Some people' develop asthma be- cause they react to certain foods, such as cereals, eggs, strawberries, fruits and nuts. Indeed, the list of foods which may be responsible is a very long one, because most foods Asthma and hay fever are similar conditions. The effects of hay fever are confined to the eyes and nose, while asthma involves the bronchial tubes. The cause is frequently the s-ameâ€"â€"a hypérsentitiveness to cer- tain proteins or allergens. An asth- matic person is an allergic person. The proteins 071' allergens which cause the trouble are found in dust. House dust is composed largely of materials of animal origin, coming from such articles as feather pillows, carpets and woollens. When these are breathed in, they may carry the material to which the individual is hypersensitive. ASTHMA “All is not asthma that wheezes†is a remark that is attributed to Doc- tor Chevalier Jackson. This state- ment suggests, very rightly, that every severe paroxysm of difficult breathing is not true asthma. At- tacks of this type may result from any obstruction or pressure which prevents the free flow of air in the lungs from the larger to the smallest of the bronchial tubes. a. cupful of milk and add two table. spoons of butter, one quarter of a wpful of white sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Cool and add two well beaten eggs, one quarter cupful cleaned currants, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of mace and enough flour to make stiff batter. Now cover the dough and set in a sheltered place to rise, preferably over night or until it has doubled its bulk. When it has doubled its bulk, ald flour by stirring and kneading Lntil of bread dough consistancy and let rise once more until it has doubled its bulk. Toss on bread board and form into buns and place not too close together on greased pan, rub with melted butter. Set pan in warm place to rise and when light and puffy put in moderate oven and bake twenty-five to thirty minutes. If desired, remove from- oven a few minutes before done and spread with a glaze of granulated sugar and milk. Return to oven a few minutes to dry off. (Royal Yeast was used). The election of a Liberal in East Kent by election by acclamation means that there will be one less “lame duck†supporter in the next session of the legislature. A TESTED RECIPE Homemade Buns Dissolve half a yeast cake in one quarter cup of tepid water and sprinkle with a little sugar. Scald PAGE FOUR I wish to thank the electors of Richmond Hill School Section for their generous support which elected me at the head of the poll in the elections on Monday. I appreciate your support and con- fidence and will endeavour to serve you to the best of my ability in the coming term. I thank the electors of Richmond Hill School Sections for electing me to the Board of Educa- tion for the coming year. I assure you that the administration of School Board business and the interests of our schools and the cause of educa- tion will have my best attention. t. Desires to thank the electors for his election to the Board of Education for 1934 and extends sincere best wishes to all the ratepayers for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION 'TO THE ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION FRED N. HOPPER LLOYD A. HILL GRANT FLEMiNG. M.D. w ASSOCIATE SECRETARY R. D. LITTLE 1mm» §Iï¬wiute (ï¬anahian wehiml Azznriatinu Cases should come under treat- ment early because of the damage that may be done during the course of the disease. Every person suffer- ing from asthma should seek his own cure, under the guidance of his family doctor, following with patience and diligence the treatment that is pre- scribed for him. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. From what has been said, it is obvious that the hope of cure depends upon finding the protein or proteins to which the individual is hypersen- sitive, and then to overcome the con- dition by appropriate treatment, or to avoid the responsible protein by omitting it from the diet. Attacks of asthma are particularly distressing and alarm those who have not previously witnessed a severe at- tack. There is no need for alarm in so far as the attack is! concerned, be- cause the attacks are not fatal. In the asthmatic who is emotional, it is desirable to avoid excitement and to maintain a quiet manner of life. contain some vegetable or animal protein. Other cases arise out of a hypersensitive condition to the bac- teria or germs which may be lodged in nose, throat or teeth. stones harass the feet, As it struggles up hill and then down. And though to and fro through the In that old-fashioned house in that old fashioned street, Dwell a dear little old-fashioned pair; I can see their two faces so tender IN AN OLD FASHIONED TOWN In an old-fashioned house in an old- fashioned street, In a quaint little old-fashioned town, There’s a street where the cobbleâ€" fashioned home, Will fly back like a. bird to its nest. and sweet, And I love every wrinkle that’s there. I love every mouse in that old-fash- world I may go, My heart, While it beats in my breast Where’re I may roam, to that old- ioned house. In the street that runs up hill and down; Each stone and each stick, every cob- ble and brick, In that quaint little old-fashioned town. Death and taxes may be similar, but the dumbness of one generation (Toesn’t make death worse for the next. One million marketâ€"page articles of 1933 boiled down to ten words: “Stocks! will go up to-morror if they don’t go down.