PAGE TWO THE LIBERAL Eltlbliahed 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0.. LTD. J. Eachem Smith. Menace:- Member Canadian Weekly Newspapei Association Subscription $1.50 per year To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. ....,. “4......â€" .-...~...... THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1934 THOSE HYDRO SALARIES Repeated requests or demands of the Opposition in the i‘fntario House for a list of the salaries paid to Ontario .-ydr0 officials finally resulted in their publication. An examination of the figures Will quickly show why hey were not forthcoming long ago. Engineer I“. A. Gaby ;ets over $29,000 a year. He works and may earn what ,.e gets, but there is room for grave doubts, though mem- iers of the Government claim Mr. Gaby could command a :alary of a hundred thousand from private corporations. .)OSlt10nS with $29,000 a year, are fairly scarce but those .vith a hundred thousand a year are proportionately scarc- er. At least, that is our impresswn, but frankly we are rot very familiar with many men who are either paying or :eceiving a salary of such magnitude. The salaries of sixteen others, some of whom are only gartâ€"time workers, are given, and they average about _511,000 a year. For 1934 the Chairman of the Ontario Hydro Commis- ion will receive $13,175.04. For some time that position :arried a salary of $18,000, but even $13,175.04 is not to be gassed up With indifference at this time. The Fergus Newsâ€"Record adds “One of the commission TEi 1' nHONE 9. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Record of Henry Government RECKLESS EXTRAVAGANCE RESULTED IN GREAT BURDEN OF TAXAFIONâ€"J’UBLIC DEBT SOARINGâ€"A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT NEEDED Bitterly assailing the Provincialsibility in the administration of pub- Government for the manner in whichlic trust funds, however. is the On- lt has coped with the economic situa-tario Power Service deal, with which tion in the past four years, J. C. Mc-Premier Henry himself has :JlllC in- Ruer, K.C., offered some pointedltimate personal knowledge.†cviticism of the part; it played in he Extending his remarks on the deal, Stratford strike during an address at Mr. McRuer proceeded: the R. H. McGregor School to-night. “In 1920 the Government gave "The Government," he said, “paid away the power rights on the Abitibi more attention to caring for chickens River to a subsidiary of the Abitibi in a Sti'zitforil packing house than Companyâ€"a company in which John thty did to the needs of starving ll. Black, a close personal friend of strikers.†He charged that Provincial Mr. Ferguson, had a substantial in- Inspector George Tiii'kin of the So- terest. Then the barons of finance cicty for the Prevention of Cruelty contrived a scheme of organizing the ta Animals was on hand to see that Ontario Power Service Corporation not a chicken in the factory was al- and selling its bonds to the public. lowed to die of starvation. “But,†Its prospectus, publisht-d in 19:100011â€" hc continued, “it was rifles, bayonetS, tains the following statement: machine guns and tanks for the toilâ€" “Ontario Power Service Comma- ers." He said that the Henry Gov- tion has entered into l‘orlyâ€"year con- crninent actually did nothing toward tracts, under which all of its output a settlement of the strike. of electric energy from the proposed Declaring that he would not use development will sold to the any heresay or gossip, Mr. McRuer Hydroâ€"Electric Power Commission of proceeded to! submit. what he deâ€" Ontario and to the Abitibi Power and ire tions existing, and which led up tOily, except that the Government of the strike Of furniture workers at the Province of Ontario may direct Stratl‘ord. He went on to enumerate that a small amount of power, not J. C. McRuer K.C. Assails The way BullinflljlibflalFi'eS, l l l l l l l l I . . . . I“ ' t . ..' ' .h ,. scribed as Solid eVlance 0f COHdIâ€" Paper Company, Limited, respectivc- ’1‘â€) 13' Unmalned’ J Fm an’ F THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1934 WHEN DlZZY SPELLS Make You Feel Unsafe, Just Try Parke’s LIVER TONE It stimulates a lazy liver to healthy, nor- mal action and soon restores you to your usual normal health. It is a harmless Clor- rective for consti- pation, biliousness, headaches and dizzi- ness. 50c. â€" 81.00 GLENN‘S DRUG STORE THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO I From Our Issue of April 6th, 1899 Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence has removed his law office from his former res-l idence to the Liberal office. He Willi visit Richmond Hill every Saturday as usual. Our enterprise barber in the Lorne Block. in order to encourage the cash- in-advance system, is now giving his patrons who are looking- after snaps, a nice ticket, good for 12 shaves and a hair cut, all for $1.00. This will affect a saving of 35 cents to the purchaser of the ticket. Mose is \"liling, however, that his customers should have this reduction, the only condition being that the dollar must be paid before the ticket is punched. The record curling match between iiizks chosen from the married and the bachelors of the club was played th S , Pete on Good Friday, the married 9 ummer Sessmn from men winning by 8 shots. In the 'i JuLV 15" m each 0f 'the former match the unmarried men Mm \-ict01-10us by five points- The 3 located in Torontn- List and fullowing‘ is a summary 0f F‘iday's location of twelve schools match. Married men, J. H. Brydon, with copy of curriculum, A. Moodie, F. McConaghy, W‘ Pugs" promptly mailed on request, ley skip 21; Unmarried, H. Hooper, C. Start anv time. “7 .R. Shaw. Ellston C. McConaghy R. Moodie S ’ ‘ cc. 1130 Ba .. skip 12; Married, T. Newton, G. Mc- ’ . ,7. rnto" Donald, W. Sanderson, W. Storey s‘» l; Spring Term ' from March 1st merges into an: A iii-Mam Grainger ,H. Nicholls, F. Sims skip 14. The York County Commissioners .rs is an Ontario Cabinet Minister, who came to the Legislaâ€" .ure from a rather humble pos1tion in Eastern Ontario, and 0 far as we know, never had any particular training for .he job. He is paid for his work in the Legislature, of curse, and his work as Commissioner certainly does not .ccupy all his time, yet his salary for 1934 is only $25 less .han $8,000. The other Commissioner is Hon. Arthur .‘Jeighen. He, too, has many other interests, for he is Jonservative leader of the Senate at Ottawa, a successful awyer and business man. He receives $7,975.08 for spar- .ig some time to act as Hydro Commissioner.†$11,000 would buy how many average farms in the Jounty of York? Yet that is the amount now being paid or part time Hydro officials. How many sheep, pigs, .attle or horses would a man have to sell'at present prices 0 pay the salary of one of those sixteen part-time work- .rs, to say nothing of the higher-ups? The figures are, to .ay the least, sufficiently large enough to provide food for .hought, though they Wlll not provide food to eat, for the urge army of taxpayers, especially those who are jobless. ****** VOTING BY RADIO _ Buttons for radios are said to be among the inventions f the week. Each radio set would be equipped with three ,iushsbuttons, the first marked “present,â€x the second “no†.nd the third “yes.†Pressing the button marked “present†aerely indicates to the radio station" that you are listening 0 the program and does not mean that you expect a gift- ample of lip rouge, tooth paste, razor blades or wall paper- t’has been roughly estimated t at the entire set of buttons fill cost about twenty-five cen s, but knowing that button .umber two is likely to Wear out before the others; arrange- _ .ients are being considered to supply them in gross lots at. 3 reduced price. » The Christian Science Monitor says :â€"“According to is inventor the whole process of operating the radio-voter 5 simple. When the sponsor of a program wishes to find .-ut whether the pathos in his crooner’s lower register is ikely to incline you to look favorably on the hair tonic, )icycle or gasoline being advertised, all he has to do is to “.ave his announcer request those listening to the program 0 press the button marked “yes†or the one marked “no.†.‘hi's pressing would instantly be registered and totalled at he transmitting station.†In this way sponsors may at last be convinced that the public ca actually exist without listening to crooners, .hestnut etailers, and the patent medicine boosters. It is not expected that this new radio-voting device can We installed throughout the country overnight, so that the >ld-fashioned method of expressing an opinion by turning Jff the instrument is likely to be continued for an indefin- .te period. * I! 3k ’3 I * * I! SEED CATALOGUE NIGHTS With the arrival of the seed catalogues the householder can now sink down in a soft easy chair and pass evenings .ziaking plans for the garden that is to be. The pictures of .hese gorgeous flowers, fruits and vegetables may be more ,"lorious than anything he may succeed in bringing forth. fet they. are Simply perfect examples of nature’s abundant ;ood things when brought to perfection by those who know .he secrets of nature. . Many of our dreams are things, perhaps unattainable. IVe dream of big strokes in speculation, or doubled profits .1 business, of winning our way to high and important ,ositions. Such dreams for most of us may seldom come .rue but it is better to have a vision of something that it s in our power to create. The seed catalogue is a book of such dreams. It brings 20 us a vision of what we can do in our OWn garden. It more than a dozen statements sworn to by the Mayor of that city. These included Where two of the best cabiâ€" netmakers made 12 cents an hour after an increase of 33 per cent.; where one worker before the strike received 83 a week on piecework for a full 50-hour week; where another worker employed for 21 years in one plant made