the big dairies with which Mr. Henry has been associated has been building ‘huge fortunes. Are you satisfied that the Henry Cabinet whose members have held directorships on big financial corporations have been working in the best interests of the people? The record of the government shows that the financial policy has been to pay big interest on loans grabbed up by the big corporations while the tax- payer is asked to PAY AND PAY AND PAY. Are you satisfied to continue paying an army of employees who are given government jobs to help maintain this political ma: chine? Are you satisfied to continue paying exhorbitant salaries to the favored friends of Mr. Henry and his cabinet who hold commission positions and soft jobs which can be done by department heads? In a word, are you satisfied to be exploited for the profit and gain of those who domin4 ate the political machine in Queen’s Park? If you are, vote for the Henry Cabinet. They make no apology for what they have done. They say what they have done in the past they Will do in the future. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED, if you desire a NEW DEAL IN ADMINISTRATION, if you desire to restore good honest government in 0ntario your duty is to vote for a change. The only effective way to voteifor a change is to vote for the Liberal candidate. Vote for a'new deal. Vote for MORGAN BAKER in North York and for T. HARRY SANDERS, reeve of Scar- boro in East York. The question is, are YOU satisfied? YOU are the judge. Are you satisfied that the Henry Cabinet in its wild extravagance and needless increase in the public debt and taxation deserves the approval of the people of Ontario? Are you satisfied to put YOUR stamp of approval on Mr. Henry’s actions in the ABITIBI transaction? Are you satisfied that Mr. Henry whose fortune has been largely made as a result of association with a Milk TRUST has tried to protect the consumer of milk or see that the FARMER gets a fair return for his labor? The record of the past years shows that while the consumer has been PAYING high prices for his milk the FARMER has been selling milk for LESS THAN PRODUCTION COSTS while PEOPLE TO-DAY ARE THINKING AS THEY HAVE NOT BEEN THINKING FOR MANY YEARS and they are not being fooled by the 01d worn out appeals to partisaï¬ship. THIS IS A SERIOUS MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF THIS PROVINCE. As Morgan Baker,Liberal candidate has often stated during the campaign “it must be a clean- up, or we will have a smashâ€"up.†This is no time for play- ing at old worn out political trickery. It is no time to in- dulge in the cheap political antics which perhaps fooled the people of a few generations ago but which are as much out of date in the year 1934 as an ox cart on Yonge Street. that THEY FEAR AN OPEN INVESTIGATION OF THEIR RECORD BY A NEW ADMINISTRATION. But a new ad- ministration IS coming and the administration of the past years will be investigated and the people’s rights protected- Mitchell F. Hepburn has the courage to fearlessly carry out that investigation and “let the chips fall Where they may.†INET. Once Mitchell F. Hepburn is elected and assumes the high office of premier of this province the administra- tion of the people’s affairs will be completely and thorough- ly audited and inyestigated from_1ilie_ipside: _:I‘HAT IS_ WHAT THE HENRY CABINET FEARS. Mr. Henry and his supporters are fighting desperately to retain office and one of the main reasons for their desire to retain office is startled the people 01‘ the rovmce of Untarlo. THE UK- POSITION HAS BUT TO CHED THE FRINGE IN IN- VESTIGATING THE RECORD OF THE HENRY CAB- Take édvantage of this opportunity to fiil your laying house with vigorous, Winter-laying stock. Our breeding flocks kept our incubators running steadily through the coldest weeks of last Winter. Phone your nearest Bray Hatchery for to-day’s prices. ' The ryevelations brought out during the past year and during the campaign by members of the opposition have startled the people of the province off Ontario. THE O_P- At our reduced June prices, Bray chicks offer you one of the outstanding chick values of the season. Exactly the same high quality as the Bray chicks that won more than half the prize money in public chick-rearing contest last year, against chicks from 44 other hatcheries. Prices very littleLiï¬ any1 higher than_you will have to pay, anywhere. BORROW YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS. You can place successive mortgages on your home and property but there comes a DAY OF RECKONING. That day or reckoning is near at hand in Ontario. The Henry Government has borrowed and borrowed and spent and spent by the millions, continually adding to the public debt which is a mortgage on the shoulders of every elector in the province. It simply must not go on. The plain cold facts of the financial position of the province are enough to make every serious minded elector stop and think. The figures from the Public Accounts of the province show that the debt of this province has been increasing at the rate of $80,000.00 per day since Mr. Henry assumed control and to-day it has reached the alarming figure of $610,000,000.00. This terrific debt addition has gone on abreast with increases in taxation