Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jan 1934, p. 2

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To every man life is ordinarily and necessarily a going forth. We have to go out daily to a practically unknown journeying ,and nothing is *‘more important than that its general direction should be already determined by a con- secration which comprehends the unknown alike with the known. The great danger into which many lives fall is that of a haphazard careleSSness both as to the going and as to the goal. A voyage without a chart is apt to end in a Wreck. And life is a bigger and more serious thing than we are usually inclined to regard it; and one of life’s tragedies is that of finding and contenting ourselves with too easy an interpretation of its meaning, its mystery and its majesty. Only he who looks life squarely in the face, and resolutely sets himself to reach the highest and best is worthy of its treasure and trust. Wu“- v m.._ -_ v... It takes some of us a long time to learn the limitations of self-help. With a jaunty certainty of superiority and success, we confidently go forwardâ€"and fail. And this we do again and again until the fact of our strengthlessness penetrates through the resisting self-confidence and We at length acknowledge our utter inefficiency. It is no easy thing to yield up our fancied strength and to resist every opposing influence to self-surrender. It is one of the great struggles of the soul. But its pain is as the birth-pang of 11 AA ~â€". “50.... v a new life. It is not that life is small and sorrowful that we need God to strengthen and sweeten itâ€"a View which far too generally obtains; but rather that life is large and great and powerful and therefore God is needed for its sure guidance and reinforcement. Its ideals are so exalted that every best endeavor needs supplementing power ere they can be realized. If our destiny were lower our difficul- ties would be less. Mere human pgwer is adequate enough if the goal aimed at is low enoughâ€"if it is merely social, commercial, intellectual. But if it be Divine, as it is; if the objective be the acquisition of character, which is capacity for eternal service, then we must have an unknown com- munication of the power of the Almighty. FACING THE NEW YEAR One of the advantages of the artificial division of time into cycles is that of enabling us to regard the commence- ment of each year as a time of new beginnings. The stim- ulus of a fresh start is made available even to the most dis- heartened. As from a mountain peak We are enabled to look out into a future illumined with new-born hope and to set out afresh with quicken’ed footsteps on our journey. Perhaps the hardest task for man to-day is the re- covery of the inspirations and enthusiasms which once he hadâ€"but now are lost. There is something entirely elusive about them which seems to defy all effort at recapture. Memory is apt to mock at the result of every struggle by making vivid the experience of former days, and compelling comparison. But memory must not be allowed to become despotic; or the past not even at its best was the highest type of l' e for either man or nation. The gospel is always beckoning us on to higher heights than have been scaled, and to completer victories than have ever been experienced. The old and now irrevocable inspirations should be replaced by newer_and stronger creations. n m The New Year will not be an easy one to face. Sorrow, want, suspicion, greed and man‘s inhumanity to man still loom large upon the horizon. The experiences of the past few years are apt to discourage us, to make us disheartened and afraid. Many unfortunately are losing hope. Let us as we now cross the threshold of a New Year take new hope, new courage and new confidence, remembering that the outlook will be one of discouragement or hopelessness ac- cording as we make or renew our determination to go for- ward undaunted by the failures and discouragements of the past- Let us press on and endeavour to make 1934 a year of real accomplishment in our individual lives, a year of progress and a year in which We dedicate our lives to great- er service to mankind. ‘ To all our readers we extend sincere best Wishes for the best of luck on the voyage through the unknown waters of the year 1934. In our last issue Mr. Paul E. Angle who has rendered {very valuable service to the community as president of the Horticultural Society made a plea for more active support by our citizens for this splendid organization. The appeal is timely and one which should not go unheeded. There is a unanimous feeling in the