éalls me To llve forever more. With an illuminating address on the life and works of Jean Francois Millet and showing copies of some of his best known pictures including “The An- gelus†“The Gleaners†“Feeding the Birds†Miss Elsie Spring was an inâ€" teresting visitor at the meeting of the Live Wire Girls Club held at the home of Miss Marion Hood on Satur~ day last. loving, Amid the white robed‘ throng. dying, 7 And with all suffering- o’er; Say not that I am dead when Jesus The untimely death of Mrs. Richard Severs, nee Annie Stather, that oc- curred at Gravenhurst Sanitorium Thursday last is deeply regretted by the large circle of friends in the Milâ€" liken vicinity. Mrs. Severs was in her 27th year and was born in Hull England, coming to Canada some five years ago, and becoming the bride of Mr. Severs directly upon her ar- rival. Her interest in the work of Ebenezer United Church as Secretary of the Missionary Society and Assist- ant Leader of the Mission Band will be greatly missed, always manifesting a willingness to do her part in the service of her Lord and Master Jesus Christ. The funeral service was held from Glendenning’s Undertaking Par- lors to Ebenezer United Church on Saturday afternoon last, Rev. Owen officiating, the outline of the service was arranged by Mrs. Sever and in- cluded: the scripture lesson chosen from the 12lst Psalm; the text 2nd Timothy 1:12, “For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day,†the hymns “What a friend( we have in» Jesus†and “Forever with the Lor -†also “Jesus Lover of my Soul†was sung impressively by Miss Me: Cutcheon. Surviving her are her hus- band, Richard Severs, Gravenhurs’t Sanitorium, and little daughter Helen of Milliken. Interment was made in Ebenezer United Church Cemetery. The pallbearers were John Gough, Fred Sing, Arthur Wood. Jas. Ger- man, W. Honet, Wilfred Smith. Floral tributes were presented by the family, friends of Gravenhurst Sani- torium, friends of Ebenezer Church, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Mr. and‘ Mrs. R. Coulson and Helen. “Not silentâ€"just passed out of earth- 1y hearing? To sing Heaven’s' sweet new song; th lonelyâ€"dearly loved and dearly Thirteen girls were in attendance and favorable reports were received regarding relief work accomplished and the play recently produced in the Oh, no, not dead, but past all fear of on the bill-ofâ€"fare including Bacon and Eggs cooked to a turn by Mrs. A. K. Harrington and Miss E. B. Rus- sell was perhaps the most popular event of the afternoon. Prize w1n- ners of the activities are, Three~ legged race, Mrs. Milner and Mrs. Smallley; Great-grandmother’s lI'ace, Mrs. J. Lunau, Mrs. C‘. E. Stiver; Grandâ€"mother’s race, Mrs. \W. Lunau; Slow race, Miss Austin. Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Snowball; Kicking shOe race, Miss G. Eckardt, Mrs. G. Murphy. Institute Meeting “My Favorite Picnic Spot†made a lively response to the roll call, many places being freely discussed. The programs for the year were distrib- uted at this meeting and the outline promises good entertainment. On Monday afternoon last the executive were invited by the Markham Branch to attend the annual summer meet- ing when Laura Rose Stephens was the special speaker. The first talk was entitled “Helping lame dogs over stiles†emphasizing the mission of in- stitute members to the less fortunate ones in their community, a travel talk on a recent trip to the continent was also of interest. Two delightful mus- ical selections entitled “Sleep Ken- tucky Babe†and “When the phone bell rings†were given by the Mark- ham ladies quartette, Mrs. German, Mrs. Woodl, Mrs. Hore and Mrs. Brown. Also entertaining readings were interpreted by Miss Cummings. Refreshments were served at the close of the program by the Markham Branch. In all a most delightful af- ternoon. . The outstanding event of next week for Unionville and Vicinity will be the annual Strawberry Festival held un- der the auspices of Central United Church in/ Crosby Memorial Park on Wednesday next. Supper will be served by the ladies of the congregaâ€" tion commencing at 6 p.m. The pro- gram following promises to be of high order with Andrew Murdison, the Scotch Border Minstrel as enterâ€" tainer and musical selections supplied by the Junior Farmers quartette and other talent. Plan to attend and enâ€" joy a. splendid entertainment. Thirty-two ladies were in attend- ance when the local Women’s Instiâ€" tute held the annual play-d'a at Powers Recreation grounds on T un- day afternoon