HEERSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th,71934 WHOLESALE â€" RETAIL Nursery Stock Plants Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, Perennials Fruit Trees Specials For ThiséflWeek-End ENDEAN NURSERIES Sheppard Gill Lumber Co. BAKERS UN IO NVILLE We trust that the year 1934 will be a bigger and better year for everyone. We have the ut- most confidence in the Ford products which we handle and we know that in the better days ahead these products will find continually increasing favor with the people. We offer an unexcelled repair service for your cars or tractor. Centre Street E. Richmond Hill Phone 27 Handling only the most reliable materials guar- anteed to give satisfaction and full value. And the prices are in keeping with the times. Growers of hardy stock guaran- teed to give complete satisfaction. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 61-W NURSERYâ€"YONGE ST., ELGIN MILLS J. ROY HERRINGTON Real Estate and Ensurance Kerr Brothers 93 YONGE STREET LA. M. Daviso‘n F 0rd Dea, I er 1934 Car and Truck Licenses SUGAR, with order 10 lbs. for . . . . SOAP, 10 large bars . . . . . . . . . . . JELLY POWDERS, assorted, pkg. SALMON, large tins . . . . . . . . . . . . ORANGES, a doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POTATOES, a peck 21c., bag . . . . . TEA, a lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPLES, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BREAD, wrapped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUILDING SUPPLIES Paints, Varnishes, Gyproc, Lnth Cedar and Asphalt Shingles Properties For Sale . Dominion and Provincial Bonds WE SELL THE EARTH AND INSURE ITS CONTENTS / LET’S GO FORWARD IN 1934 Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 Yonge St. Quality Variety Economy RS â€" GROCERS â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES REPRESENTING The Strongest and Best Insurance Companies Prompt Delivery PROMPT DELIVERY ONTARIO PHONE 87 68c. 25c. 5c. 10c. 25c. 1.20 390. 19c. 6c. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO °=0m0=0=0=01 Ou°=0=°l FORWARD IN 1934. Success, progress and prosperity will only come to the community if we as citizens keep in mind that common purpose. THE BEST FOR RICHMOND HILL AND DIS- TRICT IN 1934 should be our common purpose. By a united effort there is no doubt we will be able to achieve a common good which will mean a personal and individual good to all of us. Yes, by all means, let’s get goin’ now. LET’S GO HARDWOOD Prompt Delivery 20 Centre St. E. Your home community with its streets, schools, light- ing system, water system, churches, fire protection and all form of municipal administration is proof that We can do much by co-operation, but that individually we are al- most helpless. Every community, large or small, is a living example of the spirit of coâ€"operation or a dead example of the lack of co-operation. A common purpose, the education of our children is the reason for our public schools, our high schools and our universities, and only by coâ€"operation can these institu- tions be carried on. The old-time fuel merchant complete stock, namely: ALBERTA WELSH COBBLES WELSH BLOWER AMERICAN EGG AMERICAN STOVE AMERICAN NUT \MERICAN PEA and gravel. [I do all kinds of moving and trucking carefully. The citizens of Richmond Hill and district have a com- mon purpose. The advancement of the district. Individual advancement cannot be separated from com- munity advancement. The individual can only hope to keep pace with the district. The betterment of the community is in the individual interests of everyone. That which ben- fits the district benefits the individual and likewise indiâ€" vidual prosperity benefits the district. HJMiHs Limited john Sheardow n CO-OPERATION IS ESSENTIAL T0 COMMUNITY PROGRESS crusade. join in the procession Is one of the most important sign-posts on the road to PROSPERITY. THE HOME PAPER offers an unexcelled medium to convey your message to the people of this district. Let this paper help you to enjoy the measure of prosperity you hope for in 1934. Telephone 9 , ltzrhmond Hill 11" you are not new repgesentcd in the GOING FORWARD WITH RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT Established 1878 York County’s" Newsiesxt Ham-3 Paper and Best Advertising Medium. Heurtily Endorse the G0 FORWARD WITH RECHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT campaign. '9.“ believe the best is none too good for RICH- 11*")ND HILL “the rose growing centre of Canada.†and we trust that all citizens will put forth a real effort to make the year 1934 a year of pro- gress and prosperity in this district. Yes, we too say, LET’S GET GOIN’ NOW. can supply you with first class building material, also sand Advertising Rose Growws . SOFTWOOD THE LIBERAL IOEOI POCAHONTAS STOVE POCAHONTAS NUT NUT COKE RANGE COKE ALL KINDS OF SOFT COAL, SCREENED OR MINE RUN. of Richmond Hi1! still carries a SLABS in our next issue. L°=0=O=° T0=0=0=0 Phone 64W CUT 25:0 0::0: Let’s Go Forward Young’s Service Station Richmond Hill Motors BRITISH-AMERICAN GAS AND OILS ECONOMY SERVICE Hart Batteries Veedol Motor Oil Goodrich Tires Green Flash Gasoline TOWING OUR SERVICE ENSURES MOTORING COMFORT GROCERIES MEATS DRY GOODS NOTIONS TOBACCOS PAINTS HARDWARE FEEDS, ETC. AGENT FLEURY’S FARM IMPLEMENTS METALLIC ROOFING COMPANY YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 69 General Store W. H. ESPEY As ROSE growers in this the Rose Growing Centre of Canada we are ambitious not only for our own pro- ducts but also have a deep interest in the welfare of the entire community. We are happy at this time to endorse the GO FORWARD WITH RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT crusade and we trust that the year 1984 will be one of progress and prosperity for the district. Bedford Park Floral Company Pressure Lubrication , Up-to-date Car Washing Equipment Upholstery. Vacuum Cleaned Exide Batteries YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 153 ELGIN MILLS We take pride in the ROSES we grow, and we take pride also in the COMMUNITY of which we form a part. Richmond Hill We carry the largest and most complete line of tires and tubes in this district. We have “Goodyear†Tires and Tubes in stock to fit your car or truck at various low prices. Come in and inspect our stock and prices before buying. Competent and complete repairs by thoroughly experienced mech- anics using the most modern equipment and guaranteeing real satisfaction. 10:0] 10:10] STEEL ROOFING LUNDY FENCEâ€"ALL STYLES AN OLD ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE STORE HAND-- LING ONLY THE FINEST OF MERCHANDISE PRICED TO MEET 1934 BUDGETS. PAUL E. ANGLE, Manager Prompt Delivery Elgin Mills 0:0 10:0] ’ PAGE QEVEN rouo==o=d IOEOI PHONE 129 Ontario Loaf;