ELECT COUNCILLOR CLARK TO THE ELECTORS 0F MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Reeve 1934 Having Served You As Councillor in the Past Year [am offering myself for re-Election and if Elected will endeavor to carefully guard your interests Padget YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO RE-ELECT TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO ELECT THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Chas. H. Hooper Councillor for 1934 TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Charles Hoover VOTE TO Re-Elect GEORGE B. Deputy Reeve PAGE FOUR Fred Coakwell To Electors of Markham Township ilYour Vote and Influence Respect- fully Solicited To Electors of Markham Township Councillor for 1934 Wishing all the Compliments of the Season An Experienced Municipal Man n TO ELECT \ ROBERT A. SMET Reeve 1934 G O H T‘ï¬aé‘éï¬Aï¬LET‘Wï¬gnflFIF our Cornered Contest For VOTE TO 1 . Markham Twp. Reeveship VOTE TO ELECT Reeve for 1934 A keenly contested municipal elec- tion is under way in Markham Town- ship with a record number of candi- dates seeking election. Four candi- dates are seeking the reeveship and never before in the history of the township has there been a. four corn- ered fight. Reeve George B. Padget is seeking re-election and he is op- posed by Robert A. Smith, deputy- reeve of 1933, ex-reeve W. C. Gohn, and Harry Clarry who on a number of occasions has been a candidate. Coun cillor W. L. Clark is stepping up to contest the deputy-reeveship and he is opposed by R. L. Stiver a former deputy-reeve and by C. H. Burford a newc0mer in municipal affairs. Sevâ€" no property was sold for taxes in Markham township this year. Speak- ing of relief the reeve said he had done everything in his power to keep the expense down and at the same tim esee that those in need were pro- vided for. Every case of a party se- curing relief was first given a care- ful investigation. In appealing for re-election Reeve Padget said he had made an- honest effort to serve the best interests of the ratepayers of Markham township and if re-elected would continue to work for the good of the township. Deputy-reeve R. A. Smith who is contesting the reeveship gave an ac- count of his stewardship both county and township affairs in and stated that if there was an election . en are seeking the three seats on council. Charles Hoover and Fred Coakwell members of the 1933 counâ€" cil are seeking re-election and the new candidates are James Rennie a former member of council, W. F. Kin- caid a former deputy-reeve, Charles The electors have a number of ex- perienced men to choose from in elect ing the 1934 council. Reeve Padget has many years of municipal exper- ience and is well posted in all branch- es of municipal work. He is an ex- warden} of the County. W. C. Gohn, another of the candidates for reeve, is also an ex-Warden of the County and had served for many years in the township council and is recognized as a well versed municipal man. Deputy- reeve R. A. Smith has served as deputy-reeve for seVeral years and has a number of years council ex- perience. H. S. Clarry is a former member of council. W. L. Clark who is this year stepping up to contest the deputy-reeveship has served four years as a member of the council. In former years he has been nomi- nated for higher office but has al- ways declined until this year. R. L. Stiver is well known in municipal life, having served for many years on the council and as deputy-reeve of the municipality. Charles Hoover is completing his first year as a mem- .ber of the municipal council, Fred. Coakwell has been a councillor for many years, James Rennie was a mem ber of council in 1932, and W. F. Kincaid is a former deputy-reeve of the township. H. Hooper, A. E. Dewes am! John S. Leeds. The severe winter weather and the condition of the roads makes can- vassing extremely difficult for the candidates, but all are making the best of it and are busy on the hust- lings. The candidates who have qualified and their nominators are as follows: For Reeve Harry Stuart Clarry, nominated by H. E. Dennes‘ and J. H. Scott; W. C. Gohn, nominated by W. F. Kincaid and John Miller; G. B. Padget, nom- mated by W. E. Risebrough and A. J. Camplin; R. A. Smith, nominated by E. J. Jarvis and A. R. Wideman. For Deputy-Reeve W. L. Clark by C. Burr and Oscar R. Cox; C. H. Burford by T. H. Le~ Poidevin and Thos Cammell; R. L. Stiver by Robert Coulson and J. S. Honey. 