J r EVen :vith the decrease of 16.8 per cent in deaths, the grim fact stands out that every day during the nine months an average of one person was killed by motors in this pro- Vince. Killed 287; injured 5,761. It is time to do something more than to point out to drivers that they must be careful. Experience has shown that well written pleadings and essays are ineffective. This enriched school life is tremendously important for character and talent improvement It is especially import- ant in View of the shortening hours of labour and the in- creasing hours of leisure It is as important to know how to fill one’s leisure hours profitably as it is to know how 1x1) make hours of business profitable to one’s self or em- p oyer. But 6,136 is an appalling total to recbrd, with 257 deaths included. Something decidedly more stringent than present regulations is called fpr‘.‘ The government should take stronger measures and deal with the careless motorist in such a way as to bring home to him his responsibility. Fine and jail sentences seem to have no effect in reducing reckless driving. This paper again suggests that a red tag be ordered attached to» every car driven by a motorist who has been fined. â€"Orillia News-Letter. A DEATH A DAY NEEDS SOMETHING MORE THAN A SERMON There is a crumb of comfort in the bulletin of motor vehicles accidents issued on December 5, in that accidents have decreased 5.1 per cent in [the first nine months of this year as compared with the same period last year. ‘ A good education for every child is still a worthy ob- jective f0 us to place before us. This is and we believe the coming days will be to an increasing degree a day of keen competition in whatever line of endeavour we may be en- gaged. Men and women need all the education and the best education they can secure to equip themselves to take their places successfully in the life which they must face after their education period has ended. In these perplexing days of change and uncertainty a good education is more than ever we believe not only desirable but essential. There are some who overdo education and place al- together too much importance upon their own individual educational attainments. They look upon those Who have not had the same advantage of higher education as an in- ferior class. The only class that might be termed inferior is that class which will not be educated and thus place themselves in the position of becoming probably charitable charges. ---.... o v... The high school of this century has developed a school life in which many activities combine to build up a little world in itself. In addition to academic education, ath- letics, musical and dramatic performances, literary and ar- tistic efforts public speaking and numerous other activities, provide outlets for the talents and energies of boys and girls. These are supervised by the teachers and they are necessary because the well regulated, the keen enjoyable life has a place for all these activities which tend to make life happier. To hold one’s own in this fast moving world one must have a good knowledge of many subjects. In such times as these economies in public expenditure are essential but in our aim for economy we must not let the pendulum swing too far backwards to the point where education does not receive the attention which it should. . PRESENT DAY EDUCATION In the prosperous days of the recent past educational facilities in this country advanced by leaps and bounds. It became commonly accepted that nothing we could do was too good in the line of education for the rising generâ€" ation. It is possible that in the enthusiasm of that day needless frills were added but now that the dark days of economic depression are upon us there is everywhere a great outcry against the excessive cost of education. 1-. "W For this great hook-up, using 15,000 miles of wire system, and requiring more than 250 telephone employees to complete and maintain the 60-minute connection, the latest model microphones, as supplied by the Northern Electric Company to leading Radio Broadcasting Studios of Canada were used, rendering the voices clear and natural over the Public Address Systems that were speually installed in the larger‘centres. ,. ANADA ï¬gured as an important factor in hook-up which was effected last month wh Wallace R. Campbell, President of thc Canadia were linked by the Voice Highways of the whi dealers gathered in 41 cities, to hear about the HENRY FORD USES VOICE HIGHWAYS OF THE CONTINENT Covéring banéda’s Best Suburban Distrir't. Advertising Rates on Application. TELP. THE LIBERA L Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND BILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. J. Eachern Smith. Manaver Member Canadian Weekly Newspapel Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1934 PAGE TWO s of the whole Coï¬tinéï¬t, t6 1r about the new car. anadian ‘ in the world's largest telephone \yhenjlenry Ford, his son Edsel, TELH‘HONE 9. and other ofï¬ceré \SLATS’ DIARY Fridayâ€"Lem Toley had a, pritty bad skare today he told pa. They - was a Fella frum f. the