Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1933, p. 5

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Rports showing marked success in all departments of work underbaken during the past year were heard at the annual meeting of the Junior Farmers held in the Township Hall on Monday evening. The president, Bill Champion, in charge. The re- ports included Auditors, Albert Bangs; Secâ€"Treas., Lorne Dimma; Program Com. Norman Reid; Fin- ance, Jack davanagh; President’s Bill Champion: R. NA nnnvania_ u.” V..m..,.c__. 7 In the presldent’s report, appreCIa- tion was expressed to the members for loyal support given throughout the year to the executive in all the various projects sponsored by the organization and a note of optimism sounded regarding the work planned for the COnllng‘ year. U. J. r. spells more than the name 01' an organi- zatlon, it means progress. The an- nouncement or the Community Lne Conlerence at Newmarhet, Jan. 3, 4, b, at l-‘lcnermg Couege, was Iavoranly received, a number or members Slgnl- tying their intention to enroll.. 'l‘he oIIicers Ior 1964 include, fresxdent, Bill Champion; Viceâ€"B‘esment, .ttusâ€" sel Little; secretary-‘1‘ 'easurer, Lorne Uimma; Executive Com, Norman Reid, Maurice hammil, Jack Cavanagh Ken Deacon, hen Macntosh, r'rank Dimma, Cameron Kennedy. The pro gram. and Imance committee to be appointed by the Presullent and Sec- retary. Press Secretary, Reg. Chamâ€" pion. Editors for the January paper, Cameron Graham, Florence Bearson. A full program characterized the meeting or the Girl’s Club, including an interesting paper on “Christmas in Findland” by Myrtle Hammil, dem- onstration painting by MISS h‘risch, demonstration “Setting the Christ- mas Table” by Mrs. A. K. Harring- ton. -Report was heard regarding the Home Beautification project when the members made satisfactory show-1 ing, Rozina Hood (100%), Ruby Reesor, Isabel Scott. Mrs. Harring- ton was acting Chairlady during the election of officers, the following be- ing appointed for 1934, President, Ruby Reesor; Vice-President, Isabel Scott; Secretary-Treasurer, {Jessie Davidson; Press Secretary, Margaret Milroy; Finance Committee, Helen Freeman, Nellie Clark, Helen Arm- strong; Program Committee, Myrtle Hammil, Mona Mason. At th joint meeting following the Clpb Paper was read by Margaret Mllroy, and. dancing and lunch con- cluded the U.J.F. session for 1933. May 1934 be a continuation of all good things for these energetic y0qng folks. a.ku The annual Bazaar and Supper held under the auspices of St. Phjhp’s Anglican Church, was as usual a de- cided success, when the proceeds were approximately $90.00. Mrs. W. Haw- kins and Miss Nellie Bond held the lucky tickets in the draw for the quilt and pair of ducks. The articles for sale were of high quality, suit- ab to meet the Christmas need, the chi dren’s attraction, the Fish Pond, was well patronized. The delicious supper met the need of hungry folk and was indeed a credit to the ladies in charge. So, everybody that at- tended came away_ happy.‘ ' Twenty-four tables of players met once again under the auspices of the Veteran’s Association for a friendly game of euchre in the Township Hall on Thursday evening. Announcement was made of the final event inr‘the series- Which will be held this Weeli and as competition is keen for high honors a large attendance is antici- pated._ The Winners for the last event include, Miss Janet Brown, Mrs. E. Robinson, Mrs. W. Summer- feldt, Reg. Court, L. Middleton, Robt. Law-tie. _ A With forty-four white Pekin ducks as trophies, expert; marksmen from Toronto, Scarboro and Markham Townships were in competition at a shooting match held on A. L. Brown’s prgmige‘s easfi of ~the village” on No. 7 Highway last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Rutt of Toronto was high win- ner with 3 pair to his credit, A. H. Canning and Clarke Young second with 2 pgir each. Other winners pres ent were Mr. Watson, Dr. Livingston and son, Mr. Sercombe, Mr. Reid‘, W. J. Young, R. J. Reesoi‘, T. Shadlock, u. LUMALK, Lin U. J.u.x.u\u_, A. u ......... , J. Frisby, Russel Boyingbon. A match for turkeys is .scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 9th, at