†OF THE Edited'by You have my most sincere thanks and appreciation for the generous support you gave my candidature for the Board of Education. The result of the election was most gratifying and I am deeply sensible to the confidence expressed. I assure you that I will sincerely endeavour to be worthy of the honor. On Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, Mrs; Duck- ett received‘ a telegram from New York stating that a younger brother had been killed in an accident. Sinâ€" cere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Duckett in her bereavement. T0 ELECTORS‘RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION Dear Voters:â€" With kind regards, and the heart’s good wishes for happiness and health. May our efforts be crowned with real prosperity in 1934. Mrs. Farrants has been ill with a. very bad cold. Mr. Herd of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Farrants on New Year’s Day. Mrs. G. Allison Sr. had the mis- fortune to fall on the cellar stairs fracturing a couple of ribs. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Oak Avenue, are both ill. Mrs. Reid and family of Oak Ave. have moved into their own home on Spruce Avenue. TO ELECTORS RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL SECTION The Sunday School entertainment and Christmas Tree held on Thurs- day, Dec. 28th, was quite successful, and a good crowd attended in spite of the cold weather. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Steph- ens every child received an orange and a bag of candy which was much appreciated by the teachers and of- ficers. Next Sunday, Sunday School at 2:30 pm. and Church Service at 3:30 pm. Mrs. Cole is better. Mr. Farrants has had a very bad attack of bronchitis, but is now im- proving though still confined to bed. Mrs. G. Allison Jr. who has been in bed with a very bad cold is now improving. I THANK THE VOTERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT AND APPREC- IATE THE EFFORT TO GIVE MARKHAM TOWNSHIP RATE- PAYERS REPRESENTATION ON THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The board as it now stands is com- posed of: Mr. Homer Whitmore, Mr. J. J. Humphries, Mr. W. Whitmore; Secretary Treasurer, Mr.‘ E. Stong; Auditors for 1934â€"For Ratepayers, Mr. Meno Smith; for Trustee’s, Mr. Wm. Locke. PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. The regular meeting of the Young People’s will be held Monday, Jan. 8th.’ The annual election will take place at this meeting. All members and friends are asked to make a special effort to attend this meeting. No. 8 is the only school section in Vaughan Township that can boast a 1 mill rate. Mr. W. H. Whitmore, the trustee, was re-elected for term. The annual meeting of the rate- payers of School Section No. 8, Vau- ghan Township, was held in the school room on the evening of the above date. There was a fairly rep- resentative number present. Mr. Harvey Usher occupied the chair. The trustees report was presented by Mr. Meno Smith, one of the oldest active ratepayers in the Section. Inspector Gillies report was read by the acting secretary, E. Stong, and was very satisfactory, Miss M. E. Brown, teacher, being highly com- mended on her year’s work. Consid- erable discussion took place regard- ing the water supply of the school, which was thought by some to be not only unsatisfactory, but unsafe and quite inadequate. Several remedies were suggested for its improvement, but the general opinion is that a new artesian well would be necessary in order to get the desired results. Applications for a refund in taxes for those who live on the outer boun- daries of the Section, and who send their children to other schools was not granted. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO J.Wesiey Palmer RICHVALE EDGELEY 11 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario L. CLAUDE SECRETT Sincerely yours, retiring another The editor printeth a death notice, two columns of obituary, three lodge notices, a cubit of poetry and a card of thanks. And he forgetteth to read proof on the dead, and the darned thing cometh out: “Gone to Her Last Roasting Place.