HAND MADE RUG A draw for fine hand made rug: “"1" ‘ wade Saturday evening, Dec 16th, at 8 p.m., at Liberal Office Tickets may be secured from Mr. H Austin, Centre St., Richmond Hill. ELOCUTION Harguerite Boyle (Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley) Stud- ios: Homewood Hall, Thomhill; Har- ris School of Music, 2881 Dundas Wed. All city appointments made through Miss C. L. Danard at East End Studio, 798 Carlaw. Davies (hrixtmax Store 3‘ . BUY FROM AN ESTABLISHED DEALER . Phllco and Vlc‘cor Radios, Washing: 1f‘weagachmes Come in and inspect them. We have a Wide range of practical and useful articles. We have a wide , / , range of suitable a»). a.) Christmas gifts for every member of the family and Ewe can assure you of the best service for yourlast minute shopping. Large stock of Toys and Novelties 'to delight the Kiddies on Christmas morning. .3» ~ -:; ,.« '5'" ' .4‘. ‘f; *â€" PAGE EIGHT Phone 18 THE BEST IN RADIOS. Gifts for every member of the family Sturdy and reliable toys of all kinds. Winter Sport Goods, Skis, Sleighs, Etc. C. C. M. Skates and Shoe Outfiis. Q3 Phone 119 W. BRATHWAITE HAR DWAR E It will be conducted by Reeve Greene, Mr. H. I Mills and J. E. Smith, Editor of the Liberal, the pgblic is invited to be present when the lucky numbers will be drawn to decide the Winners of these handsome prizes. Our store and windows now have a Christmasy effect, with a large variety of merchandise and fancy articles for Christmas and New Year presents. SEE THE DISPLAY OF KNITTED GOODS SUITABLE FOR CHRISTâ€" MAS GIFTS MADE IN OUR OWN KNITTING MILLS IN RICHMOND HILL The draw for the two Floor Lamps and Glassâ€"cafe Dish which have been on display in our store during the past weeks will take place, Thursday evening, December 28th at 7.30 p.m. .7 IKIIUI [UL nu: 1; g IVA IVA Avg-“9111545 fine assortment of China and Glassware, ideal for Christmas Gifts. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas EXTRA XMAS TKAIN Shuvtbn Canadian National Railways, in ad- dition to regular service for points north of Toronto will operate special train' Dec. 23rd, Toronto to Parry Sound, leaving Toronto 5:30 p.m., Richmond Hill 6:17 p.m., arriving Parry Sound 10:05 p.m., returning special leave Parry Sound 52:55 pm. Dec. 25th, arriving Toronto 10:35 p. m. Extra service will also be pro- vided ion the Toronto to Huntsville line, Newmarket and Orillia. Par- ticulars from nearest C.N.R. Agent. XMAS TRAIN SERVICE We Deliver Yonge St., Richmond Hill TUBES TESTED FREE. I The Mission Band of Knox Church held their annual meeting in the base- ment of the church, Sunday, Dec. 10th Officers for ensuing year are: Pres., Billy Barger; Vice-Pres, Dorothy Simmons; Secretary, Beatrice Sim- mons; Treasurer, Bruce Watson. A number of the Knox people en- joyed a. rare treat when they listened to Rev. D. E. McDonald, missionary on furlough of Johat, Who spoke un- der the auspices of Woodbridge W. M.S. on Sunday evening. MURRAYâ€"On Saturday, Dec. 9th to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Murray, Woodbridge R. R. No. 2, a son. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Church was held at the home of Mrs. R. Burton on Thursday, Dec. 7th. Satisfactory reports were pre- sented by the Secretary and Treasâ€" urer. The officers for the coming year are: Pres., Mrs. C. Cameron; Vice-Pres, Mrs. R. K. Johnson; Sec- retary, Miss J. Elder; Treasurer, Mrs W. King; Supply Secretary, Mrs. D. Fines; Convener Social Com., Mrs. G. McGillivray. A social hour fol- lowed the meeting. Mr. Jack McCallum has sufficiently recovered from his recent operation to be able to return to his home, although still confined to bed. The annual Bazaar, held in Knox Church, under the auspices of the Y. W.A. and W.M.S. on Saturday last was quite a success. A quiet weddmg was solemnized by the Rev. W. J. Burless, Toronto, when Jean, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Wm. Colgate, Weston. The bride, who was attired in a dress of blue crepe with black coat and hat, was assisted by her sister Mary in green. Mr. Gordon Robb, Hamilton, assisted the groom. ELDER NEWS LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO BIRTH Young Men’s Class Meet at Parsonage The regular monthly meeting of the Young Mens’ Class of the Thorn- hill United Church was held on Tues- day