CAN IT BE DONE? = Do you think this idea is practical? Write Ray Gross in care of this newspaper W Chicks must be well started if they are A to reach the profit goal. Demand a chick starter that can be depended on ‘, for ~esults. Sales of Master Chick ' Star er have mounted steadilyâ€"bo- caus it builds chicks into strong, growthy birds ’h a we -rounded development of body, frame and feather . Here are some definite reasons why you can depend on Ma er ick Starter to get results: Tonoum Euvmns lam ‘00 LBS. Nun: PAM 0 1] Because it is built whole grains. This i a grain baseâ€"a variety of choice line with the most reiable, up-to- date information on the ience of Poultry feeding. fl Because it contains a bal e of high-grade proteinsâ€"with pure buttermilk powder as th main source. Because an abundance of t tial Vitimin D is supplied from the finest Cod Liver ' oughly tested for vitimin c . fl Because Master Chick St ter is spec: processed to secure a granular texture w ich makes it h hly palatable and digestible for chicks. Feed Master and Steer a Straight C urse for the Profit Goal~»â€" Pullets That Will Lay High-Pr ced Eggs Next Fall! Master Chick Starter M Master Laying Mash Red er Poultry Concentrate ead Egg Mash C.L.0- From all parts untry, we are getting reports of the extraordinary wth and livability of Bray chicks. Halton County, 5-w k- 1d chicks, 10 ounces. Welland County, 9-w pullets, 214 pounds. Huron County, 121/3â€"We pullets, 3 pounds. York County, 14-week p lets, 31/2 pounds. Losses averaged only 31/ r cent. Be guided by these results. Buy Bray chicks. You can get chicks like the , right in your own lo- cality. See the Manager of th Bra Hatchery shown below. OrI write us direct for comple infor ation. Prices reason- ab e. FAST GROWING CHICKS SPECIAL THIS WEEK 25 “ï¬x Wh\ite Lead 1 gal. Ron 0 Raw Oil 1 quart Tu ntine DOMINION ’ HARDWARE STORE- Phone 93 We Deliver m“ :TROWELL "RARBWARE QfllchSfAifcn 80 Clayburn Ave., Brooder and Office, John St., Thomhill Sq. G§lvanized Tub 89c. MASTER Eight breedsâ€"Eighth Self wringipngops 49c. PAGE FOUR WILFRID R. DEAN .(t CfCL C 1 §.3h MA STER g CHICK STARTER W a % ,9 BRAY CHICI1 year G6vernrflent Approval. MASTER FEEDS St? harines, Ont. 2385 Dufferl St., Toronto ear blood-testingâ€"Sixth HATCHERY Thornhill 54.1 $3.95 By Ray Cross sonag< The Women’s Association is invited to meet at Mrs. F. Summers home on Thursday, June 7th. This will take the form of a “Grandmother’s Party,†when the grandmothers will give the entire program. Keep this date open. Rev. H. S. Levering of Prospect United Church Toronto and Rev. A. H. Halbert exchanged pulpits last Sunday morning. .17 There was a. large attendance at Y. P.S. last Monday evening. Miss Irene Smith, Convener of Christian Fellow- ship, presided. The topic “Enrich- ment Through Comradeship" was taken by Rev. A. H. Halbert and an interesting discussion followed. Mr. interesting discussion followed. Mr. Hicks Smith gave a reading on “Old Friends," Mrs. Allan Wiltshire sang “I’ve found a Friend oh such a Friend,†which was very suitable for the topic of the evening. The Scrip- ture Lesson, John 15 ch. 1-15 vs., was read by Miss Betty Round and Miss Irene Smith gave a v ry interesting explanation of it. M'ss Doris Soden gave a report of the ecretaries Con- ference which was h 1d in Carlton St. United Church last Tuesday evening. The President, Mr W. T. New, an- nounced the Y.P.S Cruise to be held next Tuesday, May 15th at 2:30, i the Sunday School of China and \ ho is returning with her husba d th' autumn, There will be a showe for the W.M.S. bale. All members tr to be present. An Oxford up under the leader- ship of Mrs. Robt. Stuart of West- minster Central United Church, T0- ronto, assisted at the evening service last Sunday evening at the United Church. There was a large atten- dance. Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs. F. Summers were appointed delegates from the Women’s Association to atâ€" tend the Selni-Annual meeting of the W.A. of Toronto Centre Presbytery next Tuesday, May 15th, in St. Paul’s Avenue Road United Church, Toronto, at 10:30 am. s Mrs. W. Pilgrim, a former soloist in the United Church choir, was sud- denly stricken at her home last Fri- day morning with apoplexy. We hope for a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stephenson on the arrival of a baby daughter. Miss Doris Soden and Miss ‘Irexie Smith attended a Y.P.S. Conference in Carlton St. United Church last Tuesday evening. A large number from here attended Sports Day at Earl Haig Collegiate Institute last Friday afternoon. The regular meeting of the J.W.I. will be held Thursday, May 17th, at the home of Mrs. C. Burr. As this will be the election/of of 'cers a full attendance is requested. be answered by paying John Thomson at his week. Mr. Thomson ome here last was for Markham ownhip. Brown’s Sc 01, T ronto, for many Ada Thomson belo gs to the staff of Gledhill Scho ronto. Sincerest sympathy of t e r sidents of Button- ville is extend to her in her be- reavement. Members of the J.W.I. quilted two quilts last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Edith Hodgins was the guest of Miss Della Stephenson last Thurs- day. Gertrudeâ€"~Do you think Clarence will make a good husband? Mrs. Harold Cunningham is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. R. J. Cun- ningham. Her Motherâ€"Sure, he’s already educated to going down town for his breakfast. NEWTONBROOK BUTTON VILLE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Special Announcement Anniversary Services will be ob-‘ served in the United Church on Sun- day next, May 13th. Rev. Geo. Little; of Toronto will be the guest speaker} at 11 a.m. All the Sunday Schooll children are requested to attend this service. The regular choir assisted by Mr. H. Ross of Strange, Miss Jean McDonald and Mrs. T. Proctor of Schomberg and others will render the anthem “Sing aloud unto God.†Miss Jean McDonald will sing a vocal solo and Miss Hazel McBride and Mr. J. Dew a duett. Miss Ethel Calvert, violinist, of Toronto, accompanied by her sister, Miss Lillian Calvert, will render a violin solo- at the morning service and also the evening. Rev. A. Leece, formerly a King boy, will give the address in the evening. The choir will render two anthems “More Love to Thee" and “In Heavenly Love Abid- ing,†also Mrs. T. Proctor Will give a vocal solo. Everyone is cordially in- vited to these services next Sunday. There will be no Sunday School in the United Church next Sunday afternoon. I Miss Lillian Leece playe at the Recital at the Conservato y in To- ronto on Saturday evenin , with Miss Mary MqCallum of Lask Miss Dorothy Dew’s Intermedi Girls Class at Sunday School rece’ ed the banner for having the ' hest average attendance for the m th of April. Mrs. H. Stone, Mr and Mrs. u. S. Stone Marjorie a d Jack Stone motored Severn B idge on Thurs- day of 1a week. Miss A eane Ca on visited in To- ronto over the we -end. The Begi ners lass of twelve memâ€" bers enjoye a easant afternoon at the home of heir teacher, Mrs. E. J. Patton of Laskay, on Saturday of last week. Beautiful picturesque slides were shown on Japan at the Y.P.S. on Mon- day evening of this week. Miss Ruth Campbell, Missionary Convenor, was in charge of the evening. Any who wish to hear the play “Closed Lips†by the King Y.P. Dra- matic Club may do so by going to Victoria Square on Friday evening (this week) where it will be presented in the hall or to Maple on Wednes- day evening of next week. Mr. C. Sinclair, who spent the win- ter’ with his son in Lindsay returned to his home-here with his daughter last week. Most of