†Beholdeth, she returneth, and the youth of the town falleth down and worship. She picketh one, and 10, she picketh a, lemon. But the editor calleth him “one of our promising young men,†and getteth away with it. And they send unto the editor a bid to the wedding, and behold the bids are fashioned in a far city print- shop. Flowery and long is the wedding notice which the editor printeth. The minister getteth his bit. Consider the editor! A child is born unto the wife of a merchant of the town. The physician getteth thirty-five plunks. The editor writeth a stick and a half and telleth the mul- titude that the child tippeth the beam at nine pounds. Yea, he lieth even as a centurion. And the proud father giveth him a cigar. Behold, the young one groweth up and graduates. And the editor putteth in the paper a swell piece. Yes, a peach of a notice. He telleth of the wisdom of the young woman and of her exceeding comeli- ness. Like unto the Roses of Sharon is she, and her gown is played up to beat the band. And the dressmaker getteth two score and four iron men. And the editor getteth a sweet note of thanks from the girl graduate (maybe)! And the daughter goeth on a. jour- ney. And the editor throweth him- self on the story of the farewell party It runneth a column, solid. And the fair one remembereth him from afar with a picture postal card, that cost- eth six for a jitney. And all that are akin to the deceas- ed jumpeth on the editor with exceed- ing great jumps. And they pulleth out their ads and cancelleth their subs., and they swing- the hammer even unto the third and fourth gen- elationâ€"Exchange. This title of a prize Winning poem would seem to be an apt slogan for the community at this the commenceâ€" ment of another year. It may be that instead of sitting back waiting for the economic depression to disappear we should be busy trying to forge ahead even in the face of depression. It may be that these days which we are now accustomed to call hard times are in reality normal times and that We may never again experience the glad days of the prosperity which existed previous to 1930. So in the face of conditions whatever they may be in 1934 let us resolve to “GET As we commence this New Year let us resolve to take an active part in the upbuilding of the community. Let’s all join in adopting the slogan Maple Horticultural Society will hold a Bridge, Euchre and Dance in the Masonic Hall, Maple, on Friday evening, Jan. 12th. Please reserve the date and come and enjoy a. pleas- ant eveni Gond prizes and lunch served. A ission 25c. The Liberal has unbounded faith in the future of Richmond Hill and the North Yonge Street District which we have served as the Home Paper since 1878. Many aspects of the pres ent economic depression are beyond the control of local agencies and be- yond the means of local agencies to correct, but by coâ€"operative effort, genuine and persistent hard work we can make local conditions better and help in a measure to bring back pr0s.. perity. “LET’S GET GOIN’ NOW.†The annual meeting of lthe Society will be held on Monday, Jan. 15th, when election of officers will take place. All members are urged to attend. ï¬nders will be received by the undersigned until Jan. 10th for wir- ing Maple Public School. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For full particulars, apply R. D. MacNaughtan, Secretary Maple, phone 471 In our next issue a number of firms and merchants will endorse the slogan LET’S GET GOIN’ and from week to week we hope to enlist the support and co-operation of many others as well as public bodies and organiza- tions throughout the district interest- ed in the future welfare of the com- munity. Instead of bemoaning our plight and saving our efforts for the day when the depression will be over LET’S GET GOIN’ NOW. Merchants business men, farmers, laborers, cit- izens generally, let us‘ all join hands and go forward in 1934 with a com- mon purpose to improve business and make this community and this dis- trict a better place in which to live. GOIN’.†Let’s Get Goin’ YE EDITOR WEEPS ’i’ENDERS MAPLE After that date the Executors.wi]1 proceed to distribnte the estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 22nd day of December, 1933. Powers of Sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be of- fered for sale by Gordon Phillips, Auctioneer, at ‘ PUBLIC AUCTION ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above men- tioned, who died at the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, on the 3131; day of Oct., 1933 are required to file proof of ‘the same with the undersigned, at 302 Sterling Tower Building, Toronto, on or before the 20th day of January, 1934. change for anything useful. Come along with an offer. What Have you? G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. Watson late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Widow, Deceased. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th 1928 BUICK SEDAN in first class shape, 27,000 miles, privately owned, bargain for quick sale, good reason for selling. \ Apply Owner, W. H. Legge, Jefferson. GOOD second hand Sewing Machine; Wool Carpet, 3 yards by 4 yards; Coal Oil Stove; Muskrat Fur Coat, suitable for girl 16; Fancy Oil Lamp. Apply Mrs. C. Harrison, 7 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. THREE OR FOUR large heated rooms, suitable for light housekeep- ing. Apply, phone 199, Richmond Hill SIX ROOM house at Elgin Mills. Ap- ply J. H, Naughton. NEW OR USED RADIOS, Will ex- SLEIGHS, two sets of 1i ht sleighs, one single and one dou 1e, nearly new. Apply George McNair, Lot 57, Con. 2 Vaughan, Jefferson. 