evening last at the Parsonage and was a very well attended and very interesting and. helpful meeting. The President conducted the de- votional period assisted by the Teach- er, Mr. M. J. Johnson and John Gill. In keeping- with the Season the Christ mas Carols were sung- Iustily by all and the Christmas Story was read as a Scripturerlesson. Refreshments were served‘ by the hostess assisted by Mrs. M. J. John- son and Mrs. R. Simpson Who were also cordially thanked for the very important part they played in the evenings enjoyment. The guest speaker for the evening was the Reverend H. N. Noble of Trinity Church, Thornhill. who was enthusiastically welcomed by the class. Mr. Noble gave a very fine inspirational address dealing first of all with the Bible as an inspired book of life and illustrating this fact by several stories built around the thought of 1 John 1:14 “I have writ- ten to vou young men Because ye are strong.†It was an address that was much anm‘eciated and will be long re- membered by the young men present. The very cordial-thanks of the class wa_s_ expressecl to Mr._Noble. The musical part of the program consisted of a solo by Mr. John Todd, and several musical selections by “The Three Musketeers†Don David- son, violin; Don Smellie and Hugh Mc- Donald, guitars. Mr. Pugsley expressed his Dersonal pleasure in having Mr. Noble speak at the class meeting and also the pleas ure of Mrs. Pugslev and himself in entertaining the class, and extended a most cordial invitation to all to return. Mr. Williard‘ Simpson, President, made some very appropriate remarks regarding the Spirit of the Season and objects of the Class and urged all members to do a little extra this Christmas toward helping “the other fellow.†The Class decided to co- operate with the Young Ladies Class in providing Christmas Cheer in the Community and also assist in the "White Gifts†Service of the Church next Sunday morning._ The meeting closed with the sing- ing of the class Hymn and prayer by the Pastor. The next meeting of the class will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 16th, and it is proposed that it shall take the form of a Supper Meeting and the annual election of officers will be con ducted 'following the program. All the young men of the church are urged to keep this date open. Memorial Service A very impressive memorial ser- vice was held at Trinity Church last Sunday night, in memory of the late William Youngman, who was side- man at Trinity Church. The Rector, Rev. H. N. Noble, spoke feelineg of the passing of Mr. Youngman and of his splendid qualities. Mr. Walling- ton sang a beautiful solo “Come un- to me.†I Rev. J. D. Cunninvham of Toronto, formerly of Vancouver BC, will preach in the Thornhill Presbyterian Church on Sunday next. The girls class of the United church will meet Thursdvav (to-night) at, the home of Misses Muriel and Reta Dean, John St., Mrs. J. A. Thompson will be the guest speaker. Another feature of the evening Will be a. Christmas Tree. The girls of the chgrch are _c9rdia_lly invi_t_ed. Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson and Miss Maxine Simpson of Toronto vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson.- _ Tï¬e United Church Sunday School is holding the annual Xmas Tree and fern’gertainment on Wednesday, Dec. 20th Rev. E. E. Pugsley will have charge of the Sunday School anniversary services next Sunday, Dec. 17th, both afternoon and evening, at Laskay. Rev. Douglas G. Davis of King Unit‘ ed Church will preach here next Sun- day_ evening. , ‘ ' Mrs. Lee and Miss S. Baxter are spending a few weeks in Toronto with Mrs. Lee’s daughter, Mrs. How- ard 7 Godfrgy. Mr. and 'les. Cyril Bone and 9011 Bruce of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Bone. Miss M. Tew, L.T.C.L., is holding a recital of her school of pianoforbe on Saturday, Dec. 16th, at Lawrence Memorial Hall, at 8:30 pm. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all. The W.A. of the United Church held their regular meeting and an- nual election of officers on Wednes- d‘ay. Rev. E. E. Pugsley presided for the election and the following officers were installed: Hon. President, Mrs. E. E. Puzslev: President. Mrs. N. J. Smellie; 1st Vice-Pres, Mrs. R. Simp- son; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. A. Brilling- er; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. L. MacDonald; Treasurer, Miss A. Boyle; Financial Secretary, Miss F. Bowes: Corresponding Secretary, Mrs- J. Wells: Devotional Secretary, Mrs. G. Rowbottom; Flower Committee, Mrs. S. Bone and Mrs. R. Thompson; Visiting Committee, Mrs. B. Oke; Parsonage Committee. Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Mrs. F. Farr and Mrs. M. McLean: Auditors. Mrs. C. 0. Mon roe and Mrs. N. Morton: Pianists, Mrs. F. Echlin and Miss A. Boyle. The annual Headford Community Christmas Tree and Concert will be held in the church Wednesday, Dec. 20th. A splendid program will be given. PURPLEVILLE CHRISTMAS CONCERT The annual concert of Purpleville School will be held Friday, Dec. 22nd THORNHILL H‘EADFORD bFFIClAL 0. M. L. STATION Phone 210 Richmond Hill.i Don't forget Vellore School Xmas Concert, on Monday, Dec.. 18th, at 8 p.m. The program consists of pan- tomimes, drills, songs, duetts, reci- tations by the school children and two dialogues and- one short play by the ex-pupils. Come early and avoid' the rush. The Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls met in the Township Hall on Tuesday night for their December meeting. The girls met in the Town- ship Hall with their President, Miss Jean McKinnon, presiding while the boys held their meeting in the base- ment of the school, with Alex McNeil President, in the chair. As it was the final meeting of the year new officers were elected. Miss Beatrice Mathewson gave a Very satisfactory treasurer report for the year. Miss Laurena Rutherford was appointed chairlady for the girls meeting while R. E. White acted as chairman for the boys during the election of officers. Officers for the girls are, President, Miss Mary Constable; Vice-President, Miss Jane McNeil; Secretary, Miss‘ Marion Philips; Pianist, Miss Laurena‘ Rutherford; Flower Committee, Miss- es Sarah McNeil, Sarah Mathewson, Mary Barker, Jean Robson and Clara Phillips; Program Committee, Misses Mary Constable, Jane McNeil, MariOn Philips, Jean McKinnon and Minnie Line. Officers for the boys, Pres., Mr. Albert Rutherford; Vice-Pres., Mr. Bob Julian; Secretary, Murray Irwin; Delegates for county executive meetings, Mr. Clarence Graham and Mr. Alex. McNeil; Program Commit- tee, Mr. Stewart Rutherford, Mr. Newton Watson, Mr. Alex. McNeil and Mr. Cliff Rumble. Miss Beatrice Mathewson was again elected treas- urer of the clubs. Mr. Peter Craib was appointed Editor of the Vellore Pep with Miss Laurena. Rutherford assistant editor. Miss Grace John- ston and Mr. Bill Watson were ap- pointed auditors. Mr. R. E. White, Agriculture Rep- resentative addressed the meetingand. put on some very fine lantern slides. Lunch was served and dancing fol- lowed for an hour. On Monday night members of the Vellore Farm Clubs motored to Eben- ezer, Peel County, in goodly numbers regardless of the stormy night and were royally entertained by our neigh boring county club members. Mr. R. Lawrence, President of Ebenezer Club welcomed the visitors and turn- ed the meeting over to Mr. Alex. Mc- Neil, President of the Vellore group. The program consisted of duett by the Rutherford Bros., solo by Sam Davidson, reading by Mrs. E. Harris, piano duett by Misses Margaret Wat‘ son and Agnes McLean, “The Pump Song†and “The Mock Wedding†by the boys. All did ample justice to the deli- catable luncheon that the Ebenezer group served. Dancing followed with music provided by Webster and Wiley orchestra. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McNeil’s were Miss Stella McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonald and daughter, all of Tor- onto. Lon ago a, wicked King decreed that a l the children of a. given age must die. Such cruel times seem long past. and we are grateful for itâ€"but is Herod dead. or does he live again in the indifference of some, which permits consumption still to claim many innocent child- renrfor its own? Children, especially those of tenâ€" der years, are particularly suscept- ible to consumption. It is a disease from which, unaided. they seldom can recover, but given help such as the Queen Mary Hospital affords, their chances are increased ninefold. They come. these pale and wan little ones, too 111 to care what goes on. The hos ital is manned and equipped. rea y to turn your dol- lars into their health. VVlll you help bring bggck their‘_smilesr? P‘Ieaseï¬geria‘ï¬ioï¬;VEifFE-S‘Eeorge A. Reid. Treasurer. 