last. The spot is ideal for such a gathering and the ladies report a right good time. As a con- sequence two new members were en- rolled and the anticipation of many more. The program arrangedl by the committee in charge includes many lively activities with competition keen for the hgh honors. The supper that followod wth many appeti‘zinn' \Liands WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1934 Strawberry Festival Unionville Rink Under auSpices of United Church Wednesday, June 20th at 6 p.m. GOOD PROGRAM FOLLOWING THE SUPPER Adults 35c. and 20c. The Unionvillre Eire Brigade gaw: able assistance in fighting the fire at Musselmï¬n’s Ir‘lake~ _on Mgpday last. ,, V, “0"... ., a"..- vu A'LVIAUG’ JGDU- Mrs. Braithwaite, Mrs. Milner, Mrs. Duffie, Mrs. Armitage and‘ Miss E. Russell attended the joint Institute Branch meeting held! at Markham on qudayt Miss Dorothy White of Brémpton IS ' â€"â€"â€" visiting her grandparents, Mr. and i RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Mrs. C. E. Stiver. ' On sale June 10th to 30th one cent Miss Marion Hood was hostess at - ‘ a doliahtfnl bride-n “ma-u cam.“ n; Inï¬nxa mlle fares to WeStern Canada‘ “use AULHICIIV "18]; In the early Fall and while the atten- dance is not to the averap‘e the in- terest continues and it is urged that all Sunday School workers will plan to come to some of the sessions. A memorable event in the history of Brown’s Corners United» Church W.M.S. Auxiliary was the celebration of the 25th anniversary of its organi- zation. held in the church last Wea- ne'sday afternoon. A profusion of garden flowers decorating the chancel made an appropriate setting- for the impressive service which was honored with the attendance of former pastors and their wives including Rev. Frank Rae and Mrs. Rae. Willowdale: Rev. Stuart Woods and Mrs. Woods, Beams ville; Rev. Morrison Sellarsand Mrs. Sellars, Grand Valley. and the present pastor and his wife Rev. W. D. Mac- Donald and Mrs. MacDonald of Agin- court. Special interest was centred on the commendation for faithful serâ€" vice of the president Mrs: R. L. Stiver, who has held office for twenty four and a half years. Mrs. R. J. Cun- ningham being president for the first six months following organization. The Society in expressing apprecia- tion to Mrs. Stiver, presented her with a, beautiful silver vase and a bouquet of roses. Mrs. Walter Brook and Mrs. W. Craig officiating at this ceremony. The program included ad- dresses by Mrs. W. D. Atkinson, First Vice-President of Toronto East Pres- byterial, District Vice-President Mrs. M. R. Hoover, Mrs. Shiel, Past Presiâ€" ident. Opening prayer was offered by Mrs. F. Rae and the Dedicatory prayer by Mrs. MacDonald. Auxil- iaries from Unionville. Milliken. Agin- court and Headford were guests on this auspicious occasion. _Several charter members were also In atten- dance. Refreshments were served at the close of the program by me Brown’s Corners _Aux1»l_1ary. 7 Mr. and‘ MrsTRllssell Cgï¬lson and family of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mrs. D. Coulson‘. Mrs: G. R. Whaley is spending the week with Miss Ad‘a Robinson in Toronto. Miss Marion Hood was hostess at a delightful bridge party given at her home on Thursday evening, June 7th, when the Teaching Staff of Niagara Street School, Toronto, were enterâ€" tained. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hagerman of Toâ€" ronto were guests of Mrs. Ada Hood on_ _S_und51_y. Mrs. W. J. Perkins is holidaying at Hall’s Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins of Grimsby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Duf- fielg 013 Thur_5_day last. 7 Miss Mary Gibson, Miss Margaret Miller and Mr. White of Toronto vis- ited Mr. and' Mrs. Jas. Gibson on Su_n_day.Â¥ Mr. Louis? Kéï¬hedyvbf New Jersey is visiting his brother, Dr. A. Kennedy Miss Mary Harper spent Sunday last at Hall’s Lake. Mrs. Elliot. th has been visiting Mrs. G. Murphy, returned to Timmins on Monday. ' s “Ministry Through Healing†was the topic discussed by the Y.P.S. 01’ Central United Church with Dr. A. Kennedy as leader on Monday eve- ning last. The devotional exercises included the Bible reading- by Miss Blanche Mason and the prayer by Miss Mannjo-rie Wh_ea_tley: The devotional period was in charge of Ethel Wagg and Dorothy Carr and a. delightful reading by Mrs. A. Camp- lin was also included on the program. Supper was served to the Club at the close of the program by the hostesses Mrs. H. Hood and Mise Marion Hood. An invitation to hold the July meet- ing at the home of Vera. Leaf Was unanimously Eocepted. “‘1- ' - The annual Teacher Training Class is now in session at Central United Church. Two meetings Were held this week and three more will follow. The class is open to all interested Sunday School workers in the Town- ship and offers training- for leader- ship in the departments of Sunday School work. The Primary Depart- ment is under the supervision of Mrs; McEwen of Melville United Church, the Y.P.S. Department will be In charge of Rev. Owen while the adult teaching by Rev. Mustard' of the Kingston Road will centre around “Christian Education in the local Church.