Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Dec 1933, p. 5

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spent the \x T. Burnett Miss Ha] Mrs. J. Kennedy and Miss M. Nelâ€" son of Acton, Mr. Angus Kennedy of Galt,» Miss Lois Coryell of Toronto and Mr. Wm. Lawrie of Ottawa were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell on Christmas. Mrs. E‘ Anderson of Stouffville spent the Weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Mré. M. Hemminrway spent the holiday' with her Slsber, Miss Goode of Toronto. Special Christmas services were held in all the local churches and in spite of unfavourable weather con- ditions the attendance was good. The annual Christmas service held at Bethesda Lutheran Church was as usual most attractive the little folk being highly commended for the splendid way they performed the var- ious parts. The service opening with the processional hymn. a pantomime, “0 Little Town of Bethlehem” by the senior girls followed directly after. Other items on the program were, motion song “Holy Christ Uhlld" given by the primary class, an exercnse by six boys “A Little Uhild shall lead them," recxtations by the primary class, “Lhrlstmas Giftsf’ “The b‘tarry Crown 01‘ Jesus" by the pupils andl three choruses. Supt. E. harper pre- sented an encouraging report orgthel years work and an inspirational mes- sage from the Pastor, Rev. E. Huen-l ergard, was in Kepmg wlth this; fine Lhristmas program. During the} evening, prizes Ior perlect attendance. were presented to Donald Summer-i feldt, Murray Summerleldt, Willlam Summerteldt, Mrs. W. Summerlerdt, Shirley, Vila, Marjorie and ,Mvrtle Latimer, Donald, Marion and Neil Stiver, Mrs. E. J. Stiver, Luella, Wes- ley and Jackie Clements, Mrs. F. Frisby. H . W. J. Russell gave several numbers in their usual pleasing manner. Mr. George Maynard demonstrated the wiles of the weird and uncanny with his magical cleverness. Moving pic- tures showing old time favorites of both old and young, including Mickey Mouse and the Santa Claus parade were a delight to all present, as well as the 'old time sing-song. Miss Ila Weighill, A.T.C.M., accompanied the various numbers in her usual efficient manner, the whole event being most enjoyable. The distribution of many gifts including 60 donated by the Buckingham Tobacco Co. and a bag of candy and-oranges for each child present made a busy time for Santa Claus but none were overlooked and the event voted a real suCCess by all who attended. 'as the ‘rawfor It was a happy time in the Townâ€" ship Hall on last Wednesday evening, when the Veterans and their families assembled for the Concert and Christ mas Tree. Rev. J. J. Robbins was chairman of the evening and the pro- gram was filled with pleasant sur- prizes. Our own two popular solo- ists,_Mrs. A.‘ K. Harrington and Mrs. T. Croft. The roll call wil be respon- ded to by “Important events in 1933.” Hostesses for the afternoonlare Mrs. A. E. Milner, Mrs. M. O. Stiver, Miss M. Miller, Mrs. F. Pollard. Every mgmber is 9xpected to be present. The Jammry meeting of the local branch of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. C. H, Stiver on Thursday afternoon next. commencing at 2:30 o’clock. The program includes a paper on “Tact" by ‘Miss:_ E.‘ (Phogpag of “Markham, gag-ings byflMiss E. Russellr f’: serve in these exacting times These in the village competition are, A. E. Milner, Chas. maynard, J. H, Chant, A. K. Harrington, T. Croft, J._1}{I .D_avey. With six candidates in the running for village trustees and full ticket of officers for the township election, exâ€" citement bids fair for busy day for the electors next Monday. It is hoped that every citizen will make conscienâ€" tious use of his franchise, choosing only the candidate that is best fitted Announcement is made of a special Y.P.S. service that will be held in Brown’s Corners United Church on Sunday evening next at 7:30 o’clock, when Rev. Barner of Saskatchewan will be the special speaker. The last day of the year falling on Sunday has been deemed an appropriate date for a special Y.P.S. service through- out the United Church. All young people in the vicinity are invited to attend this service. ‘ “Toy Display," Christmas Disappoint- ment," Cantata “A