G. A. M. Davison Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, Perennials Fruit Trees ENDEAN NURSERIES Specials For This Week-End THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 1934 TRY Our Buttermilk Loaf .. .. 8c. GINGER SNAPS, 2 lbs. for .. 19c. Fresh and Cooked Meats, Phone 117 Bakery and Grocery, Phone 77 PROMPT ] Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. GRANULATED SUGAR with order 10 lbs. TIGER Brand Cohoe Salmon, tall tin . . . . . KERR’S Dundee Fruit Cake, per lb. . . . . . . DATES, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGS, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOMESTIC Shortening, lb. .. CREAM Layers if ordered, each PEAS, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOMATOES, large tin . . . . . . CORN, good quality, tin . . . . . . MACARONI, 10 oz. pkg. . . . . . ORANGES, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . We trust that the year 1934 will be a bigger and better year for everyone. We have the ut- most confidence in the Ford products which we handle and we know that in the better days ahead these products will find continually increasing favor with the people. We offer an unexcelled repair service for your cars or tractor. UN IONVILLE Growers of hardy stock guaran- teed to give complete satisfaction. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 61-W NURSERYâ€"YONGE ST., ELGIN MILLS BAKERS Chgre Street E. Richmond Hill Phone 27 Handling only the most reliable materials guar- anteed to give satisfaction and full value. And the prices are in keeping with the times. Ford Dealer 1934 Car and Truck Licenses WE SELL THE EARTH AND INSURE ITS CONTENTS 93 YONGE STREET PHONE BUILDING SUPPLIES Paints, Varnishes, Gyproc, Lath Cedar and Asphalt Shingles J. ROY HERRINGTON Real Estate and Insurance Kerr Brothers Properties For Sale Dominion and Provincial Bonds REPRESENTING The Strongest and Best Insurance Companies LET’S GO FORWARD IN 1934 WHOLESALE â€"â€" RETAIL Nursery Stock Plants Trees 1S â€" GROCERS â€"â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES Prompt Delivery rge tin . . . . . . lity, tin . . . . . . oz. pkg. . . . . . milk Loaf . . . . PROMPT DELIVERY ONTARIO PHONE 87 68c. 17c. 20c. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO mo=o=o==o=o==o=oz=o=o The old-time fuel merchant complete stock, namely: 1|] :0 E ALBERTA WELSH COBBLES WELSH BLOWER AMERICAN EGG AMERICAN STOVE a AMERICAN NUT '1 AMERICAN PEA OE o==o=o=ouo=o=o==o=o Richmond: Machine Shop 20 Centre St. E. and gravel. I do all kinds of moving and trucking carefully. HARDWOOD All citizens should inculcate a boosting spirit into their The time is past when they should withhold this in- formation from the world. systems. They have lacked putting the boosting spirit into prac- tical operation. Many countries are held back because they fail to let the outside world know about their country and its re- sources and opportunities. and It is well to remember that even the worst of us have some good points. H.J.Mills Limited GENERAL MACHINERY REPAIRS, BOILERS LAWN MOWERS AND BINDER KN IVES GROUND GUNSMITHING John Sheardow n If you are not now represented in the GOING FORWARD WITH RICHMONDâ€"HILL DISTRICT crusade, join in the procession in our next issue. Telephone 9 Is one of the most important sign-posts on the road to PROSPERITY. THE HOME PAPER offers an unexcelled medium to convey your message to the people of this district. Let this paper help you to enjoy the measure of prosperity you hope for in 1934. Established 1878 York County’s Newsiest Home Paper and Best Advertising Medium. Boost Business In Your Home Community. We believe the best is none too good for RICH- MOND HILL “the rose growing centre of Canada†and we trust that all citizens will put forth a real effort to make the year 1934 a year of pro- gress and prosperity in this district. Yes, we too say, LET’S GET GOIN’ NOW. It is best to find the good things about our neighbors our country and boost them all the while. A boosting spirit means helping your community. Heartily Endorse the GO FORWARD WITH RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT campaign. can supply you with first class buildingmaterial, aiso sand Advertising Rose G rowers THE LIBERAL Prompt Delivery . SOFTWOOD Rear 81 Yong‘e Slice! POCAHONTAS STOVE POCAHONTAS NUT NUT COKE RANGE COKE ALL KINDS OF SOFT COAL, SCREENED 0R MINE RUN. of Richmond Hill still carries a SLA-BS Richmond Hill Phone 64W CUT 6mo==oz=o gua==o=or=ono=ono=om -Richmond Hill Motors- Young’s Service Station EXPERT REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES ORCARS BRITISH-AMERICAN GAS AND OILS OUR SERVICE ENSURES MOTORING COMFORT GROCERIES MEATS DRY GOODS NOTIONS TOBACCOS PAINTS HARDWARE FEEDS, ETC. General Store W. H. ESPEY ‘ Pressure Lubrication Up-to-date Car Washing Equipment Upholstery. Vacuum Cleaned Exide Batteries ' ' YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 153 STEEL ROOFING LUNDY FENCEâ€"ALL STYLES Prompt Delivery ELGIN MILLS PH1 NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ; Come in and inspect our stock and prices before buying. ' We carry the largest and most'complete line of tires and?‘-tubes in this; disfirict. have “God‘dyear†Tires 'a‘nd Tubeé“'in éttick to fit your car or truck at various low prices. Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS PLEASE GIVE US A TRIAL Bailey & Howard, Prop. AGENT FLEURY’S FARM IMPLEMENTS METALLIC ROOFING COMPANY AN OLD ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE STORE HAND- LING ONLY THE FINEST OF MERCHANDISE PRICED TO MEET 1934 BUDGETS. Elgin Mills Dubao=0=ï¬ï¬‚ PHONE 129 ’ PAGE SEVEN