison visited their aunt, Mrs. S. Gibson, on Sunday. John Young Jr. has been confined to his home. We are pleased to re- port he is recovering from an attack of chickenpox. Mrs. J. McConnell visited Mrs. Susan Gibson, Thursday afternoon. RICHMOND 111le UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 3rd 11 a.m.â€"-Communion Service. 2:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.~â€"The Minister. ' Wednesday, Dec. 6th, 8 p.m.â€"Prayer meeting, Mr. G. Gee leader. Ad dress by Mr. W. A. Wright. onto. 2 :45 p.m.â€"â€"â€"Sunday School. Sunday, Dec. 3rd 11 a.m.â€"-Rev. Geo. B. McLeod, of Tor Advent Sunday Dec. 3rd 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. .AY.P. A. Corporate. 3 p.m.-â€"-Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. “Fireside” after evening service. [1/1. .//A 77/ RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO McCARTHY CUP Emblematia of the chhmpionship of the Triâ€"County Lacrosse Associa- tion which Richmond Hill Young Canadians are hopeful of winning in to-night’s final lacrosse fixture. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carson attended the Patton-Carson wedding at King City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Avison of Vic- toria Square attended services at Newtonbrook United Church last sun: day and were guests at the parsonage. Miss Cora Good has returned home after visiting with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Oldham, at Mt. Albert. A number of our young people at- tended the skating party at Varsity Arena and report a splendid time. Mrs. A. W. Galbraith is confined to her home through illness. We sin- cerely hope she will soon be able to be about again. Mrs. Pope, Mrs. Flatt and Mrs. D. Fennel] of Port Carling and Mr. Glare Halbert of Allis/con were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Halbert while attend- ing the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 6th, at 8:15, they will have a dvess rehearsal and children will be admitted for a fee of 10c. The Girls Mission Circle will holcl their annual business meeting and election of officers next Wednesday evening, Dec. 6th, at 8 o’clock, at; the Parsonage. The Young Men’s 5.8. Class will give a minstrel concert in the Sunday School Hall of the United Church on Thursday, Dec. 7th, at 8:15 pm. Adults 25c., children 15c. At a SS. executive meeting held recently it was decided to have the various classes take part in the wor- ship service of the Sunday School. Mrs. Summers class of young ladies led in the worship service a week ago and Mr. Wells class of young men had charge last Sunday. The Sunday School of the United Church is busy practising for the an- nual Christmas Concert to be held on Dec. 19th. A cantata will be preâ€" sented] entitled “The Christmas Waif” which promises to be very fine. Keep this date open and plan to attend. The Y.P.S. met last Monday eve-i ning With the fourth vice-president, Miss Doris‘ Soden, presiding. The} life of Ethelbert Neonis, a noted Am- erican music composer, was read by Mr. Raymond Round. He was born in 1862 and died 1901. Among his compositions was “The Rosary.” This was played by Miss Bertha Smith. Mrs. Herbert James read an article on “Why he came tv write The Rosâ€" ary.” Having received a letter from a very dear friend gave him the in- spiration to write this beautiful old song. The letter commenced with these words, “The hours I spent with thee dear heart.” Mrs. Allan Wiltshire sang- another of his compositions “Mighty like a Rose.” Miss Janet Riddell read an article which prompted him to write this old‘ Southern melody. This was followed by an instrumental entitled “Narcissus.” Miss Soden told the romantic story of “Echo and Narcissus” a. fairy tale legent which inspired him to write this selection. The business period followed, and it; was arranged to give 33. play after the New Year, and a. committee was: appointed to make ar- rangements. The young people are planning to attend! the annual Y.P.S. Rally to be held in Trinity United Church, Tor- otho, next Monday evening, and the local meeting is withdrawn. A Father and Son Service was held in the United Church last Sunday eve- ning and" was largely attended. The service was in charge of the Pastor, and Mr. L. A. Buckley of Broadview Y.W.C.A. gave the address which was much appreciated by all. The men’s choir led in the worship of song, and many old time hymns were heartily sung in the song service which pie- ceded the worship service. A male quartette composed of Messrs. Mc- Mullen, McLean, McCrimmon and Street sang “The Old Wayside Cross” and a duett by Mr. W. McMullen and Mr. J. McCrimmon was also very much enjoyed. NEWTONBROOK DOUBLE BARREL shot gun. Ralph Baker, Oxford Street, Elgin Mills. BARRED ROCK pullets. Apply G. W. Keffer, phone Maple 2963. LADY’S FUR COAT, Persian Lamb, in excellent condition. Apply to Box 43 The Liberal Office. BABY CARRIAGE, grey wicker, in good condition, cheap. Apply Box 73 The Liberal Office. EIGHT GEESE and four ganders be- tween two and four years old. also about thirty young ones. Apply Jos. Atkinson. BATTERIES, highest quality, guar- anteed, at a remarkable saving. See our advertisement on page 7 of this issue. Hall’s Service Station. 