“B‘Ehvs'ï¬'éï¬il‘bdiï¬f 070- E v O=°=O fl0m0=0=0=0=m O=O=O=°gohnv RICHMOND HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. PURE MILK, pasteur- ized by the most modern and efficient methods is What we offer to our customers. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Is an important feature of your winter diet. Make sure of a SAFE, PURE and DEPENDABLE supply by having our driver call daily. W Chicks must be well started if they are to reach the profit goal. Demand a 1 chick starter that can be depended on mmlsï¬ï¬‚flï¬m for results. Sales of Master Chick ‘3’ ‘ Starter have mounted steadilyâ€"beâ€" cause it builds chicks into strong. growthy birds with a well-rounded development of body, frame and feathers. Here are some definite reasons why you can depend on Master Chick Starter to get results: AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill Feed Master and Steer a Straight Course for the Profit Goal-- Pullets That Will Lay High-Priced Eggs Next Fall! Master Chick Starter Master Poultry Concentrate Master Laying Mash Red Head Egg Mash C.L.0- CHAS. GRAHAM [grindï¬rhi'fzn Combination horse brush and comb 39C Hardware Specials FOR THIS WEEK l4 quart galvanized pails, each . . . . . . MASTER 11 Because it is built with a grain baseâ€"a variety of choice whole grains. This is in line with the most reiable, up-to- date information on the science of poultry feeding- Because it contains a balance of high-grade proteinsâ€"with pure buttermilk powder as the main source. Because an abundance of the essential Vitimin D is supplied from the finest Cod Liver Oil obtainableâ€"Nogco XX, thor- oughly tested for vitimin content. Because Master Chick Starter} is specially processed to secure a granular texture which makes it highly palatable and digestible for chicks. WILFRID R. DEAN John St., Thornhill PURF RICH NHLK PAGE FOUR Brooms 33¢. each. STARTER ANYTHING IN HARDWARE MASTER FEEDS Ratepayers in arrears for 1933 taxes are reminded that on May let a statutory 5 per cent penalty is added to the amount owing, and all are asked to make a special effort to make payment to the collector before this date. T0 the Ratepayers of Vaughan Township Railway and motor truck trans- portation are both essential to the economic wellbeing of Canada and neither should be antagonisâ€" tic to the other, stated Hon. R. J. Manion, minister of railways and canals, at a national conference on transportation held at Ottawa recently. But, he added, while railways are subject to strict reg- ulation and control. motor truck service has not as yet been brought under any comparable control or regulation. Silver Fox Breeders’ Associa- tion convention was the first of three big gatherings held at the Chateau Frontenac Quebec City this year. It was simultaneous with that of the Canadian Fruit and Vegetable Jubbers' Associaâ€" tion and was followed shortly after by the convention of the Canadian Association of Tourists and Publicity Bureaus. Railways and their important functions in the economic exis- tence of the State were stressed by G. G. 0mmanney, development commissioner of the Canadian Pacific Railway at the annual banquet of the Traffic Club of Hamilton recently. They had, he said, contributed materially to de- velopment of natural resources. building up of industries and in promoting land settlement and agriculture. Moose Jaw and Regina was ex- pressed by H. R. Mathewson, gen- eral passenger agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Winnipeg when interviewed recently at Regina. Gratification at the way in which the public is using the new rail “shuttle segviqe†between intervievIIed reeently at Regina. He had had ample opportunity to view the running of the new "seven-a-day" train service be- tween the two cities and was very pleased with the results being obtained. Here and There NOTICE Thornhill 54J 0=0==O=° 29c. CLOTHING NEEDED The local relief committee repuire all kinds of clothing for needy families in the village. Men’s, ladies and children’s clothing and bedding are required. If you have any of the above kindly leave with Mrs. Mc- Conaghy, Centre Street. DIED CURTISâ€"At her late residence, 10 MacPherson AVe., Toronto, on Wed- nesday, March 28th, Emily Hogg, widow of the late William Curtis, formerly of Richmond Hill, in her DIED LEARYâ€"At Gormley, Ont., on Wednesday, April 4th, Mary Jane Dale, widow of the late John Leary, in her 32nd year. Funeral service on Friday, April 6th, at Heise Hill Church at 2:30 o’- clock. Interment Heise Cemetery. 