Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1934, p. 1

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Mrs. John Mortson is- em'oying- a visit from her sisters, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Jakes from the west. They are also visiting the other members of the family in this vicinity. Quite a number from here enjoyed the Junior Farmer’s Picnic at Mus- selman’s Lake on Friday. The pro- gram of sports was a full one and caused much fun. Winning against Nobleton and Mt. Albert the Victoria Square team lost out in the finals with Vellore who had won from Union ville. Never mind we won the honey- moon relay anyway and quite enjoyed our day. Everyone was on hand for Satur- day, the big Garden Party day. In the sport program the 5th line school became the possessors of a ball and bat by winning from the 4th line, Victoria Square mixed team won against a. team from Richmond Hill High School and in the evening the Victoria Square baseball boys and the Merryvale football team came off vic- torious. Many a laugh was enjoyed while listening to the comedians m the evening program. We were sorry that Mrs. Peacock got a nasty hit with the ball but were pleased to see her out again on Sunday. ‘ The social which was supposed to take place Monday night came off on Thesday night while on Monday night we all enjoyed the welcome rain and a welcome rest. Mrs. Goodyear has returned to the home of Mrs. Flavelle. We wish her good progress toward recovery. COMEDY ANDY CLYDE in SUPER SNOOPER .‘0=0=0=0=0=l0fi0= CLASSIFIED “ADS” BRING RESULTS Cameron Walkington of King this KING CITY Over eighty ladies gathere( 'vveek told The Liberal that he had home of Mrs- J- W- Dew for forty replies to two classified “ads” inserted in this paper and like hun- dreds of other satisfied users of our advertising columns is firmly con- vinced that it PAYS TO ADVERTISE and that the best medium is The Liberal. V ular W.M.S. meeting of the Church on Thursday afternom tonbrook ladies were visitors a part of the program. The p of the local society, Mrs. W. presided. The devotional 6 were taken by the King Sociei Junior Farmer’s Picnic, June Party and even Election Day are over now so with such a splendid rain andr time to get rested up we’re ready to face what’s next in line. There was a goodly gathering- for both afternoon and evening services and the church looked pretty decor- ated with ferns and flowers. The children will not forget Rev. E. Pugs- ley and his candles for many a day and altogether the services were fine especially Centennial choir from High land Creek. The big- event is quite successfully over for another year. TRUPMET BAND TO PLAY AT GARDEN PARTY Richmond Hill Trumpet Band will play next Saturday afternoon at the Silverthorn Fair and Garden Party. They Will leave Richmond Hill by truck at 3 p.1n. Victoria Square Y.P.S. baseball team are quite extinguishing them- selves this year going down to the second defeat with Temperanceville on Thursday last. Cheer up folks, Temperanceville are playing real ball anyway this season. VICTORIA SQUARE 0=°= 0=0=°=O=0=0 .VOL. LV. 59$; “SING and LIKE IT” CARNERA--BAER FIGHT PICTURES O 0 fl Iéfl‘fimoaa inThlS Slde of Heaven: ROBT MONTGOMERY‘ MADGE EVANS QAPITOLTflm Yonge & Castl‘ SYLVIA SIDNEY FREDRIC MARCH WE’RE NOT DRESSING OUR GANG COMEDY HI. NEIGHBOR NEWS “YORK COUNTY’S N EWSIEST NEWSPAPER” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JUNE 27, 28 FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNE 22, 23 CAROLE LOMBARD BING CROSBY _ 1N _ MONDAY and TUESDAY JUNE 25, 26 REVIVAL FRIDAY AT 10:45 “GOOD DAME” AND HELL BELOW’ Everyone is cordially invited to the special serivces this Sunday, June 24th at 11 am. and 7 p.m., S.T., to cele- brate the Centennal of the Eversley Presbytqrian Church. Rev. Grover Lloyd, a former Eversley boy, will be the guest preacher at the morning service, along with special music by the choir assisted by Miss Suzanne Angus of Toronto. In the evening Rev. J. MacBeth Miller of Palmer- ston, son of the late Rev. J. Miller, formerly of King, will be the guest speaker. Maple Presbyterian choir will provide the music. June 27th a Garden Party will be held on the church grounds. An interesting pro- gram will follow. The annual Mission Band Birthday