Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1933, p. 5

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THURSDAY, DECEMER let, 1933 WW ‘ WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNI‘ONVILLE DISTRICT It is a far cry back to the first Christmas. A long lapse of centuries Honeyset is in charge. The varied‘ intervenes. A mighty panorama 0f gifts will meet a deserving need, pro-‘ history and Change fleas the eye- viding comfort that would not be. Bl”, one thing has n0t Changed- The otherwise enjoyed. A Christmas hand of the child of Bethlehem Tests I treat will be given the Browns Cor-I powerfully upon the world. Thelners S. S. scholars on WednesdayL birth of a little child in a little comerlmxt, we hear Wmspers of a tree, a: of the earth, obscure and humble tolgupper, Santa Claus, etc_ It pr0m_! the last degree. A story that has ises a pleasant social gathering for' lost none of its charm and sweetness I both adults and children. I through our familiarity, and yet hOW‘ Of course you will want to include far reaching. How often God choos-,a dance on your holiday program, 50‘ Victor Mission, Toronto, where Rev.l€ral Hospital, and es the weak things of the World to} things that are stl‘Ong- All the‘ events of the centuries are not equal to one Bethlehem. Yet the gladsong of the angels still rings as true for us as it did on that first Christmas when the shepherds heard the theme “Glory to God in the highest, and oni earth peace, goodwill to men.” And, so, let us like these men carry thel inspiration of Christmas throughoutl the coming year, always seeking joy in the service of Him, Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Go ye now, even unto Bethlehem. “It isn’t far to Bethlehem town, It’s anywhere that Christ comes down. And finds in people’s friendly face A welcome and a hiding place. The road to Bethlehem runs right through The homes of folks like me and you.” The Christmas concert season is here. This week three go on record as being the best ever With good at-l tendlance and interesting programs.‘ Santa Claus, though heavily dated up, was on hand for each event with lots of fine surprises for the girls and boys. Central United S. S. led- the festivities with their concert on Tuesday evening, the splendid pro- gram including an exercise by the beginners entitled “God is Love,” a spelling match, a doll drill, a stocking drill, several dialogues, recitations, musical selections, etc., and not the least enjoyable was the short “skit entitled “Christmas Topsey Turkey” ably presented by Dr. Kennedy’s class. The cast included, Evelyn Mc- Clellan, Grace Perkin, Christine Mur- phy, Fern Kennedy, Gertie Appleton, Bob Hiltz and Ernie Appleton. Rev. A. E. Owen was chairman of the eve- ning. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church convened at the home of Mrs. E. E. Braitliwaite last Thursday with a good attendance and Mrs. C. Craw-' ford presiding. The devotional period included the Christmas scripture mesâ€" sage by Mrs. Crawford, prayer by Mrs. J. H. Chantand, the roll call re- sponded to by a Christmas verse. Rev. A. E. Owen presided at the elec- tion bf officers, also conducting the dedication fiflowing the election. Officers for 1934 include: Hon. Pres.,| Mrs. A. E. Owen; Pres, Mrs. Craw- ford; 1st Vice-Pres, Mrs. J. H. Chant 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. W. Young; Rec. Secty., Mrs. J. A. Gibson; Cor. Secty., Mrs. H. Stephenson; Treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite; Press Secty., Mrs. A. G. Gormley; Supply Secty., Mis. A. Kennedy; Missionary Monthly Secty., Mrs. T. Croft; Associate Help! ers Secty., Mrs. A. Coulson; Litera- ture Seccy., Mrs. E. Bewell; Temper- ance Secty., Mrs. F. Bagg; Christian ‘Steward'snip and Finance, Mrs. N. Ogden; Strangers Secty., Millie Mil- ler; Mission band Supt., Mrs. N. Ug- den; Mission Band Pres, Marion Wariie; baby Band Secty., Mrs. T. Hobos; Pianist, Mrs. Wheatly; Pro-i gram Committee, Mrs. Crawford, I Mrs. Chant, Mrs. Ogden, Mrs. E. Russell,-iurs. w. Young; SiCk and ViSiting Committee, Mrs. J. 'l‘homp- son, lurs. A. inchinnon. The reports received sliOWed the deep interest of the members in all departments of the work undertaken by the soc1ety, the supply bale being indeed a credit and the givnigs meeting the allocation ‘ Ten young men leIt on luondayl morning last for Utterson‘, where the Road Camps are located. The Town- ship ReiieI’ Committee supplying. suitable Clothing and the transporta-l tion. ’lhis venture is a part of the? WOI'K program outlined by the com-l mittee as also is the grading Iorl sidewalks, that Will be started next week on the Langstai‘f smeroad two miles east of Yonge Street and east of the cm Concesswn at. Unionvnle. The committee are endeavoring to meet all needs of this problem and ask co-operation 01' all