7‘lst year. Funeral was held on Saturday, Mar. Slst, with interment in Richmond’ Hill Cemetery. ROUNDING OFF HIS RECORD “Is not this work almost too much for you, friend?†asked the new vicar. “You must be a great age.†“Yessir, yessir!†murmured the old bell-ringer. “’Ow many years I’ve tolled this bell I can’t tell ye, but it’s beginning to tell on me. 'Owsom- ever, I’ve rung the bell for five dead vical‘sâ€"†“Dear me," ejaculated the minister. “And,†continued the sexton, “I’ll be happy when I’ve made up the ’alf dozen ‘I think I’ll retire then.†Residents of Richmond Hill unable topurchase seeds for planting of spring gardens are asked to get in touch with the Relief Committee or the members of council, and said seed for planting will be supplied. It is a good thing to co-operate heartily in maintaining the loca1_neWS paper. One way which may not have occurred to you, is to put the editor in touch with attractive news matea'ial that may come to your noticklittle things that may reflect credit upon the town and thus enable your com- munity to put its best foot forward in meeting the outside world. Frequently a stranger living at a distance will subscribe for a local newspaper Ior the purpose of sizing up the town. Perhaps he is looking for a. suitable community in which to make his home, perhaps he is look- ing for a loration for a factory or for a. place to start business which would help build up the town and surrounding district. Wifchl can read you like a. book, John. DO YOU NEED HELP? If you need help of any kind around your home or on farm there are a number of capable men in Rich- mondv Hill who need the work. Com- municate with Reeve J. A. Greene and the man will be supplied. YOU CAN HELP IN THIS WAY The local newspaper is a show- window of the community to the out- side world. People judge a town to a large extent by the quality of its community newspaper and by what they read in it. The fellow who used to sit and lis- ten to an old Edison wax cylinder phonograph grind out the same scrat- chy tune hour after hour now says: “For Pete’s sake, shut off that danged radial†radio! COMING F. E. Luke, eyesight specialist, at Austin’s Drug Store, Tuesday after- noon, April 10th, 2 pm. to 8 pm. Wifeâ€"When I married you I told you you’d hax'ne' to give up club and friends. Man~My wife comes from a very large family. Husbandâ€"Why don’t you, then? You skip what you don’t like in a. book, ‘and linger over it in me. Husbandâ€"You didn’t say anything about giving up my salary. Neighbor-.You’re lucky. My wife brought a large family with her. The regular meeting of the Wom- en’s Institute will be held: at the home of Mrs. Robert Endean, 14 Centre St. West, on April 12th, at 3 p.m. Pro- gram will be given by Victoria, Square Junior Women’s Institute. T0 FARMERS Use Cooper’s Warble Fly Powder No farmer can afford to let his cattle go untreated for Warble Grubs. A Supply at the Elevator Phone 10 I. D. Ramer & Son Will the party whb took the steel crowbar from the Municipal Building about a week ago kindly return same. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE GEORGE SMITH, Caretaker NOTICE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SEEDS Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, April 8th 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. Themezâ€"“The Simplicities of Life" 2:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 panâ€"The Minister. ' Theme:â€"«“Befriending the Sus- pected‘.†Monday, 8 p.m.â€"Young People’s Soc- iety. Physical night. A team of Gymnasts from the Toronto Y.M. C.A. will give some demonstrations. G. A. M. Davison, issuer of motor licenses had a record busy day last Saturday when sales of licenses and permits for the day totalled $8000.00 which is an all time record for the Unionville office. There was a great rush at the last minute for licenses and to-day Mr. Davison estimates that probably about 85 per cent of the motor owners have secured their 1934 markers. GIRL GUIDE RANGERS A meeting of the Girl Guide Rang- ers will be held at the home of Mrs. Unger, Yonge St., on Friday, at eight o‘clock. All girls over sixteen years of age are cordially invited to attend. HARMAN-BENTLEY A very quiet wedding was solem- nized in St. Mary’s