peas Ten cents a package and pick as you please. Now seeds are just dimes to the man in the store, And the dimes are the things that he needs; And I’ve been to buy them in seasons before, But have thought of them merely as seeds; But it flashed through my mind as I took them this time, “You have purchased a mirade l' here for a. dime!†“You’ve a dimes worth of power which no man can create You’ve a dimes worth of life in your hand! You’ve a dimes worth of mystery, des- tiny, fate, Which the wisest cannot understand In this little package, now isn’t it odd? You’ve a dimes worth of something known only to God!†These are seeds but the plants and the blossoms are here With their petals of various'kinds: In these little pellets, so dry and so queer, There is power no chemist can find. Here is one of God’s miracles soon to unfold, Thus for ten cents an ounce is Div- inity sold. (By request).â€"â€"Edgar Guest Announcement is made of an es- pecially interesting service that Will be held in Central United Church on Sunday evening next when Prof. J os. McCulley of Pickering College will be the special speaker and members of the Junior Farmers and Girls Club will be in attendance. The Junior Farmers choir with Mrs. K. Harring- ton in charge will present the musical part of the program. Mr. McMulley needs no introduction to a Unionville audience, winning popularity here in connection with the Junior Farmers banquet. Plan to attend. The Knox Forward Club of Knox United Church, Agincourt, in pre- senting the comedy “Be An Optimist" again evidenced dramatic ability on the part of its members and won the approval of those in attendance. The play was given under the auspices of The Public Library Board and the proceeds, divided on a fifty-fifty basis, means more support to this splendid organization. The cast in- cluded, Isaac Golditch, Gordon Haig; Becky, his daughter, Helen Whaler; Pietro D’Angelo, Alex Morgan; Jim- mie Maynard, Edgar Fisher; Mildred Clinton, Helen Preston; Mike, Glen Cole; Mrs. Clinton, Evelyn Mason; Ray Hudson, Leslie Page; Miss Hull, Ida Grose; Maggie, Vernla Robinson; Ethel Peabody, Marjorie Cassie; Spencer, Robbert Rennie; Madam G-oopher, Bertha Bacom Following the play the cast were entertained at the home of Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite by the Library Board. We hope these young people will visit Unionville again. It was a merry group of young“ folk that journeyed to Uxbridge on Mon- day evening last to visit the Y.P.S. of Uxbridge United Church. The pro- gram, in charge of the local group, included the story of the Prodigal Son told by Alfred Dyke, a “Golden Rule†story by Dorothy Carr, the Bible reading by Lloyd Stephenson, prayer by Bob Hiltz, vocal solo by James Walker, instrumental solo by Gladys Owen and the “Onionan Gazette†read by Mae Thurston. Ux- bridge Y.P.S. was in charge of the activities and after a delightful hour spent in games followed by refresh- ments the visitors reluctantly left for the home town. The lovely Spring days, although a. little late in arriving, have made a decided change in the appearance of the lawns and gardens, it has been “cleanâ€"up week†and' neighbors aré vying with each other in getting seeds planted. The past seVere season has caused the loss of many choice plants so that flower lovers are finding the need of re-planting some of their favorites. And of course boys and girls are remembering to help in keep ing the lawns in good condition by not cutting any corners across them even if it means rescuing the beloved ball. We need the coâ€"operation of the little folk in sustaining Unionville’s reputation for being- one of the beauty spots of the province. A minerature summer resort is be- ing planned by Mr. H. H. Powers and‘ cottages are being erected along the Rouge River directly south of High- way No. 7 south of the village. 1411-. Powers plans to improve the bathing site and add other attractions that will make it an ideal spot for holi- day folks. Have you sent in your membership to the Horticultural Society Secre- tary yet? If not, plan to do so im- mediately. The premium list is being prepared and this is the very year WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT I paid a dime for a package of seeds And the clerk tossed them out with a flip, “We got them assorted for every- man’s needs" He said with a smile on his lip. Pansies and poppies and aster and THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1934 â€"A PACKAGE OF SEEDSâ€"â€" Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Susan Gibson who on Tuesday next will celebrate her eightyâ€"sixth birthday. The Girls Coachiné‘ Class held on Wednesday and Thursday of last Week in preparation for Achievement Day which will take place late this month, was attended by eighteen girls. Miss Wallace, Departmental Representative was the instructor. Messrs. Stiver Bros. have bought Mr. Frank Harvey’s Chopping Mill business and intend erecting a mill on their premises here in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Callard and children who have been residing in Unionville left last week seeking adventure and