community that the Horti- cultural Society is a splendid organization and general agreement that the work accomplished has been a boon to this community. Unfortunately the work of the Society has been left to a very few who have courageously carried on in the face of many discouragements. If the people of the community appreciate the work which the Horticul- tural Society has done and is doing there should be more general support of the organization. If you think the Horticultural Society is a.benefit .to the community turn‘ out to the meetings lend a helping hand to the officers and committees, and take a share in carrying on the work. Let us in 1934 make one of our New Year’s resolutions to lend our whole hearted support to this organization which Covéring -Can::1da's Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. TELh is working with the commendable aim of making this a more beautiful community. Watch for the date of the an- nual meeting . Emblished 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO. LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manure:- Member Canadian Weekly Newspapel Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 As each year hurries by let it join that procession Of skeleton shapes that march down to the Past, While you take your place in the line of Progression, With your eyes on the heavens, your face to the Stand out in the sunlight of Promise, forgetting Whatever the Past held of sorrow or wrong. We waste half our strength in a useless regretting; \ We sit by old tombs in the dark too long. Have you missed in your aim? Well, the mark is still shining. Did you faint in the race? Well, take breath for the next. Did the clouds drive you back? But see yonder their lining. ' Were you tempted and fell? Let it serve for a text. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1934 PAGE TWO THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY blast. THE LIBERAL aim? Well, the mark is still TEL Y‘T‘HONE 9. At the annual meeting of the W. M.S. of the United Church the follow- :ing' officers were elected for 1934: Hon. Pres, Mrs. H. B. Schmidt; Pres., Mrs. A. H. Halbert; Vice-Pres, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. J. T. Soden; Rec. Secty., Mrs. Herbert James; Cor. Secty., Mrs. A. H. Douglas; Treas., Mrs. W. T. Wells Secty. Christian Stewardship, Miss E.\Hope; Supply Secretaries, Mrs. Dempsey, Mrs. Pinder, Mrs. R. F. ~Hicks; Temperance Secty., MiSs Mar- ion Case; Missionary Monthly Secty.,‘ Mrs. Harry Smith; Literature Secty.,‘ Mrs. J. T. Soden; Press Secty., Mrs. R. F Hicks; Associate Helper Secty.,j Mrs. A. W. Stephenson; Supts. ofl Mission Band, Mrs. Wells and Miss Hope; Supt. of Baby Band, Miss An- nie Lever; Supt. of Girl’s Mission Circle, Mrs. A. H. Halbert; Financel‘ Committee, Mrs. Wells, Miss Hope,i Mrs. Halbert, Mrs. Soden, Mrs. Hat-l old Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summers en- tertained a number of friends last Thursday evening in honor of their son Harold who spent a weeks holi- day at the parental home. Mr. W. T. Wells entertained his class of young men last Thursday evening and all report a splendid time Rev. and Mrs. Halbert spent New Years with friends at King City. The Women’s Association will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. The sewing committee has a. full program, so a good attendance is requested. The business meeting will be held after luncheon. The annual meeting of the Sunday School will be held next Thursday evening, Jan. 4th. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per will be dispensed next Sunday after the morning service. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Summers and little son have returned to their home in Quebec after a pleasant holiday visit. Harold addressed the Sunday School .last Sunday morning. He is one of the old boys who we are alâ€" ways pleased to see back again. Special Christmas services were held in the United Church last Sunâ€" day with the pastor in charge. The choir sang two anthems at the morn- ing service, with Mrs. Wiltshire and Mr. McMullen taking the solo parts. There was a large attendance at the evening service although the weather was very unfavourable. Following carol singing the cantata “The Christ- mas Waif” was again presented. This was repeated by special request and was well received, all taking their parts very creditably. A number from here attended the concert of the Young Men’s Class of Thornhill United Church last Tues- day evening. Rev. A. H. Halbert preached at the Sunday School anniversary service last Sunday afternoon at Victoria