which have placed on the taxpayers a burden which has driven people from their homes and farms. The financial position of On- tario as presented in the official figures of the province is not propoganda of any political party. The cold, hard facts are available to every citizen. The WARNING which we would impress upon every elector is that you CANNOT Bray Chicks at Reduced Prices History proves that invariably when governments have been allowed to remain in office for long periods of time, abuses have crept into administration and exploitation and corruption and graft have been prevalent. The present regime has been in charge of affairs at Queen’s Park since 1923 and the state of public affairs in this province bears out the proven historical fact that in the interests of the people and good government a periodical change of admini- stration is desirable. 80 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. Brooder and Office, 2385 Dufferin St., Toronto Eight breedsâ€"Eighth year blood-testingâ€"Sixth year Government Approval. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0.. LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manure: Member Canadian Weekly NeWSpapeI Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban Distrirt. Advertising Rates on Application. TELF‘T‘HONE 9. PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1934 IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE BRAY CHICK HATCHERY THE LIBERAL TERMS: Parcel to be sold subject to the conditions of sale which shall be read at the time of the sale. Fur- ther particulars of the property may be obtained by application to the above named auctioneer or to Harold J. Kirby, 2135 Yonge St., Toronto, Solicitor for the mortgagee. Dated June 5, 1934. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time and place of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction sub- ject to a reserve bid, at Maple, 0n- tario, on the premises to be sold, here- inafter described, by J. C. Saigeon Auctioneers, Maple, Ontario, on Monday, the 25th day of June, 1934, at twoâ€"o’clock in the afternoon, the following property, being composed of land and premises situate, lying and being in. the west part of Lot 21 in the third concession of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, and being composed of Lot. No. 32 on the north side of Railway Street acâ€" cording to plan registered in the regis try office of the Registry Division of the East and West Ridings of the County of York, as plan No. 72, upon which lands is said to be situate a cement block house containing five rooms, with a poultry house in the rear of said premises, and a flowing well. Kerr-Beck A quiet but pretty wedd’ing took place at 3 pm. on Wednesday,_June 6th, at the Presbyterian Manse, Maple, 0nt., when Gwendolyn, young-- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Beck, Maple, was united in marriage to Nelson Kerr, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr of Wood bridge, with Rev. C. M. Bowman of- ficiating. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of ripple blue triple sheer with white hat and‘ shoes to match. She carried a bouquet of butterfly roses, and was attended by her sister, Mrs. J. H. Snider of Vic- toria Square, whose gown was of rose crepe. The groom was attended by Mr. J. H. Snider. Following the ceremony a reception for the immed- iate relatives and friends was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Thompson. Later the happy couple left on a motor trip to Northern On- tario, the bride travelling in a royal blue silk ensemble with grey accessor- A number of. young people from here attended the West York Deanery Local Council Reception to Rt. Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, D.D., Bishop of To- ronto and Mrs. Owen at Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill, on Tuesday evening, June the 12th. Mrs. W. J. Whitten of Elg'in Mills, vice-president of the local council and president of St. John’s A.Y.P.A., was the reception convenor. The Y.P.S. ave giving their play “The Winning of Joy,†on Wednesday evening at Vandorf garden party. Violet McC‘oleman, Mary Barker, and Ruth Jennings were Sunday vis- itors at Mrs. W. N. Thompson’s. The meetings‘ to be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m., ST. The first meeting will be held on July 4th at the home of the vice-president. The executive will be in charge of the program. Every- body welcome. Come and bring a friend with you. The following officers were elected; President, Mrs. Frank Wilkins; Vice- President, Mrs. Nelson Thompson; Secretary-Treasumr, Mrs. Wilbert Jennings; Directors, Mrs. Howard Clark, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. Jas. Lloyd, Miss Mary Barker. The meetings to be held on the Other speakers were Mrs. Hamilton of Sharon and‘ Mrs. Clark of Aurora. A beautiful vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. Floyd Watson of Oak Ridges. It was moved by Mrs. Howard Clark and seconded by Mrs. Jas. Lloyd that a Women’s Institute be organized in Temperancevilleâ€"Car- ried. About twenty-five ladies gathered at the United Church last Friday af- ternoon to hear Mrs. Laura Rose Stephens of Ottawa. She gave a very instructive and interesting talk on