incidently to beat the depression and make a living. A caravan, the handi- work of Mr. Callard, will be'their home and they plan to make Russia their destination. Mrs. Callard will present their impressions in story form to Canadian readers while Mr. Callard, who is an artist of ability, will illustrate them. Corn Chowder 2 slices of fatsalt pork, finely chopped, 1 onion sliced, 3 cups cooked diced potatoes, 2 cups boiling water, 1 cup cooked corn, 4 cups scalded milk 2% teaspoons salt, 1/4 teaspoon pep- per, 1 teaspoon celery salt, 1/.» tea- spoon paprika, 2 tablespoons flour. Render the pork, saute the onion in fat, strain fat, add the potatoes, then boiling water, corn and hot milk. Season and heat thoroughly. Serve with crackers or toast (dry). Garâ€" nish with chopped parsley. Serves 6 to 8. Little brown brother, Oh little brown brother, Are you awake in the dark? Here we lie cosily, close to each other: Hark to the song of the larkâ€" “Waken†the lark says, “waken and dress you; Put on your green coats and gay, Blue sky will shine on you, sunshine caress youâ€" Waken! ’tis momingâ€"’tis May!†Little brown brother, 0h! little brown brother, What kind of a flower will you be? I’ll be a poppyâ€"all White like my mother; Do be a poppy like me. What you’re a. sunflower! how I shall miss you When you’re grown golden and high! But I shall send all the bees up to kiss you; Little brown brother, good-bye. â€"E. Nesbit. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Miss M. Nelson: of Acton and Mr. Angus Kennedy of Galt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell. Miss Muriel Amour of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Harrington over the week-end. Rev. A. Boyle and Mrs. Boyle of Toronto visited Mrs. M. C. Sommer- ville on Sunday last. Mrs. A. Smith of Cashel was the guest of Mrs. J. R. Hood on Wednes- day last. The Sixth Annual Vocation Day service, held under the auspices of 1St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Markham, is scheduled for Snuday evening, May 13th, commencing at 7:30 pm. sharp. Rev. H. Coulter of Brampton Presbyterian Church will speak on “Visioning Our Task.†Special music will be contributed by John Moscow, violinist, Miss Dorothea Brown, soprano and Betty and Bobby Thomas. The responsive reading will be led by W. Champion and Gordon Forbes will preside. A cordial invi- tation is extended to all young people to attend this inspirational service. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UNIONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“This more abundant life.†7 p.m.â€"Prof. Jos‘. McCulley, Pickering College, Newmarket. S p.m., Mondayâ€"Y. P. S. 10 a.m.â€"Church Schpol. 7 p.m.-â€"Evening Prayer. Monday, 8 p.m.â€"Y.P.S. FREE OFFER, see Trowell’s “ad†in this issue. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 pm -Church School. 2:30 p.m.â€"“This more abundant life.†St. Philips Anglican Church Rev. J. J. Robbin- appreciated, When old King Winter has played havoc with some of your favorites. Mr. Leslie Miller, Agin- court, is the President and Mr. Alex Bell, Unionville, is Secretary. A public meeting will be held on May 15th, further announcement next week AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES CHAS. GRAHAM Phone 132W Richmond Hill A FAVORITE RECIPE 74 Church St. The many friends of Miss Selah Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in York County Hos- pital, Newmarket, last week, will be pleased to hear she is improving satis factorin and expects to return home the end of the week. Rev. G. E. Coulter will conduct the funeral service of the late W. A. Jen- kins of Barrie, who died at Lockwood Clinic, Toronto, on Tuesday night, af- ter a short illness. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Church will hold 3. Baking Sale and Gypsy Tea in the crypt of the church, Saturday, May 12th, from 3 to 6 p.m. W. S. Battersby were visitors in town on Wednesday. The Dramatic Club of the Young People’s Society of the United church will give their play “Safety First†in the Community Hall at Edgeley on Thursday evening, May 10th. Girls don’t forget the Hike next Saturday, May 5th. Bring your eats and yourselves to the front of the Anglican Church at 2 o’clock. Every- one will enjoy themselves. The regular meeting will be held on Tuesday next. at 8 o’clock. All girls over sixteen years of age are cordially invited to attend . Last Sunday evening in the absence of the United Church choir, who as- sisted in the service of St. James Bond Street Church, Toronto, the choir consisted of members of flu Girl Guide Companies from the LT. B. & 0. Home. The solo work and group singing by these young girls was done in a most capable manner and greatly appreciated by the con- gregation. ‘ The Rev. H. Francis Battersby, Miss Sylvia Battersby, R.N., and Mrs. The Young People’s Society ofsthe United Church will start outdoor activities and officers appointed for the Tennis Club are, President, LeWis Sims; Vice-President, Miss Audrey Patrick; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Jean Middleton. Mrs. Walter Anderson and family wish to thank their friends