Mr. John Glen denning’s farm, Scarboro, and is fol- lowed by one fon geese on Thursday next at Mr. Joseph Bond’s farm nOrth fifegnionville. A popular sport inâ€" e . ~ 0h, listen folks, and did you hear the news that’s going round, that on Dec. 21st, an entertainment will be found, the best that ever yet has been. So, wend your way right ‘smart to the Township Hall on Main Street, the concert starts at 8 p.m. sharp. The boys and girls have told me old Santa will be there, with a train of games and fairies, to be sure, it’s quite an affair. The in- vitation is for you, so be there on the dot. The children all expect you. You’ll be sorry if you’re not. The holiday promises to be as WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT usual, quitewfilsyff Qgfim’ghewdiflgrefi I events of entertainment that are THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1933 For Finest Quality Hand Tailored Clothes Phone 49J Richmond Hill Greetings ! To the citizens of Richmond Hill on this the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee. RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. Greene, We trust that Progress and Pros- perity will continue to be the lot of the community and that our people may enjoy to a large degrEe the spirit of good fellowship and friendship dur- in;r this historic celebration. We are proud of the Town and pay sincere tribute to the sturdy pioneers who laid the foundation for the com- munity which we enjoy to-day. scheduled to take place. The dates ,of the various concerts are, Central :United S.S., Dec. 19th; Brown’s Cor- lners, Dec. 19th; Unionville Public I'School, Dec. let; St. Philip’s Angliâ€" can, Dec. 27th. We recommend at- tendance to all, Christmas only comes once a year. Mr. A. J. Camplin dealt with the timely topic “Peace and Good Will” at the meeting of the Central United Y.P.S. on Monday evening and brought an inspirational message to th young folk on th eve of the old lLvear. The devotional period included scripture readings by Christine Warne {and May Thurston, and prayer by ‘Bob Hiltz. Attendance of all mem- ‘bers is requested for the next meet- .ing when reports for the years work will be heard and the election of of- ficers will be held. ' An impressive event will be the Confirmation Service, that will be held in Grace Anglican Church on Friday evening next, commencing at 18 o’clock. Bishop Owen of Toronto {will conduct the service. The music will be in charge of the St. Philip’s ,choir and candidates from the Unionâ€" ]ville Church Will also be received in- ;to membership. Holy Communion ‘will be dispensed in St. Philip’s An- glican Church on next Sabbath morn- [ing. White Gift Sunday was observed at Central United Church last Sunday, when Sunday School scholars, young and old, laid their gifts on the altar of love for others. The contributions exceeded previous years and were sent to Saskatchewan where they will be distributed amongst the needy. “The world seemed, empty, and black and cold, And wretched and helpless and very old, A thought for “others‘;” a new world grew, That thought created a. world anew." During the service Rev. A. E. Owen gave an interesting talk to the chil- dren and told the ever delightful story of “The Other Wise Man.” This service was indeed a fine be- ginning for the celebration of the birthday of him who gave freely of his life that we might enjoy Peace and Good Will on earth and ever- lasting joy in Heaven. Mrs. Geo. Foster received the sad news recently of the sudden death of her mother in Ireland, caused from her clothing catching fire from a spark from the fire place. Death was almost instantaneous and came as a great shock to Mrs. Foster. The Liberal joins with the many friends in expressing sympathy to the be- 1'eayed familyL" 7 Mrs. Elsie White was tendered a pleasant surprise on Tuesday evening last when a number of friends asâ€" sembled at her home and presented. her with 21 miscellaneous shower. Bridge and refreshments were enjoyâ€" ed during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall and‘Miss Libby Gibson of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson on Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. T. Burnett