Church, Saturday evening, March 3lst, by the Rector, Rev. L. Claude Secrett, when Miss Mary Bentley, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bentley, Oak Avenue, became the bride of Harry Alexander larman, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A} Harman of Huntsville. Mr. W. Davies, church organist, played the wedding march. The bride, who wore a lovely dress of Alice blue with hat to match, was given in marriage by her brother. The bridesmaid, Miss Luella Irwin of Toronto, wore a pow- der blue dress with hat to match. The best man was Andrew Bentley, brother, of the bride. After the ceremony a buffet lunch- eon was served at the home of the bride’s parents, Oak Avenue. Later the happy couple left on a short honey moon and on their return Will reside in Toronto. The Presbyterian Women’s Mission- ary SocieLy held‘ their Easter meeting at the manse Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Geo. Kelly Jr. presiding. The Thornhill Society were guests on this particular occasion. There was a splendid gathering of members and friends of the two societies to hear Miss Darrick, a returned missionary from China, speak. After being- im troduced by Rev. Cunningham, Miss Darrick, in a very humorous and in- teresting manner, spoke of her ex- preience in China as a mis‘isonary and also related her capture by band- its along with a companion. Miss Lucy Savage delighted the gathering with a solo. After the meeting a very dainty lunch was provided by the hostess, Mrs. Cunningham. Easter lilies! and daffodils added a. spring and Easter touch to the occasion. Mrs. Cooper of Thornhill and ‘Mrs. Kelly poured tea assisted by Mrs. Stone and Miss Drew Kelly. IN MEMORIAM WELDRICKâ€"In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Alvin Leroy Weldrick, who passed away, April 7th, 1931, in his 20th year. On an early April morning, Just three years ago to-day; Angels took our choicest treasure, Bore him lovingly away. Ah, his kindly deeds still linger, Never shall his memory fade; And our tears fall, oh, so softly, O’er the grave Where Alvin is laid. Ever remembered by Dad, Brothers and Sisters. sale of household furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs. Edith Lues'by and Mrs. Robert Scott, at the home of Mrs. Luesby, Thornhill. Sale commences at 1:30 pm. J. Carl Saigeon, auction- eer. SATURDAY, VAPRIVL 7thâ€"â€"Auption â€"WARNINGâ€" Frogs and Insects penetrate your well during dry season, making water unfit for drinking. We clean and disinfect or dig a new well. Terms moderate. W. M. Paul & P. Sparkes, Stop 22A, Richvale P.O. STRAYED from my farm, 1 York- shire Sow. Finder please notify 0. Downey, telephone Maple 1170. ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL FOR SALE OR WILL RENT ' WORK 6 ROOMED HOUSE on Church St,, Ford Sales & Serv1ce Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Meta] large garden, fruit trees, hen house RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO- Garages, Roofing and garage. John Phillips, telephone Jobbing Promptly Attended to Maple 357- MISCELLANEOUS THE PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SALE REGISTER .T.F'OX BIG RUSH FOR MOTOR LICENSES WEDDING STRAYED SOLID WALNUT BED with Marshall mattress. Telephone 73F. WORK HORSE. Apply Albert Bowes, Maple, telephone Maple 362. ROSELAWN DAIRY horses. Apply L. E. Burton, Carrville Road. COW MANURE about twenty loads. Telephone Richmond Hill 4806. WORK HORSES and Shetland Ponies Apply S. Herdman, Newtonbrook. MANURE; also 15 bags of Dooley Seed Potatoes. J. Jones, Richmond Hill. QUANTITY of Barbless Seed Bar- ley. Don Head Farms, telephone Maple 2049. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE in good shape. Apply Box 73, Office. CONCRETE MIXER, cheap, or swap for horse. H. Pickering, R. R. No. 1, Agincourt. new Dodge or DeSoto‘ car, will sell lat Isacrifice. Apply Box 756 The Liberal Office. HATCHING EGGS. White leghorns, famous Spruceleigh strain, males from 280 egg hens. A. Davis, Brook- side Road, phone Richmond Hill 441-3. TURKEY EGGS for hatching, White Holland or Mammoth Brown, price $8.00 a dozen. Telephone K. E. Dea- con, Unionville 1118, Lot 16, Con. 5, Markham. 33 HENS laying and rooster. Mr. S. Belgrade, Rumble Ave phone 245. CHEVROLET TRUCK old cheap for cash. Apply Stan son, Mill Road. 200 BUS. VELVET SEED BARLEY. W. G. Milne Farm, Langstaff, tele- phone Thornhill 16-r-22. TWO SINGLE HORSE WAGONS, set strong harness, single plow, culti- vator and harrows. Apply 74 Rich- mond Street. 