4 For Council Fred. A. Coakwell by John F. Dean and A. J. Camplin; W. F. Kincaid by Robert Couison and 0. R. Cox; A. E. Dewes by J. S. Leeds and G. F. Barâ€" low; J. S. "Leeds by H. S. Clarry and J. H. Pratt; Charles Hoover by H. Wellman and Geo. E. Hoshel; Charles H. Hooper by D. C. Hood and W. L. Clark. The nomination meeting held at Unionville Friday afternoon was fairly well attended despite the bad condition of the roads, although there was not as large a crowd as in prev- ious years. Reeve Padget gave a clear and de- tailed account of the year’s business both in the township and in the county Dealing with county affairs he point- ed out that the equalized assessment of the township had been reduced, dis! cussed the vexed question of hospitalâ€" ization which in the past has been a . B . very expensxve item for the county but which was handled this year with a considerable saving to the taxpay- ers. He reviewed the road work done in the township and pointed out that Three Run for Deputy-Reeve‘and Seven for Council THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO he would be stepping up into the race for rceve. He paid tribute to the service rendered to the municipality by the members of the Relief Commit- tee who were of great assistance to the members of council in carrying on this work. Councillor W. L. Clark thanked the electors for their wonderful support accorded him during his four years as a member of the township council. He dealt in detail with the proposed work plan in which the township will co-operate in an effort to provide work for the unemployed and thus eliminate much of the direct relief. Charles Hoover, who is completing his first year in council and is stand- ing for re-election, stated that he had endeavoured to serve the ratepayers of the township to the best of his ability and if it was their wish he was willing to continue to serve them in 1934. Councillor Fred. A. Coakwell, anâ€" other member of the 1933 council seeking re-election, said that the past year had been a strenuous one for a municipal council as it had been a strenuous one for individuals. He reviewed the work on township roads and appealed for the continued sup- port of the electors. ' H. S. Clarry, a candidate for reeve, criticized the $7.00 per day paid to members of County Council, and questioned the need of continuing a Council Council as part of our gov- ernment system. W. C. Gohn, a former reeve who is again contesting the reeveship, took issue with the work of the assessors and pointed out Where he felt their work was not properly done. He con- gratulated the council on the im- provements to the Municipal Hall. Mr. Gohn discussed at considerable length the township finances and ap- pealed to the electors for their sup- port to elect him as reeve in the com- ing year. C. H. Burford, a candidate for deputy-reeve, advocated a minimum rate of wages of .35 cents per hour on all township and relief work. He felt there should be men on the coun- cil who would be able to get higher grants from the government. A. E. Dewes, a candidate for coun- cil, dealt with relief matters and felt that the township council could do better in providing work for the un- employed. Mr. Davey, who was nominated for council but withdrew, advocated the establishment of a canning factory in Markham township to provide a market for produce of market“ gar- deners. He stated that no person could live on 8 cents per day. J. S. Leeds, candidate for council, severely criticized the handling of relief in the township and the 20 cents per hour paid on relief work. It is a disgrace, he said. James Rennie a former member of council who is standing for re-election appealed to the electors‘ for support and expressed the hope that with the improvement in general economic conditions which must soon come, times for everybody would be better. W. F. Kincaid, a candidate for council, stated that he didn’t think it just right for, men to work on the rbads for $1.80 per day when mem- bers of council drew $4.00 per day. Charles Hooper said he was a can- d‘idate for council and felt that it was the duty of young men to come for- ward to accept plaées of responsi- bility in the carrying on of the public affairs of the township. NEW YEAR’S DANCE AT MAPLE A dance will be held' in the Maple Community Hall New Year’s night. Jan. lst. Les Smith’s orchestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Suit- able prizes for varied events. Ad- mission 25 cents. Under auspices of Community Hall Executive. Water, according to a medical writer, is the only drink of which one never gets tired. Who’s that one, doc? ' ‘ EtH‘H, L, r: :1 Councnï¬l0r1934 313;..ng'lgoi’yc; Miss Winnie Economy and Efï¬ciency" ‘Sfl’furda‘y: t3 8 Vote to Elect James Ranmg TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TEN RHODE ISLAND RED pullets, laying also one cockerel . Apply 18 Benson Avenue. FRESH COWS and springers, govem' ment T. B. tested and blood tested. Ed. Irish, Willowdale, phone 369J. I SLEIGHS, two sets of light sleighs, one single and one double, nearly new. Apply George McNair, Lot 57, Con. 2 Vaughan, Jefferson HOLSTEIN COW, Ayrshire cow, fresh, brood sow due to farrow. Phone Maple 471. GOOD second hand Searing Machine; Wool Carpet, 3 yards by 4 yards; Coal Oil Stove; Muskrat Fur Coat, suitable for girl 16; Fancy Oil Lamp. Apply Mrs. C. Harrison, 7 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Upright piano and bench, good as new, will sell for one hundred and twenty-five dollars cash. Wilton hall runner, living room rocker. Edith E. Leli§by, phone 9lw, Thgrnhill. . Alslé'a‘ cutter in 'good condition at the home of Wm. Clement, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM house at Elgin Mills. Ap- ply J. H, Naughton. SEVEN