†The class formerlv met in +1.â€. .....1.. n n CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UNIONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a..m.â€"Church School. 11 am.â€"“The Restoration of our Souls.†7 p.m.â€"Rev. J. C. Kell, with Lantern Slides on our Indian Work. EBENEZER UNITED CHURW 1:30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2:30 p.m.â€"“The Restoration of our Souls.†TOPS-hip Hall. wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in singing of songs; games and extending of felicitations. The program was arranged by Mrs. E. Huenergard. Dr. HadWin Fisher of Gettesburg Lutheran Seminary, Pen- fnsylvania, and Rev. E. Huenergard ‘made short addresses. Mrs. Snider was presented with a bouquet of flow- lers, the gift of the Ladies Aid. .Dainty refreshments were served. ers. David Snider on their fiftieth Those who attended this picnicJast year found it especially enjoyable and instructive and the society would‘ like to see a. large attendance of members and their friends this year. The Rose Garden at the College is in itself worthy of a. visit. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Monday night a number of rel- ativeSI and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Snider, Maple, where they book by surprise Mr. and Among those who attended the funeral of the late. Gordon. Weatherall of Owen Sound, formerly of Rich- mond Hill, held at Sbouffville on Tues day, included Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement, Mrs. H. F. Austin and Nancy Mr. F. Hoover, Mr. L. Hill, Rev. G. E. and Mrs. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lunau. Mr. J. F. Carter and his party who were to have taken part in the mus- ical service in the Richmond Hill Presbyterian church last Sunday night were in a motor car accident on their way to the service. Their car was badly wrecked but no one was ser- iously injured. The many friends of Mr. Jack Schurman will be pleased to hear that he was able to return home from the Hospital on Saturday and is im- proving since hds recent accident. Miss Sybil D. White of Vancouver, chairman of the Girls’ Work Board of Religious Education for B. 0., was the guest of Mrs. J. D. Cunningham, Presbyterian Manse, last week. Miss Norma Harris of Colicurg is spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harris. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY PICNIC The Richmond Hill Horticultural Society are planning a visit to the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph on Friday, June 22nd. Rev. G. E. Coulter was elected as Commissioner to the General Council which will be held in Kingston in September. Mr. Bassett of Aurora was appointed to represent the Lay- men. Cars will leave at 10 am. and‘ all those desiring to go or who will have space available in the’r cars for pas- sengers are requeste ‘ to kindly get in touch with the committee, Messrs. Friday, June 15th, from Toronto to certain points in New Ontario on T. ang _O. R,_ailwayf A Sgturday, June 16th, from Toronto- to numerous points in Southâ€"western Ontario. Saturday, June 16th, from Toronto to points East on Lake Ontario. Friday, June 22nd, from Toronto tc Ottawa. Little Friday and Saturday, June 15th and 16th, from Toronto to Montreal anti Quebec City. Friday, June 22nd, from Toronto to Rochester via Cobourg and steamer TRUMPET BAND ATTENDED DIVINE SERVICE Richmond Hill Trumpet Band atâ€" tended divine service at the Richmond‘ Hill Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning and were accompanied by‘ members of the War Veterans organi~ zation, the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and children from the L.T.B. & 0’. Home. The sermon was delivered by Rev. J. D. (hmningham who took as his subject “Courage†and in an in- spiring sermon urged upon the con- gregation the need' for courage in our national life. Following the service the parade