A most entrancing smiling road; And only those with spirits bold, Who, laughing shoulder Life’s big load. ‘ Who value beauty more than gold, Who faithful are to Love’s high code, Can find this road to walk along. And as they walk they sing a song, 0h, buoyantly the words are sung, “We are the old, forever young!†All those who’ve laughed at hostile fate, Who can a tale of Love unfold, Who live for others, early, lateâ€" Have found the road of Never-Old. Thirty-three members of the local Branch of the Women’s Institute were in attendance at the annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. A. Kennedy last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite presided and the Secretary reported 59 members on the roll with an average attendance of 32, along with many accomplish- ments of helpful service by the or- ganization during the past year.‘ Appreciation was expressed to MISS E. Russell for assistance given in carrying out the relief project by the use of her car. Regret was also ex- pressed in the loss of Mrs. A. F. White to the Organization, who so willingly always gave of her time and talent. A note of appreciation to be sent to Mrs. White, ‘Who recently moved to Brampton. This meeting also being the close of the roll call competition, a fancy dish was pre-‘ sented to each of the tie-prize win- ners, Mrs. F‘. Frisby and Miss M. Miller. Preceding the election the President spoke on the motto, Aims and Benefits of the Institute which tend to the betterment of the home and the community. Following the report of the Nominating Committee the officers were elected. The list for 1934-35 includes, President, Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite; 1st Vice-President Miss E. B. Russell; 2nd Viceâ€"Presi- dent, Mrs. N. Ogden; 3rd Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. W. Young; Secty.-Treas., Mrs. G. G. Maynard; District Direc- tor, Mrs. Armitage; Press Secretary, Mrs. W. M. Smith; Pianist, Mrs. R. Duffield; Auditors, Mrs. G. Murphy, Mrs. A. Kennedy; Sick and Visiting Committee, Mrs Frisby, Mrs. J. Lunau Mrs. Smalley, Mrs. McKinnon; Mrs. Susan Gibson, who on Tuesday last celebrated her 86th birthday, was “At Home†informally to many friends who came to ffer felicitaâ€" tions to this nenerable 1 and along with her daughter, Miss argaret Gibson, gave the same splen ' wel- come as has always been her c stom when good friends come to her h me. An old school mate of yesteryear 1V 'ss Arabella, Hemingway, was among t guests and many reminiscences wer changed. Mrs. Gibson, a daughter of the late Thomas and Mrs. Glenden- ning, is a direct descendant of Mary Glendenning Thomson “The Mother of Scarboro†and although still feeling the affects of a recent illness she takes keen interest in the current happenings of the day. She is a. staunch Presbyterian and actively connected with Knox Presbyterian Church Agincourt where Dr. A. L. Burch is the Minister. The Liberal joins with the friends in wishing Mrs.‘ Gibson many, many happy returns of the day. \ l “There is a path called Never-Old, i “The boneless tongue, so small and weak, Can crush and kill†declares the Greek. “The tongue destroys a greater horde†The Turk asserts, “than does the sword. The Persian proverb wisely saith, “A lengthy tongue an early death†0r sometimes takes this form instead, “Don’t let your tongue cut off your head.†“The tongue can speak a word whose speed†Says the Chinese, “outstrips the steed.†And Arab sages this impart, The tongue’s great storehouse .is the heart.†From Hebrew wit this maxim sprung, “Though feet should slip, ne’r let! the tongue.†1 The sacred writer crowns the whole, “Who keeps his tongue doth keep} his soul.†Last Sunday evening Central Unit- ed Church was filled to capacity with an interested congregation to hear: Mr. Jos. McCulley of Pickering Col-l lege, Newmarket. Mr. McCulleyI brought a virile message and chal lenge to the church community on Christianity and our present day questions. He expressed the thought that we need to capture the spirit and daring of the early church and must not be afraid to stand for jus- tice, right and the Kingdom of God. The Junior Farmers choir, under the leadership of' Mrs. A. K. Harrington, and with Miss Isabel Scott at the organ, rendered ‘excellent musical numbers, including the anthem “Sun of my Soul,†the Quartette singing “Steal Away.