were Tor- onto visitors on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. M. Davidsnn are attending the Winter Fair being hech at Â¥Guelpih this week. Miss Dorothy Payne sp-ent Sunday Wth Mrs. Meyer of Dixon’s Hill; Miss Jean‘Harper of Toronto was the guest of Miss Mary Harper over the week-end. Mrs. John Smith was called to Richmond Hill on Wednesday on ac- count of the death of her daughterâ€" in-Iaw, Mrs. W. E. Smith. in Toronto last vi’eek We regret to report the illness of Mrs. W. M. Smith at the home 0“ her daughter, Mrs. K. B. Hveisey Toronto. A number of our citizens attowdm' the Masonic Amxual At Home held at Markham last Tuesday7 night. Miss Grace Harrington. Toronto spent Sundav at her home here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parkinmn of Toronto visited Mrs. W. McMulIen over the weekâ€"end. Mr. Keith Kennedy and Mr. Love of University of Toronm guests at the home of Dr. A. E. nedv over -. the week-end. Miss Lillian, Parkinson of Torontn visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Parkinson. on Sundav last. The Ladies Aid of Bothesda Luf‘h eran Church met in the church 0“ Thursdav last sewing in aid of thc‘ 1'9]in work. Mrs. Fred. Cnn'lev of Ofillia; spm’r fhe Week-9nd ww'th her narents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. Mrs. E. Bewell is snendinz this wemk Wifb Mrs. Lee of Toronto. Mrs of 1:2. Sh'vpr‘ Mrs. Elsie White and Mia: Unrnfhv White were Tor- onfn Visitor" on Wednesday. Mrs. N. Ogden is visiting friends in Toronto thi: week. FrerJ were Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Sloan of Aurora vis- ited Mr. Sloan’s mother, Mrs. Hew- ison, on Sunday evening. Congratulations and best Wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Reid, Yonge Street, who oh Tuesday, Dec. 5th, celebrated the 49th anni- versary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Reid are both enjoying the best of health. Mrs. James Armstrong of Toronto formerly of Richmond Hill, visited friends in the Village on Tuesday of this week. A large crowd attended the very successful concert in the United Church on Tuesday evening, when the Young People’s Society of Burton Avenue United Church, Barrie, im- personated “Seth Parker and his Jonesport Folks” under the auspices of the local Women’s Missionary Soâ€" ciety of the United Church. A.Y.P.A. NEWS A very successful A.Y.P.A. meet- ing was held on Monday evening with fortyâ€"seven members present, when a very delightful program was en- joyed. NOTEâ€"We want more members. Everybody welcome. Come and join {he fun. Don’t forget the party Dec. 23rd, at the home of Jim Clarke. Basketball at Richmond Hill High School Gymn, Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. Those who Wish to play bring yourself, running shoes and a dime. UNITED CHURCH Y.W.A. The Young Women’s Auxiliary of the United Church will hold their an- nual meeting at the home of Miss Irene Anderson, Richmond Street, Tusday evening, Dec. 12th, at 8 o‘- clock. A good Christmas program is being ararnged and election of of- ficers will take place. At 2 pm. men of the church will proceed to make the annual canvass for both Misisonary and local funds. Kindly be prepared to receive them. On, Sunday, Dec. 10th, Rev. John Coburn, D.D. of Toronto, will speak on behalf of the Missionary and Maintenance Fund. UNITER CHURCH M.'&"MfFUND UNITED Y.P.S. The Senior Young People’s Society of the Richmond Hill United Church will hold its weekly meeting Monday evening at 8 o’clock sharp. The election of officers will take place an:’. Miss E. Barker will render vocal numbers and games will be played. Everyone welcome. At the regular meeting of the School Board Tuesday evening the report of the Public School Inspector was received. The report stated that conditions at the school were very satisfactory and tribute was paid to the efficiency of the teaching staff. The Board 'decided to continue to sub scribe for the Ontario Safety League bulletins at a cost of $15.00 per year. The subscription also includes one illustrated safety lecture which the members felt was useful in educating the children in the interests of safety Trustee J. E. Atkinson tendered his resignation as a member