the wrecks, says a. scien- tist, are caused by people with de- fective eyes. True, perhaps, if you include the cock-eyed. e: The Annual Inspection of Robertson Lodge A.F.A.M. was held on Monday evening in the Masonic Hall. After the Inspectioh a banquet was enjoyed. The eighty-second session of the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto will be held during next week. Those representing the local churches in ad- d‘ition to the Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrix- on, will be Dr. Pinkerton, R. T. Winter G.' Kerswill, Capt. Snively and H Cook. The guest speaker at St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, on Sunday next will be Rev. R. B. McElheran, M.A. D.D., Principal of Wycliffe College, Toronto. The service will be con- ducted by the Rector and will be at the hour of 11 a.m., D.S.T. SCHOOL REPORT FOR APRIL S. S. NO. 19 SR. IVâ€"Edward Lund, Nelson Lund. JR. IVâ€"Beatrice Ainslie, Morton Walker, Isobel Rumble, Jane Vander~ burgh, Harold Graham, Jack Rumble* SR. IIIâ€"Roy Lund. JR. IIIâ€"~Bryce Reid, Frances Rmnble*, Harry Reid. IIâ€"Carmen Reid. Iâ€"James Watson, Donald Watson. PR.â€"Marga1‘et Reid. exams. SATURDAY, MAY Nthâ€"Auction sale of household furniture all of which is in good condition and prac- tically as good as new, the property of Mrs. E. Rainey, Station Street, Unionville. Sale at 1:30 pm. Stand- ard Time. Terms Cash. Prentice & Prentice Auctioneers. MONDAY, MAY lebâ€"Auction sale of hou h ld furniture including Chesterfield s 'e, etc., belonging to Joseph Moore, ill be sold at his place, Lot 5, Co . Markham (Cor. Bayview and Gree land). No reserVe, terms cash. Sale at 2 o’clock. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY - 26thâ€"Auction sale of valuahke property, Lot 59, Con. 1 Vaughan To ship, on Yonge St., just north of Su mit Golf Club, quar- ter acre of Ian frame dwelling 8 rooms†2 sleepin orches, hot and cold water, bath a 6.- toilet, 3 car garage, good ga de fruit of all kinds, the property f orge Bey‘non. Property may be inspected any time. Sale at 3 pm. Daylight Saving Time. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. SALE REGISTER denotes absence for KING CITY ILA M. HAINES, Teacher Stone, Mg] and Mrs 01' more 3- Some men seem to have succeeded In at everything they’ve ever undertaken except making a living. QUEBE 00K STOVE, nearly new Apply Pho 22. ROSEï¬AWN DAIRY horses. Apply L. E. rton, Carrville Road. WICKER OUCH, practically new, $15.00. Tel one Richmond Hill 158. GOOD SE POTATOES, Dooley, $1 per bag. Ap W. Jones, King 2602. SEED , Banner. Apply C. E. Walkington, King, telephone King 4212. _ QUANTITY 0 .A.C. 21 Seed Bar- ley. Apply Fran Graham, telephone Maple 749. l DINING R00 ITE and a number of other articles; household furni- ture. Apply 14 E beth 812., phone 140. 1931 FORD S T ROADSTER, in splendid conditio Apply The Lib- eral Office, Rich (1 Hill. FERTILIZER, pire brand, product of Canadian Fer 'lizer Co. for sale 21.0 WHEN REM ING small sums, send Canadian National Express Orders. For 531 by J. R. Herring- ton, 93 Yonge S t. ~ GILSON ELE RIC WASHING MA- CHINES, new nd used machines, also 1 hand p r machine cheap. Apply 74 Yonge S ., Richmond Hill. 1 BAR TT‘ BROS. Refrigerator, 100 lb. si $15.00. Apply Box 28, Liberal 0f ‘ce, Richmond Hill. 100 BUSH SEED OATS, 100 bags Dooley p atoes from certified seed, set of do 1e harness. L. H. Clement, Rich 0 Hill, telephone 35M. ANNUAL F Plants. Fine from. Come an Apply H. W. Ka i West. ER and Vegetable sortment to choose select yours now. Richmond Street PANSIES, For t and Tomato Plan nuals. L. Haworth, 24 Yonge St. or tel Hill 137-3. e-not, Cabbage also various an- HEINTZMAN T E PIANO, price $50.00; also 4 bur Oil Stove. Mrs. Harding, first hous south of Endean Nurseries, Elgin 'ls, telephone Richmond Hill 246. ELECTRIC closed elements, A GE, Guerney, 3 oven, cost $127.00, will sell for $45. cash. E. H. Hall, Hall’s Service S 'on, North Yonge Street, Richmond H 11, JERSEY BUL Brampton stock, sey Cow, milking, years old; quantit red clover hay, and some manur George Kallen, Stop 22, North Yo g Street. 