†It is anticipated mak- ing this an annual service. THE TONGUE The Proverbs of Many Lands Speak About It WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM I THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1934 so small and Unionville Fire Brigade had a call to Agincourt on Wednesday last when the Post Office caught on fire. NeedleSS to say, the blaze was soon extinguished. How is that for effic- iency? That Unionville will have a Box Lacrosse Team this year was the unanimous decision of the fans at a meeting held recently With the fol- lowing executive to help the boys to success. Hon. Pres, G. I. Hambly, Pres, Geo. Dukes; Vice-President, Howard Stiver; Secretary-Treasurer, G. G. Maynard. The line-up of the _ Mr. Robt. Duncan and MiSS Mar- jory Duncan of Toronto were guests of Mrs. J. R. Hood on Sunday. Unionville welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Greer of Toronto who have taken up residence in the house for- merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wyndham. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heisey and fam- ily of Toronto visited Mrs. W. M. Smith on Sunday. Mrs. N. Ogden is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Conley, at Orilâ€" lia. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chant spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Barrie. Mr .and Mrs. R. L. Stiver, Miss Arabella Hemingway and Mrs. J. R. Hood called on Mrs. Susan Gibson, Milliken, on Tuesday to offer con- gratulations on the occasion of her 86th birthday. Mrs. H. Miller and Miss Millie Mil- ler visited friends in Toronto last week. We regret to report Mr. A. F. White seriously ill in St. Michael’s Hospital with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. John Myers of To- ronto visited Mr .and Mrs. Robt. Myers on Sunday. Mr. Ford Braithwaite of Toronto was the guest of his mother, Mrs. G. Braithwaite, over the weekâ€"end. A meeting to which all young peo- ‘ple are invited will be held in St. Andrew’s Church, Markham, on Sun- day evening next. It is known as the Sixth Annual Vocation Day ser- vice and has for its object the inspir- ation of young people in choosing a high and noble vocation in life. The speaker will be Rev. Harry Coulter, of Brampton Presbyterian Church, who is well known in Y.P.S. work. Special musical numbers will be given by Miss Dorothea Brown, soprano soloist; John Moscow, violinist and Bobby and Betty Thomas. he me ting. John Cargill and A1- f d D ke conducting the devotional pel' d The local Horticultural Society plan a social evening on Tuesday, May 15th, a good program is being arranged including refreshments and an enjoyable evening is anticipated. The premium list will also be avail- able at that time. Mrs. . J. Russell spoke to and led the dis ssion on the subject of “Friends ip†at the regular meeting of Cent a1 United Y.P.S. on Monday Kevenihg. Bob Hiltz was in charge of Once again the Junior Farmers and Girls Club regular meeting goes over big with a record attendance and a good program. The lecture of the evening given by Mr. Gordon Coborn of Toronto concluded the series preâ€" sented by the Economic Reform As- sociation and proved of special inter- est, Mr. Coborn being considered the outstanding economist in Canada. The club has been especially favored in having such splendid speakers presenting the economic problems of the day. The review of the April lecture by Chas. Whittaker and a dis- cussion on an annual hay crop led ‘by Ken Deacon were also interesting items on the program. The Barn Dance at Jas. Grants, Wexford, on ‘Friday next and the annual Picnic lat Musselman’s Lake on June 8th lwith the Junior Farmers orchestra in attendance at both, promise to be popular social events. Jokes (new ‘ones) made an amusing response to the roll call at the Girls meeting and a good start was made on the sewing project with Velma Coakwell as in- structor. The final lecture in the course taught by Mrs. D. E. Jones was given at this meeting. An inter- esting event in connection with the coaching class d last week in preparation for e judging compe- tition that will e held at Richmond Hill on May 3 th, was the visit to the Canada P ckers plant, Toronto,‘ when through he courtesy of the own- ers the girls viewed all departments and were 5 ‘ved lunch at the finish of the tour. The reading of the club paper, dancing and refreshments at‘ the joint [meeting of the clubs con: cluded this splendid evening. Announcement is made of a special Mother’s Day service to be held in connection with St. Philip’s Anglican Sunday School commencing at 9:45 o’clock. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all. Branch Directors, Mrs. Armitage, Mrs. A. K. Harrington, Mrs. A. E. Milner, Mrs. J. Gibson. Following the program a delightful lunch was serv- ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Wheatley, Mrs. W. M. Smith, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. A. Kennedy. The Calico Cat Oh, I’m in love with a calico cat And the calico cat loves me! Perhaps! it’s because his love is blin For his shoe-button eyes can’t se His tail is long and his whiskers t But his nose is short and pinkâ€"- And all day long he sits by the l,» .0 With thoughts that a cat in think! Does he dream of mice, or of catnip balls, 0f skeins of yam, and such? Whatever a calico cat must think I’m sure it can’t be much! / Oh, I’m in love with a calico cat And the calico cat loves me! But I’d like him more if he’d purr sometimes, And his shoe-button eyes could EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m â€"Church School. 