des-iring laâ€" borers to help solve the unemploy ment. Situation. A Christmas ‘i'ree for needy families Will be held at Thornliiii on Thursday evening, so that Christmas cheer Will not be lack ing. Through the generosity of the Junior Farmers (Organization, a roast of beer for eacn 1amin will be included, Santa Claus making the distribution. There will be candies and oranges for the kiddies too, be- cause some one else is thinking or others. Are you doing your bit to help? ,The annual White Gift service held at Brown’s Corners United Church last Sunday brought a splende con- tribution, that was given to the Fredl plan to attend the Holiday Dance‘ given by the Junior Farmers at Mal- vcrn Hall on Friday evening, Dec. 29th. A good orchestra will be in attendance and the proceeds will be used in connection with the relief program scheduled by the organi- zation. Help on the good cause and have a good time as well. Two annual concerts are arranged for next week, on Sunday evening, Dec. 24th, Bethesda Lutheran Sunday School will hold the Christmas ser- vice, a pleasing program has been arranged. On the following Wednes- day evening, Dec. 27th, St. Phillip’s Anglican S. S. will also present a fine entertainment, and extend the public an invitation to be present. Remember the dates. Mrs. W. Milliken Smith has re- turned home after a forced absence on account of illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Heisey, Toronto. Miss E. B. Russell visited her aunt, Mrs. D. Ressor of Cedar Grove on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. N. Eckardt, Mr. J. English and Miss Grace Harring of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington on Sun- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hemmingway and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bramble, Toronto, over the week-end. Mrs. C. E. Stiver was a Toronto visitor on Monday last. ‘ Mrs. Roff visited friends in Tor- onto this week. Mr. and Mrs.\Geo. Murphy, who have been spending the past month in New Carlow are expected home this week. ‘ A Verse for the Kiddies What can the children do or say To make the happiest Christmas Day? . How can they add to its mirth and cheer, To make it the very best time L. the year? Their carols sweet, their kindly way: Their words of cheer, their surf.) of praise; Their smiling faces, tlicins.‘lvc dear, ‘ Make this the best time of all Int year. A FAVORITE RECIPE Pecan Jumbles 7:; cup butter, 1 1,63 cups brown sugar, 1 egg well beaten, 2 cups pastry flour, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 lb. broken pecans (1 cup). Cream butter and sugar thoroughly, add egg, beat well, add nuts and sifted dry ingredients. Chill. Drop with tea- spoon on unbuttered baking Slite.. place pecan on each. Bake in inc-o crate oven 12 to 15 minutes. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“What will Christmas do with Confusion?” 7 p.m.â€"â€"“Which Crowd at Christmas Time?” EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m â€"Church School. 2:30 p.m.â€"“What will Christmas do with Confusion?” St. Philips Anglican Church Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a.m.â€"-Church Schooi. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. Annual Sunday School Concert, Wedâ€" nesday, Dec. 27th. Hockey Notes Richmond Hill will be gepresented in the T.H.L. by an intermediate and a juvenile team this year. Bert Cook will be mentor for the juveniles and Elmore Harding will have charge of the intermediates. Good teams are assured for both'groups and an in- teresting season of good hockey is assured for the fans. The boys of both teams will have a practice Fri- day night. “Rusty” White and “Curley” Lyn- ett played with Aurora intermediate O.H.A. team Tuesday evening when that team won their first schedule game of the season, defeating Jarvis team of Toronto. ELOCUTION Marguerite Boyle (Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley) Stud- ios: Homewood Hall, Thornhill; Har- ris School of Music, 2881 Dundas West. All city appointments made through Miss C. L. Danard at East End Studio, 798 Carlaw. PURPLEVILLE CHRISTMAS CONCERT The annual concert of Purpleville| School will be held Friday, Dec. 22nd. .ered in with fitting ceremony. Social qnd Personal ‘3 Mr. Harry Graham arrived home: on Wednesday from the Toronto Genâ€"i is satisfactorily improving since his recent serious illness. lllrs.,Wm. Macdonald, Elizabeth St., left this week to spend a month with her daughter Mrs. A. C. Campbell, in Belleville. Mr. A. E. Glass was in Oshawa, this week attending the funeral of‘ his sister-in-law the late Mrs. W. A. Glass. Everyone is invited to see the old ycar out and the New Year in at the Hotel Richmond, Richmond Hill,I where special plans are under way to fittineg mark the event in this community. Buffet luncheon will