as low as 8 to 10 cents an hour; where a skilled mechanic‘s wages for a Whole year amounted to $495, and where there were numerous violations of the minimum wage law without action being taken. Reason Is Queried. Reciting how girls in the packing- liouses had struck to be paid 3 cents instead of 2 cents for plucking a chicken, the speaker quoted the pack- ing-house operations as declaring their utter inability to meet such a demand. “I put it to you," he pro- ceeded, “were the packing-house operators considering the effect that one cent on the price of a chicken, would have on the consuming public, or was it the profit and loss account that was being considered? More- over, what did the Government do, either to expose these conditions or!so well. effect any remedy?†Referring to the days immediately following rejection of the strikers’ de- mands, Mr. McRuer continued: “Didlgood investment, and the bonds de- Premier Henry go to Stratford as it ‘was his duty to do when toilers of this Province had become turbulent; did he go there to learn that men were working for 8, 9 and 10 cents an hourâ€"for $3 on a 50â€"hour week? Oh, no. This benign Governmentm-et the situation, with steel, force and intimidation.†It was at this time that Inspector Turkin was sent on a mission of mercy to save the chickens declared the speaker. Stating that a session of the House had since passed, Mr. McRuer chargâ€" ed that the Government did not take a single step to ameliorate such conâ€" ditions, which he claimed existed all over the Province. “Where has the Minister of Labor been for the last four years?†he queried. “I will‘ go as far as to suggest that 95 per cent of the people of this Province cannot tell you who the Minister of Labor actually is, so greatly has he dis- tinguished himself,†said Mr. McRuer who inquired What labor problems he had solved, and What justification he " held for holding such an important portfolio. Turning his remarks to the question of the Province’s public debt, the speaker said that it had jumped from $291,000.00 in 1932, to $6,000,000 by the end of 1933, and by today was probably up another $10,000,000. Quoting Hon. W. H. Price as stating in the Legislature in 1923 that the [of which was personally interested in met yesterday at the court house. The principal item of busineSs was the consideration of plans for the con- the Hydro-Electric Power Comniis- Strucuon Of a new Rowntrf’e BUdge’ - . .- ~ as ordered at the last sessmn of the sion of Ontaiio amount in each of . . - the foregoin periods to mm, flmn'CounCil. This bridge crosses the g . e llumber betWeen York and Etobicoke 40 per cent of the estimated total , . . . . Townships. The new structure Will gross levenue. The estimated ex- 1 . p f q of b t penses are small, amounting to less )8 an Iron one’ 0 one ‘pan a 0“ Ithan 10 per cent of the gross revenue†100 feet The plans were appmvw’ l lover 10,000 horsepower, shall be sold and delivered to other customers. “The revenues to be derivod from . . A- 'h i i’s‘nwvi- “The publicly owned Hydro-Elec- ï¬n: lwrï¬c mail Catlgstllo 1,30 . . . Q ' ‘ tric Power Commission was used as ‘pec a 6 rep S c y e . - . . . York Mills bridge. a distributm r agency for this )rivate . - enterprise, 25nd at this stagle Mr. A meeting .Of the East York LIC- Henw became interested in the pri_ eiise Commissmners was held at the vate enterprise to the extent of S25 - Clyile HOtel. on saturdily’ the Spec“?! 000. ' ’ btsmess being to cons1der the appli- “Mr. Meighen’ a cations .for the transfer of two Commissioner, $3,000. tavern licenses. All the members “British America Life Assurance I‘vefelvrlniesgnt’ as Evin WED??- lcompanl’, of which Mr. Henry was a 01’ 1' ames c 31 ' p Hydroâ€"Electric - .. lications were granted one being the l' to ‘, 20 , , D _ , (nee l 8 0000 transfer of the license of the Palmer 000 House to A. E. Plummer as Manager “The same Mr. Black, through an- fm. the Twas Cowmanâ€; the Miler other of his companies entered into i being the tramer 0f llcense to Fled- . ’ erick Duff of Toronto, for the Wel- a contract to build the dam and the . ipower house at a contract price of lington Hotel, Markham. The Agricultural Society met in the $4,000,000. . “But the venture did not turn out Lorne Hall yesterday afternoon, With President T. Lloyd in the chair. The True, the bonds had been . . . sold. The promoters had made their tonowmg members were preserit' W. lpmfit. But, it became questionable H. Pugsley, J. Palmer, L. L. Haitman, hether the invest r h d d Wm. Thompson, J. Slater, R. Elliott, W O S a ma e a W. Ormerodl H. F. Hopper, J. H. Sanderson, W. H. Clubine, H. A. Nicholls, D .Lynett and J. N. Boyle. The revision of the prize list by the “Mr. Meighen‘s companies, $213,- clined in the market to $29. Mr. Henry came to the rescue and bought them in at $90. The Government of the Province of Ontario, acting on its own, entered into a deal that was committing the Hydro-Electric Power Commission to this purchase. In the House, Mr. Henry said: “The acquisition of the bonds and property of Ontario Power Service Corporation was negotiated and un- ’deitaken for the benefit of the Prov- confirmed with a few slight amend- ments. The prize list will be printed as soon as the various committees report as to subscriptions. ince ,and not as an! enterprise of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission which merely acted as agent for, and at the request of the Government.