2:30 p.n1.â€"Rev. Percy Peacock. St. Philips Anglican Church Rev. J. J. Robhtnn 9:45 a.m.â€"Church School. Mbther Day Service. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 8 p.m., Mondayâ€"Y.P.S. in “The Country Gentleman†CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UNIONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Mother Day Service. 7 p.m.â€"“Shall a Church Member be in Politics?†Pecan Jumbles l 3/4 cup butter, 11/3 cups browxi sugar, 1 egg well beaten, 2 cups pastry flour, 14 teaspoon baking soda‘ 1/; 1b. broken pecans (1 cup). Crean butter and sugar thoroughly, add eg beat well. Add nuts and sifted dr. ingredients: Chill. Drop with te spoon on unbut’oered baking shee' place pecan on each. Bake in mode ate oven 12 to 15 minutes. A VERSE FOR THE KIDD‘IES team is not available as yet. Get ready fans to give the boys your support. , Mrs. C. Scarborough of Toronto risâ€" ited Misses Barker, Centre Strait West, on Thursday of last week. Miss Irene Smith of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of hexj uncle, Mr. George Gee. 7 ‘ ' _ Mrs. S. A. Devipp of Blackstock is visiting her sister, Mrs. David Hill. After a dbinty lunch the party broke up with a host of good wishes for this popular young lady. Mrs. J.‘ A. Milne of Orillia is visit- ing‘ at the homes of Mrs. N. Well- wood and Mrs. G. Gee. A number from here attended the play given by Vict01'ia Square Young #eople in Headford Church on Wed- ,xesday evening of this Week. Miss Muriel Kurtz of Toronto Vis- ited her aunt, Mrs. Walter Ness, on Saturday last. When Miss McLean entered the living-room she was surprised to find a large white box surrounded by a bevy of laughing girls. Much merri- ment was caused as the beautiful gifts were opened and humorous quo- tations were read which were enclosed with some of the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 3. Hill left on Tuesday for New York and from there will leave this Thursday on a West Indies Cruise. Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Sanderson of Whitby was the guests of Mrs. Wm. Cook on Sunday.- On Thursday, May 3rd, at the home of Miss Margaret Plewman, a m1:- cellaneous shower was tendered to Miss Isabel McLean, one of the brides of the near future. Oven one hundred and fifty young people attended the closing Spring Dance of St. Mary’s A.Y.P.A. of Rich mond Hill in the Masonic Hall, on Wednesday evening. It was a very successful event and proved popular with young people here and district. The music was supplied by Art West’s orchestra and was enjoyed by all. The Ladies Bowling Club meeting has been postponed until Wednesday, May 16th, at 7:30 p.111. at the Bowl- ing Club. Mr. and Mrs. Will Herrington of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Herrington. Mr. and Mrs. Herring- ton have just returned from Califor- nia where they spent the Winter. The Women‘s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Church will hold 3. Baking Sale and Gypsy Tea in the Crypt of the Church, Saturday, May 12th, from 3 to 6 pm. Tea cup reading. Mrs. D. Schurman of Richmond Hill this week had the honor of re- ceiving a letter from Their Majesties Queen Wilhelmina and Princess Jul- iana of Holland expressing sincere thanks for the message of sympathy sent them in the loss of Her Majesty Queen Emma. A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE Social and Personal TH}: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO â€"Cristel Hastings {North Yonge St., Opp. Orange Home THIS IS A GENU BATTERIES AND ONE IT WILL SEE Batteries ! CULLENâ€"In Almeda ullen, A. Cullen, 1933. Days of sa Secret tears God alone kno Though she di loving memory of eloved wife of Henry who assed away May 9th, es still comes o'er us 0 often flow, how we miss her, one year ago. IN OLIVERâ€" dear wife an away on Mot r’ 1929. Though her smil And her hand w We shall never Of the one we ME ORIAM 10v ng memory of a m ther, who passed Day, May 12th, has gone forever, nnot touch; the memory, 0 much. Sadly mis ed bN-Iusband and daughter Betty If all the worlq We’d give it, y To clasp the h And see her f The second in the series of the Mus- ical Festival services at Kichmond Hill United Church will be held next Sunday evening when the choir of St. James-Bond United\ Church Toronto will join with the local choir. This choir of almost 100 voices will be directed by Mr. Adelmo Melecci and Mr. Peter Kennedy will preside at the organ. You who have Treasure her v For you’ll new Till you