Joke on Santa Claus.” The arrival of Santa Claus and distribution of gifts from the beautifully decorated Christmas tree coqcluded this delightful eyent. Mason, along with the scholars scored a success last Thursday evening, when the annual Concert was presented in the Township Hall. The varied. pro- gram included many pleasant items from the opening chorus “Silent Night” to the arrival of Santa Claus. With a record for perfect attendance for six years Luella Clement, Wesley Clement and Jackie Clement headed the list of prize winners for this year Other prize winners were, Perfect At tendance, Sr. Room, Heen Watson. Chas. Minton, Eileen Stiver, Kenneth Stiver, Absent 1/2' Day, Howard Stiver, Jack Watson; Absent 1 Day, Margaret Gray, Elinor Wilton, Doug- las Ogden, Helen Ogden. Junior Room, Perfect Attendance, Marjorie Roberts; Absent Eé Day, Buddy Mor-‘ den; 11/2 Days Absent, Marien Stiver, Keith Connel, Clara Connel. The concert program included, Junior Room, Recitations,'James Mowbray, Teddy Hiltz; Christmas March of the mechanical Dolls,” Santa Claus in Midget Town,” “Meeting of the Min- strels;” Senior Room, Dialogues, _‘_‘_Aunt VJane’s Christmas Present”; Commencing with Jan. 4th, a week of special services W111 be Observed by Central and Ebenezer United Churches. Leaders from the Official Board, Y.P.S., Sunday School, W.M. S. and W.A. will officiate at the dif- ferent meetings The themes stressed Will be, “Ulvme Judgement,” “The Need of The World,” “The Work of the Church,” “The Family and The Youth” and “Our Present; Task.’ It is desired that as many as possible will attend these inspirational ser- vices. '1'he dates for Unionville in~ elude, Jan. 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14. The1 meetings will be held in the church commencing at 8 o’clock on week mghts and regular service hours on! Slander _... ~u ‘. v Unlafiville Public School teachers Mr. A. M. Hill and MiSS L. Blanchg WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1933 ver t Thompson of Toronto ; of her sister, Mrs. C. r the holiday. mining in All Saints Church: V‘riiirzy "evening in Eversley Presbyt":ian :1 Church. Everyone is cordially invited A number of the High School stuâ€" :(irnts of this community attended the WHigâ€"h behool Dance at Aurora 0.1 Ihursday evening. Convener, Miss Ruth Campbell; As- sistant, Miss Mabel Rumble; Literary and Social Convener, Aubrey Archi- bald; Assistant, Helen Campbell. A week of prayer of the four local churches will be held next week comâ€" mencing Tuesday in King United Church at 8 p.111. Wednesday evening in the Baptist Church; Thursday ew- The meeting on Tuesday evening (if the Y.P.S. was in charge of the Liter~ ary Convener. Rev. Davis read the lesson and gave the comments, Miss Helen Campbell gave the topic “Christmas Literature.” Rev. Davis then had} charge of the annual meeting. Reports from the Secretary Treasurer and Missionary Treasurer were given. Officers /elected were: Hon. Presidents, Rev. Davis, Mr. J. McAllister; Pres, Miss Dorothy Dew; Vice-Pres, Mr. H. Hambly; Secty., Mrs. B. Hall; Assistant Secty., Mrs. E. Patton; Treasurer, Arleane Carson Assistant Treasurer, Charles Gates; Pianist, Lillian Leece; Assistant Pianist, Ruth Campbell; Christian Fellowship Convener, Madeline Tank-1 ard; Assistant, Miss E. Dennis; Cit~ izenship Convener, Clarke Archibald; Assistant, Muriel Thorpe; Missionary Mr. Leonard Harmon of Temper ancew’lle was the guest speaker 21 Y.P.S. meeting on Tuesday evening. The W.M.S. of the United Church are having an “Afternoon Tea” a the home of Miss Jean McDonald on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 4th, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The annual Christmas Tree am.- Joncert of the United Church w: meld on Thursday evening in tin Church Auditorium. Excellent chor uses, solos, duetts, plays, dialogues and drills were given by the children. A number from here attended the Christmas Concert at Laskay on Tuesday evening. i The annual Mission Band meeting Scook place in the United Church Sun; day School room‘on Saturday ‘aftcrv noon. Excellent reports were given 9y Secretary and Treasurer. Master flarl Wellesley was presented with a life membership certificate. Earl ha. had perfect attendance for three years. Officers elected were: Prcsr, lienneth Davis; Viceâ€"Pres., Verna Jaims; Secty., Mary Wellesley; As- sistant Secty., George Davis; Treas., Marguerite Dew; Program Com., Hel- en Campbell, Mattie Hambly, Verna Jaims, George Davis. Inspiring Christmas services were held at all the churches on Sunday. 