At Albert Ireland's, Lot 25, Con. 6 Vaughan. logs may be left any time. cocoons ‘1' Wcimm I TELL You I REMEMBER PUTTIN‘ THEM m HERE. JUST AFTER w; MOVED AW “*4: Va MW PAGE EIGHT R. R. No. l â€"- Richmond Hill Chimneys Built and Repaired General Repair: ustom Sawing PLASTERING EVANS & IRELAND R. R. 2 King. Ont. L‘The Old Timers Skating Party Phone 46 4-14 P. FARR. Announcement== DaVid Hill & Co. '17“: PARTY Chrysler Motor Corporation PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER announces the appointment of as dealers in this district for Motor Cars Car load of Pocahontas stove size “treated against dust.†Good size for stoves and furnaces. At the ele- vator. ' DANCING AT THE ARENA THERE WILL BE DANCING AT THE RINK SATURDAY NIGHT FOLLOWING THE SKATING PER- IOD. EARLY IN FEBRUARY William Malloy, 4th line of Vaughan, just north of Maple, will hold an auction sale of farm stock, implements, fur- niture, etc. Watch The Liberal for the date and large posters for further particulars. J. Carl Saigeon, auc- tioneer. RICHMOND HILL -. r; IKNEw ITâ€"JusT As " 6000 AS EVER I - OF THE vmr' 7; :::'_:_;\_;- THAN ween AND small} I ;;f THERE? OF ‘IOUTH_ LOT OF SA LE REGISTER A COUPLE MORE NIGHTS»! THE SKATES} V g‘N “‘[f‘ THE 3“!“ i I 'llll‘ THE BOYS WILL BE “walks rr TO THE on"! ANDE I. D. RAMER & SON as ESeen by The Liberal Artist THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Public Library Meeting The annual meeting of the Public Library was held last Monday night in Victoria Hall. The following direc- tors were elected: Mrs. J. A. Thomp- son, J. E. Francis, C. 0. Monroe, J. A. Thompson, N. L. Morton, N. J. Smellie, Rev. E. E. Pugsley, R. Teasdale and G. H. Bignell. Mrs. Thompson was re~elected President, Rev. E. E. Pugsley, Viceâ€"Pl‘esident; Secretary, J. E. Francis; Treasurer, N. J. Smellie. _ “n Purchasing committee Rev. E. E. Pugsley, J. E. Francis; librarian, G. H. Bignell. The following new libraries have been put on the shelves~Juvenile2 Picture History of Canada, The Girl from Glengarry, Pat of Silver Bush, Girl at Bulletr Lgke. -Eictioni' "The Hash- nife Outfit, Miss Bishop Patch of Blue, Comrades of the Storm, Master of Jalna, Two make a World. Dona Celvatis, Jeremiah and THORN HILL THAIl'IK Gooones: THERES gnu. A LOT OF 6000 on: FASHIONED MAKE m us yer H1) Jusr LIKE OLD Tmes -EH! MA! W’ WHAT u: you mo HAVE AFEW HINKS IN THE BAcK THE. NEXT DAY -â€" Come powu TONpgaHT m1 W - COME. DOWN women: AND WORK THEM og'r. N135. the Princess, The Drift Fence, The Way Beyond, The Green Pack, The Rock and the River. Vanessa: Proâ€" tecting Margot, The Purple Ball, Passionate Puritan, The Midshipâ€"maid Thirteen at Dinners, A Prince of the Captivity, Over the River, Heavy Weather. Non-Fiction: Intelligent Man's Guide through World Chaos, What everybody wants to know about Money, In search of Wales, In search of Ireland, In search of Scotland, In search of England, Finding a Job, The Silent Force, Cry Havoc, Twenty Years A-Trowing. A ‘ v.â€" . 1 4-va .- -_~n The members of the Women’s In- stitute will hold a euchre and bridge on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, at 8 o’cloek at the home of Mrs. W. Ball, Yonge St. Good prizes will be given and refreshments served. The public are cordially invited. Admission 25 cents. The proceeds will be used for relief work, so plan‘to‘come. mu“, W ..... W Reports submitted at the annual congregational meeting of Thornhill United Church indicated a successful year under the leadership of Dr. J. J. Sparling and-Rev. E. E. Pugsley. The elders, stewards and managers were Ire-elected. The congregation has increased considerably the past year. .1: -- n nu,-42,, , The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society Will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 6th, at 8 o’- clock, at the home of Mrs. S. Elson, Yonge St. Reports frsm the annual meeting of Toronto Centre Presby- terial W.M.S. will be given. Mrs. C. 0. Monroeh'l‘reasurer, agd Mrs. N. J. ,Smellie, Secretary of Christian Stewardship and Finance, will have charge of the meeting. The ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. The Men’s Class of the United church have announced that their an- nual banquet will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 20th. Controller James Simpson will be the_guest speaker. "V‘fhé'AiYip‘fA; are‘holding their an- nual dance in Lawrence Memorial Hall on Eriday egepingjanb. 