see he DANCE AT ELM PARK Edgeley Softball Girls are holding a Dance at Elm Park, Woodbridge, Friday evening, May 18th, at 8:30 o’- clock. Les Smith’s orchestra. Ad- mission 25c. Plan to attend this dance and give the girls your support for the coming season. Mr. E. Drurie of Can‘vflle who for the past seven years has been on the delivery route of the Weston Bread Company in this District has been transferred by the firm to a better position in Toronto. Mr. Durie by his congenial manner made many friends here who keenly regret his departure and extend to him best wishes in his new position. WHITE EL ‘HANT SALE There will be a White Elephant sale in Lawr e Memorial Hall, Thornhill, Satur , May 19th, under auspices of Tri i Women's Club. Afternoon tea erved. Every- body welcome. The regular meeting of the Girl Guide Rangers will be held on Tues- day, May 15th, after the Girl Guide meeting in the Crypt of the Anglican Church. Service Sta tion MR. E. DURIE LEAVES TO ACCEPT NEW POST l3 MUSICAL FESTIVAL SERVICE ERNIE HALL, Prop. HAILL’S IN MEMORIAM a'mot r, ith car 1' know e value r vacant; ckair. by Husband and Fam- still comes o'er us often flow, how we miss her, one year ago. ere ours to give es mi more, nd mother, ce‘ 0 e more. Euaranteed ties 'E B RGAIN IN IF Y U NEED ’AY YO T0 RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Week-end May 11th, from Toronto to Montreal and Quebec and return. May 18th, Toronto to points north on Winnipeg line, also on Temiskaming‘ and transcontinental line Temagami to Hearst included. Saturday, May 19th, Toronto to points Aurora and North Bay line inclusive, also Fergus, Guelph, Kitchener, Palmerston, St. Mary’s, etc., and Niagara Falls. For full information see any C.\I.R. ticket agent. Funeral on Thursday, 2:30 p.m., standard time, from his late residence Vaughan Township. Interment Hill- crest Cemetery, Woodbridge. PATTERSON On Friday, May 4th, the Patterson Public School lacrosse team were vis- ited by the Carrville team. The score was 5 to 1 in favor of Patterson. The Maple Public School girls played a return game of baseball at Pattersoï¬ on Friday evening. Maple won by 2 runs, the score being 13 to 11. Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, May 13th 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE Music led by Mrs. Ings and the Mothers of the Church. Scholars meet with Parents at Morning Service. 7 p.m.â€"The Minister. Theme:â€"“God and Motherhood.†Special Music. DIED CASTATORâ€"On Tuesday, May 8th 1934, John James Castator, beloved husband of Margaret Robertson, in his 64th year. S MBROOK The Relief Board of Markham Township wish to express their sin~ cere thanks to 11 in ‘Viduals and organizations for he enerous help accorded with I‘elie ork during the past winter. The a istance of the many organizations 5 a real help to the council in h dl g this diffi- cult problem. GEORGE B. PADGET, eve. WILLIAM CHAMPION, Secretary USEQ PPOSITE JAIL F RM â€" NO- 7 HIGHWAY (Special Off 1') for Quick Sah STUDEBAKER EDAN David ill & C0. LIS, EN IN Radio Stati n C.K.C.L. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HENRY’S EXPRESS THANKS DAILY; SERVICE LANGSTAFF vice Station SATURDAY AF’I‘ERNOON 2 to 2:3‘0 p.m., D.S.T. HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS PROGRAM 1929 DURAN 4 C 6 Wire Wheels, r 6 Wire Wheels, Tn]\k Rack 1932 DURANT 6 NY L. DeLUXE SEDAN 1930 PONTIAC chéu 1931 CHEVROLE De UXE SPORT ROADSTER, ith R mble Seat & 1933 CHE‘VROLE ALL ABOVE CARS Richmond Hill, Ontario 6 Wire Wheel Looks Like 1* Relief Board In‘viLé You to [GUARANTEEINor 30 Days ‘1') for Quick 3a}: T MASTER 6 COACH nk Rack f L. DeLUXE SEDAN 0 son desires to neighbors and nald for their (1 floral trib- sa bereavement Miss Ada M. thank the friends a the Rev. Mr. Mac kindness, sympathy utes extended in the of last week. “PRESENTATION TO MRS. ATKINSON & MRS. INGS†Last Monday night quite a large company gathered in the hall of the local Presbyterian Church and enjoy- ed a very happy social evening. A nice program provided by local talent was well rendered and well received. Mr. F. Schissler, after an appropriate speech, then presented Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Ings with a Mantle Clock in appreciation of their long and faithful services to the church. Ice cream and cake were then served and a happy evening was brought to a close with games and auld lang' syne. RICHMOND HILL DAIRY CARS ORTH YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL PURE} MILK, pasteur- ized by the most modern and efficient methods is What we offer to our customers. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Is an mporta t feature of your iet. Make sure of a AFE, P E and DEFEND .BLE supply by having 011 driver call daily. YOUNG’S brvice Station G. WALWIN, Prop. CARD 0E 'II-IANKS PAGE FIVE