11 a.m.~â€"Morning Prayer. ‘ lll'l\\‘l1 1:20 n.m ‘(Yhurc‘h School. 0:20 pm â€""What about the next Mile stone?” St PLHHIQ Ayn-runs“ Phurnll mrithQQ “"711 ffienflg Mv'c: Mafion Hand of Chm-v1;an RAIV'I'nv: at Hnr Mm man mam Mac V‘Im and Wch nnro+‘-- V Wqu Tram: Ressor of Lo< 'T'uegflnv Inst. (‘pv'rn ~ I Y'Vrrvn r Pasfnrâ€"Jhw. A. E. 10 armâ€""hwnh 941001. 11 amâ€"J‘What about the Mrs. M. Armitage was a Toronto vis‘Mr on Wndnesday. Mr. Rav MV’IIer of Toronfo visited hie moflwr. Mrs. FL Miller. this week. Mr. Claw-once Sfivor. who is well known in fhis v70§w7tv. is now can- nnnted with a WP" known Insurance Cnmnanv. Mr. Sh’ver’s genial man- "m‘ 8110"” make Hm a nonular sales- man. We W1'Q'h Mm mm“..- visited Mia". Supflay last. Miss Cdra Lunau of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end at her home. Mrs. Wm. Boyirlg’tgn of Markham “huh”; IL, ‘- are aizests of Mr. and Mrs: N. Ogden. Miss Lillian Parkinson of Toronto was the Quest of her parents, Mr. ang Mrs. H. Parkinson, over the week en . Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson of Tor- onto snent Christmas with Mrs. W. McMuIIen. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parkinson and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stiver spent Christmas with Mrs. J. R. Hood. Miss Dorothy Stivez- of Brighton, and Miss Freda Kincaid of Aurora are spending holidays at their homes here Mr. A. Weighill, Misses Ila and Vera Weighill spent Christmas with Mr. John Weighil] of Toronto. Miss Grace Harrington of Tbronto was the guest of her parents, Mr. and D. Harrington, over the week- en . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith and son Lyman of Richmond Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith on Christmas. Mr. andUMré: Hairington and little daughter of Toronto spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hood and daughters Allison and Ainslee spent Christmas at the home of Mr. A. H. Canning. Mr. Ford Braithwaite, Toronto, spent the holiday with his mother, Ma‘s; Gemng Braithwaite. TU"'-‘““7here shall Ma‘m?” “"W‘V‘C‘WWD VY\vrr~u“ anne '2” .u‘ gauze- sm. Wo w‘sh him success. Mr. and Mm. James meu want whims: “7"”1 ffie'nds in Markham. Mv‘qq Maw'on Hand of Torr)an is «3anan RAWA'n-rg 31; Ear home boy-e "_~ “1 - a.n1,_r‘lmw1‘ ‘ h‘lm‘o mum Mgga Anne no}; Irv? WW}: nnrO‘LL Why'fo vv’m'ted 'ronp Ressor of Locust Hill on __ I, "“ur‘fi A “(T'V'I‘Z’V‘l Phurch RQV. J. J. Robbins KING CITY Van nuvnm shall I stake my . E. Owen Sommerfiil‘émgfi the next Mile- rmmcn THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL Phil“: Ya ERIAN CHURCH Sunfi'ly, Dec. 31§t Rev, J. l). Cunningham 11 a.m.â€"Subject “Forgetting the things which are behind and reach- ing out to the things which are before.” We are glad to report that Mrs. G. R. Kitching, [Centre Street West, who had the misfortune to fall and frac- ture her wrist last week, was able to leave the hospital on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Guest of Bronte vis- ited over the week-end and holiday with Dr. J. P. and Mrs. Wilson. Miss Ruth Kitching, High School teacher near Ottawa, is spending the school holidays‘ with her parents here Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Jack and Mar- ion of Toronto, Mr. and Mrsnw. Wi1~ liamson of Peterboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Coulter on Christ- mas Day. George and Barbara Plowman of Oshawa are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Plewman, over the school holidays. Dr. M. B. and Mrs. Wellwood of Gravenhurst visited over -the holiday -nd for several days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gee. Rev. H. E. Wellwood and family of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell and little daughter of Toronto were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gee on Christmas Day. Mr. -Haro]d Clark of Vineland spent the Christmas week-end at his home here. . Fred. Wilson