be served from 11:30 p.m. and at mid- night the New Year of 1934 with all its hopes and prospects will be ush- Once 1934 is officially received there will be dancing in the spacious dining room. WINNER OF RUG In the lucky number draw for the beautiful rug made by Mr. H. Austin Centre Street West, on Saturday night of last week, at the Liberal office, Mr. Y. B. Tracy was the lucky winner. THORNHILL YOUNG MEN’S CLASS ENTERTAINMENT The 12th annual entertainment of the Thornhill Young Men’s Class will be held in the United Church, Jan. lst and 2nd. The comedy-drama “Goblin Gold” which is the first prize play in the Governor-General’s com- petition of 1929 will be presented under the direction of Miss Marguerâ€" ite Boyle. There will also be elo- cution numbers by Miss Boyle and music by the Thornhill orchestra. Admission 35c. and 25c. MARKHAM BOY WINS HONORS AT CHICAGO In a. competition including ten team of three students from the O. A.C. Guelph won first prize in the meat judging contest at the Inter- national Show held at Chicago. One member of that team which Won dis- tinctive honor to Canada was C. M. Brodie, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brodie of Markham Township. The Liberal extends sincere congratula- tions to Mr. Brodie on his success. NEW YEAR’S DANCE AT MAPLE A dance will be held in the Maple Community Hall New Year’s night, Jan. 1st. Les Smith’s orchestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Suit- .iliio plich IOI' varied events. Ad- innsion :5 cents. Under auspices of Continunity Hall Executive. .‘xI'W YEAR'S FROLIC , Dance New Year’s night at the Inninizni‘iy Hall, Maple. Les Smith’s vi'.li.:-.ra. Prizes and surprises. Ad- iii'»siiiii 25 cents. ANGLICAN CHRISTMAS. SERVICES Christmas Sunday Dec. 24th St. John‘s Church, Oak Ridges,.11 a.m.#Carol Service. St. Stephen’s Church, Maple, 3 p.m.â€" Chi'istmas Communion. All Saints' Church, King, 7 p.m.â€" Carol Service. Christmas Day Holy Communion St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, 10 a. in. All Saints’ Church, King, 11 am. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rector Rev. H. D. Blake, Assistant. RICHMOND HILl‘. UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 24th 11 a.m.â€"iiie Pastor. Christmas Message. 4:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. White Gift Service. 7 p.m.â€"The Pastor. ic by the Choir. Wednesday, Dec. 27th, 8 p.m.â€"Week1 1y Prayer Service. ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Sunday Christmas Eve 8 a.m.â€"-Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"â€"M0rninm Prayer. 3 putâ€"Sunday School. 7 p.mâ€"Carol Service. Christmas Day 8:30 antâ€"Holy Communion. 10:30 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Commrunion. Wednesday, Dec. 27th I Sunday School Supper and Enter- taihment. Christmas Mus- RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 24th 11 a.m.â€"-Rev. J. D. Cunningham. Sub- jectâ€"“How Christmas Brings Joy to The Home.” Special Christmas Music by the Choir. 2:45 p.mâ€"Sunday School. But the biggest hbwl to “make this club exclusive” is usually raised by the man who barely managed to get in himself. The only change noted when you make the second million is moving. from page one to the rotogravure section. Nature arranges things, and those‘ who prefer twin beds always have a warm house where a bedfellow isn’t necessary. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for turkeys,‘ geese, ducks and chicken will be heldI by N. H. Bowes, Corner Dufferin St.» and No. 7 Highway, Saturday, Dec.i 13rd, at l p.m. Shot guns and 22 rifles. SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for turkeys will be held at the farm of J. P. Glen-l denning, Lot 34, Con. 5 Scarboro on! Thursday, Dec. 28th. Shot guns and rifles. Shells supplied for shot guns. SHOOTING MATCH l A shooting match for geese will bel held on the farm of Wm. Botham, Lot 14, Con. 2 Whitchurch on Satur-l I day, Dec. 23rd, at 1:30 o’clock. Shells: supplied for 12 gauge shotguns? Sporting rifles will be used also. DANCE A New Year’s Dance will be held at Community Hall, Victoria Square, 1 Friday, Dec. 20th. Barley Balers or- chestra. Modern and olde tyme dances. Lunch served. Gents 35c, ladies 25c. All welcome. Under auspices trustees of Community Hall. UNITED CHURCII S. S. CLASSES ENJOY CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES The Primary Department held a very successful Christmas entertain- ment and tea on Wednesday afternoon of this week in the Sunday School room of the church and a visit from Santa Claus was enjoyed by the children. On Tuesdav night the boys classes of Mr. Lewis Sims and Mr. Howard Atkinson enjoyed 3 Banquet in the school room, when they were enter- tained by their teachers. On Saturday last Miss K. Plewman entertained her class at a Christmas Tree