90 BARRED ROCK pullets, also 1 pair nickel plated tube skates and boots size 4. Apply Wilbert Bone, R. R. 2 Maple, phone 1764 ANTIâ€"FREEZE, something better at a moderate cost. It will pay you to see us. Hall’s Service Station, North Yonge Street, phone Richmond Hill 191. RADIOS, get; one now for Christmas; used amdl new models: from $15.00 up, also new oil burners», double sixes $23.00. G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill, phone 242. SEWING MACHINE in good con- dition, wool carpet, 3 yds. by 4 yds., coal oil heater, fancy oil lamp, musk- rat coat suitable for girl 16 years. Apply Mrs. C. Harrison, 7 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. SEVEN ROOM house ;on Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. Apply Mrs. Leece, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM house at Elgin Mills. Ap- ply J. H, Naughton. THREE bright unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, rea- sonable rent. Box 72 The Liberal Office. EIGHT ROOM brick house and 1/1.‘ acre of land in the Village of Maple, available Dec. lst, electric in the house. Apply E. P. McQuarrie, Maple, Ont. ‘ FEMALE HOUND, in Lake Wilcox district, brown and white. Apply Richmond Hill phone 44r2. TAXES Discount of 5 per cent is allowed when payment is made to the Village Treasurer at his office on or before December lst,193 3 Richmond Hill, Nov. 9, 1933. HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL TO SPEAK AT AGINCOURT ‘ Hon. Duncan Marshall, prominently mentioned as Ontario’s next Minister of Agriculture, will be the speaker at the annual meeting of the East York Reform Association which will be held at Agincom't, Oddtfetllow’s‘ Hall, Thursday evening, Nov. 30th. Mr. Mars-hall is an outstanding speak- er and recognized as one of Canada’s most gifted Agrimflrtuu'al leaders. Everyone is welcome to attend this; meeting and hear this distinguished speaker talk on current political problems. November 15th "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGo-MAKR THE MOST OF H" RATES-Five lines or less, 25 cents for first i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 6 cents per line extra each insertion. IE7 CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. The Third Instalment of the current year’s 'taxes is due Richmond Hill Machine Shop Classified Advs. GENERAL MACHINERY REPAIRS, BOILERS LAWN MOWERS AND BINDER KNIVES GROUND FOR SALE TO RENT LOST A. J. HUMF‘ Treasurer GUNSMITHING Rear 81 Yonge Street THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1933 STRAYED from Lot 31, Con. 2, Vaughan, black and white heifer, 2 years old. Apply Geo. McNair, R. R. No. 2, Maple or Leslie Hope, RE. No. 3 Maple. WHEAT or my kind of grain. White- vale Flour Mills, telephone Markham 5502. WANT TO BORROW $4,000 as first mortgage on 11% acres improved property in town of Aurora. New brick house, barns, chicken houses, etc. on property. Box No. 84. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN desires housekeeping and practical nursing. Phone Thornhfll 141'4. GOOD CAPABLE GIRL wishes po- sition as mother’s help. Apply Mrs. A. Gale, Maple R. R. 1. RUMACAPS RELIEVE PAIN in rheumatism, sciatica, backache while removing the cause. Apply Austin’s Drug- Store, Richmond Hill. A HOME for Matermity Cases, before and after, under good care, reason- able rates. Apply Box 13, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. T. B. ELLIOTT Blacksmith Shop formerly occupied by J. Hunt ALL CLASSES BLACKSMITHING Shoeing, General and Ornamental FENDERS STRAIGHTENED standing timber, the property Fred Trent, Lot 26, rear of 2nd Whitchurch. Sale at 1:30 p.m.‘ N. Smith, auctioneer. Monday, Dec. 4th Used Cars 1931 FORD ROADSTERâ€"A spotty Carâ€"Rumble seat. 1930 FORD TUDOR The Regular December meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore 1928 FORD 1I/2 TON TRUCKâ€"In Fine Condition. Little Brothers 1929 FORD TUDOR RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 1929 FORD PANEL DELIVERY- All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 days MISCELLANEOUS SATURDAY, DEC. 2nd,â€"Sale Vaughan Council Dated at Maple, Nov. 30th, 1933 Ford Sales and Service SALE REGISTER Excellent, Condition WANTED $325.00 $225.00 $250.00 $150.00 11 a. m. for the transaction of General Business J. B. McLEAN, Clerk $200.00 STRAYED

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