of the Board owing to ill health and the members accepted same with regret paying tribute to the long years of useful service given to the Board by Mr. Atkinson. Members present were: Chairman A. A. Eden, trustees Mrs. 0. L. Wright, Rev. L. Claude Secrett, Bert Cook, T. H. Trench, A. D. Buch- anan, J. F. Atkinson, C. II. Sanderson, P. E. Angle and F. N. Hopper. The annual School Concert at Pat- terson will be held on Dec. the 22nd. HAND MADE RUG A draw for fine hand‘ made rug: will be made Saturday evening, Dec 16th, at 8 p.m., at Liberal Office Tickets may be secured from Mr. H Austin, Centre St., Richmond Hill. A Shooting Match for fifty turâ€" keys, the property of Elmo Snider, will be held on Saturday, December 9th, at Kieffer’s Service Station on No. 7 Highway West of Concord Station. Shooting to commence at 1 p.m. sharp. Shot guns and’ 22 rifles, also target rifles. Shells for shot guns supplied. .\’ur 06 SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for turkeys Will )0 held Saturday, Dec. 16th, at J. H. :‘risby‘s, Victoria Square, 1 p.m. 22 -ifles and 12 gauge shot guns. Shells zupplied for shot guns. Accommo- latian in warm place for the shoot f weather is‘ unfavorable. Social and Personal APPOINTED NURSE AT BOVVMANVILLE The many friends of Miss E. R. raham, form'erly Public Health urse for Richmond Hill and Vaughâ€" 1, are pleased to note that she was *cently appointed as Public Health urs‘e for the Town of Bowmanville. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SHOOTING MATCH THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTAEIE the the actor that very ,d to taffl sub ague year. one the Lting fety [ ins oard In the first period Richmond Hill gained a one goal lead, the period end- ing 3-2 in their favor. In the sceond the Hawks. outscored the Young Canaâ€" diansl2 to 1 and the stanza ended four alL In the thiyd period the hard see- saw game continued and the best the fighting Young Canadians could do ivas to out score the visuors 3-2 to end the period 7-6. In the last period Young Canadians turned on theksteam and went on a scofing rampage to drive in seven goals while the best the Hawks could do was outguess Alf Stong in Rithmond Hill nets for a single counter. “ VETERANS’ EUCHRE 1 The local Veterans will hold a euchre next Wednesday, Dec. 13th, in the Municipal Hall. SHOOTNG MATCH A shooting match for geese and ducks will be held at David Fuller’s Lot 19, rear Con. 3 Markham, Wed- nesday, Dec. 13th at 1 p.m. SHOOTING MATCH For 30 geese at Joseph Bond’s just North of Unionville, on Thursday, Dec. 14th. 22 rifles and shot guns, 12 gauge. Shot guu shells supp_lied. SHOOTNG MATCH A shooting match will be held at the farm of J. R. Glendenning, Lot 34, Con. 5 Scarbo‘ro, Saturday, Dec. 9th. Shot guns and rifles. Shells supplied for shot guns. Dominion Dried Beet-Pulp. A milk producer, a fat inducer, a. cost reducer. June pasture conditions in Winter for cows. A car load at the elevator. A few tons left. Order early. I. D. Ramer ,& Son, phone 10. A dance will be held in Victoria Square Community Hall by the Barâ€" ley Balers orchestra, Friday, Dec. 8th. Modern and olde tyme dances. Lunch served at booth. Admission 25 cents. Everybody welcome. Marguerite Boyie (Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley) Stud- ios: Homewood Hall, Thornhill; Har- ris School of Music, 2881 Dundas West. All city appointments made through Miss C. L. Danard at East End Studio, 798 Carlaw. Y.W.A. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On Tuesday evening a most de- lightful banquet was enjoyed by friends and members of the Young Girls" Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church in the church parlor. After toasts to the King, the church and the W.M.S. had been proposed and responded to, an address “Our Mis- sionary Heritage” was given by Miss Warling of Lansing. Community singing was enjoyany taken part in and Miss Elinor Drury delighted those present with a reading. The re-organization of the Girls Auxiliary into a Young Women’s Auxiliary then took place and the Auxiliary is now known as “The David Marshall Aux iliary” called after the church’s for- mer pastor who is now in British Guiana. The