headed by the Trumpet Band marched to the Municipal Hall. The salute was taken at the Radial Station by Col. W. P. Mulock, pres- ident of the Veterans of the Federal iRiding of North York. At the Muni- ‘cipal Hall Reeve J. A. Greene com- ‘plimented the band on their fine show- ‘ing and Col. W. P. Mulock who has ‘taken a deep interest in the band ‘predicted that the organization was fdestined to become one of the finest {organizations of its kind in Ontario. [James Butler on behalf of the band thanked Col. Mquck and the Veterans organization for co-operating in the parade and also extended thanks to ‘the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and chilâ€" ldren of the L.T.B. & 0. Home. VICTORIA SQUARE GARDEN PARTY Annual Sunday School Anniversary Garden Party, Saturday, June 16th. Supper served 5 to 8 p.m. Special services Sunday, Jun: 17th. Social and Personal Angle, I. D. Ramer and R. D TH]: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO TIME FOR A CHANGE v Everyone is! invited to hear Morgan Baker, Liberal candidate for North York, who will speak in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Saturday night. The meeting will start at 8:30, D.S.T., and the other speakers will include Hon. Ian MacKenzie, former member of the Federal cabinet and one of Canada’s outstanding political leaders and public speakers. Don’t miss hear- ing Morgan Baker and Hon. Ian Mac- Kenzie, Saturday night. LATE J. GORDON WETHERAL : The many friends in this districtof J. Gordon Wetheral were shocked to hear of his sudden death which took place at his! home, Owen Sound, Ontario, last Saturday, June 9th. The‘ late Mr. Wetheral was for several years a member of the staff of the local Bank of Commerce and he was very popular with all who knew him. The funeral was held on Tuesday and interment took place at Stouffville Cemetery. [Hie is survived; by his wife and one son “Bobby.†The many friends of the late Mr. Wetheral in this district extend sincere sympathy to the family in their bereavement. MORGAN LIBERAL CANDIDATE for NORTH YORK THAN UNDER HENRY At Morgan Baker’s meeting in Aurora Tuesday night when Mr. Baker stated that the new Hepburn administration had no thought or in- tention of reducing Old Age Pensions or Mother’sl Allowances or any of the‘ useful service in this province a lady] stood up and stated she had been told: she would lose her pension if a Lib- eral government were elected. Such tactics on the part of the Henry can- didate of his workers is evidence of their desperation. Don’t be fooled. A Liberal government will NOT RE- DUCE Mother’s Allowances. In fact it is their policy to extend its bene- fits to include widows with one child and also deserted mothers. Don’t be fooled, a Liberal government will not reduce or cancel Old Age Pensions. It was a LIBERAL government which instituted the Old Age Pension law which the people of Ontario enjoy to- day. In fact these splendid services will be administered in a fair and‘ honest manner free from partisan in- fluence and the WidOWS, deserted mothers and the old people of this 1province can rest assured of a square ideal and fair and honest treatment Efrem Mitchell F. Hepburn and a Lib- eral government. MOTHERS ALLOWANCES AND OLD AGE PENSIONS SAFER UNDER NEW GOVERNMENT HEAR MORGAN BAKER SATURDAY NIGHT WOMEN’S INSTITUTE If members Wishing to attend the District Annual; at Lakeview on Fri- day, June 22nd, will telephone Mrs. Jerry Smith or Mrs. J. Pollard, afr- 1'angements will be made for trans- portation. VOTE FOR New GOODRICH 29 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL Vacations are now beginning, why not let us put your car in first class condition before you take that trip? General Repairs, Greasing, Washing, Accessories Cities Service and Koolmotor Oils and Gas Special Rates for Summer Storage. PHONE 12 Dealer in Chrysler & Plymouth Cars RICHMOND HILL David Hill & C0. WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY PLUS BLOW-OUT PROTECTION without extra cost AT CITIES SERVICE GARAGE SEIBERLIN G “ACE†TIRES Safety Silvertown Tires You will find Seiberling Tires at their best. If you want an exceptional tire AT LOW COST, the SEIBE‘RLING “ACE†cannot be beaten. There are three other price' classes to choose from in Seiberling Tires. And regardless of the type of Seiberling Tire which you select for your car, you will get the best in tire value. DUO TREADâ€" SPECIAL SERVICEâ€" PORTAGE ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly AttendIed to J'.F'OX RICHMOND HILL PAGE m