25 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 8 weeks old, from O.A.C. bred sows and registered hog. Apply Ira Noble, Maple, phone 2331. Upright piano and bench, good as new, will sell for one hundred and twentyâ€"five dollars cash. Wilton hall runner, living room rocker. Edith E. Leiz§by, phone 9_1w, Thpmhil_l_._ SEVEN ROOM house on Roseview Ava, Richmond Hill. Apply 24 Church Street, Richmond Hill. 1934, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternenw at Hm farm. of Henry J. Arnold, R. R. No. 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario, the following property, namgly: 1 MANS FUR LINED COAT, per- sian lamb coflar, in real good con- dition, for $25.00. Apply at 28 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Mahogany China Cab- inet and McCIary electric stove in A-l condition, real bargains, terms cash. Mrs. Bert Kennedy, Church Street, Agincourt, telephone 91. Alsé'af cutter in 'good condition at thg home of Wm. Clement, Richmond Hill All and Singular that certain par- cel or tract, of land and premlses, situate, lying and being: in the Town- ship of Markham, in the County of York, and being composed of the most westerly One Hundred and Twenty (120) acres of even width throughout of Lot number Fourteen (14) in the Second Concession of the said Town- ship 01: Markham. On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm ‘bpiAldingg The lands will be 531d subect to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance vvitjin t_.hir§y days. _ For furtHer ï¬articulars and ..con- ditjong "of sale iapply to East Block, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor to the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto this twenty- eighth day of December, A. D. 1933. In this country there are two kinds of men: those who dread the approach of Christmas and store ownwrs. MORTGAGE SALE HARVEY ALLAN KNIGHT, THOMAS B. SPEIGHT, Executors, Per JOHN ALEXANDER MILNE 302 Sterling Tower Bldg., Toronto, Ontario. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the IN THE ESTATE OF Harriet Notice to Creditors HARRY W, EAGE, “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-"MAKE THE MOST OF I!“ RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extr- each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE TO RENT SWAPS THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1934 All persons having claims against the estate of Martha Woods, late of the Village of Maple, in the County of York, deceased who died on or about the twenty-first day of Nov., 1933, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Executor of the said deceased on or before the thirty-first day of January, 1934, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Executor will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice to the exclusion of all others, and it will not be liable to any person of whose claim it shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. ESTATE OF. WILLIAM HENRY PUGSLEY All persons having claims against the Estate of William Henry Pugsley late of the Village of Richmond Hill, Ontario, deceased, Who died on or about the 24th day of April, 1933, are requested to send the same to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of January, 1934, otherwise their claims Will be disallowed. JOHN F. LENNOX & CO. 371 Bay Street, Toronto, Solicitors for the Executors WHEAT or any kind of grain. White- vale Flour Mills, telephone Markham 5502. IN THE ESTATE OF MARTHA WOODS, late of the Village of Maple in the County of York, Spinster, de- ceased. Dated at Toronto this twentieth day of December, 1933. The Canada Permanent Trust Co., 320 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario Executor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Woodbridge will apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its next ses- sion for an Act to ratify and validate the settlement of an action in the Supreme Court of Ontario, wherein Samuel Plunkett and others are plaintiffs and W. Robinson and Son Converters Limited and the Village of Woodbridge are defendants, and an action in the said Court wherein W. Robinson and Son Limited 'is lain- tiff and the Village of Woodbri ge is defendant, which settlement is fully set forth in Minutes of Settlement dated the 26th day of December, 1933, and filed in the said Court, and to enable the Village to enter into an Agreement in accordance With the terms thereof. Used Cars DATED at the Village of Wood- bridge in the County of York this 27th day of December, 71933. SKEANS, HO0PER'& HOWEL Solicitors for the Corporation 0 the Village of Woodbridge. L f 1932 FORD V-8 SPORT COUPEâ€"â€" Rumble Seat, Small Mileage 1930 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Rumble Seat, Nice Condition 1930 FORD TUDOR 1929 FORD TUDOR All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 days and prices include 1934 Licenses 1929 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" Excellent Condition Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Application To Parliament Little Brothers Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors By William Cook .& Gibson, Its solicitors herein. $250.00 WANTED $525.00 $250.00 $150.00 $200.00