Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1934, p. 4

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=5} CHAS. GRAHAM o=o=o=ogoao=o=o=o=lo uo=0fio==o=og=ouo==m I , TrowelrsiXRDWAREl] RICHMOND HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. I PURE MILK, pasteur- ized by the most modern and efficient methods is What we offer to our customers. Is an important feature of your Winter diet. Make sure of a SAFE, PURE and DEPENDABLE supply by having our driver call daily. AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill Phone 42 Richmond Hill and Housecleaning Sup‘igl‘i‘es FOR RENT {Hem the profit goal. Demand a chick starter that can be depended on Immm‘mm'm for results. Sales of Master Chick woman?“ Starter have mounted steadilyâ€"be~ cause it builds chicks into strong, growthy birds with a wellâ€"rounded development of body, frame and feathers. Here are some definite reasons why you can depend on Master Chick Starter to get results: 1'] Because it is built with a grain baseâ€"a variety of choice whole grains. This is in line with the most reiable, up-to- date information on the science of poultry feeding. 1] Because it contains a balance of high-grade proteinsâ€"with pure buttermilk powder as the main source. ' Because an abundance of the essential Vitimin D is supplied from the finest Cod Liver Oil obtainableâ€"Nogco XX, thor- oughly tested for vitimin content. fl Because Master Chick Starter is specially processed to secure a granular texture which makes it highly palatable and digestible for chicks. Feed Master and Steer a Straight Course for the Profit Goal-- Pullets That Will Lay High-Priced Eggs Next Fall! Master Chick Starter Master Poultry Concentrate Master Laying Mash Red Head Egg Mash C.L.O- . QEIéREfAE'fER FLOOR WA; 11 John St., Thornhill MASTER Electric Floor Polisher and Vacuum Cleaner WILFRID R. DEAN PURE ” RICH MILK PAGE FOUR MASTER CHICK %STARTER ANYTHING IN HARDWARE MASTER FEEDS Chicks must be well started if they are i There are many people in Canada who are fond of roses, but who hesiâ€" tate to plant them as they know how much trouble some of their friends have in wintering them and in keep- ing- them free from diseases and in- {sects. Yet there are some roses that Qare very hardy an dare comparatively 'free from these troubles, and the folâ€" lowing are- among the best tested at the Central Experimenatl Farm, Ottawa: The Harrison Yellow rose is a very hardy variety, and one of the earliest to bloom. The flowers are semi- double, and' golden yellow in colour. The bush reaches _a height of six feet and more, and is very effective when in bloom, though its season is rather short. The Persian Yellow is some- what like the Harrison Yellow, but is not so generally satisfactory as the The Japanese rose, Rosa rugosa, is an outstanding instance. It is hardy, has glossy attractive foliage, and large single pink or white flowers, and it has a long blooming season. It becomes a large bush six feet or more in height. There are a. number of good variet- ies and hybrids of the Japanese rose, perhaps the most satisfactory being the F. J. Grootendorst, which bears clusters of small rosy flowers, and has a long blooming season. There is a pink variety, which is also pleas- ing. Others of the rugosa type are: Mme. Georges Bruant, Rose a parfum de l’Hay, Mrs. Anthony Waterer, Agnes Emily Carman. Conrad F. Meyer is good, but kills back consider ably, though blooming on the new wood. SOME OF THE HARDIESTI AND mosr EASILY GROWN? ROSES 1 v Ratepayers in arrears for 1933 taxes are reminded that on May 15¢ a statutory 5 per cent penalty is added to the amount owing, and all are asked to make a special effort to make paymth to the collector before this date. To the Ratepayers of Vaughan Township NOTICE Thornhill 54J other. The Agnes rose is a paler yellow than the Harrison, and has 2. buff tint in it at times. It is a crOSS be- tween the Rosa rugosa. and the Per- sian Yellow, and: is very hardy. While the blooming season is short, because of its extreme earliness and’ beauty it is a very desirable rose. A hardy attractive White rose is the one known as Madame Plantier. This is a very free bloomer, produc- ing many medium-sized, double White flowers, and, it another White one is desired, the Old Provence rose is a good one. The Moss roses are not as popular as they once were, but they are among the hardiest roses, and have a delightful perfume. TheVCrested‘ MOSS and Old Pink are two of the best varieties. The Cabbage rose is an