of Belleville is spend- ing the holidays at his home here. Mrs. M. Reaman is the guest of her son, Dr. G. E. Reaman, in Tor- 11(0, over the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanderson and family spent Christmas Day with M15. Sanderson’s mother and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Boynton at Victoria Sq. Mrs. R. Cuttance, Roseview Ave., is in the General Hospital, Toronto, for treatment. Her friends in‘Richâ€" mond Hill hope she will soon be feel- ,ng real well again. Mrs. S. A. Devins of Blackstock is Visiting her sister, Mrs. David Hill, here. Mr. and Lil's. A. Heslop and family of Summerville visited on Christmas Day’with Mr. and Mrs. J. fiickson, Roseview Avenue. =15 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. We wish for all our friends a Hap- py New Year. Miss B. Brethour of the local Post Office spent Christmas Day at her home in Sunderland. . Mr. and Mrs. Secord Reaman, Miss- Mabel and Ruth Reaman spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. F. Farr at Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. P. Shean and son Jack of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills, Yonge Street, on Christmas Day. Mr. F. McWilliams of Barrie spent Christmas Day with his sister, Mrs. M. Lynett, Arnold Street. Miss R. Lotton spent the week-end and holiday at her home in Stouff- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mackie and little daughter Allison of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rose of Queensville, spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Mack- ie and family here. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yerex and Hugh visited' friends in Toronto on Christ- mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Ireland, Miss Margaret Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard of this Village, Mrs. Janet Malloy and Miss Gladys Malloy of Toronto spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. John Murray at Wood- bridge. Mr.’ Walter Hornell of the local branch of the Bank of Commerce vis- ited his parents at Gelert over the holiday. Miss Ola. Higgs of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. R. Murphy and family. Mr. H. D. Murphy of Walkerville spent the week-end and holiday with his mother Mrs. R. Murphy, Church Street. Mr. andVMrs. Sahauel Beresford and family of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beresford on Christmas Day. Mr. Melvin Sheppard of Rimbey, Alberta, is visiting- with Mr. and Mrs. H. Winch and daughter Mae through the holiday season. Dr. L. R. and Mrs. Bell and two sons spent Christmas Day with Dr. Bell’s mother, Mrs. George Bell, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowie and family of Newcastle visited over the week-end and holiday With Mrs. Cowie’s mother, Mrs. C. Topper, and other friends here. 1 Social and Personal ( Harry Sayers entertained his Sun- day School class of boys at his home1 Centre Street West, last week. Sup- per and a Christmas Treet were thor- oughly enjoyed by all the members. Miss F. Josephine Russell of the teaching srtaffi Collegiate Institute, Brantford, Ontario, is the guest of her sisters Mrs. H. Allanson Nicholls and Miss Russell during the Christ- mas vacation. Mr. Harry Sayers 01 Richmond Hill member of the Ontario Boys’ Parlia- ment for North York, is attending the 13th annual session of that body being held at St. Andrew’s College, Aurora, this week. DIED Deanâ€"Suddenly on Monday, Dec. the 25th, at Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Ida Maw Dean, eldest daughter of J. H. Maw, and only sister of Mrs. H. V. Armstrong of this Village. Remains rested at Parlors of Bates Remains rested at Parlors of Bates Buriel Company, 124 Avenue Road, Toronto. Service was held in par~ lors, Wednesday, Dec. 27th. Inter~ ment followed at St. John’s cemetery, Norway. BIRTH ROSSâ€"In Richmond Hill on Mon~ day, Dec. 25th, to Mr .and Mrs. Bruce Ross (nee Mary Batty) of Toronto, a son. C‘l‘ve Switzer. Miss Switzer also sang a. delightful solo and Mrs. R. D. Little and Mrs. Jerry Smith gave Christmas readings. The Relief Com- mittee was extremely pleased with the response to the request that the members bring 22 garment or toy, many lovely