JSince 1904 the population of Ontario has increased 50%. ' The expenditure per person in 1904 was $2.34; in 1913 $3.93 in 1932 $16.00. TIME FOR ‘A CHANGE In 1923 the gross Provincial debt was $291,000,000; in 1934 $610,000,000. Under Fergusonis government debt increased $50,000 a day; under Henry’s government it increased'$80,000 per day. Ontario Needs a Change of GovernmentL-Bec a use the Taxpayer Needs a Rest. Since 1904 the Provincial expenditure has increased 971%- Vote for a Change Join in the Liberal Landslide Candidate in East York T. Harry Sanders AND T. HARRY SANDERS MARKHAM VILLAGE Monday, June 11 Hon. H.C. Nixon A change of Government will mean the in- troduction of a PAY-AS-YOU-GO policy. It will mean the cutting down of useless and extravagant administration costs which benefit only the favor- ed few. “This will mean reduced taxation and more This CANNOT GO ONâ€"The Time has come to call a HALTâ€"Ontario must have a change of Government or chaos and disaster will result. money available for useful services to the people. Vote for a new administration and restore re- sponsible government in Ontario. LIBERAL PAGE FOUR VOTE FOR Reeve of Scarboro HEAR . LOCAL COMMITTEES HOLD MEETINGS IN PREPARATION FOR THE PROVINCIAL PLOWING MATCH On Monday evening, June 11th, a meeting of all members of the Teams, Tractor and Billetting Committees fOr the Provincial Plowing Match will be held at Maryvale Farms, Wexford, at 8 p.m., standard time, and on Thurs- day evening, June 14th, a. general meeting of the Executive of the local noon. After the business seSSion games and a social time were enjoyed on the lawn. Dainty refreshments of ice cream, cake and tea were served. A hearty welcome was extended to Mr. D. Wills. of Shadowbrook and Miss Hermie who accompanied Miss A. B. Cameron at the meeting. Mrs. Sayers the hostess of the day was assisted by Mrs. Wellman and by Misses Madge and Gwen Sayers. VETERANS TO ATTEND CHURCH WITH TRUMPET BAND Local Veterans will accompany the Richmond Hill 'ï¬'umpet Band to at- tend divin‘e service at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning at 11 a.m. Girl Guides and Boy Scouts will also attend the ser- vice as well as the children from the L.T.B. & 0. Home. The Veterans’ Women’s Auxiliary of Vaughan and Richmond Hill held their final meeting of the spring sea- son at the home of Mrs; Sayers, Centre Street West, Monday after- Reports of the canvass for teams and tractors will be presecnted and the detail of the prize list for the County Match will be drafted. Provincial Association, the Chair- men of all Committees and the Exâ€" ecutive of the three County Associa- tions will be held in the Town Council Chambers, Richmond Hill. You see, the producers who make‘ the money must be given some of it to spend or they can’t buy the things they produce. When a mysterious crime is “clear- ed up†that means it is‘ blamed on some crook alread’y convicted of anâ€" other one; Cameron-Re-Union ‘ Two hundred and fifty members of ‘ the Cameron Clan met at Vellore for‘ their fifth re-union on Saturday, June 2nd. Mr. Alex. McNaughton to To- ronto was the oldest gentleman presâ€" ent while Mrs. Elizabeth Beamish of Toronto was the oldest lady. The littledaughter of Mr. and Mrs Pierce of Pickering was the youngest mem- ber present. The person that came the greatest distance was Mrs. J. Gilson of Vancouver. Piper Fraser of Toronto Scottish entertained dur- ing the afternoon and evening with his “Scottish Airs.