211g... Keep Monday, Feb. 12th free. Trin- ity Women’s Club will present a three act comedy entitled “A Tourist’s Ro- mance†in the Parish Hall_ at 8 pm}. On Wednesday a meeting of the‘ Official Board of the United Church was held in the Sunday School Room, Rev. E. E.‘Pugsley in the chair. The following officers were elected for the year: Recording Secty., O. C. James; Treas., N. J. Smellie; Financial Secty. A. Thompson; Maintenance and Mis- sionary Fund Committee, Geraldine Wesley, B. Oke, N. L. Morton, Neil MacDonald; Maintenance and Mission- ary Treasurer, Neil MacDonald; Deleâ€" gates appointed to the Prohibition Union Convention to be held on Feb. 14th and 15th in the King; EdWard Hotel, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Mrs. _E. ligesby. The Presbyterian Young People’s Society visited the Richmond Hill Y RS. on Monday night and enjoyed 2 Burns program give-n by the Rich- mond Hill Society. The regular meet ing will be held in the Sunday Schoo Room neggt Monday e_venin_g'. Next Monday evening the Youm Ladies Class will supply _the prograrv at the United! Church Young People’ Society with Miss Isabel Farr as Viceâ€"President. Dr. Marwood wi] speak on the subject “Enrichment 0 Community Life Through Young Pee. plqis W921i" ‘ Miss Mabel Kay of Oakville is vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. Pitchfort} this week. If you are looking for qualit‘ and workmanship at a reasov able price, call and see our stoc‘ of hand made harness and co: lars. Collar fitting tad repair ing a specialty. Maple, Ont. HARNESS Telephone Maple 1063 (1% miles Nonh of Concord) ISAAC BAKER W. M. S. Meeting R.R.No. obertson stated in his report as mant Officer that no truancy had :en reported to him during the year 033 making his department one hun- red per cent. The principal business zken up by the Board was to prepare bill of estimates for 1934. The {chool Board consists of Lorne A. )strander, W. J. Blake, Tim McLe:m, harles Robertson, Ralph Darker, nd George Stewart. Teaching Staff, 3:. W. Shore, Principal,; Miss Mar- ;ery Blake, Miss Mary Topper and ‘Jiss Thelma Shore. Caretakers, Mrs. Susie Jones and Mr. Thomas Scar- and. Address by Rev. C. W. Watch at York Pioneer Meeting President D. R. Keys, M.A., presid- ed at the January meeting of the York Pioneers when fitting tributes were paid to the late Levi E. Annis who for a. brief time was President of the Society, and was forced to re- sign because of illness. The meeting was made unusually interesting by. an address on “Toronto 1834, Itsl Founders Wise Men who Built Upon1 a Roe †by Rev. C. W. Watch. In the building of Toronto with Muddy York as a start Rev. Watch mention- ed several outstanding persons. among them being William Lyon McKenzie, Toronto’s first Mayor and leader of the Rebellion of 1837; Bishop Strach- an, founder of Trinity College; Eger- ton Ryerson who established Ontar- io’s improved school system; George Brown, Editor of the Toronto Globe iWho was so cruelly assassinated; and Jesse Ketchum who also played a prominent part in the early life of Toronto. mam: Officer that m sen reported to him d1 933 making his depart red per cent. The prii xken up by the Board i bill of estimates f0] {chool Board consists )strander, W. J. Blake harles Robertson, F nd George Stewart. ’1 }. W. Shore, Pï¬ncipa Woodbridge School.Boan‘l Inaugural Meeting for 1934 Lorne A. Ostrander was appointed hairman of Woodbridge School card at the Inaugural meeting of ’34. W. J. Blake who has been Sec- ‘Lary-Treasurer for about twenty .aars was again appointed to that jsition, and Charles Robertson was :appointed Truant Officer. Mr. obertson stated in his report as want Officer that no truancy had ' United Church Y. P. S. The Young People’s meeting of the United Church on Monday night last was presided over by Don McCallum and the devotional period in charge of Miss Mary Tales and Jack Mcâ€" Callum. The feature of the program was “The Prodigal Son†with colored lantern viewa explained by Miss Bessie Nattress. Others who con- tributed- by readings and musical numbers were Mrs. J. Nelson, Miss Marie Allen, Miss Ruth Mayhew and Miss Orpha. Farr. Late William Bell ' William Bell, who for nearly two years had been an invalid,‘ a part of which time he spent in Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, died on Monday last. Mr. Bell ‘was in his 73rd year, was born in Vaughan, and was a son of the late George and Marion Dun- can Bell, who came to Canada from Dumfrieshire, Scotland in 1857, and following some time spent at Streets- ville, Peel County, came to Vaughan, and farmed at Elders Mills during the most of his active life. He Was a Presbyterian in religion and. a Liberal in politics. He is survived by his wife who was Louisa Thomson, four sons and four daughters, they are, George, Robert, William, Douglas, Jessie, Mary and Margaret at home, and Mrs. William Colgate of, Weston. Two brothers and two sisters also survive, James of Woodbridge, Thom-l as of Vancouver, Mrs. Colin Beatonl of Agincourt, and Mrs. William Law- rie of Woodbridge. Manager of Elm Park Reports Early‘ Picnic Bookings J. C. Eagleson, Manager of Elm Park, reports a vast change in con- ditions over the past four years. Tor- onto firms are booking picnics earlier than ever before, and firms who failed to hold picnics during the years of depression are already preparing for their outing and are booking now. So it is evident that old man depres- sion is fading out and better times -,are in view. Let us hope so. Mrs. T. E. Greenwood of Douglas,l Janitoba, is visiting her sister, Miss innie Maynard, Pine Street. Plate Glass Window Shattered When Hit by Pebble Considerable excitement was caus- ‘d at the Wallace Corner, Pine and .Vallace Streets, on Saturday night .vhen an automobile turning the cor-l :er hit a. loose pebble which glanced} ff the tire and passed through the ir a distance of about 15 feet with he force of a rifle bullet and had for is target a plate glass window in the t. T. Wallace General Store which was badly shattered in one corner. I; is customary for many Villagers 0 congregate at the Wallace Cornea- o chat but fortunately none had as at assembled or someone might have elt the impact instead of the plate thus. I WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS The sudden change from a. mild to frigid temperature on Sunday night 'hich lasted all of Monday made out- de workers speed up. Mr. Neil McGillvray, Woodbrids‘e ,and Old Man, reached his 94th tilestone of Wednesday of last; week. Er. McGillvray is in splendid health. Late Samuel McDougal The largely attended, funeral of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lst, 1934 Samuel McDougal who died on Fri« day night of last week, took place ‘on Monday afternoon with interment {in Maple Cemetery. Mr. McDougal was in his 80th year and was born in Vaughan. He was a son of the late Mr and Mrs. William McDougal, natives of Glasgow, Scotland, who came to Canada early in the 19th century and settled in Vaughan. Mr. McDougal together with his two bro- thers, Dan aged 93 and Silas 76, farmed on Lot 5, Con. 5 at Edgeley. In politics he was a pronounced