gifts being brought by the members present and sent in by those who could not attend. Tea was served at the close of the meeting. RICHMOND HILL WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Wom~ en‘s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cook on Thursday af~ tel-noon, Dec. 14th. A pleasant fea~ ture of the meeting was the singing of Christmas Carols led by Miss All the members are urged to be present, and make this first meeting of the year a great success. Mrs. J. J. Evans of Toronto wii give an address. The regular meeting of the WI T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs W. Trench, Church St., on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 2nd at 3 o’clock. Maple Horticultural Society will hold a Bridge, Euchre and Dance in the Masonic Hall, Maple, on Friday evening, Jan. 12th. Please reserve the date and come and enjoy a pleasâ€" ant evening. Good prizes and lunch served. Admission 25c. RAILWAY BARGAXN FARES During week-end of January 5th to 8th inclusive Coach excursion fares will be available from stations in Northern Ontario, Hearst to Fred- erick inclusive, towns served by Tem- iskaming and Northern Ontario, and Nipissing Central Railway, also points served by Canadian National Railways North Bay to Aurora inâ€" clusive, and from points on Winnipeg Toronto line, Homepayne to Richmond Hill inclusive. Tickets from these points will be sold to following sta- tions, Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, 0nt., London, Windsor, Detroit Oshawa, Cobourg, Belleville, King- ston and Brockville. Real low fares with convenient limits for return. For further information phone any C.N.R. ticket office. A. J. Hume will review chapter 2 of the Study Book. A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the congregation. Come and bring- a friend. UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The Richmond Hill United Church Women’s Missionary Society will meet in the Sunday School room on Thursday, Jan. 4th, at 3 pm. Mrs. .The dance advertised for Friday night at Victoria Square has been postponed owing to the condition of the roads. You are invited to the dance at the Summit, Oak Ridges, Wednesday, January 3rd. Reeve 1933 1 â€"and RE. DANCE AT SUMMIT DANCE POSTPON ED ‘EVE Richmond l candidate W.C.T.U‘ 1.1 .LVIJVV 114/1113; If you‘rare satisfied with my- record of service to you in 1933 and with the work of the past year I solicit your support for RE-ELECTION fiddleton J. A. Monkman DAVISâ€"At the Parsonage, King City, on Sunday, Dec. 24th, to Rev. D. and Mrs. Davis, a son. Jas. McLean H. J. MILLS A NEW CANDIDATE FOR A NEW YEAR YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO ELECT Having served you as Reeve in 1933, I am a candidate for re-election and solicit your support for continuing the policies inaugurated in 1933 whereby we were able to re- duce taxation and improve the financial position of our village. If re-elected, I assure you I shall continue to work for the best interests of all the ratepayers and the welfare of our people will be my constant consideration. I extend sincere best wishes to all the citizens for Happiness and Prosperity in 1934. J. A. GREENE and be sure (f careful business ac‘minislration. Reeve for 1934 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Alex Little Councillor for 1934 Councillor for $934 TO THE ELECTORS 0F RICHMOND HILL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL To Electors of Richmond Hill Councillor for 1934 To Electors of Richmond Hill BIRTH Having served you as a member of the 1933 Council, I am a candidate for re-election and respectfully solicit yOUr support REE-ELECT RE-ELECT Sunday after Christmas Dec. Slat 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.-â€"Morning Prayer. RICHMOND mm; UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 31st 11 a.m.â€"New Year’s Service. Dedi- cation and official opening of new building. 2:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. The Pri- mary classes will occupy their new room for the first time. 7 p.m.â€"The Pastor. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. PAGE ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL

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