ROOM house on Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. Apply 24 Church Street, Richmond Hill. NEW OR USED RADIOS, will ex- change for anything useful. Come along with an offer. What have you? G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. IN THE ESTATE OF Harriet Watson late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Widow, Deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the abOVe men- tioned, who died at the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, on the 3151‘. day of Oct., 1933 are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned, at 302 Sterling Tower Building, Toronto, on or before the 20th day of January, 1934. After that date the Executors Will proceed to distribnte the estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of Which they shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 22nd day of December, 1933. - We are very sorry to hear that Miss Margaret MacMurchy is very ill, we hope to hear of a speedy re- covery. The Vaughan council were elected by acclamation this year. The win- ter weather seems to have had a cool- ing effect on the people, and nomi- nation wafs quite peaceful. The coun- cil stands as before. Reeve George Kellam, Deputy-Reeve'Robt. Dooks, Councillors Robt. Scott B. Weldl'ick, D. McMurchy. All the Christmas Concerts in this community were a decided success, and a credit to those responsible. And now for our New Year reso- Iutions. Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely im- prove the present. It is thine. Go forth and meet the shadowy future, without fear and with a manly heart. SR. IVâ€"Evelyn Cluhine 78, Geo. Carley 68, Coreene Robinson 66. JR. IVâ€"Gordon Orr 71, Hazel San- ford 66, Bvuce Murray 64, Washing- ton Diceman 56: SR. IIIâ€"Doris Ireland 60. JR. IIIâ€"Arthur Sanford 58, Alvin C‘lubine 51, Jessie Sanford 48. SR. IIâ€"Orvil Diceman 68, Norman Sanford 62, Gordon Ireland 46. JR. IIâ€"Scott Clarkson 70, Ross Bryson 60, Joyce Marwood 55. Mr. M. McMurchy from O.A.C., Guelph, is home for the holiday sea- son. Mr. K. Scott of Montreal was at church on Sunday and will spend the holiday season at home. Mrs. T. B. Smeltzer entertained on Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Cague and son of Victoria Square, Mr. and Mrs. John Ash and Miss Pearl 01' Limbo, Mr.- Ed. Bowen and mi of Testun. Mr. F. Scott and Ken- m‘h, Lv‘rc and Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Scott and family. Mr. F. Boys, Mrs. Wm. Boys and Miss Winnie motored to Chesley Saturday to aftend the funeral of Peter MacTavish. They returned Sun HARVEY ALLAN KNIGHT, THOMAS B. SPEIGHT, Executors, Per JOHN ALEXANDER MILNE 302 Sterling Tower B]dg‘., Toronto, Ontario. Notice to Creditors RATESâ€"~Five lines or 1853,. 25 cents for ï¬rst 11 sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGn-MAKE THE MOST OF ['1" .ay Classified Advs. REPORT OF 3.8. NO. 10 VAUGHAN FOR SA LE TO RENT LA SK AY SWAPS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1933 WHEAT or any kind of grain. White- vale Flour Mills, telephone Markham 5502. PARTY DESIRES to obtain a pup free of charge, collie preferred, good home. Apply Box 40, Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. FIRE BASKET, party wants to buy fire basket for open grate. Apply at The Liberal Office. IN THE ESTATE OF MARTHA WOODS, late of the Village of Maple in the County of York, Spinster, de- ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Martha. Woods, late of the Village of~ Maple, in the County of York, deceased who died on or about the twenty-first day of Nov., 1933, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Executor of the said deceased on or before the thirty-first day of January, 1934, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Executor will distribute the assets of the said do- ceased having regard only to claim of which it shall then have notice to- the exclusion of all others, and it will not be liable to any person of whoe- claim it shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Toronto this twentieth day of December, 1933. The Canada Permanent Trust 00., 320 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario Executor Used Cars 1932 FORD V-S SPORT COUPEâ€" Rumble Seat, Small Mileage 1930 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Rumble Seat, Nice Condition 1930 FORD TUDOR 1929 FORD TUDOR 1929 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€"â€" Excellent Condition Little Brothers Ford Sales and Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Notice to Creditors All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 days and prices include 1934 Licenses But it must be PURE milkâ€"perfectly pasteur- ized and of even butter content. RICHMOND HILL DAIRY RICHMOND HILL, Pure pasteurized milk is the best beverage for these hot months. Buy only pure milk, pro- perly pasteurized for per- feet protection. It keeps the health good. Make sure of a safe pure supply by buying from, By William Cook & Gibson, Its solicitors herein. WANTED $525.00 $250.00 $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 Phone 42