2 REGISTERED Shorthorn Bulls, redxs, of service age; also a few Heifers rising two years. Apply Thos. Thomson, R. R. No. 2 Gormley, telephone Richmond Hill 47-24. LIGHT SUSSEX; Barred Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, hatching eggs. Anders-on, 92 Richmond Street. SUBSTANTIAL CREDIT NOTE on BABY CHICKS: Barred Rock chicks $10 per 100; custom hatching $2.00 per 100 eggs. Your requirements booked for future dates. Apply Hill- crest Poultry Farm, 20 Temperance Street, Aurora, phone 44.]. GOOD RUG 4 ft. x 3 ft.; double stee-l couch; 1 sofa. Apply 109 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. SEED GRAIN, Velvet Barley and Improved Banner Oats. Apply Cor- garff Farm, Richmond Hill, telephone Maple 649. 2 INCUBATORS 250 and 50 egg, 1 kitchen range coal and wood; 80 late pullets laying, 4 Indian Runner ducks laying and drake. Apply Mr. May, Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill, tele- phone 245. JERSEY BULL, 1 year old, from Brampton stock, sï¬re 2000 lbs.; 'Jer- sey Cow, milking, due May 17th, 4% years old; quantity of red clover hay, and some manure. George Kallen, Stop 22, North Yonge Street. ELECTRIC COPPER TUB Easy Wash] “umme be“ er $35.00 terms; Beatty Electric Washâ€" - ’â€"â€"‘â€"‘ er new, regular $69.00 for $49.00,! terms; Cream separators, DeLaval No. 12, $25.00; DeLaval No. .15, $40-$1931 CHEVROLET ROADSTER 00; Mellotte 600 lbs. new $65.00; Renâ€" ‘ â€" ' ’ frew 650 lbs. new $60.00. Having} rented my store must clear. Terms 1929 CHEVROLET SIX Two Tom 1 to suit customer, also trial given. TRUCK_0verhau1ed Harry Hulse, Aurora. ' BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING ’Special prices on large orders. New Mammoth Buckeye Incubator just installed, hatching capacity 12000. Established 1924. Member of Baby Chick Association. H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, opposite Orange Orphanage, R. R. No. 1, Richmond Hill, telephone King 16r26. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGJ-MAKF. THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst I! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED ‘7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE The Liberal model, Robin- Apply , tele- THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1934 FOWL of all kinds, rabbits, also Tur- key Gobblers. Brian Lloyd, Concord P. 0., Ont. PARTY WANTS TO BUY 1929 Fordor Sedan. Will pay cash. Ap- ply at The Liberal Office. WORK ON FARM by experienced married man. Apply Stanley Robin- son, Mill Road, Richmond Hill. THREE 07R FOUR roomed house by young couple, wanted May lst. Ap- ply Box 11, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN of $3500 on good property. Apply by letter to Box 376, The Liberal, Richmond Hill. PARTY wants to rent acreage, 5 acres or more suitable for market gardening, with residence. Apply Box 112, The Liberal Office, Rich- mond Hill. WANTED TO RENTâ€" EO ACRES OF PASTURE LAND, must be well fenced and have running water. Apply Box 3, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. HOUSE, 140 Richmond' Street, good garden, hen house and garage, pos- session May lst. Apply Mrs. George Caldwell, 66 Richmond Street, Rich. mond Hill. HOUSE AT MAPLE, 1 acre ‘of land, garage, number of fruit trees. Apply Mrs. Jennie Bone, Maple, Ont. CARTON containing china and books on No. 11 Highway. Finder kindly notify Carl Lehmann, 546 Sherbourne St., Toronto. 2 HOUSES in Richmond Hill, North of Post Office, $8.00 and $10.00 per month, with garden to work. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill. BRICK HOUSE, No. 3 Arnold Street, all conveniences, garage, possession May lst. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill, telephone 87. 1932 CHEVROLET DeLUXE‘ COACH Six Wire Wheels and Tiresâ€" Used Cars 1932 FORD Vâ€"8 DeLUXE SEDAN? Small Mileage. 1931 WILLYS SIX SEDANâ€"Excel- lent Condition . . 1932 4 CYLINDER FORD TUDOR-â€" A Good Car 1932 4 CYLINDER FORD COUPEâ€" 1930 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€",Bumble Seat 1929 WHU’PET SPORT ROADSTER All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 dun Little Brothers Trunk Rackâ€"Looks Like New. Rumble Seat 4 Cylinder WANTED TO RENT $575.00 $550.00 $450 00 $450.00 $500.00 $150.00 LOST 275.00