THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1933 SLATS’ DIARY BY ROSS FARQUHAR Friday Ant Emmys ne ' the Black sheap of the famly cum in on us today and I and , Song and he ire- plyed and ser he V. had done very very . Little singing in n his time. ‘ Saterdayv Clem Mcssncr was offly disapointed today ‘ becuz he tryed to ,~ get in the town a Band and play the tuby but when they tuk his waste Measure he was seven inches to Short around. Sundayâ€"I gess this is Be kind to yure relashuns week or sum thing. anuther 1 of ant Emmys fokes cum today. This is a ole Made witch clames she is a cuzzen of me. Ant Emmy ast her this afternoon if enny buddy ever ast her to get marryed and she sed 'the oney person who ever ast her to get marryed was her pa and ma. Mundayâ€"well I got a dandy Leckâ€" trick train for Chrismas and it wood of hen fine oney pa. kep it in his Room since last Wensday and sev-ral of the wheels and sum of the Switch- es was broke and it wont run a Tall now. Tuesdayâ€"Blisters was a bragging about his unkel witch is a Train Caller up at the Depoe in the city. Personly I' dont think Train Calling is near as hard as hog calling becuz when you call trains they are all reddy there when you call them. Wensdayâ€"~Lafe Twills says he is getting mitey tired of the welfare ‘ people asking him so menny kwesâ€" tions. he sed heed about as leaf wirk as spend so mutch time anser- ring there foolish kwestions about thissen that. Thirsdayâ€"They was a giveing the dickens to ole Mr. Clutch at the Ladys Aid today becuz he never neels when sum 1 is praying. Blisterses ma sed he was to full of Pride but Mrs. Gillem sed it was more rooma- tism than Pride witch kep him frum neeling when sum 1 is praying. I Winter Term in each of Shaw’s Twelve Schools in Toronto continues , from January 2nd and merges ' into Spring and Summer Term for continuous service through- out the whole year. Enter any day. Free Booklet. Write 1130 Bay St., Dept. N.Y. W. R. SHAW, Secretary. .T.FOX ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL i WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly Attended to ACCIDENTS â€" AND YET MORE ACCIDENTS Supposing something happened to YOU. What provision have you made for weeks and perhaps months coming in? Accident Insurance re- lieves financial and physical suffering A. G. SAVAGE Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Richmond Hill “fun. ~~ "my- sum _ John Donald _. F urrier Furs Made To Order Repairs & Remodelling __ . Raw Furs Bought Elgin Mills Phone Maple 1049 NEWTONBROOK SCHOOL NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER SR. IV~â€"Irene Booth (h), Alma few Witchis Wardle (h), Mable Brett (h), Car- men Lockyer (h), Dorothy Swartman Edna Boxall, Ruth Tarras, Kenneth Foreman; Victor Holt and Victor Phinnemore (equal); Arthur Cafï¬n, Ina Henderson, Walter Duggan. JR. IVâ€"Muricl Swartman (h), Jean McRae (h), Bill Kelly (h), Dor- othy Smith (h), May )lcCoiikey; Jean Jacns and Alice Archer (equal); lv'i'uddii Copeland, Dulcie Tough, Don- ald Gcci‘, June ‘iioijiwcll; Ruin Wardle ‘ and Clayton L'Loutcr (equal); Sam Kelly, Harry Billson, Frank Tough, 'Jack Horne, Betty Ilicks, Eleanor Bonnell, Joan Coptman, Dclva Con- ner, Violet Brill, Alva illasalcs, Gavin Henderson, Geoffrey Lonsdale, Edna Lonsdale. ROOM VI JR. IVâ€"Wiliam Prebble, James Mair, Billie Giles, Paul Street, Bill Ferris. SR. III-Phyllis Irene Riddelli', Alvin Patterson, Lily Booth, Bill Copeland, Charles Wimbs, Carol Tre- win, Ben Bramble, Frank Horton, Lorraine Risebrough, Victor Day, Ronald Johnstone, Marie Smith, Mary Pereshuk, Malcolm Holliwell, John Risebrough“, Burtt, Dorothy, Burtt, Lorne Hill,l Arthurn Southern, Patsy Foreman, Leonard Heading, Elsie Hill, Ralph Heading, Isobel Hicks, Annie Under- wood, Bessie MacBain, Harry Locke, Rose Nicholls, Edward Page, Gerald Whitemore, Ellwood McNamara, Ar- thur