Square. _Mrs. Mason of Goulding Ave. re- turned from the Lockwood Clinic to her home last Wednesday much im- proved in health. \ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shaw and Miss Margaret spent Christmas with friends in Toronto. Mr. J. Wells and Mrs. WellshMisses Margaret and Gladys Scriminger of Toronto, and Miss SLeVenson of Highâ€" land Creck, were guests on Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pharaoh of Finch- es Ave. spent Christmas with friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Summers and little son of Quebec are spending a week with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summers. Their many friends were delighted to meet them at the church services last Sun- day. Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert en- tertained a number of. friends at their home on Christmas day. Among LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPDOC. PLUMBING AND TIN SMITHING A. C. HENDERSON SHEPPARD 63: GILL LUMBER CO. NEWTON BROOK The annual municipal elections are over once more and the various municipal councils will now settle down to ad- minister the affairs of their respective municipalities for another year which promises to be one of many problems and difficulties. The men who have been chosen to direct the affairs of the municipality on behalf of their fellow citizens can accomplish the best work only if they have the earnest co-operation of the ratepayers. If we want ex- penditures out let us be lenient in our demands. Municipal councils spend only the money the taxpayers pay into the municipal treasury. The more they spend the more the taxpayers have to contribute to the treasury. If electors will keep this plain and simple fact in mind the newly elected representatives of the people will find their task of carrying out their economy pledges comparatively easy- Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Telephone 27 Dealers in MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS There will services held next Sunday. all. THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Our Issue of Dec. 29th, 1898 Some of our musicians assisted by a number of the “old boys” took the band stand Saturday night and play- ed a. few very appropriate midnight airs. Band music here is not only a treat but a novelty. 'their guests were Mr. R. H. Irwin, Donald and Howard Irwin, Mrs. J Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Irwin of Toronto Mr. C. Wills, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. C. Ruthven and daughters Jeanette, Eleanor and Eloise Ruth- Ven and Master Donald of Alliston land Miss Maisie Richards of King. Way Back inthe Liberal Files Mr. and Mrs. Bolton and family of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs. M. Sutterly. The West York election trial came to a sudden termination last week, and Mr. W. J. Hill was confirmed in his seat as M.P.P. Mr. Hill is to be congratulated on the result. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Dennison and little daughter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gal- braith last Friday evening. The following were on Tuesday elected officers of Ivy Lodge A.O. U.W. for the year 1899: P.M.W., H. F. Hopper; M.W., L. Crosby; Foreman, W. T. Storey; Overseer, R. W. Glass; Guide, D. Hill; Recorder, R. E. Law; Financier, A. J. Hume; Receiver, F. McConaghy; I.W., W. H. Pugsley; O. W., T. F. McMahon; Trustees, W. A. Wright, W. H. Pugsley, T. F. Mc- Mahon; Auditors, Dr. Hutchison, W. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carson, Missâ€" es Mary, Hazel‘and Louise Carson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacks visited friends here on Sunday and attended the evening service. H. Pugsley, WV. A. Wright; G. L. Representative, A. . Hume; Alternate H. F. Hopper. Miss Hazel Carson of Toronto and Miss Irene Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carson last Sunday. At the regular meeting of Court Richmond A.O.F. held on Friday eve- ning, the follovn'ng were elected of- fice-bearers for the ensuing tWelve months: P.C.R., D. Hill; C.R., F. E. Sims; S.C.R., J. A. Wright; Treas., H. A. Nicholls; Secretary, W. E. Wiley; S.W., W. C. Savage; J.W., H. McKenzie; Trustees, T. Newton, H. F. Hopper, T. Trench; Auditors, R. Glass, T. Hicks, A. J. Hume; Medical Officers, Drs. Langstaff and Hutch-1 is-on. During the evening Bro. F. Sims, the Chief Ranger elect, was presented by the members with a Forester’s Pin and apron for valuable services rendered the court during the present year. Bro. Sims brought 11 new members into the court dur- ing the year. The presentation was made in behalf of the court by Bro. H. A. Nicholls. Village Nominations Mr. Teefy, Village Clerk, sat in the Council Chamber from 1‘.’ to 1 o’clock on Monday, and accepted nominations for Reeve, Councillors and Public School Trustees. me iollowing nominations were made: For Reeveâ€"P. G. Savage, reâ€"elected by acclamation. For Councillorsâ€"W. A. Wright, J. Palmer, W. Innes, T. H. Trench, D. Hill, H. F. Hopper. For Trusteesâ€"G. McDonald, D. Lynett, J. H. Sanderson, H. A. Nich- olls. As Mr. Nicholls resigned there will be no election for school trustees, but the candidates named for councillors with the exception ‘of Mr. Wright, will stand for election on Monday next. Every candidate present at the nomination, with the movers and sec- onders, expressed themselves as fav- orable towards the purchase of a lot in which to erect buildings for 3. mar. ket, etc. Mr. W. Harrison acted as: chairman at a meeting held after the nomi- nation. A new snowâ€"plough for the Metro- politan Railway went through on Tuesday. It looks as if it would do good work. be special Now Year at the United Church A hearty welcome to Teusdayâ€"Clem Litch went to the Dr. to see Whut was the matter with him and the Dr. sed‘ he was Ennemick and he shud ought to take up plenty of Xercise so now he has tuk up Cheer leading. .‘SLATS’ DIARY pidly becomeing civilized just like in America becuz he got held up by a Bandit in the Jungl'es of India. Mundayâ€"Mr. Twellip is home from a Toor in India and we was'a tawk- ing about how insivilized the people in India is and he says they are Rap- Sundayâ€"well this after noon the skool house cot on fire agen and for a wile it looked like as if we mite half to miss skool for a Wile but the far departmint got there and put out the Blase before it done mutch good. witch sed. Girls 7' -* Reddy to Wear a Close. and she sed poor things I spose they [are just waiting intill they can get a job mebby. Fridayâ€"well even if Ant Emmy and pa and all so ma does say that the wirld is grow- ° ing wirst all the ’ time I dont think mutch of the way , kids was ejucated away back When n they was little kids ‘ We had a tufl' ‘ kwestion in With mettick and oney one kids pa got iti; right. Saterday â€"â€" Wile we was out rideing this afternoon Ant Emmy red a sine on a Bill Bord Wensdayâ€"Pa ast Jim Feeny Why 0=0=O=0l==0_9=0=01 a=o==o=o=====lo=oz Hear HON. E. C. DRURY i-n MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL on “The Economic Muddle and Ways To Deal With It.” 8 o'cloc k Monday, January 8t , p. m. Board by month $6.00 per week Meals 35 Cents Hotel Richmond Your Hardware Requirements Will Receive Our Best Attention BY ROSS FARQ-UHAR REDUCED RATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IMPROVED SERVICE “GET THE HABIT OF EATING AT THE RICHMOND” Round Trip Bargain Fares x Sat. Jan. 6 From Richmond Hill To TORONTO HAMILTON NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. LONDON WINDSOR DETROIT OSHAWA COBOURG BELLEVILLE KINGSTON BROCKVILLE Tickets and Train Information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL Going Jan. 6 Let us take care of your hardware re- quirements in the year 1934. We have a fine stock to choose from and our prices are RIGHT. We have a good bargain in a slightly used Furnacette which is a real bargain for someone. Also new heaters, ranges and electric stoves. Skates, Hockey Sticks, Sport Supplies ANYTHING IN HARDWARE HOMELIKE BOARD, CLEAN COSY ROOMS, ALL CONVENIENCES H. P. TROWELL ENT A MILE ,,; HARWOOD DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR Under auspices local C.C.F. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ANNOUNCES A NEW POLICY RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1934 flaple, Ont If you are looking for quality and workmanship at a reason- able price, call and see our stock of hand made harness and col- lars. Collar fitting Ild repair- mg a specialty. flapIe, Ontario -- Telephone 232 Fire, Life, Casualty, Plate Glass, etc Motor Cars a Specialty he started to going to chirch all at Once and Jim sed sence they got g. Radio down at his home it is In. possigle to sleep enny more. Thirsdayâ€"Ant Emmy got Stung on a Add she anserred agen. She sent a $ Bill to get a Preventave of Old age and the 00. she sent the $ Bill to sent her a bottle of Carbollick Acid marked Poison. Edgar Ave. Return up to Jan. 8 INSURANCE â€" Wiring and Repair Work â€" Estimates Free Telephone Maple 1063 (1% miles North of Concord) HARNESS J. HOLMES ISAAC BAKER Licensed Electrician C. H. BYAM cum==ou6 Richvale, P. R. R. No. 2 'OEO ‘

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