Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1934, p. 2

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Acton Free Pressâ€"We hear a great deal these days about increased relief grants by governments, new road spending activities, and the usual pre-election promises, which all sound very nice, especially for a chap who hopes to annex a share of the extra activity. But governments raise their funds by taxation, in one form or another. It is your money that is being promised so readily to help you out and very often in the course of making the expenditure a lot of governmental administration creeps in and your money doesn’t stretch to its utmost in doing the work on hand. Promise time is just before the election. Pay day and its new methods of raising the pay roll are the after- math of the election. There is nothing surer than this and with the prolific promises emanating from Provincial Gov- ernment circles these days every man who thinks clearly wonders where the funds will be raised and how they as individuals can possibly pay more. “THIS MAN HEPBURN” In this issue we reproduce an article on “This Man Hep- burn” from the pen of Charles Vining in Toronto Saturday Night. Charles Vining is an outstanding journalist and Toronto Saturday Night is well known for its support of the party politically opposed to the subject of the sketch so the tribute paid the Liberal leader is all the more worthy of note and can reasonably be accepted as a fair pen picture of the man who will probably become Ontario’s premier af- ter the next election. Mr. Hepburn has been subjected to a campaign of abuse by those politically opposed to him but he has carried on from one success to another and from one end of Ontario to the other has been received with enthus- iasm and acclaimed as a leader worthy of the support of the electorate. Those who know Mitchell Hepburn never doubted his ability and even his opponents credit him with the qualities of courage, fearlessness and honesty. We are sure our readers will be interested in the independent sketch of this outstanding public figure which we reproduce in this issue. Sun, Swift Current, Sask.â€"â€"When you hear a man run- ning down his home town or city or business or industry in it, or his home newspaper, take a good look at him. Ten to one he will have a chin as long as a rail, an eye as rest- less as a horse thief; and he will hitch around in his chair as though he had a touch of St. Anthony’s dance. Talk with him awhile and you will discover that he has made a failure of everything he hase ever tried (except being disagreeable), and nine times out of ten he is dependent on the public for favors or support; you will find him of a meddlesome peev- ish, jealous nature; a man who is always complaining, and although he has but little, if anything of his own, one would imagine to hear him talk that he had a quit claim deed to the earth and a first mortgage on heaven. He knows every- body’s business and why shouldn’t he? He has none of his own to take up his time. Such people, like mosquitoes, were not created in vain, perhaps, but one fact remains staple, they do not add materially to the pleasure of conducting legitimate business. t The fair on Vicoria Day this year will be better than ever. This is not merely some advance bally-hoo but it is our honest observation after watching the officers, directors and various committees planning and preparing for the day. A splendid program has been arranged and the Horse Show Will undoubtedly be one of the most attractive ever held in this district. Keen interest has been shown by outstanding horsemen and there will be a notable increase this year in the entries in the attractive saddle and hurdle events. The Richmond Hill Fair needs your support. Start now and BOOST for its success. Talk it up to your friends here and in other places. Plan to spend the day at the Fair and invite your friends to do likewise. Let everyone get behind the fair and make it a record breaker in attendance. BOOST THE FAIR '; Richmond Hill’s eighty-fifth annual Spring Fair will be held Thursday, May 24th. An institution which can survive the ups and downs for eighty-five years must have someâ€" thing in it really worth while. An organization without real worth does not live