†A good program of sports was enjoyed by the younger generation during the afternoon. Mr. Jas. Cameron, Reeve of Weston and President of the reâ€"union, presided, and Mr. Cameron McNaughton of To- ronto, Secretary, very ably took charge of the business. The evening was spent in dancing which brought to a close another milestone in the history of the Cameron Clan. Mr. “Mac†Duff of Guelph spent the week-end with Miss J an-e McNeil. A large number of members of the Vellore Women’s Institute joined with Maple and Edgeley Institutes for their annual summer meeting. Mrs. Laura Rose Steven of Ottawa gave a very instructive address! defining many problems which interest rural women. She also spoke on Globe Trotting with the Institute. The Maple ladies enter- tained the visiting Institutes to a de~ lightful luncheon. St. Andrew’s Church, Maple, joined! with St. Paul’s Church in Communion Sea'vioe on Sunday morning. The members of the Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls are to be congratulated on their high standing also for the number of members taking part in York County Judging Compe- tition on Wednesday, May 30th, at Richmond Hill. Vaughan Township Boys and Girls again Won the two trophies donated‘ for Township Com- petition. The members of these teams are as followszGirls, Laurena Ruth- erford, Mary Constable and Margaret Watson; Boys, Albert Rutherford, Norman Bagg and Gordon Peelar. Mr. Art McNeil of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents. Keep in mind that Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls will hold their June meeting on Tuesday, June 12th. The boys: are in charge of the joint program and a good program is assured. An outstanding honor of the Vellore Junior Farmers and Farm Girls is that thirty members of the Club rep~ resented “York County Pioneers†on 1834 in Toronto Centennial Parade, on May 24th. The annual meeting of West York Institute Branch will be held at Vel- lore Memorial Hall on Saturday, June 9th. VETERANS‘ WOMEN’S AUXILIARY MEETING ' VELLORE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO NORTH YORK SOFTBALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE FOR 1934 SEASON All games to commence at 7:15 p. m., Daylight Saving Time, and con- tinue for 7 innings or until a tie score is decided}, or until the game is called by the umpire for any reason. In that case the score shall revert to the last even innings. If a team wishes to postpone a game for any reason, the league representative of the opposing team and the league sec- retary shall be notified 24 hours in advance. All postponed games must be played within ten days of sched- uled date or offending team shall for- feit game. League Representatives Richvaleâ€"Gol'don Farrants, Phone Richmond Hill R15. Richmond Hillâ€"Bucky Harris, phone Oak Ridgesâ€"â€"Frank Wilkins, Phone King 319. Mapleâ€"Cal. Miller, Phone Maple 2. Auroraâ€"Wesley .Heaney, Phone hi1 28W Aurora. Mon., June llâ€"Auro-ra @ Oak Ridges Maple @ Richmond Hill Richvale @ Thornhill Thurs, June 14â€"Thornhill @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Maple Richmond Hill @ Richvale Mon., June 18â€"Aur0ra @ Maple Thomhill @ Oak Ridges Richvale @ Richmond Hill Thurs, June 21â€"Richvale @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Richmond Hill Thornhill @ Maple Mon., Jun 25â€"Aurora @ Rich.d. Hill Richvale @ Oak Ridges Maple @ Thornhill Thurs, June 28â€"Maple @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Richvale Thornhill @ Richmond Hill Tues, July 3â€"Aurora @ Richvale Richmond Hill @ Thomhill Maple @ Oak Ridges Thurs, July 5â€"Rich’d. Hill @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Thornhill Richvale @ Maple Mon., July 9â€"Aurora @ Thornhill Maple @ Richvale Richmond Hill @ Oak Ridges Thurs, July 11-Oak Ridges @ Aurora Richmond Hill @ Maple Thornhill @ Richvale Mon., July 16â€"Thornhill @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Maple Richmond Hill @ Richvale Thurs, July 19-Aurora @ Oak Ridges Maple @ Richmond Hill Richvale @ Thornhill Mon., July 23â€"Richvale @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Richmond Hill Thornhill @ Maple Thurs, July 26â€"Aurora @ Maple Thornhill @ Oak Ridges Richvale @ Richmond Hill Mon., July 30â€"Aurora @ Richvale Richmond Hill @ Thornhill Maple @ Oak Ridges Thurs, Aug. 2â€"Aur0ra @ Rich’d. Hill Richvale @ Oak Ridges Maple @ Thornhill iTues†Aug. 7â€"Rich’d. Hill @ Aurora Oak Ridges @ Thornhill Richvale @ Maple Thurs, Aug. 9â€"Maple @ Aurora Oak Ridlges' @ Richvale Thornhill @ Richmond Hill Mon., Aug. 13â€"Oak Ridges @ Aurora Richmond Hill @ Maple Thornhill @ Richvale Thurs, Aug. 16â€"Aurora @ Thornhill Maple @ Richvale Richmond Hill @ Oak Ridges Richmond Hill 203. Thomhillâ€"Keith Ball, Phone Thom- o fthe pill who was held up as your boyhood model. One of life’s few satisfactions is that of observing the complete flop Finder please call at the Liberal Of- fice or see Driver. CREDIT BOOK in Richmond Hill, Brown’s Bread, reward will be offered Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a. certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time and’ place of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction sub- ject to a reserve bid, at Maple, 0n- tario, on the premises to be sold, here- inafter described, by J. C. Saigeon Auctioneers, Maple, Ontario, on Monday, the 25th day of June, 1934, at two-o’clock in the afternoon, the following property, being compOssed of land and premises situate, lying and being in the west part of Lot 21 in the third concession of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, and being composed of Lot. No. 32 on the north side of Railway Street ac- cording to plan registenél in the regis try office of the Registry Division of the East and West Ridings of the County of York, as plan No. 72, upon which lands is said to be situate a cement block house containing five rooms, with a poultry house in the rear of said premises, and a flowing well. TERMS: Parcel to be sold subject to the conditions of sale which shall be read at the time of the sale. Fur- ther particulars of the property may be obtained by application to the above named auctioneer or to Harold J. Kirby, 2135 Yonge St., Toronto, Solicitor for the mortgagee. Dated June 5, 1934. MORTGAGE SALE LOST BLACK PERCHERON MARE, 8 yrs. old. Apply Peter Jones, Maple, teleâ€" phone Maple 2860. $1.10. I. D. Ramem & Son, The Ele- vator, Richmond Hill. QUANTITY OF Dooley Potatoes. Percy Puterbaugh, telephone Maple also Rosy Morn Petunia plants. Mrs» F. Davis, Mill Street, Richmond Hill. DOOLEY SEED POTATOES, per bag 1931 FORD SPORT ROADSTER, in splendid condition. Apply The Lib- eral Office, Richmond Hill. Yorkshire hogs about four months old. Apply Ira, M. Noble, Maple, Phone 2331. FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 210. QUANTITY DOOLEY SEED Po- CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS, FRESH SHORTHORN COW and six tatoes, quantity of Silver Hull Buckâ€" wheat. C. E. Walkington, King, tele- phone King 4212. LARGE STACK HAY, also Knitting Machine only used a short time, will sell cheap. Mrs. Wm. Elstone, Stop 24 Yonge Street. GOOD FARM WAGON or will ex- change for 00w. Apply second house West of Railway Tracks on No. 7 Highway, Langstaff. HORSES, young and aged, one farm Wagon, also good heavy brass mountâ€" ed breeching harness. J. C. Champion R. R. No. 1, Unionvflle.‘ REFRIGERATOR, Hostess Electric, a bargain. Electric Washing Machine Gilson Snow Bird, two way gyrator Demonstrator, reduced. 74 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. AYRSHIRE BULL CALF, choicer kred; fresh cow; Cobbler Potatoes. Apply T. W. Leatherdale, Vaughan Township, 21%.» miles South Of Maple. ANNUAL FLOWER and Vegetable Plants. Fine assortment to choose from. Come and select yours now. Apply H. W. Kanis, 103 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. DUAL PURPOSE Shorthom Bull, double X, 1 year old; also some Bull Calves priced to sell. Apply B. R. Leech, 3rd Concession Markham, 1 mile South- of No. 7 Highway. FEW BAGS SEED POTATOES; also White and Black Cow due to freshen in a few days, T. B. Tested, good milker and tester. R. Harbinson, Lot; 27, 3rd Concession of Markham. PURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL one year old, his dam a gold medal, high officially tested cow, his sire Abbe- kerk Sylvius Lad' 3rd, a great show bull, priced reasonable. J. Stanley Watson, Woodbridge, telephone Wood bridge 766. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, Village water, hydro, furnace, harwood floors, Scree- ned verandah, electric hot water, wired for electric stove, apple, ash, elm and walnut trees, large perennial garden, 2 car garage, 'breeding pens for 1500 to 2000 hens. Apply Libeal Office, Richmond Hill. WHITE LEGHORN, Barred Rock Chicks, June prices. Barred Rbcks $10.00, White Leghorns $8.00 per hun- dred. 1000‘ Leghoms- ready on Mon- day; 1000 Barred Rocks on Wednes- day. H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, opposite Orange 01'- phanage, Richmond Hihl, telephone King 16126. Established 10 years. FOR OUR LAST TWO HATCHES, June 8th and June 15th, We offer our Pedigreed Bred S. C. W. Leghorn chicks at $10.00 per 100, lowest recordl male in our mating is; from a 212 egg hen. Every chick from our own flock. At the end of 30th week of 1934 On- tario Egg-laying Contest at Ottawa, our pen of ten hens stand in fifth place for production. Seventyâ€"five pens competing. The consistency of our winnings is your proof of the quality we have to offer. Wm. Vanâ€" derbent, Go-rmbey R. R. No. 2. Brick 6 room house, bath and water in house, half acre land covered with trees, gan‘den all plamed, stop 24 Yonge Street. Also white stucco Bungalow, 6 rooms, garden all plant- ed, trees, all convemiemces, electric, gas and water, 3 pieoe bath, 5c. fare to city, possession at once, at 56 Park view Ave., Willowdkale. Apply E. H. Sharpless, 56 Parkview Ave, Willowâ€" dale. FOR SALE OR RENT: "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGa-MAKE THE MOST OF IT†RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst i! sertion and 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED '7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1934 ply T. W. Leathen‘dale, 2% miles South of Maple. MODERN, six rooms, bath and pantry two halls, fine cellar, shed attached, garage, hen houses, three-fifths! acre, building lot, north side, fruit and shade trees, corner lots, block from railway station, clear title, low taxes, snap. Apply 0. Bedingfield, Maple, Ont. EXPERIENCED MAN for farm. Ap- PARTY wants to buy bicycle in good condition. L. Burton, Stop 23 Yonge Street, phone Maple 764. STACK OF ALFALFA HAY. N. J Smellie, Thornhill, phone 42-J CAPABLE GIRL by June 11th to help with housework and must be able to cook. Apply Mrs. D. Rumney, Vicâ€" toria 6104. APARTMENT, six rooms, all con- veniences. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich mond Hill. HOUSE, 60 Centre St. W., large garâ€" den, hen house, number of fruit trees, possession July lst. A. Cameron, 25 Briar Hill Ave., Tornto, telephone MOhaWk 6988. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to June 9th, 1934, for the building of 400 lineal feet more or less, 4 foot Wide cement sidewalk 1n the village of Maple. Work to be- proceeded with at once after the con- tract in signed. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk, Maple, Ontario 1930 FORD ROADSTERâ€"Rumble Used Cars 1932 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"A‘n Attrac- tive Buy 1932 4 CYLINDER FORDâ€"Panel 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE 1930 FORD TUDOR 1929 ESSEX COACHâ€"Exceptionally Nice .m 1928 CHEVROLET SEDANâ€"Thor- 1927 PONTIAC SEDAN All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 d8" Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond‘Hil] Delivery. Excellent Condition. CHAS. GRAHAM For Sidewalks TENDERS Seat oughly Reconditioned Square, telephone Stouffville T0 RENT WANTED S$250.00 $525.00 $475.00 $275.00 $425.00 $175.00 $275.00 $150.00