Lib- eral and a. supporter of the United Church. Besides his two brothers, Dan and Silas, two sisters survive, Mrs. Michael Burkholder and Mrs. Lena Garrett, both at the Edgeley homestead Dr. Frank Vanderlip of Brampton, Medical Health officer for Peel, vis- ited Woodbridge friends on Sunday. “Her Step-Husband†Produced by Christ Church A. Y. P. A. The three act farce comedy “Her Step-Husband†presented by a cast from Christ Church A.Y.P.A. in the Orange Hall on Friday night of last week attracted a capacity audience who enjoyed the many complications and comedy situations as unfolded by a very capable cast directed by Miss Avis Poole. The cast included: Misses Olice Weatherill, Helen Willis, Avis Poole, Isabel Smith, Francis Kidd, Messrs. Herbert Eastwood, George Kidd, Wilfred Maxey, Harry Watts. By way of Ivariety musical numbers were introduced by Miss Isabel Smith Miss Betty Wallace and Miss Queenie Dumbleton. Miss Sarah M. Lawrence, who for several Weeks has been a. patient in Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, returned to her home here on Sunday much improved. Dr. P. D. McLean, who for fifty years ministered to the medical needs of the people of Woodbridg‘e District had to give up his work some months ago owing to ill health and it is with extreme regret that we report no evidence of improvement in his con- dition. The doctor is a pronounced Liberal in. politics and at one time was West York‘s representative at Ottawa, and for many years was Med ical Health foicer for Woodbridge and Toronto Gore. Deep sympathy is generally expressed for him in his affliction. Mrs. S. W. Mayhew of the William Neilson & Sons Company, Toronto, spent several days in Montreal repre- senting the firm. - United Church Y. P. S. The feature of the program at the United Church Y.P.S. meeting on Mon day night was a talk on the Prodigal Son with colored lantern views, and Miss Bessie Nattress as, speaker. Others who contributed to the pro- gram in readings and song were, Mrs. J. Nelson, Miss Marie Allen, Miss Ruth Mayhew and Miss Orpha Farr. Mr. W. D. Laurie, O.A.C., Guelph, spent the week-end: with his parents. Friends of Mrs. J. Wickson, who resided here a few years ago, but now of Mt. Dennis, are sorry to learn that she has had the misfortune to fall and break her shoulder. Hopes for her recovery are slight. Mr. Wm. Bell passed away at his home, ninth concession, Vaughan, on Monday morning, after a lengthy ill- ness. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Bell and was in his 73rd year. Besides his wife, Louise Thomson, .eight children survive. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved family. - Communion will be dispensed in King Church on Sunday next. Pre~ paratory service will be held on Fri- day afternoon, Feb. 2nd, with Rev. Anderson in charge. Edgeley Farmers Club held their sixteenth annual “Oyster Supper†in the Community Hall on Friday eve- ning of last week, Jan. 26th. A large crowd was in attendance. After par- taking of a sumptuous supper, the gathering was entertained by the fol- lowing artists: A number of young people from VelLore gave a. musdcal number; a dialogue “Brother Jedehiah,†also a two act play “Our Awful Aunt.†The McDonald Brothers from Maple gave several musical selections on piano and violin. Miss Luella Cayman of Stouffville delighted the audience with her “Scotch Songs.†Paaches’ quarbette from Cashel gave several) vocal selections. Rev. Huenergard, Mr. Bob Scott and Mr. B. Weldrick spoke a few words to the audience. v Mr. J. Downing, a former President of the Club, attended from antford. Everyone felt the evening well spemt. U.F.0. officers for 1934: President, Mr. Percy Puterbaugh; Vice-Pres" Mr. Wilfred Keffer; Secty. and Treas. Mr. Robt. Mitchell; Executive, Mr. Bert Witty, Mr. Harry Broadbelt. Our Sloganâ€"~“To Gain New Mem- ELDER NEWS EDGELEY