that length of time. Citizens of Richmond Hill and the surrounding district may take just pride in the fact that on May 24th the annual Spring Fair will be held for the eighty-fifth consecutive time. The secret of the success of the Richmond Hill Fair, we believe, lies in the untiring devotion of the officers, dir- ectors and members who have carried on the fair organiza- tion from year to year, and the loyalty of the great body of citizens who support it. These are assets of which any organization might well be proud and they are responsible for the succeeding successes of Richmond Hill Fair. The end came suddenly and his death was a great shock to his host of friends and cast a gloom over the en- tire district. The funeral services held last Saturday were very largely attended by people of all walks and stations of life and emphasized the fact that the life of the deceased touched a widespread circle of activity. - Representatives of the judiciary, the state, the province, the county, the legal profession and the great rank and file of the citizens joined in paying tribute to the memory of one whose life was so freely devoted to public life. Col. Lennox will long be remembered for his political successes and whenever politics are discuséed during many years to come the notable conquests led by the famous “Herb” will be recalled. His success as a barrister will long be remembered by the legal profession but above all his thousands of friends will choose to. remember him for his many fine human qualities and his numberless and un- recorded kind acts to those in trouble and distress will be long remembered in many North York homes. The late Col. T~ Herbert Lennox possessed unique per- sonal qualities which made him a popular figure and his political successes were no less notable than his success in the legal profession. OUTSTANDING PERSONALITY GONE The death of Col. T. Herbert Lennox removes a colorful and outstanding personality of North York. For over a quarter of a century he was prominent in the public life of this constituency and his name was familiar in every house- hold. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD. J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspapel Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. TEL)‘ PHONE 9. PAGE TWO PROMISE DAYS PRECEDE PAY DAY THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1934 EVERY TOWN HAS ’EM THE LIBERAL 8. Brood Mare W. H. Legge. CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENTâ€"W. A. Wright, J. S. McNaiI‘. ARCHERY COMMITTEEâ€"J. S. McNair and T. H. Trench. OFFICEâ€"J E. rancis, Morgan Boyle, T. H. Trench. STABLES and FX‘TINGSâ€"Ja :s McLean, F. A. Clark, J. Lunau. GROUNDSâ€"Jame McLean, T. . Trench, F. A. Clark, F. S. Tyndall, C. Harding, 5. Middleto . SPORTSâ€"C. Hardi g', Eric W ite,'Wes. Middleton, L. H. Clement, J. S. McNair, lter Scot Robert Agar. SADDLE EVENTS J. A. Gr ene, Major Basher, O. D. Robinson, Mrs. Frank Dun] p, Mrs._ . D. Robinson, James McLean, J. W. Palmer, F. Lunan. Pedigrees to be produced f CLASS 2 â€" 3 exhibits mu 1. Span of Horses in Hai'n-eSs to wagq $25.00 $15.00 Ribbon SPECIAL PR E $25.00 casli for best Agricultural Team exhibited by bona. fide farmer, donated by Donalda Farms. Entries to be passed by Heavy Horse Committee. CLASS '3 _ AGRICELTURAL Class No. 10 PERFORMANCE CLASSES, open to all. lst prize Silver Trophy, donated by Mr. C. L. Burton, Toronto; 2nd prize Ribbon; 3rd prize F. Hoover and J. Roy Herrington COMMITTEES FOR 1934 HEAVY HORSESâ€"James McLean, Frank Graham, R. W. Scott, F. A. Clark. LIGHT HORSESâ€"J. W. Palmer, H. Charles, J. Lunau, F. S. Tyndall, 1. Delivery Horse, 1500 lbs. and under, hitched to suitable delivery wagon . . . . . . . $10.00 $8.00 Ribbon No Stalls Reserved by Mail unless Cash Accompanies the Order. Stalls 50¢. each. 2. Span of Delivery Horses, 3000 lbs. and under, in harness to wagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 $10.00 Ribbon SADDLE CLASSES Class No. 8 MARE OR GELDING, open, paces and manners to count, 191: prize Silver Trophy, donated by Mrs. O. D. Robinson, Toronto; 2nd prize Ribbon; 3rd prize Ribbon; 4th prize Ribbon. Class No. 9 POLO PONY, performance and; manners to count 75 per cent, conformation to count 25 per cent. 1st prize Silver Trophy, 2nd prize Ribbon, 3rd prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. SWEEPSTAKES 1. Sweepstake Ribbon and Reserveâ€"â€"Best Stallion class 5 . . . . . . . . . 