02*. Sunday a combined service of the Sunday School and Church was held under the leadership of Mr. F. W. Maxwell, Pastor, with a fairly good attendance of scholars and grown-ups. No doubt many were kept away on account of the stormy wea- ther. The church was very nicely decorated with evergreens, flowers and Christmas bells by Mr. Leonard Baker and Mr. Sydney Sparks which was appreciated by the congregation. The service took the form of a ser- ies of slides‘ showing the Life of Christ from his Birth to Manhood. A solo “Away In A Manger†was rendered by Alfred Macklem, and as the picture was shown of Shepherds of Wondrous Beauty.†Mrs. Noble in singing very softly “Silent Night, . BUY EROM AN ESTABLISHED DEALER . Phllco and Vlctor Radios, Washmg Machmes I respectfully solicit your vote and influence for elec- tion as member of the Board of Education and if elected ‘assure you that I will give the business of the Board my‘ very best attention. J. W. PALMER Fred N. Hopper iL. CLAUDE SECRETT YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED T0 RE-ELECT PAGE EIGHT Your Vote Will be appreciated RICHVALE A. E. Flew man BOARD OF EDUCATION For Board of Education ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION THE BEST IN RADIOS. R. D. LITTLE Is a. candidate for the Board of Education and respectfully asks for your support. L. A. HILL Wishing all the Compliments of the Season Wishing all the Compliments of the Season TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION BOARD OF EDUCATION TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION Board of Education A CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION ELECT Holy Night.†Mr. Maxwell gave a. few words of explanation as the dif- Lercnt pictures were shown. The Sunday School sang. several Christ- mas Carols, tWo of which might be specially mentioned, “Glory to God in the Highes †and “There’s a song of Wondrous Beauty.’ Mr. Noble and Miss Maxwell were the accom- panists on the piano. The Christmas Concert will be held in the Church on Thursday, Dec. 28th at 8 pm. A good program and Christ- mas Tree has been arranged. Every- body welcome. Sincere sympathy of this commun- ity is extended at this time to Mrs. A. Bailey, Spruce Avenue, Whose mother passed away on Saturday morning. Funeral took place on Tuesday, Dec. 26th, to Prospect cem- etery, Toronto. TUBES TESTED FREE. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baker, Mrs. Row- den. Mrs. Baker Sr., Mr. Gordon W. Farrants and Mrs. Farrants, Mr. John Hirtz, Miss Dorothy Sparks at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Bailey’s mother in Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. G. Allison received the sad news on Christmas Day of the death of her niece who was struck by an automobile and killed instantly. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Allison. 'We are pleased to report that Mrs. F. W. Cole is progressing very fav- ourably and we hope to see her up and around again very soon. Mrs. W. J. Baker is better again. Mr. Edwin Farrants has been conâ€" fined to bed for two or three days with.a heavy cold and bronchitis. Mr. Jones of Oak Avenue is 'im- proving. DANCE AT MAPLE Plan now to spend New Year’s night at Maple Community Hall. Dancing to Les Smith’s orchestra. Prizes for varied events. Mrs. Crow of Toronto day of last week with her W. J. Baker. Mr.’ and Mrs. Koning Avenue had all their £2 with them for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. H. Blogg spent Christ mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Row- den of Carrville Road. In the eve- ning they all attended the family re- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker, Can-ville Road. Community Christmas Tree Christmas was celebrated by the Jun'or Farmers Club of the vicinity of nionville last Saturday evening, when they held a Christmas Tree and entertainment here. Rev. E. E. Pugs ley acted as chairman and a delight- ful program was given. After the program gifts were distributed by Santa Claus from a Christmas Tree nicely decorated and donated by the local branch of the W.I. roasrtfldf beer was presented to each family on relief in Markham townshig b_y the Jpnipr Farmers. Rev. J. D. Cunningham will preach in the Thornhill Presbyterian Church on Sunday taking as his text “For- getting the things which are behind and reaching out to the things which are before.