and neigh- bors for their kindness during Mr. Anderson’s illness, and‘ also for the many kind expressions of sympathy in the loss of a loving husband and in the loss father. EAST YORK CONVENTION A convention to select a Liberal candidate to contest the provincial riding of East York in opposition to Premier G. S. Henry will be held in Danforth Park School, corner Lums- den Ave. and Gledhill Avenue, Friday evening, May 11th, at 8:30 D.S.T. Fol- lowing the nomination a. public meet- ing will be addressed by Mitchell F. Hepburn, Ontario Liberal Leader; Arthur G. Slaght, K.C., the candidate and others. Lyman Kennedy of Agin- court, president of the riding associa- tion, will preside. The regular meeting the the Pres- byterian W.M.S. was held. Wesnesday afternoon at the home or Mrs. George Walwin, North Yonge Street. Mrs. George Kelly, the President, presided and a very fine program was enjoyed. Members of Richmond Lod‘ge A.F. & A.M. accompanied by Masons from neighboring and Toronto Lodges will attend divine service at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, May 6th. The brethren will meet in the Masonic Hall at 10:30 a. m. (Daylight Saving Time) and a cordial invitation is extended to brethâ€" ren from neighboring Lodges to join in the service. As standard time prevails with steam railway lines, the hours of the local C.N.R. office will remain as previous viz. Next Sunday is choir Sunday 3.; Richmond Hill United Church. Spec- ial musical numbers arranged for' both services. In the evening the program will consist of solos, an- thems and piano and organ duetts. Miss Mary McCallum, pianist, Willl assist. Come and enjoy these special services. STANDARD D. L. SAVING From To From To 8 a.m. 12 noon 9 am. 1 p.1 1 p.m. 6 p.m. 2 p.m. 7 p.1 7 p.m. 2 am. 8 p.m. 3 an A meeting of the Richmond Hill Ladies’ Lawn Bowling Club Will be held at the Club House next Thurs- day evening, May 10th, at 8 p.m., and all ladies interested are asked to make a. special effort to attend. Social and Personal THE GIRL GUIDE RANGERS UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. C. N. R. OFFICE HOURS MASONS TO ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE CARD 0F THANKS LADY BOWLERS TO HOLD MEETING TH}: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ICHANGE IN PASTORAL CHARGE A new Pastoral Charge has been arranged consisting of Victoria Square, Headford and Carrville, the name of the new field to be called Victoria Square. Mr. Leak of Vic- toria Square was elected Secretary of the Official Board of the new Charge. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP FARMER MISSING Absent from his home since Mon- day, James J. Castator, Vaughan township farmer, was still missing- to-day, although more than a score of his neighbors, headed by local police, had marched the territory adjacent to his farm. The search is being prose- cuted by County Constables DeFef- rari and Sydney Barraclough. At an outdoor meeting of the Horti- cultural Society on Thursday, April 19th, Prof. L. Caesar of the Ontario Agricultural College gave much prac- tical information regarding the care of fruit trees and their protection from disease. The Richmond Hill Public Library will reâ€"open on the usual schedule commencing Saturday evening next, May 5th, at 7 p.m., in the new quar- ters in the Municipal Building. Pruning a small plum tree badly in- fested with Black Knot, the speaker demonstrated how this serious disease could be controlled. The disease is spread, he said, by very small spores wheich he identified through a micro- scope for those present, on the sur- face of the swelling which is known as black knot. About this time of year these spores loosen and blow away with the wind, finding lodge- ment on the wet bark of other branches and other trees. Here they germinate and develop into new knots. Therefore and cutting out of knots should be done either late in autumn or early spring, previous to this date or before the spores ripen. All knots cut out should be immed- iately burned as the spores will ripen and spread even after cut off the tree unless they are detroyed. That is, a wooden pistol will cow Ia jailer who has just discovered a roll of bills in his hand. In addition to cutting out knots, all trees should be well sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture or Lime Sulphur as early in spring as possible, at least before growth starts; and later applications of spray f01 protection against plum curculis and rot when the fruit is about the size of a pea will also assist in con- trolling black knot. Prof. Caesar stated that with a little coâ€"operatibn and general spray- ing in a community it is comparative- 1y easy to wipe out black knot, and referred to a law which empowers any municipality to compel its control. By proper procedure in the appoint- ment of an inspector the Government will pay one half the cost of the ex- pense incurred and if the inspector does his duty it is not difficult to eliminate this plague from any com- munity. Richmond Hill Public Library will re-open Saturday of this week. The new premises have been completely renovized