old-fashioned sweetâ€"scented rose, which is very hardy, and well worth having in a rose garden. It needs little care and blooms profusely. A hardy and very striking rose is the Austrian Briar. The flowers are single and of a bright reddish copper while the underside of the petals is old gold. Its season of bloom is very short. Another single rose, while not quite hardy, is Rosa hugonis, which is srulphur yellow in colour. Then there are the many charming single varieties of the Scotch rose, Rosa spinosissima, which are quite hardy, and need little attention. Two hardy Damask roses are Lady White and Red Damask. The flowers of these are semi-double. A Canadian variety known as Betty Bland is a charming double pink, of which the wild rose, Rosa blanda, is one of the parents. The Redleaf rose, Rosa rubrifolia, is a very striking species with purplish red foliage and small single red flowers. It grows six to eight feet in height, and makes a fine background for other roses or ornamental shrubs. It is very hardy. It Will thus be seen that there .is quite a variety of attractive hardy rosles which can be grown with little care. Rev. C. W. Follett of Toronto gave a very interesting illustrated lecture on Newfoundland 'and Dr. Grenfall’s Mission in Labrador at the Y.P.S. meeting in the United Church on Tuesday evening. Rev. Parkes of Toronto brought out three young men and six ladies' of the Oxford Group from Westmin‘ister United Church on Sunday evening to the United Church of this Village. Each gave very inspiring Witnesses of their lives since the National Ox- ford Group first came to Toronto. Mr. F. Bayne has made the pur- chase of a new Dodge Sedan the past week. Mrs. G. H. Stone entertained a few friends on Thursday evening in honor of her daughter, Mrs. H. Whitney, who has been at her mothers for the holiday season. Rev. Davis attended the Ministers Retreat last week at the College in Whitby. Miss L. DeNure visited Miss; H. Harnny a couple of days last week. Master CL McGregor of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Hall for the holidays. We are sorry that Mr. “Lefty” 0’- Dell is on the sick list and not able to call on his customers each day with his cheery smile. We are also sorry to hear of Mr. J. Leece having to go to the Hos»- pital. We sincerely hope when he returns he will be better in health. Mir. and! Mrs. A. W. Phillipson, Mrs. McDonald and Miss Jean Mc- Donald attended the eucha'e and bridge of Maple Horticultural So- ciety on Thursday evening. The second successful Euchre and Bridge of King Horticultural Society was held on Friday evening in the Masonic Hall. The prize winners were, Euchre, ladies, Miss E. Barker, Temperanceville and Mrs. J. Mc- Mann, Maple, tied for first place; consolation, Mrs. White, Maple; gents, first, Mr. F. Curtis, King; con- solation, Mr. W. Keightly, King; Bridge, ladies, Mrs'. Forbear, Maple first; consolation, Mrs. J. McDonald, King; gents, first, Mr. A. Phillipson, King; consolation, Mr. J. B. Fowler, King. Another Euchre, Bridge and Dance will be held April 19th, under the same auspices. Refreshments will also be served. Everybody welâ€" come. The Y.P.S. are presenting “Closed Lips” in Laskay United Church on Friday evening, at 8 p.m. Quite a number attended the Con- ‘cert held in Eversley Presbyterian Church on Friday evening. The two one-act plays were well presented and enjoyed by all. Th e address by guest speaker at the Anglican W.M.S. on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. Walker was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. 11. Whitney and Mas- ter George Armstrong and Dorothy Armstrong also assisted with the plogram. War isn’t necessary. Nations have found ways to damage one another as much without it. KING CITY LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Residents of Richmond Hill unable topurchase seeds for planting of spring gardens are asked to get in touch with the Relief Committee or the members of council, and said seed for planting will be supplied. NOTICE Notice is given hereby that, owing to infirmities of age, Mr. Frederick Mason is no longer capable of assum- ing financial obligations and members of his family will not be responsible for debts contracted by him. TO FARMERS Use Cooper’s Warble Fly Powder No farmer can afford to let his cattle go untreated for Warble Grubs. A Supply at the Elevator Phone 10 I. D. Ramer & Son MONDAY, APRIL IGâ€"Credit Auc- tion Sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on Lot 29, Con. 3 Picker'ylg. No reserve as farm is rented. Property of Jas. Davidson. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- tioneers. TUESDAY, APRIL 17â€"Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., on Lot 20, Con. 2 Scarboro, 12’2 mile south of Agincourt, property of John Malcolm. No reserve as farm is sold. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- eers. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18â€"Exten- sive Disposal Auction Sale of entire herd of Pure Bred Accredited Guemh sey Cattle, at Erindale, Ont, on Dun- das Highway, property of L. D. Hat- field., Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Cata- logues may be had on application to Hotel Victoria on Yonge St., Toronto, or to Prentice and Prenitce, Auction- eers. FRIDAY, APRIL 20â€"Credit Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on Lot 33, Con. l, Scarboro, property of Wm. Munro. No reserve as farm is sold and Billy is retiring. Prentice & Prenrtice, Auctioneers. Township 0{Vaughan NOTICE 'IAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to stop up and dis- pose of the following portions of highways: (1) The portion of the 9th Con- cession lying between part of Lots 24 and 27 and between Lots 25 and ’26 in the 8th and 9th Concessions, and being the portion of the Con- cession being north of the north limit of the road from Kleinburg to Nashville and running northerly to a point where the south-westerly limit of the road from Kleinburg known as the Gravel Road inter- sects the said 9th Concession Line; (2) The portion of the side line between Lots 25 and 26 in Conâ€" cess'ions 8 and 9 of the Township lying east of a point Where the north-easterly limit of the Klein- burg-Nashville Road intersects the said side line, and extending east- erly to a point where the westerly limit of the Kleinburg-Purpleville Road intersects the said side line. 'AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Vaughan proposes on or after the 5th day of June, 1934, being after the publication for four successive weeks of this notice to pass a By-law auth- orizing the stopping up and disposing of the portions of said highways. The proposed By-law and plans showing the lands to be closed may be seen at the Clerk’s Office in Maple. The Council will hear in person or by Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that this land will be prejudicially affected by the Byâ€"law and who applies to be heard; J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan Township April 10, 1934 It is intended to consider the said Byâ€"law at the meeting of the Council to be held at the Town Hall, Vellore, on the 5th day of J_une, 1934, at 2 HOUSE AT MAPLE, 1 acre of land, garage, number of fruit trees. Apply Mrs. Jennie Bone, Maple, Ont. BRICK HOUSE, No. 3 Arnold Street, all conveniences, garage, possession May lst. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill, telephone 87. 2 HOUSES in Richmond Hill, North of Post Office, $8.00 and‘ $10.00 per month, with garden to work. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill. Manâ€"I’ve got ‘the gTeatest little umpire in the world. Friendâ€"What makes you think so? Manâ€"She always thinks I’m shfe when I am out. SALE REGISTER TO RENT SEEDS SOLID WALNUT BED with Marshall mattress. Telephone 73F. BICYCLE, cheap. Apply 1 Wright St, phone 78. WORK HORSE. Apply Willett, R. R. No. 2, Maple. WORK HORSES and Shetland Ponies Apply S. Herdman, Newtunbrook. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE in good ROSELAWN DAIRY horses. Apply L. E. Burton, Carrville Road. shape. Apply Box Office. CHEVROLET TRUCK old model, cheap for cash. Apply Stan Robinâ€" son, Mill Road. BOY’S RED C.C.M. bicycle, size 22 x 20, in good shape. Doug. Jones, 60 Centre St. West. ELECTRIC RADIO, table model, At- water Kent, like new, $15.00. Box 83 Liberal Office. SEED GRAIN, Alaska Oats and Vel- vet Barley. R. Walking.ton, Maple, telephone Maple 2831. TWO MARES, general purpose, one 5 years old in foal, one aged. Chas. Martin, Unionville R. R. 1. 1929 FORD COUPE, good condition, sacrifice for quick sale. Apply Lib- eral Office, Richmond Hill. 2 REGISTERED Shorthom Bulls, reds, of service age; also a few Heifers rising two years. Apply Thos. Thomson, R. R. No. 2 Gormley, telephone Richmond Hill 47-24. SEED GRAIN, 0.A.C. 72 Oats, 0n- tario Vine Peas and Alfalfa Hay. Egbert Avison, Gormley, telephone Stoui'fville 4003. BARRED ROCK Hatching Eggs from blood tested pedigreed males records over 220 eggs, hatching eggs 25 to 30 oz. per doz. 75c. and $1.00 per 15 eggs. Fred Chatburn, Aurora. new Dodge or DeSoto car, will sell lat Lsacrifice. Apply Box 756 The Liberal Office. 