2. Sweepstake Rib”bon and Reserveâ€"Best Mare or Geld- ing in classes 5, 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All horses exhibiting for sweepstakes must be shown on the line, or bridle and strap. OFFICERS PRESIDENT â€"- -- â€" J. A. Greene lst VICE-PRESIDENT â€"â€" Wesley Palmer 2nd VICE-PRESIDENT â€"â€" Robert W. Scott DIRECTORS T. H. Trench, James McLean, J. Lunau, W. Middleton, W. A. Wright, Morgan Boyle, F. S. Tyndall, L. H. Clement, J. S. McNair, Frank Graham, H. Charles, G. Harding, F. A. Clark, J. E. Francis, Major G. H. Basher, 0. D. Robinson, D. McTaggart, J. E. Smith, Mrs. Frank Dunlop EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J. A. Greene, J. W. Palmer, Robert W. Scott, James McLean,‘ F. A. Clark, J. E. Francis, Wes. Middleton, F. S. Tyndall, T. H. Trench, J. Scott McNair AUDITORS PPS“ Stallion, aged, in harness, hitched to suitaible vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 ($5.00 Ribbon Brood Mare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7.00 5.00 ” Filly or Colt, 2 years old or under . . . . . 5.00 3.00 ” Best Mare (approved) suitable for breed- ing hunters and saddle horses 10.00 8.00 ” CLASS 6 â€" HARNESS (Horses shown in Section 1, may be shown in Section 2, on payment 1. 2. of $1.00 for each entry). Span of Roadster Horses in Harness, Geld- ings and Mares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 $10.00 Ribbon Single Roadster Horse in Harness, Geld- ing or Mare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specialâ€"Best Turnout, consisting of sin- gle horse in harness to buggy the full outfit to be the bona-fide property of exhibitor each item in the outfit to be considered, 3 to compete or no award 5.00 3.00 ” Entries must be made on Society’s Entry Forms CLASS 7 â€" PONIES 15.00 10.00 HONORARY OFFICERS PRESIDENTSâ€"W. H. Legge, A. J. H. Eckhardt, E. T. Stephens. DIRECTORSâ€"Hon. G. S Henry, Hon. L. Macauley, P. W. Pearson, Col. T. H. Lennox, M.P.; John D. Patterson, Col. W. P. Mulock, Clifford Case, M.L.A. Richmond Hill Fair Prize List. Stallion, aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yeld Mare, 4 years d ver . Filly 01‘ Gelding, foal ' Filly or Gelding, foale Filly or Colt, foaled i 1933 . Mares shown in heavy wagon . . . . . . Stallion, aged . . . Yeld Mare, 4 years an Brood Mare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Filly or Gelding, 2 yea S Old or nder . Best team of Gelding o Mares', sh wn in suitable harness 5" Single Driving Pony in Harness, 12 hands and under . . . . . . . . . . f . . . . . . . . . . 5 Single Driving Pony in Harness, over 12 hands ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Team of Ponies in Harness, over 12 hands Team of Ponies in Harness, Tandem .. Best Pony on grounds, Sweepstake Ribbon. Pony Exhibitors showing same animal in more than one class will be charged a fee of 50c. for each extra exhibit. SWEEPSTAKES Sweepstakes Ribbon â€" Best Mare‘fFilly or Gelding in Classes, 1 and 2 . . . . . . . CLASS 5 -â€" ROADSTER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO CLASS 4 â€" SPECIFIED CLASS Cths 1 [â€" CLYDESDALE PERFORMANCE CLASSES R ERON 0R BELGIAN r St Ilions and Brood Mares. All ; two to Percheron Sires. ught Geldings 01‘ table harness to First Second Third $12.00 $8.00 Ribbon ! 5.00 3.00 ' 5.00 3.00 ” 5.00 3.00 ” 5.00 3.00 ” 3.00 2.00 ” First Second Third $12.00 $8.00 Ribbon 5.00 3.00 ” 7.00 5.00 ” 5.00 3.00 " 25.00 15.00 7.00 5.00 25.00 $5.00 $3.00 Ribbon First Second Third First First Second Third 6.00 8.00 8.00 Ribbon and Reserve Second Th'fld 15.00 4.00 4.00 other Phone 150 Miss Stella Levison of Toronto spent Sunday with her parents here. The Y.P.S. are prese ing their play “The Winning of Jo ’ at Armi- tag‘e on Thursday, May 0th. SIR TEMPERANCEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Beyno and family were the guests of . and Mrs. Bob Plunkett, Woodb ' ge, on Sunday. A nuin er of friends and relatives gathered a the home 0 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ru ble on S urd‘ay, the eve- ning was sp 1; in pla ‘ng- prOgressive euchre. A number 1’ g'irs from here