officers elected were Hon. President, Mrs. J. Eachern Smith; President, Miss Mabel Mackie- Vice-President, Miss Elinor Barker; Secretary, Miss Blanche Dewsbury; Treasurer, Miss Sheila Beresford; Supply Treasurer, Miss Elinor Boyle; Press Secretary, Miss Isabelle Hor- rell; Pianist, Miss Lucy Yerex. Richmond Hill Young Canadians won for the second time the Tri- County League Championship and the McCarthy Cup when they defeated thL Huntsville Black Hawks here last Thursday night by a. score of 14~7. It was a hard fought game with the Young Canadians making an uphil, fight all the time to overcome th< Black Hawk’s two goal lead gainei in; the game at Huntsville. Thc Hawks are an aggressive hard check in‘g team and played excellent lacross for the first three periods, the scort at the end of the third period being Richmond Hill 7, Huntsville 6. aI’c was one of the best games‘ of lacrosse ever seen here. The score is no indication of the game as right until the last hart of the last period the play was close and the teams very evenly matched. The victory rang dbwn the curtain on the 1933 lacrosse season and the Young Canadians are for the second time holders of .the McCarthy Cup. This handsome trophy will be pre~ sentod to the team at the Jubilee ban- quet in the Masonic Hall to-night. DANCE AT VICTORIA SQUARE In the final period Young Cana- dians put forth a winning effoyt and ended the game seven goals up on the northern contenders. A record crowd for the season attended the game and the fans were delighted with the efforts of the Young Cana- dians and at the same time give much credit to the Huntsville team for the splendid game. MCCARTHY CUP WILL BE PRESENTED TO TEAM AT JUBILEE BANQUET TO-VIGHT ELOCUTION thool ngrd Refuses Use of High WS‘chpol‘ for Jubilee Purposes The Richmond Hill Board of Edu- cation in regular session Tuesday eve- ning confirmed the action of the Chairman of the Board in refusing to grant the use of the High School Gymnasium for Community Diamond Jubilee Banquet which will be held to-night. In introducing the question Chair- man A. A. Eden explained that he had received a request from the Vil- lage council for the uSe of the High School for the Community Banquet and after consulting the members of the Board he had given a refusal. Since then he stated there has been a good deal of criticism of the Board’s action and he felt that much of that criticism was unfairly direct- ed on one or two members and more particularly himself as chairman. He felt this was unfair and he asked that the Board go on record on the matter. Trustees Bert Cook said that as other arrangments had been made he doesn’t think any action was neces sary. No more need be said about it, he said. Trustee Buchanan suggested that a motion of confidence in the chair- man might be passed, but as far as going on record that the school should not be used by some organi- zation to which the Board might want to give the school he would not favor it. One of the churches might want it some time and We might want to let them have it, he said. Trustee Trenchâ€"It’s not too late to take action one way or the other now. It is really a. community event and the council thinks they should have the use of the school. Trustee Angle stated that when he was first approached he was inclined to be favorable. It was a public af- fair, so why not use the school. How- ever, the more I thought it over the more I was against it, he said. I gave the chairman my opinion that there were more things against us- ing the school for the banquet than in favor of it. Trustee Hopper stated that when first approached he said that if the others were agreeable he was agree- able, and he still took that stand. Trustee Secrett suggested that the entire discussion was out of order as no written application was made to the Board. The application has never come before us as a Board, so how can we deal with it. It was an inâ€" formal application and before our meeting other arrangements have been made, so I see no reason why we should take definite action. Trustee Angleâ€"That’s just pass- ing the buck. Trustee Secrettâ€"Not passing the buck, just keeping a point of order. Trustee Buchanan-â€"â€"I still