and tea in the church, which was Ehoroughly enjoyed by all the mem- ers. SOME HOBOES PREFER BEGGING T0 SAWING WOOD Constable George Smith reports that several Knights of the Road, given lodgings in the local lock-up, have refused to cut the assigned number of sticks at the municipal woodpile in payment for their breakâ€" fast and have been bothering citizens begging for something to eat. All wanderers who come to the village are given the privilege of cutting eight sticks of wood in return for which they will be given a meal ticket. It is surprising that there are ableâ€"bodied men who expect food without work, but it is a fact never- theless. Constable Smith says sev- eral of the men have refused to cut the wood but prefer to go from door to door begging for their breakfast. This type of individual is deserving of little sympathy and would citizens hit up for a hand-out in the morn- ings do well to refer the applicants back to Constable Smith. CONCORD Concord School Christmas Concert will be held on Friday, Dec. 22nd, at 8 p.m. DANCE AT VELLORE An Olde Tyme Danc will to lie‘ in the Township Hall, Vellore,, Christ mas night, Dec. 25th. Bill McDon- ald’s orchestra of Thornhill will be in attendance. manager. Proceeds of evening to go to township relief work. Lunch serv- ed.‘ Committee, N. Kerr, J. Cowan, N. McDonald, A. Bishop. GIFT SUGGESTION An ideal and acceptable gift sug- '1 gestion is an electric clock. It is a gift which will be appreciated by every member of the family. They are priced from $1.90 each upwards. Let us show you what we have. Bill Neal, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. GIVE AN ELECTRIC CLOCK For your last minute gift problem Bill Neal suggests an electric clock Dependable attractive clocks pricei from $1.90 up. SUNDAY SERVICES AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., whi is at present supplying the pulpit o the local Presbyterian Church, will nave a. message of Christmas clieerat - the Sunday morning service. The manager, the swadding clothes, the new born infant and the Motherâ€"all these speak to us of home. The thoughts which meet and mingle at this Christmas season are around Christ and the Home. The choir will render special Christmas music. The annual Sunday School Christmas li‘ee and Concert will be held this Friday evening, Dec. 22nd, at 7:30 p. m. to which all parents and friends' are cordially invited. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Jos. Mathewson and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends for the many acts of kindness and expressions of syru- pathy in their recent bereavement, .ind also for the beautiful floral offer illg‘S. DIED Glassâ€"In Oshawa, on Monday, Dec. 18th, Lily May McGorman, dearly be- loved wife of William A. Glass, aged :54 years. Funeral was held from the family residence, 492 Masson Street, Oshawa on Wednesday, Dec. 20th, 1933. Ser- vice at 2:30 p.m. Interment follow- ed in Union Cemetery. The difference between a fool and a politician: A fool expects to eat his cake and have it; a politician ex- pects to eat his cake and have yours. Plan now to attend the Olde Tyme Dance at Vellore Christmas night. PAGE FIVE We Wish to express our appreciation of past favours. 8*******$t May the Christmas Season bring happiness and good will, and prosperity follow the New Year. JONES COAL COMPANY Ernie Evans floor Good Orchestra , . asks/y; ’v-s. an; ' mrmmmifiifififiilfimimm ’ ' l BUFFET LUNCH 11.30 p.m. to 12.30 am. DANCING - - 12 30 a.m.‘lo 4.30 am. Fun and Frolic $1.00 PER COUPLEâ€"COVERS EVERYTHING Compliments of the Season. --Hotel Richmond-- RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Special Notice Re Payment of Taxes by School Board Members and Candidates Notice is hereby given that section 135 of the Public School Act has been amended by add- ing thereto the following subâ€"section: “(1A) A person whose taxes for school pur- poses at the time of election or at any time dur- ing his term of office as trustee are overdue and unpaid shall not be eli ible to be elected as a trustee, or to sit or v0 e as a member of the board.” Candidates for election as members of the Board of Education, and members of the Board are hereby notified of this amendment and are asked to govern themselves accordingly. Greetings TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE HAPPY AND ENJOYABLE IN EVERY WAY. We still have a good selection of suitable gifts. Variety of Sturdy Toys for Children SPORTING GOODS, SKIIS, SLEIGHS, ETC. Electrical Goods, Silverware and Cutlery ***‘****t F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE HARDWARE Phone 18 We Deliver Sincere Christmas Greetings To One and All. RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. Greene, Phone 49J Richmond Hill a

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