and now present a very inviting appearance. The books have all been catalogued and the many improvements are sure to please the patrons of the Library. This disease is so serious a pest in this community that many people will not attempt to grow plums. Surely we should not surrender to disease when it can be controlled, for the soil and climate of Richmond Hill are Well suited for the growth of this desirable fruit. Why can we not eliminate this disease without the use of an inspects or. This is spring cleaning itime, why not in the cleaning up process, now cut down all seedling and useless plum and cherry trees, whether Wild or cultivated, on and around our properties, along fences and in out of the way places, for the disease can- not be controlled by treating bearing trees if these wild trees are left to spread it. And if trees are cut down let us not forget to burn them at once, for brush piles of black knot are just as much a menace as living trees. A BEER SCREEN (Meaford Mirror) Shouting about beer will not surely take up the time in an election re- quired for the discussion of vastly more important subjects such as pro- vincial finance, hydro, excessive costs and efficient administration. There are great subjects to be discussed with the electorate and they should not be hidden under a frothy screen of beer talk. Missing Dad Mother (to small child): No, pet, your daddy is not dead. He’s joined: a golf club. Horticultural Meeting LIBRARY TO RE-OPEN LIBRARY NOTICE A. L. PHIPPS, Librarian. PAUL E. ANGLE. All friends cordially invited 2:45 p.1n.â€"Sunday School. Mother’s Day next Sunday. 7 p.m.â€"The Minister. Theme:â€"“The Dew of Youth.’ Rogation Sunday May 6th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. Preacherâ€"The Bishop of the Arctic 7 p.m.â€"Even-ing Prayer. Preacherâ€"Rev. Edward Morley, St. Paul's Church, Runnymede. Ascension Day May 10th 10 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. Railway Bargain Fares Friday, May 4th, from various points in Southwestern Ontario in- cluding Toronto to Ottawa. Return from Toronto, Five Dollars. Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, May 6th 11 a.m.â€"â€"The Minister. SPECIAL MASONIC SERVICE Friday and Saturday, May 11th and 12th, from Toronto to Montreal and‘ Quebec City. Return fare $6.00 and $9.25 respectively. For further infor- mation phone any C.N.R. ticket office. HEADFORD The Victoria Square Dramatic Club will present the play “All in the Fam- ily†at Headford United Church, Wed- nesday evening, May 9th. by the choir. 2:45 p.m.â€"Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.â€"-Will be largely musical, con- ducted by the local choir. A WISH 0, to be always cheerful Whene’er the skies! are gray, Trusting instead of fearful, When clouds obscure the way. Sunday, May 6th Recognized as Rural Church Sun- day or a study of the Church in the Rural Sections. 11 a.m.â€"The Pastor. Special music To radiate God’s presence In many little ways; A smile, or a word of courage, Brightening the darkest days. Able to scatter sunshine Into the darkest room, Where e’en death may be lurking, Scattering some of the gloom. Thus, would I spend my moments, Easing somebody’s pain; Then when my day is over, I had not lived in vain. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH “Baby’s Own Tablets have been the only medicine my four children have ever had. In no single instance has it been necessary to consult our doctor." So writes Mrs. Harry Pilmer, Cumberland Bay, N.B. When the baby or young child loses appetite; is sleepless or rest- less, has coated tongue, colic, indigestion, cold or diarrhoea or is teething . . . give Baby’s Own Tablets for safe, quick relief. Price 25c at all drug stores. 203 Dr.Wi|liams' ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL that are D: I I E“ than their guarantae RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Young’s Service Station RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Rel ieved'l PRICES ON ALL-WEATHER TREAD Guaranteed tires â€"Maude Fox. A. E. WOOD Oak Ave., Richvale, Stop 22 Yonge St. Phone Richmond Hill 116 Brookdale Nurser Flowering & Ornamental Shrubs, You get a broad and generous guarantee with your Good- year Tires. Yet the tires themselves will continue to deliver trouble-free service long after the guarantee has expired. Let us give you local mileage records. This extra service costs you no more. See the prices below ELIAS A. W. BEEMED ' Langstaff Ontar on genuine Goodyear All- Weather Tread tires. RICHMOND HILL DAIRY $100.00 puts you in posses- sion of 5 acres of this won- derful fertile Celery and Lettuce land, all ready for planting. Balance on easy terms. For full particulars apply to PURE MILK, pasteur- ized by the most modern and efficient methods is W’lat we offer to our custov‘ers. Is an important feature of your Winter diet. Make sure of a SAFE, PURE and DEPENDABLE supply by having our driver call daily. G. WALWIN, Prop. Phone ’42 Richmond Hill Fruit Trees & Ben" 3., Local Representative Hblland River gstaff Ontario Authorized Agent GARDENS Reclaimed Land BOWMANVILLE PERENNIALS RICH MILK PAGE 83