the work of Women’s Institute through- out Canada and also other countries. She also spoke on her trip to Europe. Mrs. Stephens has been in the Insti- tute work for 38 years. She organ- ized the first Women’s Institute in Ontario at Stony Creek, the second‘ at Whitby and the third at Owen Sound. There are now 1,200 W.I. in Ontario. It is the largest and finest organiza- tion for women in the world. home of Mrs. Snively “Glen Lone- ly†Wilcox Lake on Wednesday, June 27th. Everyone cordially invited. St. John’s W.A., Oak Ridges, are holding an “Afternoon Tea†at the home of Mrs. Snively “Glen Lone- The regular monthly meeting of the Y.P.S. met on Thursday evening. “Box and Cox†9. one act play, was presented by five members of the society. Rev. Strapp of Kettleby and Rev. Harper of Aurora, each gave a short address. Lunch was served. TEMPERANCEVILLE MORTGAGE SALE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert at- tended the tenth wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. G. Sidney Smith at their home on Ellers‘lie Ave., this week. The NEW 1934 v~ E5122 PAT H F I N D E R YOUNG’S SERVICE STATION ï¬fï¬gflgflo {1110119 The W. M. S. is being entertained by the King City W.M.S. this (Thurs- day). The Iocal auxiliary will give part of the program. The Young People’s Society is hold- ing a. paper chase and treasure hunt next Saturday afternoon. All the young people of the community are invited as a real good time is an- ticipated. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. will be held‘ next Tuesday, June 19th, at 2:30 p.m. at the Sunday School room of the Newtonbrook United Church. Mrs. Spracklin, secretary of Baby Bands for Toronto Centre Pres- byterial Will be the guest speaker. A special feature of the meeting will be a program for the Baby Band mem- bers and mothers who will be enter- tained by the W.M.S. members. A hearty welcome to all who come. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Halbert of 001‘- betton, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halbert of Shelboï¬me and Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes of Utterson were guests at the parsonage during the Last week. Mrs. Wiley of Caledonia is staying with her sister, Mrs. A. W. Galbraith, who is still quite ill. Nurse Atkinson from Richmond Hill is also in atten- (lance. The Home and School Club are hav- ing a picnic for the pupils and teach- ers of Newtonbrook Public School and all the parents on Friday afternoon, June 15th, to Exhibition Park (Area 3). Street cars are chartered to con- vey the picnickers to the Park. A good program of games and spurts has been arranged. The Women’s Association held a very successful afternoon tea. last Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock at the home of the vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Frank Summers, and was very largely attended. A very inter- esting program was given by the grandmothers which included a chorus by Mesdames Pinder, Summers, Fore- man, Lockyer, Jacks, Mollison, Vice- Bu'ett, Stephenson, Moot-e, Johnson and Schmidt. Two solos were rendâ€" ered by Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Mol- lison and a reading by Mrs. Walter Johnson. A quartet was also much appreciated by Mrs. Had Moore, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Lockyer and! Mrs. A. W. Stephenson. After the program all were invited to the dining room where dainty refreshments were serv- ed. The president, Mrs. W. T. Wells, and Mrs. Halbert presided at the tea The Girls Mission Circle meets to- night (Thursday) at the parsonage. This will be the last meeting until September. table ies. Fblldiviring the’hoï¬mâ€"omï¬ will reside in Vellore. Both have the best Wishes of all for happiness and prosperity in the future. N EW’FQN BROOK ii“. PARFUMERIE .MELBA of CANADA, LTD. Spring and Summer Suits Face Powder for Sheer B mnefle° Flesh 0 Dark Rachel Peach 0 White 82¢ 0 To every skin, with every complexion, Melba Lov’me Face Powder lends petal soft perfection.The lightest film of powder lasts for hours. It is unexcelled for ï¬neness and delicacy. Phone 49J A wide selection of materials to choose from and the latest range of styles. Satisfaction guar- anteed. This we offer you at a remarkable sav- ing, and prices which are within the reach of all. CLEANING AND PRESSIN G A SPECIALTY PROMPT DEPENDABLE SERVICE WE offer you remarkable value in your new spring and summer suit. Our clothes are all hand tailored to your measure from the world’s finest fabrics and will please the most exacting. For Finest Quality ‘Hand Tailored Clothes Melba Lovelz'ness It’s the best tire news that has flashed across these pages in years. The new Goodyear Pathfinder tire has full centre tractionâ€"broader non-skid shouldersâ€"15% to 20% thicker tread rubberâ€"two cord breaker stripsâ€"20% higher non-skid blocksâ€"supertwist cord construction. Come in and see the remarkable new Goodyear Pathï¬nder tires and get the price for your size. RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. GREENE THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1934 mEL-BA Iov’me 'Powder Melba lipstick, Indeh'ble a Melba Rouge, Naiura! Tones If your dealer cannof supply you. send us his name Richmond Hill TORONTO 55¢ - 55¢