223 College Street. Toronto 2. Between all points in Canada and to Certain Destinations in'the United States Christmas Week-end: On sale from 5 am. December 23 up to and including December 25. Retlim limit to reach starting point not later than midnight Tuesday, Dec. 26. New Year’s Week-end: On sale from 5 am. December 30 up to and including January 1. Return limit to reach original starting point not later than midnight Tuesday, Jan. 2. Good going Thursday, December 21, to Monday, January 1, inclusive: good to return leaving destination not later than midnight, Monday, Jan. 8- Christmas and New Year’s CANADIAN NATIONAL VELLORE Reduced Fares A King's Decree Fare and a Quarter for the Round Trip SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP THURSDAY, DECEMELER 14th, 193} W. NEAL Young People Hear Talk On Cecil Rhodes The program at the Presbyterian IY.P.S. meeting on Monday night in. icluded an interesting article read by IP. H. Fisher on the Life of Cecil | Rhodes, a vocal solo by Robert Young and a contest. Y.P.S. of United Church Meet The feature item on the program of the United Church Young People’s meeting on Monday night was Mr. Roberts of the Church of All Nations, Queen Street, West Toronto, where he is minister to the Ukranian popula tion of Toronto. He spoke on the problems with which the foreigner [is confronted in church work. Others on the program were Miss Margery Blake, Miss Marie Allen, Bert Shore and Charlie McLean. The meeting was devoted to Missionary and Miss Th-elma Shore, Misionary Convener, presided. N. Clarke Wallace L.O.L. and L.0.B.A. Play Euchre N. Clarke Wallace L.O.L. and Queen Victoria L.O.B.A. combined their forces and staged a Euchre Party on Wednesday night of last week in the Orange Hall, when thirty-six players competed and winners were, Ladies, , Mrs. Jack Gillan Mrs. Ted. Leece, . Mrs. George Shaw; Gentlemen, Les. . Wallace, Roscoe Ring and Earl Ring. : Committee in charge, Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Murray Tom Rowntree ‘ Ingram, I Shannon, I and Jack Messrs. i Roddy. Women’s Institute Hold Decembeg Meetings It was Grandmother’s Day with the Women’s Institute at the Decem. ber meeting held on Tuesday after. noon at the home of Mrs. William Fleming, North 8yh Ayenue. Siiï¬Ã© time the Junior In. stitute met at the farm residence of Mrs. James Elliott. W.A. Elect Officers The Women's Association of Wood- ' bridge United Church held their an-t nual meeting at the home of Mrs. G. l W. Shore, 8th Avenue, when a large attendance of' members elected new officers for the coming year. Re- ports from various departments were very satisfactory and all meetings were well attended. Officers elected are, President, Miss Minnie Elliott; lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. J. E. Anderson; 2nd Viceâ€"Pres., Mrs. G. W. Bagg; Secretary, Mrs. G. D. McLean; Fin- ancial Secretary, Mrs. John Kellam; Treasurer, Mrs. W. Allen; Program Committee, Mrs. S. A. Saylor,‘ Mrs. Leo. Watson, Mrs. G. W. Bagg, Mrs. Russell Ward; Social Committee, Mrs A. W. Farr, Mrs. Boyle Kellam, Mrs. D. Shannon, Mrs. J. Dalziel, Mrs. D. C. Longhouse; Visiting Committee, Mrs. Isaac Fletcher, Mrs. Wm. Blake, Mrs. Longhouse. A program was furnished by a paper given by Mrs. K. Stevenson, vocal solo by Mrs. Nel- son, and a Christmas chorus by a number of ladies. Afternoon tea was served by the hostess. W.M.S. Has Successful Year 1 The annual meeting of Knox fChm'ch Vaughan Women’s Mission- lary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Burton, 10th Concession Vaughan. There was a good atten- dance and the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Colin Cameron. Financial reports presented we're very gratify- ing and the objectives are reached. lOfficers elected for the year 1934 were, President, Mrs. Colin Cameron, Viceâ€"Pres, Mrs. R. K. Johnston; Sec- retary, Miss Jean Elder; Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. King; Convenor of Social Activities, Mrs. Gordon McGillivray. The Bazaar held at the Sunday School room of Knox Church was very successful and articles and fancy work sold for a good sum. Sale of baking also brought a. nice sum for the W.M.S. Treasury. WOODBRIDGE