†- W.M.S. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, at 3 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. N. J. Smellie. Re- ports of the year's work will be pre- sented by departmental secretaries. At the nomination meeting for vil- lage trustees, Messrs. J. E. Francis, William Ridden and W. C. L. Ball were elected by acclamation, for the ensuing year: Uarfd Mrs. S. Bone entertained theu‘ family on Christmas Day. Mrs. R. Thompson spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thomp son, Toronto. . The Young Ladies’ and the Men's classes of the United Church Sunday School held their class meetings to- gether in the church on Sunday af- ternoon. After a number of favorite Xmas carols were sung Rev. Pugsley gave a talk on “Young People and World Peace.†The young ladies class then presented their teacher, Mrs. McKean, with a table lamp in appreciation of her splendid work with them and kindness throughout the year. The men’s class presented Mr. Johnson with a house coat ex: pressing their sincere gratitude for his faithfulness and leadership as a teacher during 1933. These two classes inv’ite all young people to join them each Sunday in the school room £7239 p.111. ï¬Miissflv Neilrie‘ Smiley spent Xmas with her aunt in Toronto. VMr. and Mrs. Jaynes of Syracu_se, N. Y., are spending Xmas week Wlth Mrs. F. Shnpsoy and family. About a. dozen Were present at the annual school meeting held on Wed- nesday night in the Public School. Mr. N. J. Smellie was appointed chairman and Mr. W. Riddell secre- tary of the meeting. Reports of the trustees on the improvement in the heating system were ver- satisfactory also the reports of the auditor and inspector. The caretaking was also highly commended. Mr. N. L. Morâ€" ton, the retiring trustee, was reâ€"elect- ed for three years. The trustees for 1934 are, Dr. Campbell, secretary- treasurer, Messrs. N. L. Morton and A. Brillinger. “FM-rs: _ I'E'dii’t’ï¬ï¬‚Leusby speï¬t Xmas with her father, Mr. Wm. Clement, of Richmond Hill. THORN HILL LIBERAL, RICHMONDiHILL, ONTARIO Koning of Spruce their family home spent Fri- sister, Mrs. jo'y their melody foa'etells. All these rang at Teston this Christmas seaâ€" son. Old Dobbin and the sleigh got their chance once again to help out and it was a treat to hear the sound of sleigh bells. But Christmas comes once a year anyway with its goodwill and good things, Weddings only comeâ€"01' mostlyâ€"once in a life time. On Satu‘rday Mr. Gordon Monk and Miss Sadie Rowntree Were unitâ€" ed in maniage. The same day Mr. George Grey and Miss Hazel Bl'omley were married. They will reside at Teston. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, sleigh bells, Christmas bells, wedding bells, hear the music of the bells, charming bells, what a heap of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson and Miss Beth spent Christmas with Mrs. Wil- son’s parents, and Mrs. Wm. Walker. sts Mary Hart of Toronto visited at Mr. Frank Piercey’s over the holiâ€" dayu/ | The Christmas entertainment given _by Hope Public School was very suc- lcessful. The program by the pupils and exâ€"pupils was enjoyed by all. Mr. Carl Saigeon was Master of Ceremonâ€" ‘ ies and performed his duties in hisi lcustomary pleasant manner. Mr.‘ .McDonald, teacher, who had given much time to arranging the program, is to be congratulated on its success. [Proceeds amounted to $38.00. 3 “Christmas in Literature†was the ltopic at Y.P.S. last Sunday evening. Miss Ezard was to have been the :guest speaker, but owing to a severe ;cold was unable to be present. The ilesson Math. 2, 1-15, was read by Mrs. Smillie. Miss L. Dibb gave the worship ' period reading and Mr. Harry Cunningham the discussion period. Mrs. Smillie read a poem and Miss M. Castator sang. Monro Stivers gave an interesting talk on ‘ the Society he attends and its activ- ‘ I‘ities. The President gave an address Mists Hattie Diesman spent Christ- mas at Port Hope with her sister, Mrs. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Moody and Noreen, Mr. Mason Mrs. Kelly and Miss Tay- lor spent Christmas with Miss Ella McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Smillie, Toronto, were home for Christmas with MI. and Mrs George Taggart. Mr. J. McLaughlin spent Christ- mas in Toronto with his son Walter. Mré. Donaldson of Toronto visited her‘ daughter, Mrs. R. Hall, ov‘er the holiday. Mrs. Price and a friend from Tor- onto had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Castatm'. The Women’s Missionary Society helu their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Diesman and af- ter business was transacted the of- ficers for the coming year were elec- ted: Pres., Mrs. Elm-er Hadwen; Vice-Pres, Mrs. Ed. Bowen; Treas.; Mrs. E. Kyle; Secty., Mrs. W. Windas Assistant Secty., Hattie Diesman; Flower and Sick Com., Mrs. C. Diesâ€" man, Mrs. L. Hadwen; Program Com. Mrs. E. Hadwen, Mrs. Frank Piercey, Mrs. Jack Kyle. on “The Christmas Gospel†and its meaning. It was resolved to have a social evening on Friday, Dec. 29th. Come out and bring your games and eats and enjoy an evening together. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grey, Neil and Helen spent Christmas with Mrs. Grey’s sister, Mrs. McDonald, at Kleinbui'g. There will be the usual meeting‘ next Sunday evening when all the convenors will take part and Mr. Piercey will assist. There will likely be a watch night service. Mr. Wm. Hillier is smiling. Its a boy. , Miss Flossie Marwood Was home for Christmas. The manufacturer of a new soft drink claims that it tastes just like the intoxicating stuff. V Thanks for the warning, old bean! TESTON 6FFICIAL 0. M. L. STATION Phone 210 Richmond Hill Council Elected By Acclamation At the nomination on Friday eve- ning, Dec. 22nd, in the Orange Hall, Reeve A. A. McKenzie was returned by acclamation, and the following nominated for the council, A. B. Cousins, A. W. Hollingshead, Leo. Watson, Andy Frost, Levi Elliott and Cecil Shannon. Later Levi E1- Iiott and Cecil Shannon withdrew so that the council now is, Reeve A. A. McKenzie, Councillors A. B. Cousins, Leo. Watson, A. W. Hollingshead, Andy Frost; Power Commission, John Gillan and Bert Harris. Ed. W. Brown, chairman. All who complained because of the absence of “Old fashioned Winters†in past years ought to feet at ease now that the old style has returned. The Christmas of 1933 was ideal with an abundance of snow for santa Claus to make his rounds and a frigid temperature to form ice on which the youth could skate.I Fowl Given as Prizes at Euchre Party Sixty players took part at the Euchre party jointly sponsored by N. Clarke Wallace, L.0.L., and Queen Victoria L.0.B.A. on Wednesday night of last week in the Orange Hall, whenl fowl was offered as prizes and won by, Mrs. Ted Leece, Mrs. Jack Wat- son, Mrs. H. N. Smith, S. P. Vance, 1, Major McKenzie and Robert Fraser. 1‘ In‘the freeze out contest Miss Adalh Graham and George Makey were the winners, and $5.00 cash prize was 3 won by Mrs. Bill Hollingshead. 8 Schools of Pine Grove and Lower 1~ ( 1‘ ll N’Tliï¬.’dt:13> 9th Christmas Programs Pine Grove School Section No. 12 treated the children of the Section to la Christmas entertainment that con- isisted of the usual drills, dialogues, ichoruses, etc., under the direction of [the teacher, Miss L. Neal. Gifts were liberally distributed among the pupils, and at No. 13 the lower 9th school, under direction of Miss Esther Bessey, teacher, and Frank Troyer, chairman, a generous supply of gifts was distributed by Santa Claus and a well prepared program given. l Christ Church Christmas Tree ‘ ..i-_..-4AAA Entertainment Christ Church Sunday School Christ ‘ mas tree entertainment held on Christmas night drew a good sized audience who enjoyed the drills, diaâ€" logues, recitations and songs present- ed by the children and a farce comedy “The Passing of Mr. Peel†with acast directed by Miss Evelyn Brown which included Miss ’M. Kidd, Miss Isabel Smith, Miss Irene Maxey, Miss Bettyi Wallace, Mrs. Murray Ingram and! Dick Weatherill. Rev. J. H. Kidd presided. \Voodbridge School Ends Term With Christmas Tree ' Activities of Woodbridge Publicl School for 1933 ended on Friday last with a Christmas entertainment {which included dialogues, choruses, ‘ldrills, pantomimes, and lantern slides I of the widely read “Black Beauty" 1 with explanations by Principal Shore. At the same time prizes were present- ed to those who stood highest in their .