2 ROCKING CHAIRS, 1 arm chair, 1 violin and case in best of condition. Apply Box 210, Richmond Hill P. 0., or telephone 165. WHEN REMITTING small sums, send Canadian National Express Orders. For sale by J. R. Herring- ton, 93 Yonge Street. THERE IS a remedy made for posiâ€" tive foot relief. Use Cress Corn salve. For sale at Austin’s Drug Store, Richm6fid Hill. BABY CHICKS: Barred' Rock chicks $10' per 100; custom hatching $2.00 per 100 eggs. Your requirements booked for future dates. Apply Hill- crest Poultry Farm, 20 Temperance Street, Aurora, phone 44J. SUBSTANTIAL CREDIT NOTE on JERSEY BULL, 1 year old, from Brampton stock, sire 2000 lbs.; Je'r- sey Cow, milking, due May 17th, 4% years old; quantity of red clover hay, and some manure. George Kallen, Stop 22, North Yonge Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Mahog- ELECTRIC COPPER TUB Easy Wash er $35.00 terms; Beatty Electric Wash- er new,’ regular $69.00 for $49.00, terms; Cream separators, DeLaval No. 12, $25.00; DeLaval No. 15, $40.- 00; Mellotte 600 lbs. new $65.00; Ren- frew 650 lbs. new $60.00. Having rented my store must clear. Terms to suit customer, also trial given. Harry Hulse, Aurora. any Bed, springs and mattress $20.00; make offer on any of following: com- bination hat stand (antique walnut), kitchen stove (Quebec type) 3 months old, 2 sofas, bookcase'and secretary. Loudon, McLean’s Farm, Yongehurst Road, Richmond Hill, telephone 137r4 BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING Special prices on large orders. New Mammoth Buckeye Incubator just installed, hatching capacity 12000. Established 1924. Member of Baby Chick Association. H. G. Mecredy, Yong-e Sii-eet Poultry Farm, opposite Orange Orphanage, R. R. No. Avenue, garage, good garden, posses- sion May lst. Apply H. Stanford, 11 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, tele- phone 209. FOR RENT OR SALE 5 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 35 Benson 1, Richmond Hill, telephone King 161‘26. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINca-MAKR THE MOST OF P!" RATESvFive lines or less, 25 cents for first 1! sertinn and 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra Pach insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE The Liberal THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1934 HORSE, general purpose. Apply W. Glass, Edgeley, phone Maple 1257. BARLEY for seed, Velvet, 80 cents per bushel. Apply Murray McLean,~ Stop 14 Yonge Street. splendid condition. Apply The Lib- eral Office, Richmond Hill. FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 210. 1931 FORD SPORT ROADSTER, in T0 RENT unfurnished room. Apply Box 52, Richmond Hill Post foice.‘ EXPERIENCED single man for farm work. Apply Box 92 The Liberal Office. MAID for general housework. Mi'sz- A. L. Reading, Stop 321/2 Yonge St, Jefferson P. O. PARTY wants to buy old type Mangle-~ Apply Richmond Hill Knitting Mills, Richmond Hill. PARTY WANTS TO BUY 1929 Fordor Sedan. Will pay cash. Ape ply at The Liberal Office. PARTY wants to buy bicycle in good condition. L. Burton, Stop 23 Yonge Street, phone Maple 764. WORK ON FARM by experienced married man; Apply Stanley Robin- son, Mill Road, Richmond Hill. THREE 0R FOUR roomed house by- young couple, wanted May 1st, Ap- ply Box 11, Liberal Office, Richmond) Will the party who took the steel crowbar from the Municipal Building about a week ago kindly return same. Hill. sires housework on farm, $25.00 a month. Apply Box 24, Liberal Office Richmond Hlil. FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN of $3509‘ an good property. Apply by letter to Box 376, The Liberal, Richmond: Hill. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY de- Used Cars 1932 CHEVROLET DeLUXE COACH 1932 FORD V-S DeLUXE SEDANâ€" Small Mileage. 5“} 1932 4 CYLINDER FORD TUDORâ€" A Good Car 1932 4 CYLINDER FORD COUPE-â€" 1932 V-8 COUPE All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 days 1931 \VILLYS SIX SEDANâ€"Excel- lent Condition 1931 CHEVROLET ROADSTER 1929 CHEVROLET SIX TWO TON TRUCKâ€"Overhauled 1929 WHIPPET SPORT ROADSTER Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO- Six Wiré Wheels and Tiresâ€"- Trunk Rackâ€"Looks Like New. Rumble Seat 4 Cylinder $550.00 GEORGE SMITH, Caretaker. NOTICE WANTED $575.00 $450.00 $450.00 $300.00 $475.00 $500.00 $325.00 $150.00

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