saw Mill cum ; in one of giveing ‘ Lem a job. He the papers tawk \ and evry thing . seams to be a Pick ' ing up why it be- gins to look like as if they aint much of a Future in Un- imployment eny more. Saterday â€" Per- sonly I think Eb Zimri Stubbs got ' stung when he tuk F a trip to New York & Verginia last week. He brung home a spoon witch looks like it was made out of Peuter and he sed he boughten it for eight $ off a fella witch sed it was the Silver spoon witch Geo. Washington was born With in his mouth. Mundayâ€"Curt Miles has broke his ingagement with Tilly Bloom becuz the uther nite when he went out to the farm to give Tilly the ingage- ment ring- why he got there just in Time to see her hit the Jersey cow between the eyes with her Fist and they hadda send for the Vettinary doctor to bring the Cow 2. Sundayâ€"Pa says he is glad he is a man on acct. of men has the Ad- vantage over Women when it cums to close becuzz when it gets hot 2. man can wear Less close then he wears when it is cold wether. Monday afternoon the Dominion House was the scene of a very pretty but quiet wedding, when Miss Ger- trude Ellston, eldest daughter of the proprietor, Mr. John Ells’oon, was united in marriage to Mr. Isaac Dol- lery of Fairbank, who for many years acted as deputy-reeve of York Town~ ship. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. H. Mussen, M.A., of Trinity Church, Aurora, in the pres- ence of a few intimate friends of the bride and groom. After a most tempt ing wedding repast, the newly mar- ried couple left for a. three months tour to New York, Washington and the Southern States. On their re- turn they will reside in Toronto. Teusdayâ€"-Tag Taylor witch carrys in coal for us was here today and had a lot of buttons off his close and ma sed Tag it looks offle to see them buttons off and Tag sed they use to be a time when he never had enny buttons off and no holes in his socksâ€"and ma sed. Well why dont you get marryed and Tag- replyed and sed. I did'. The annual banquet of King- Plow- men’s Association will be held in Cos- grove’s Hall, Bond‘ Lake, on the eveâ€" ning of Friday, Jan. 27th. Tickets will be issued. At the last meeting of Court Un- ion, No. 7772, A.O.F., Thornhill, the following officers were installed for the ensuing 12 months by P.C.R. Johnv Drury: C.R., E. A. James; S.C.R., Dr. Langstaff; Treas., J. D. Francis; Secty., A. Pearson; S.W., W. Pearson; J.W., J. Chapman; S.B., J. A.' Pear- son; J.B., G. A. Pearson. Wensdayâ€"Sandy MacDoone swal- lered a collar button the uther day and the Dr. cant find it for him so I reckon he will half to by a new 1 now. Thirsdayâ€"Tim Glunt says him and his wife was marryed in haste but sence that time he aint had no leas- ure to Repent in. THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Our Issue of Jan. 19th, 1899 An Epworth League was organized on Tuesday evening last in the Meth- odist Church, Victoria Square. Way Back inthe Liberal Files Reeve Savage received a message on Saturday announcing the death of his brother, Sylvester, in the City of Milwaukee. Dr. James Hunter, for many years a prominent figure in North York, died at his hor'ne in Whitchurch on Wedinesdkay of last week. He was 79 years of age. The hockey match last Thursday between the Meteors of Toronto and the home team was fast and interest- ing. After a sharp contest the Hill ceam won by 4 games to 2. The Hardy Government got an- other supporter on Thursday last when Mr. Macnish was elected in West EIg'inv by a majority of 244. St. Mary’s R. C. Church was well filled on Thursday evening last, when Rev. Father Ryan, Rector of St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto, deliver- ed a very excellent lecture on the sub- ject of Temperance. Before starting his lecture he complimented the Pas- tor, Rev. Father McMahon, and‘ the congregation on their pretty little church and pleasant surroundings. His lecture was most impressing and strongly emphasized the attitude of the church on this important ques- tion, and to interest, instruct and per- suade people in what he considered was the safe path. BY ROSS FARQUHAR THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The Women’s Association will hold" their regular monthly meeting on Friday, Feb. 2nd at 2:30 p.m. (instead of Thursday). Plans will be made for the annual St. Valentine Birthday Tea which will be announced later. The annual meeting of the Toronto Centre Presbyterial of the W.M.S. of the United Church of Canada will be held next Thursday, Feb. lst, in St. George’s United Church, Toronto. The morning session opens at 9:45. At the annual meeting of the Sunâ€" day School very splendid reports were received from all departments. The treasurer reported a balance of $160 in the treasury with all liabilities met. Mr. A. W. Galbraith was re-elected as Sunday School Superintendent by a unanimous vote and Mr. W. T. Wells as Assistant Sunerintendemt. Miss liest evening spent in a. long long time. The Women’s Association is plan- ning to have a St. Valentine birthday party. Keep this in mind. The monthly meeting of the Girls Mission Circle was held last Thurs- day evening at the parsonage with a large attendance. Miss Irene Smith presided. Miss Edna Street led in the devotional exercises and Miss Lorene Brown offered prayer. An interesting reading was given by Miss Alberta. Brown and the third chapter of the study book “Lady Fourth daughter of China†was very ably taken by Miss Edith Hope. Miss De- nora McCammon and Miss Thelma Riddell sang a duett very acceptably. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Halbert. ' At the annual meeting of the Sunâ€" day School very splendid reports were received from all departments. The treasurer reported a balance of $160 in the treasury with all liabilities met. Mr. A. W. Galbraith was re-elected as Sunday School Superintendent by a unanimous vote and Mr. W. T. Wells as Assistant Superintendent, Miss Janet Riddell as Secretary and Miss Eva Lockyer as Treasurer. The Sunday School Hall of the United Church was Well filled last Thursday evening when Capt. Reid of Toronto gave a very interesting pro- gram showing 200 slides on his trip to the British Isles and Europe. Capt. Reid took pictures along the way of the more beautiful parts on this trip which included scenes in Paris, Rome, Venice, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, the Trossacks of Scotland, the Emerald Lakes of Ireland and several scenes in England which included Queen Mary’s Flower Garden and views of Buckingham Palace. Capt. Reidconducts European tours every summer and has crossed the Atlantic many times. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to him for his splendid entertainment. Miss Mabel Gospel, 3rd Vice-Pres. presided at the Y.P.S. meeting last Monday evening. There was a large attendance. Miss Dorothy Brown and Mr. Herridge were guests from Lans- ing. Miss Brown gave a very inter- esting talk on her trip to the Yukon and Dawson City last summer illusâ€" trated by lantern slides. During- a six weeks holiday Miss Brown travâ€" elled 9200 miles. Her talk was brim full of interest and the Young Peo- ple enjoyed her visit very much. Mr. Clifford Brett will be in charge of the Y.P.S. next Monday evening. The W.M.S. held their regular monthly meeting at the Parsonage last Tuesday afternoon with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. A. H. Halbert, presided. The theme of the devotional period was “Stewardâ€" ship†and was conducted by Miss A. Lever and Mrs. J. T. Soden offered prayer. It was announced that the Worlds Day of Prayer would be held on Feb. 16th. Mrs. H. James and Mrs. Soden were appointed as dele. gates to the annual W.M.S. Presby- terial meeting which will be held on Feb. lst, in St. George’s Church, Tor- onto. The supply secretary, Mrs. Dempsey, read a letter re supplies needed for the W.M.S. bale to be sent early in ,June. Mrs. Halbert gave a message for the New Year on “Going Forward†which was very practical. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. T. Wells on Feb. 20th. The Y.P.S. met last Monday eve- ning with the missionary convenor, Miss Janet Riddell, in the chair. An interesting discussion was led by Rev. A. H. Halbert on “Why are Missionâ€" aries unwelcome?†Miss Nora Graham and Miss Janet Riddell gave interest- ing missionary readings. ' A recreation period followed the meeting. The Y.P.S. is: making plans for a play in the near future. Dr. C. F. Burt and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Henderson of Alliston were guests at the parsonage one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carson of Maple were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carson last Tuesday. Mrs. W. T. Wells and Mrs. Halbert attended the annual meeting “of the Women’s Association of Toronto Cen- tre Presbyterial last Tuesday. We are pleased that Master Doug- las Stevenson is recovering from his recent illness. Capt. Reid is showing beautiful lantern slides on his travels through the British Isl-es, Switzerland, France and Oberamerg‘an on Thursday eve- ning, Jan. 18th, at 8 p.m. in the S. S. Hall of Newtonbrook United Church, under the auspices of the Sunday School. Everyone 'thoroughly enjoyed the “Old Fashioned Social†which was held last Friday evening in the S. S. Hall under the auspices of the Wom- en’s Association. It was quite evi- dent that a goodly store of clothing had been carefully preserved during all the years and very attractive styles of the long ago Were displayed. An old time program was given by the following. Recitations by Mrs. Walter Johnson and Mrs. McLean, a piano duett by Miss Bertha Smith and Mrs. Halbert, a duett by Mr. W. McMullen and Mrs. Glen Shaw en- titled “Whispering Hope,†Mrs. Allan Wiltshire sang “In the Gloaming†and for an encore “Will he no come back?†and Mr. Crayford played a medley of old time songs. Young and old joined in playing games. A sump- tuous luncheon was served and tasted just like the goodies “Mother used to N EWTONBROOK make†even to caraway cake, dough- nuts, etc. All agreed it was the jol- liest evening spent in a. long long time. The Wiling Workers Mission Band met at the home of Miss Mary Barker on Saturday afternoon. The president Miss Mildred Folliott, presided. The program was as follows: Readings by Constance Jones, Jean Umehara, Laurine Dibb, Eliza Barker. The Scripture was read by Pearl Lloyd; piano solo, Norma Jones; vocal solo, Gertrude He'nshaw. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. TEMPERANCEVILLE The regular monthly meeting of St. John’s W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Capelle on Thursday after- noon, with a very good attendance. Much business was transacted and the year’s work got away with a good start, as there were several quilt blocks pieced during .the meeting. Miss Jennie Newberry of King gave a very interesting talk on her work while a deaconess in Toronto. It was enjoyed very much by all. Miss New- berry was one of the first to have her name on the roll when this aux- iliary was first organized in the year 1900. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess, with Mrs. M. B. Bey- non and Mrs. W. N. Thompson asâ€" sisting. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Harman on Sunday. We are sorry to note that Mr. Har- man hadV the misfortune of falling from a load of hay on Tuesday and is suffering much pain from a dislo- cated shoulder and bruises. This col- umn wishes him a speedy recovery. The annual congregational meeting was held on Monday evening in the United Church Sunday School room. Good reports of all the different or- ganizations were given. The regular monthly meeting of tï¬e W.M.S. and WA. was held on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Umehara. Youthful Student of Agriculture (to old farmer)â€"Your methods of culti- vation are hopelessly out of date. Take that tree over there. I’d be as- 'tonished if you got eight peeks of apples from it; in one season. The Misses Mabel and Ruth Jen- nings, Grace Rumble and Mrs. N. Rumble spent Saturday in Toronto. Cutting ice seems to be the order/1 of the day. ‘ Old Farmerâ€"So would I. It’s a pear tree. WHEN you rush madly to the station . . . and you just miss the last train Even if you never miss a train, you’ll find the telephone a ready messenger. For any kind of news. Talking on Long Distance is easy and so inexpensive. Look in the front of your directory for the list of rzztes -â€"100 miles or so for as little as. -3 cents. ‘- . . and they’re expecting you home tonight . . . Get to a telephone . . . a Long Distance call will avoid trouble and worry. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1934 The senior girls class “The Pals†of the United Church had a sleighing party on Wednesday evening. On the return from the sleigh ride a hot lunch was enjoyed at the home of Misses Ruth and Helen CampbelL The Y.P.S. of the United Church last week was in charge of the Citizen ship Committee. Mr. Clarke Archiâ€" bald gave a very interesting report of the Community life Conference which was held in Newmarket. The choir of the United' Church were entertained at the home of the organist, Mrs. E. Patton of Laskay, on Friday evening. Mrs. Ransom, Miss Iona. Ransom, Mr. Elwood Patton and Mr. “Bud†Armstrong attended the annual Navi- gators Dance and Bridge at “The Em- bassy†on Tuesday evening. Miss Florence Stewart has been in Toronto the past week. The residence and lot of the late Mr. Frank Smeltzer has been sol<l.to Mr. Fred Willis of Laskay. We wel- come Mr. and Mrs. F. Willis to our village. Miss Hilda. Patton spent a few days visiting in Maple last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson in the gift of a. daugh- ter. Quite a. number attended the dance in McDonald and Wells Hall on Satur- day evening. Billy Layton, the Lycium Enter- tainers, are giving concerts this week every evening in the Masonic Hall. The play “Eyes of Love†will be presented by Snowball Dramatic Club on Friday evening, Feb. 9th, at 8 p. m., in McDonald and Wells Hall, un- der the auspices of the United Church choir. Everybody is asked to keep this date in mind and attend. The Mission Band are to hold the first meeting of the year on Satur- day afternoon at 2:30 p.m. in the Sunday School room. This is the day of pay the fees for 1934. Mr. Elwood Patton spent the week- end in Toronto. A number from the village atï¬ended' the hockey games in Maple Leaf Arena on Thursday and Saturday eve- nings. The Eversley Presbyterian Y.P.S. was held on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd. The meeting was in charge of the Litecr- ary Convenors. ‘Miss Edith Bovair gave an oral narrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott. Miss E. McClure gave a reading on Robert Burns. Mrs. Cohen gave Kiplings “If†and the life of Robert Service was also given. An executive meeting of the King United Y.P.S. was held on Monday evening at the home of the President, Miss Dorothy Dew. Miss Audrey Patton spent a few days last week in Toronto. Winter Term in each of Shaw’s Twelve Schools in Toronto continues from January 2nd and merges into Spring and Summer Term for continuous service through- out the whole year. Enter any day. Free Booklet. Write 1130 Bay St., Dept. N.Y. KING CITY W. R. SHAW,