†“Yet, Mr. Henry says that politics have not entered into the administra- tion of the affairs of the Hydro-Elec- tric Power Commission. When the .members of the Government, the head ' ’t t d th an investment to the extent of $25,- can s an e 000, loads the Hydro-Electric Power Commission with the purchase, and it has no say in the matter Whatever, but merely acts as an agent, it is difficult to know how members of the Government can justify the conten- tion that politics have not entered into the administration of the af- fairs of the Hydro-Electric POWer Commission.†Declaring that if Ontario were to share in the enjoyment of any prosâ€" perity in the future, the speaker warned that there must be a drastic ./ 'r x Good Eyesight Don’t delay any longer. If you are troubled with headaches, blurred inn- egos, nervousnuu consult at once. F. E. LUKE & SON OPTOMETRISTS 263-167 Yonge Street Toronto Upstairs Opposite Simpsons R. H. KANE Roofing CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIRED EAVESTROUGHING FURNACES 74 Yonge St. Phone 92F RICHMOND HILL J'.FOX ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly Attended to SIGNS snow CARDS PRICE TICKETS â€" BANNERS G. MORLEY BEYNON Phone 150 76 Yongo St. WHEN relatives arrive . .'. and your husband is away . . . and you strain by yourself iaints a picture of things that will give us the sort of hap- iness that comes with effort and work. And there is this bout the seed catalogue. However we have failed in other ears to attain the visions it conjures forth, it returns :g‘ain each year to stir us to new hopes and stimulate us to .iappy hours of planning. ‘ While on the subject, may we remind you that you can «)urchase your seeds from local merchants. They carry the Jest and your patronage will be appreciated. Man wanted for RICHV ALE Nc..t Sunday, Sunday School and Paper. 'hurch Service as usual. The story “Ml.S_ Wiggs of the cab_ quired to supply his own brick. .ige Patch†will be shown by Mr. rank MaXWell under the auspices of he Richvale Sunday School in the 'hurch on Friday evening, April 20th, unmencing at 8 o’clock. Musical Times are better. at a distance. control radios that way. . Iaxwell. Come and enjoy yourselves. doctor and the bill. Smash~and-Grab Raid. â€" Headline in a Provincial The successful applicant will be re~ Now the radio can control machines Oh, for a machine to _ ~ The patient is umbers Will be given by Mr. Gordon improving when he begins to cuss the Government was placed in office toireduction in the public debt and pro- cut down expenditure and clean up vision for unemployment insurance. ex1sting confusmn and waste, Mr. Mc “Dissipation of our natural wealth by ' Ruer went on to say that the same the barons of finance must cease. The Government, by reckless expenditure people of this Province are entitled to ‘in times of prosperity, had forced their birthright. The wealth of the thousands of men out of work in mines should be for the prospector times of adversity. and the legitimate investor; the Road Money Borrowed. wealth of the farm is for the fanners “By what expenditure was the great r and the toilei-s, and not for the mill- debt of the Province created,†heiing companies, the dairy companies, asked. “This Government instituted'the bread companies and all the fin- a multitude of new taxes, including ancial interests that have in the past the gasoline tax which nets over,been exploiting it,†concluded Mr. Mc- 31200,000 3 ye“- It 1'epeatedly Ruer in his peroration. promised that this would be spent on, Lyman Kennedy, Agiiicourt, Presi- roads. but instead of doing so, ap-‘vdent of the East York Riding Liberal plied it for ordinary revenue and theniAssociation, and Harry Johnston borrowed $165,000,000 to build the were the other speakers, with Frank roads. It spent $4,000,000 buildingiLemmar presiding. palatial offices to house its civil h servants and provide them with Lower class: The one that provides The worst exampie- maerial for books and plays by he upper class. bowling alleys. of utter disrespect for their respon- Executive at their last meeting was Get him on Long Distance . . . it’s the quickest help in any emergency .If you’re in a fix; or you’re lonely; or any land of emergency arises; Long Distance 15 there to help you, a quick, depend- able, personal messenger; clear and easy to use regardlesa of distance. You can talk 100 miles for as little as 30câ€"see list of rates in the front of your directory.