McCrimmon, Leona Ransom, Fred Claringbold, Audrey Lonsdalex. *Honours; x Absent. SR. THIRDâ€"Lorna Anderson, Law- rence Thornington, AliCe Wiltshjire, Leah Sennhauser Margaret McRae, Ollie Line, Audrey Booth, Herbert Phinnemore, Harold Street, Charles Banks. JR. THIRDâ€"James Ferrari (11), George Sayewell (h), Doris Coltman (h), William Washburn (h), Doreen Patterson (h), Robert Riscbrough, Doreen Wilkin, Charles Morris, Her- bert Gouinlock, Harry Gelka; Ralph Hawes and John Loch (equal), Dor- een Bayman, Evelyn _ McConkey, Pearl Wimbs, Constance Duggan, David Delville, Murray Copeland, Ann Wells, Lillian 'i'hornington and Rosena Anthony (equal), Constance Burton, Hazel Turmon, Jark Under- \wood and Doris Holt (equ:l), Wil- liam McConkey, Marjorie Line, Grace Smith, Marie Phinnemore, Gordon Bonnell, Louise Meekins, Neil Namara, Ivy Jubb. ROOM III his» Evelyn Banks (h) equal, lriil'ly in“. lop (11), Ellen Sa5ewcli (.1), Rochester (h), Bernard Jubb \.o.c (h; (h) (equal), Douglas Wardle (h‘, Nor man McCrimmon (h), George Dug- Southern (h) equal, Robert Skelly, Rosie Sanderson, Betty Jar-dine, Jos- eph Washburn, Fred Harrington ant. Robert Wiltshire (equal), Aileen Rid- dell, Harold Moore, Julia Gelka, in... garet Parry, Kathleen Page, Edwn, Rudd, Robert Reid, Donald Wain, A. lan Page, Lois Risebrough, Day, Jack Boxall, Donald Street, Dun‘ can Crone, Iona Smith, Irene b'ui. Phyllis Ferguson, Bert Swartmu. Ernest Line, Alve'ry Walls, Erna; Smith, Walter Bonnell, Rid/ll: William Banks, George Faulkner (absent), Roy Stewart (absent). ‘ ROOM II ‘SR. IAâ€"Margaret Geet (h), Mar ga-ret Kelly (h), Louise Skelly (h), Olga Pereshuk (h), Alex Stewart (h,- Ina Johnstone, Isabella Henderson Alma Clouter, Vernon Horton, Grace Copeland, Lily McConkey, Gordon Reid, Stanley Wain, Percy Ransom Teddy Bonnell, Herbert McEachern, Pearl Brown. SR. IB-â€"Marie Hillier (h), Hazel Duggan (h), Bobby MacDonald (h), Doreen Race (h), Doris Wardle (h), Ralph Bryant (h), Doris Nicholls (h), Albert Lafreniere (h), Jean Plum- bridge (h), Tommy Brown, Ross vBooth, Allan G. McEachern, Sylvia Webb, Edwin Reid, Rosemary Clar- ingbold, Phyllis Duggan, Jackie Laing, Herbie Thornington, Stanley GoddaIrd, Irene Hi‘ll, Arthur Giles, Margaret Line, Jack Fox, Ronald Mc- Namara, Wallace McKinley, Florence Kelly. Rail ROOM I JR. IAâ€"George Morris (h), Don- ald Washburn, Ella Thornington, Nor-I man McKinley, John Banks, Warren Anderson, William Rudd, Noreen Foster, Fred Page. Bâ€"Bill Robinson (h), Robert Street (h), Claire Lafreniere (h), William Stewardson, Audrey Stewart, Nora Day, Betty anls, Marjorie Swart- man, Douglas Copeland, John Stap- ley, Dorothy-Wain, Douglas Rudd, Elsie Wade, Iza Giles Gordon Jubb, Margaret McCrimmon, Hrdena Laing, Leeta Gelka, Russell Shuter, Albert Rolfe, Fred McKinley. Times are so tough new that some of our leading heiresses are having to worry along with second-handed and reconditioned Mdivanis. Eveline Rochesterï¬ â€˜ CLASS IIâ€"Alfred Curtis (11), and Jack Claringbold (h) and Ruth Smith gan (h), Jessie Jacks (h) and Allan The pupils whose names appear in the following lists have passed the, term exams. held recently. The lists are arranged in order of merit show- ing the standing of each pupil in his class. Detailul reports are being mailed to ])£ll‘tlll,.\‘ \eri are requested in read them curt-fully, sign, and reâ€"} turn tin-m by the pupils on the first) day of school al’isr the holidays, Jami 3, 1034. II COMMERCIAL I. llonourseLouise Russell. II. llolioul‘sâ€"â€"Al111a Ilewson, Iso-l :bcllc Couller. ; l 111. Honours~-Dorothy Wilson, Ger- llrude Taylor. i PASS-“Jack Crcan, Roy Plowman, iMargaret Bodner, Gertrude Lund, i Kathleen Tui‘keWich. ! I COMMERCIAL \I. Honoursâ€"Gwen Mercer. VII. Honoursâ€"Mary Rollinson,' Luâ€" cille Wideman, Margaret Davidson, Lenore I-Iuestis, Nora Barlow. III. Honoursâ€"Jeanne Ferguson, Ruth Tennyson, Doris Knapp, Patricia Rose, Ivy Taylor. PASSâ€"Susan J ohnstone, Karl Meyer, Russell Noble, Evelyn Brown, Jean Park, Charlie Hill. | “‘ SPECIAL COMMERCIAL Archie Bull passed in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and Penman- ship. FORM I IST CLASS HONOURSâ€"Bill Camp bell, Velma Monkman, Jean Robinson, John Harbinson, Norman Christopher, Lorne Wells, Alma Farquliarson, Aud- Irey Smith, Mary Bowes, Jack Mc- lGuegor, Velma Monkman, Helen Mc« Gibbon. 