favor passing a resolution of confidence in the chairman, but I do not favor passing any motion saying nJO-one can have the use of the High School. Trustee Trenchâ€"This is a com- munity affair and they want to use the school. Our duty is to determine whteher or not it will interfere or whether or not it is in the best in- terests of the school. Trustee Angleâ€"For expediency probably the best course is the one suggested to forget it if we can. If the chainnan’s acts are corroborated: that might be sufficient. Trustee Co‘okâ€"I don’t think we should let them have it. Trustee Tgenchâ€"When first ap- Trustee Mrs Wrightâ€"I don’t think I gave that impression, but I did want to see the Board have the op- portunity of discu§sing it. Chairman Eden said that. when he gave the answer to the council stat- ing the school could not be used for the banquet he was giving \the ans- wer of the Board in accordance with the opinions of the members express- ed to him. He then proceeded to poll the members as to the answers they had given him previous to his ad- Vising the council of the decision. Trustee Mrs. Wrightâ€"I felt I would like to have the Board given the opportunity of discussing the question. I appreciate there are some things to be said against it as well as for it. Chairman Edenâ€"I understood you to say that there was more to be said against it than for it. Jubilee Greetings On this the occasion of Richmond Hill’s Dia- mond Jubilee We take pleasure in extending sincere birthday greetings and the wish that the village may continue to grow and prosper in the days that are to come. Richmond Hill Shepgard 8: (iii! Lumber Co. All Kinds of Lumber and Building Supplies Phone 27 proached I thought we should have time to consider it and when you asked me I gave the opinion that it probably wasn’t in the best interests of the school to have the banquet there. to others who thought it would be a detm'ment to the school I thought we would be better Without it. Trustee Hopperâ€"I favored it When first approached, but after talking Trustee Angleâ€"I have already ex- pressed my opinion. Trustee Sandersonâ€"I have already expressed my opinion as unfavorable. Trustee J. F. Atkinsonâ€"I am op- posed to it, because who would pay for the damage that would be done. Trustee Buchananâ€"When I was asked abOut it I said that Whatever the chairr‘nan decided I was behind him one hundred per cent. How- ever, I suggested that if the banquet were held there it would be a good idea to have officers to direct traffic to prevent any damage to the lawns. Trustee Secrettâ€"When the request was first made I thought it would be a splendid idea, but then when sug- gestions were made that it would in~ terfere with the school routine, dam- age the hardWood floors, etc., I hoped that other arrangements would be made and we would not have to say no. I eertainly did not want: to say no to another body of public men in this community trying hard to serve the public, but if the interests of the school Were to be hindered then of course no must be the answer. Chairman Eden said that in view of the expression of those opinions he had conveyed to the council the Board’s refusal to the request for the-- use of the school for the community banquet. What else could I do, he said. The resolution confirming the ac- tion of the chairman was unanimousâ€" ly passed by the meeting. Mr. A. J. Clark desires to express sincere thanks for the many kind at- tentions extended during the illness of his late sister and for expressions of sympathy in his recent bereave- ment. Mr. Fred W. Grainger amf family desire to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness, ex- pressions of sympathy and floral tributes in their recent bereavement. From one of Richmond Hili’s Newest Industries J UBILEE GREETINGS To mark this very‘ special event in the hiss tory of Richmond Hill we are making a special offer of our products of which we are justly proud and which have won unanimous approval throughout the district. Cement Blocks $14.00 per 100 Both in plain or rock faced finish. CARD 0]“ THANKS CARD 0F THANKS Special Silo Blgcks $17.00 per 100 Ontario PAGE m

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