1 year old, from "re 2000 lbs.; Jer- ue May 17th, 4% ASPARAGUS 0 TS, a bed of as- paragus costs 5 lttle, lasts a life- time. Plant now. We offer Mary Washington, Rustp of, one and two year old roots, $1. and $1.50 per 100. H. W. Kanis, 0 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. Modern rug brick, six-room house, every 0 veni ce, hardwood floors throughou ak trimmed down- stairs, Fren oors, sun room and sleeping pol‘c full width of house. Lot fifty by 0 hundred and fifty. Shrubs, fruit t e grape vines and garden, double A beautiful home at a barg 'n pri e in Richmond Hill, $4,900â€"$2, 00 cash. Apply J. R. Herring’ton, Richmond Hill, Ont. Special es on large orders. New Mammot uckeye Incubator just installed, atching capacity 12000. Establishe‘ 1924. Member of Baby Chick As 0 'ation. H. G. Mecredy, Yonge S 'ee Poultry Farm, opposite Orange 0 pha ge,.R. R. No. 1, Richmond Hi, tel hone King 16r26. Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone Massey Hail-is Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-JIAKR THE MOST OF H" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 6 cents per line extra each insertion. CHARGED ‘7 CENTS PER LINE. CHAS. GRAHAM Classified Advs. FOR SALE BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING AGENT THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1934 i APARTME ABOU Apply 1‘ APARTME , six rooms, all con- veniences. A ly T. H. Trench, Rich mond Hill. SIX R00 HOUSE on Elizabeth St, Richmond in, good garden. Very reasonable e t. Apply at The Lib- eral Office. SIX ROOM 0 SE, good cellar, water and elect ' in the‘ house, good garden and gar e. Apply 1. D. Ramer, Richmon ill, telephone 10. SEVEN ROOM D rick house, 60 Richmond Street, ‘ mond Hill, good cellar, abundance 0 garden, will build garage and make ot r improvements, if necessary, for itable tenant. Possession May 17 h. The rental is very attractive. Richmond Hill. PARTY wants to b bicycle in good condition. L. Burto Stop 23 Yonge Street, phone Mapl 4. on good propert Apply by letter FIRST MORTG E LOAN of $3500 to Box 376, Th ibera], Richmond Hill RELIABL OMAN with references, preferably iddle aged, for house duties, two 'ldren. Apply Box 32, Liberal 0f ice, ichmond Hill. Rolph O. McConaghy, Toronto, son of Mrs. F. McConaghy of this Village, has been granted a patent to-day for an automobile traffic signal on an application more than two years old. The invention comprises a new ar- rangement of signal lights. She is a decided blonde. She. de- cided only recently. CARETAKER for Trinity Church Cemetery, h ‘nhilI, general care exclusive of ave digging. Appli- cants to submit ‘ice after inspecting cemetery. Appl 58, Liberal 0f- fice, Richmond Husbandâ€"“We know, clear, we must economize.†Wifeâ€"“Why, George, that’s ex- actly What I’m doing. I’m practically buying everything on credit.†It may hurt man’s vanity, but many a woman says “yes†only because she has failed at everything else. 1932 FORD vi: DeLUX TUDORâ€" Looks Like ew Used Cars 1932 4 CYLINDYR Koren TUDORâ€"- A Good Car 1932 4 CYLINDER FORD COUPEâ€" 1930 FORD TUDOR 1929 E$EX COACHâ€"Exceptionally Nice 1929 PONTIAC COACH All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 din AWARDED TRAFFIC SIGNAL PATENT 1928 CHRYSLER 4 CYLINDER Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Little Brothers, COACHâ€"Thoroughly reconditioned four wheel brakes. Rumble ï¬eat TO RENT WANTED $45A.00 $250200 $200.00 $200.00 ACRES of land ploughed n‘nell, Mill Road. 275.00 50.00 TORDâ€"Panel .t Condition.