‘classes during the year; Primer class say; Junior 2nd, Senior lst, Betty Maynard; Junior 2nd, Jessie Draper; Senior 2nd, Claudia Ross; Junior 3rd} Fern Berry; Senior 3rd, Jim Lovett;‘ all received books while bronze medal1 \went to Mary Thompson, and a silver l Fred. Rymill; Junior 1st, Mary Lind-1 w u: medal to Stanley Uppington for win- f ning highest honors at the entrance '7 examinations.‘ The school board was represented by Sec.-Treas. W. J. Blake and Alex. Cameron. The teaching staff is Principal G. W. Shore, Miss Margery Blake, Miss Mary Topper . land Miss Thelma Shore. a. e WOODBRIDGE To all our customers and friends we extend this Wish also that it may be more prosperous than 1933 " We thank you for your patronage during the year Hoping to merit its continuance during 1934 HAPPY NEW YEAR Phone 18 W. BRATHWAITE H A R DWAR E THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th. 1933 W. NEAL S. S. No. 6 Enjoy Christmas Entertainment The Christmas tree entertainment of School Section No. 6, Toronto Gore, sponsored by the School board, and directed by Miss Yvonne Poole was held in the Township Hall on Friday night of last week and at- tracted a large audience. The pro‘ gram consisted of drills, dialogues, recitations and choruses. Mr. Sam Shaw, chairman of the Board, pre- sided. A barrel of nice red Northern Spy apples were sent to the Hospital for Sick Children, Thistletown, donated by the Woodbridge Women’s Instiâ€" tute purchased from Mr. Gordon Bell. Woodbridge United Church S. S. Entertainment The annual'Shi-istmas tree and enâ€" tertainment of the United Church Sunday School held in the church was largely attended with a splendid Varied program of dialogues, reci- tations, pantomimes, drills, tableaus', etc, by the pupils of the Sunday School. Vocal duett by Misses K. Bagg and M. Shore, instrumental trio Alvin Wood, Cameron McClure and Bert Shore. A special number was presented by members of the Bible classes “The First Christmas" which was carefully arranged. Mr. A. W. Farr, Superintendent, was in charge land Rev. J. E. Anders-on addressed ibriefly on the Christmas Season. Misses Marjorie Blake and Marie A1- llan were the piano accompanists. Invitations are sent out for a New Year’s Euchre and Dance under the auspices of Woodbrid'ge L.O.B.A. on New Year’s night in the Orange Hall. Committee in charge, Mrs. W. Boddy, Mrs. Lulu Willis, Mrs. G. W. Bagg. Mrs. E. Ring, Mrs. L. Ostrander. The annual Christmas Tree and Concert was held in Camille United Church last Thursday evening. The church was well filled. The program was very good and after it was over Santa Claus arrived to distribute the presents. Mr. Gordon Maxwell was Chairman in the absence through sick ness of his brother, Mr. Frank Max- well. We are very sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Geo. Woods who took sick last Friday. Mrs. Woods is feel- ing some better now. Among the Christmas visitors at Carl-ville were Mr. and Mrs. L. Ad- kens and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van- derberg at Mr. J. Vanderberg’s. Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew at Mr. J. Ander- sons. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Con- cord ax'xd Mr. and Mrs. Chas Cooper of Toronto at Mr. Ross Bowes. Mr. and Mrs. F. Muirhhead at Mrs. Reaâ€" man’s. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McLeod and son Roy of Claremont at Mr. W. Bone’s. Mr. Walter Edwards is confined to his bed with a very severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. M. McCrone spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. Jas. Wark spent Christmas at his home here. Master Roy McLeod of Claremont is spending his Christmas holidays at his grandfather’s, Mr. W. Bone. NE“? YEAR’S FROLIC Dance New Year’s night at the Community Hall, Maple. Les Smith’s orchestra. Prizes and surprises. Ad- mission 25 cents. It’s a funng thing, though. Athe- ists and zgnostics make friends with other atheists and ~agnostics but they prefer to make contracts with Chrisrtians. CARRV lLLE We Deliver