2ND CLASS HONOURSâ€"Made- leine Rumble, Winnifred Haworth, Ombra Hul', Miriam Heise, Jack Mc- Pherson, eric Wilson, George Gra- ham, Bruce Robertson, Doris Wood- ard. . 3RD CLASS HONOURSâ€"Kenneth Johnson, Harold Heise, Jean Zuefelt, Jack I-leaton, Ethel White, Florence Barker, Isabel Ainslie, Marion Mich- ell, Cummer Lee, Elva Young, Lorna Cillings, Hazel Dunn. ‘ PASSâ€"Beatrice Rumble and Elsie Ley (equal), Douglas Fleet, Jack Lii(llil, Mary Patoison, Dean Quinton, linger-ct Savage. l (ï¬anahian ,Macdonald, Jean Rumble, Lewis Mablcy. FORM III lsT CLASS llONOURSâ€"Peter ‘rgina Saunders and Lloyd Crawford TH]: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Richmond Hill High School 1 Christmas Term Report; FORM II : IST CLASS HONOURSâ€"Isabel 1 Oliver, Margaret Duncan, Gwendoline Sayers, Weldon Bull, Joseph Onasick, Michael Sawchuk. 2ND CLASS llONOURSâ€"Eleanor Barker, Beryl Farquharson, William Pollard, llurris Herd. 3R1) CLASS HONOURSAMargucr ile .‘vlCQUiI‘O and Roy Lunau (equal), Reginald I)c\\’CS, Harold Sanderson, Viola .â€"\\'i~'0n, Mary Mackey. PASSeaMargarct Avison, Edith Deadnian, Mei-nu Jenkins, Jack Hall, Gwendolyn Smith, Ruth Angle, Jean Onasiek, Dorothy Barraclough. 2ND CLASS HONOURS#Helen Burlton, Dorothy Keffer, Margaret Bowes, Albert Hewson, Jean Topper, Bob Hall. Florence Cherry. 3RD CLASS HONOURSâ€"Stewart ‘ Rumble, William Warwick, Richard Patrick, Lovica Wigmore, Betty Webb. Dorothy Veitch, Fred Carter, Joseph Mizen. PASSâ€"Ruth Rumble, Melvin Well- man, Roy Holmes, Lucille Dean, Geo- (equal), James G. Michell, Leonard Harris, Robert Colville and Eloise- Perkins (equal), James Ley, Elinor Boyle. NOT RANKEDâ€"Shirley Hill. FORM IV 2ND CLASS HONOURSâ€"â€"Nora Campbell, Jessie Angle William Stew- art. 3RD CLASS HONOURSâ€"â€"He1en Sinclair, Virginia Little, Helen Hal- dane, Charles Noble, Marion Sellers, Troycr Archibald, Margaret Rumble, Isabel Ball. PASSâ€"â€"Hugh Yerex, Oswell Stew- art, Catherine Stanford, Louise Arm- strong, John Ainslie, Marion Scrivâ€" ener Edith Ainslie. FORM V 2VD CLASS HONOURSâ€"Mary Johns, Mae Sheppard, Joe Mills, Cathâ€" arine MacQuarrie, Eleanor Drury. 3RD CLASS HONOURSâ€"May Plowman, Fred Taylor, Jean Middle- ton. PASSâ€"Sheila Beresford, Dorothy Hobday, Robert Little, Harry Sayers, Vincent Burlton. Trieadfllit §ewiice OF THE litehual Aaauriaï¬ua Editcd'by V M.D. «a ASSOCIATE SECRETARY .'v’â€.‘.lLS an opportunity, once again, of‘ ozining new resolutions and of new inbits of life and conduct, and of Jstcring new hopes for the twelve months immediately ahead. The glad nticipation with which everyone sizes the New Year seems to indicate chat the year just ending has had its possibilities. In the small town shop and in the large departmental store of the city, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, a certain period in January is usually set aside for “stockâ€"taking.