Who attended the 0 ac ' g class at Vellore motored to T to on Friday and visited the “Canada Packers.” All reported this a well worth while and an educational trip. Mrs. W. M. Thompson visited friends in Woodbrid‘ge on- Sunday. The Aurora A.Y.P.A. were guests of St. John’s A.Y.P.A. on Monday eve- ning. The main feature of the pro- gram was a debate “Resolved that the Press wields a greater influence on the public than does the pulpit,” the judges made their decision in favour of the affirmative which was upheld by Ruth Kerswill and Harry Rumble. SHO ‘ PRICE TICK G. MORL SPECIAL J UMPING SWEEPSTAKES, open to 9.11. Performance only to count. The John H. Dunlop Memorial Trophy (to be won three times by the same owner), course to be selected by the com-1 mittee. Subscription $5.00 each entry. To be divided 40 per cent to winner, second 30 per cent, third 20 per cent, fourth 10 per cent. KNOCK DOWN AND OUT, open to all. Performance only to count. 151; prize Silver Trophy, donated by Mrs. H. R. Bain, Toronto; 2nd prize Ribbon; 3rd prize Ribbon; 4th prize Ribbon. Class No. 12 PAIR OF JUMPERS. To be shown abreast over a suitable course. Performance, manners and way of going to count. Horses need not be the property of the one owner. lst prize Silver Trophy, donated by Mr. Wm. Herbinson, Toronto; 2nd prize Ribbon, 3rd prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. For the exhibitor winning the greatest fiumber of points at the Fair, prizes in all classes 0 count, Silver Tea. Service, value $45 do- nated by Mr. A. H. Ecklfrdt, Toronto. Previous winners of an Eek- hard't Tea Servic not eli ibIe. “h w Challenge Trophy Wm be for annual compe- The C. L. Burto tition at the Society’s Show until won three successive years or any five times by the same competitor. The Winner each year to have possession of the Trophy for eleven months only. Class No. 11 " Ribbon; 4th prize Ribbon. MELBA LIPSTICK---Indelible - - - - - MELBA ROUGEâ€"-Natural Tones- - - - PARFUMERIE MELBA OF CANADA, LTD. 11. 12. MELBA ,fi‘g‘fizkgf‘i I Bouquet Face Powder , E Class No. 14 Best Display of 1 n Baking, 4 different items. . $1.00 Best Home-mad andy, 1 pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Doll dressed in f cy costume, cut and make of gar- ments to con Best decorated 1 House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Bird Hous Boys’ Pet, judgi g to be based: soley on value of exhibit as a boy’s et . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Water Color F inting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Charcoal Dra ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Bouquet of Wi (1 Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Rabbits, buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Rabbits, doe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Best Display of Handwriting, 2 verses, The Maple Leaf Forever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Judging of Live Stock to Commence at 2 p. m. Ifyour dealer cannot supply you, send us his name. For all co lexions and on skins of every type, quet Face Powder, a triumph of ble ding, gives the perfect natural effect no the vogue. You will delight in this finer pow \r, which stays on for hours, and in i s inim able delicate fragrance. ‘u Brunnelte-nFIpshu-Dark Rachel Peuchâ€"- While \ c ' ARDS LT â€" BANNERS BY EYNON ‘76 Yonge St. THE ECK HARDT PRIZE Class No. 13 THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1934 CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT Maple, Ontario LUMBER, LA SHINGLES ASHPHALT R OFI G, GYPDOC. 74 Yonge St. Roofing CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIRED EAVESTROUGHING FURNACES CONCRETE WORK SEPTIC TANKS BUILT & REPAIRED Perfect For Every Skin SHEPPA & GILL LUMB R CO. C. H. BYAM Fire, Life, Casualty, Plate Glass, etc Motor Care a Specialty INSURANCE [IVER {ARKE s A LAZY LIVER Q $1.60 GLENN'S UG STORE ace Allan/wet R. H. KANE N CAUSE MA A MENTS a arke’s Telejhone M614 Deal 'oufiuet :s', e . It also the stomach. mont ’s treat- Lt for 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 Telephone 232 ikcly restore 'er to normal action, 're- onstipgflot}, Phone 92F Toronto .75 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25

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