†In less competative times, it was the custom to close the store for a day or more, and indicate to the buying public that “stock-taking†was in progress. Durâ€" ing this neriod, old accounts were written off, and everything was put in readiness for the business of the coming year. It was a fresh start. And so it should be in the business of health. The New Year offers an opportunity for reflecting and fori taking an inventory of what mustl always be man’s choicest possession. What has been the effect of the stren uous days of 1933 on the humanf economy? Have we, by reason ofl worries and anxieties, of handicaps previously unknown, or as a result of environmental influences, drawn too heavily upon our physical reserve, and so are entering the New Year with a handicap? The prevalent attitude of regard-i ing health as describing a body free- from pain or even a mild degree of bodily discomfort is fundamentally unsound. Disease frequently is in- sidious in its onset and takes a var- iable time to declare itself in its true colours. This is seen in the case of! malignant disease where pain may bei and usually is a late symptom. Other i degenerative conditions, GRANT FLEM1NG. , AL». “nut RESOLUTIONS i ' With the dawn of the New Yedri such as heart disease, hardening of the art- eries, and Bright’s Disease, must be! diagnosed early if a proper rule of! life and dietary regime are to be ef- lfective in controlling the distressing 'symptoms which may later complet- _ailures and that the New Year holds; ely incapacitate the/victim. Bacon, in his essay on “Delay,†might well have been speaking of disease when he states that “There is surely no greater wisdom than Well to time the beginnings and onset of things.†This is what is being accomplished everywhere through the regular per- iodic health examination which is a recognized factor in the preservation of health and in securing the early treatment of disease. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto will be answered personally by letter. =O=IOI==0:0= i oTheJones Coal Co. Full Line of FUEL ALSO ï¬Lime, Cement, Tile ° Phoneâ€" 188 YARDS AT BURR’S MILL =°=0=0=° onomouom ll Good Eyesight Don’t delay any longer. If you are troubled with headaches, blurred im- ages, nervousness consult at once. F. E. LUKE & SON OPTOM ETR ISTS [63-167 Yoiige Si‘rs-v‘i Toronto Upstairs Opposite Simpsons , A. C. HEI‘TDERSON PLUMBING fioJD TINSMITHING Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs l 1"“? " â€" ’ PAGE SEVEN Barrister and Solicitor (Telephone 133) . Toronto Office, 100 Adelaide St. W. Phone ADelai'le 3608 RICHMOND HILL OFFICE. 40 YONGE ST. OPEN DAILY EDWARD LAXTON, B. A. HAT.“ Richmond Hill Arena Saturday Night AND EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Skating New Years Afternoon and Night GOOD MUSIC H. J. MILLS, Chairman Arena Commission mm... . . .â€" WINTER OVERCOATS If you are thinking of getting that new WIN-.mâ€" TER OVERCOAT now, the first step to satisfac- tion is to call and see the quality and value we have to offer. The finest materials to choose from and tail- ored to your measure. Exclusive and distinctive and all at a moderate cost to you. You pay no more here, and you are assured of the finest qual- ily and workmanship. For your next suit or overcoat, make sure you see us. CLEANING AND PRESSING We are happy to extend to you our dependable and satisfactory service for all kinds of Cleaning and Pressing. RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. Greene, Phone 49J Richmond Hill For Finest Quality Ha‘nd Tailored Clothes _ > '7; Richmond Hill Machine Shop ii Rear 81 Yonge Street GENERAL MACHINERY REPAIRS, BOILERS LAWN MOWERS AND BINDER KNIVES GROUND GUN SMITHING i l I Resourceful Men Consult LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS HE up-and-coming citizens who get things done know where ‘to turn when they want something. . .‘ . They consult the Classified Col- umns of The Liberal. . . . If they do not find it listed there they then turn to their phone, tell The Liberal to insert an ad . . . and get results. . . . If you want a job, a house, an automobile, a garage, a room, some work done, furniture re- paired or sell a house, automobile, horse, cow, radio, etc., etc. . . . Use The Liberal Classified Ads. . . . Try The Liberal Classified Ads. . . . . The yare wonder workers. . . . ’ THE LIBERAL Phone 9 Richmond Hill