Party is to be on Saturday afternoon in the Sunday School room of the United Church. An interesting pro- gram is to be followed and popcorn, candy and chinese riddles will supply the social activities. Anyone who is interested in send- ing Junior or Senior Boys or Junior or Senior Girls to c’agmp this year will get full information: from Rev. Davis: who is director of the Boys Camp this year. The Junior Boys Camp commences on July 5th for five days and the SeniQI: qus on July 10th for ten days. ,-.2 it A great many attended the anni- versary service in the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. Rev. Prof. Gilmore delivered an inspiring address. Over eighty ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. J. W. Dew for the reg- ular W.M.S. meeting of the United Church on Thursday afternoon. New- tonbrook ladies were visitors and gave part of the program. The president of the local society, Mrs. W. Carson, presided. The devotional exercises were taken by the King Society. Mrs. R. Hicks of Newtonbrook, vice-pres- ident of Toronto Centre North Presâ€" bytery, gave two chapters of the study book. A vocal number and duett were rendered by the visiting society. A dainty luncheon was serv- ed at the close of the meeting and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. A. H. Hal- bert, Newtonbrook, and Miss F. Stewart, King, poured tea. The annual W.M.S. Sunday morning service was held last Sunday in the United Church. MiSS Beluah Graham of Montreal was the guest speaker and gave a most'inspiring and inter- esting address on her Work in the Italian and Oriental Mission in that city. We are sorry to report Mrs. F. Bayne has been quite in and under- went an operation on Sunday morn- ing. We certainly wiéh her a speedy recovery. Mrs. G. S. Stone and Marjorie spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tarrant and daughter visited at the home of Mrs. 'I‘arrant’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McBride, over the weekâ€"end. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. John Ireland and family de- sire to thank their many friends for their many acts of kindness, ex- pressions 9f sympathy and floral tributes in their recent bereavement. THEATR E Castlefield “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials. Liberty; In L411 Things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE let, 1934 Historic North York joined in the Liberal landslide which swept over Ontario on Tuesday and returned Morgan Baker as the representative of this riding with a majority of over 3000 votes. It was a record vote andi a record majority for any candidate in this riding. It was evidence of the desire of the people of this riding for a new deal in administration and1 also was a sincere tribute to the can- didate Morgan Baker who was ac- corded the support of members of all} parties. *In the province, Mitchell F. Hepâ€" burn, the courageous young; leader of Ontario Liberalism, led his forces in; one of the most remarkable and de-‘ cisive victories in the political history of this province. In Elgin County Mr. Hepburn scored a notable personal victory and his candidates won in seventy-one ridings. Premier Henry retained his seat in East York due to the large number of opposition can- didates opposing him but Reeve San- ders of Scarboro, the Liberal candi- date, mradre a splendid run and re- ceived tremendotqs support in this district and from all of the northern end of the riding. While Mr. Henry survived the landslide the majority of his cabinet went down to defeat and he will be supported in the cold shades of opposition by a handful of sixteen supporters. Liberals won in two of the Yorks, W. J. Gardhousle scoring a decisive win in West York and Morgan Baker winning‘ in this riding. In Toronto six Liberals were elected. Particularly popular in this district was the victory of Alderman 1Harold Kirby in Eglinton. Alderman 1Kirby is a native of Vaughan Town- ‘ship and is well known throughout ithis district. Richmond Hill did it’s part by con- trubuting to Mr. Baker’s victory by giving him a majority of 88 votes. As throughout Ontario a record vote was polled in the riding. In Richâ€" mond Hill 700 votes were polled as compared to 522 in the last provincial election. IVIBERAL CANDIDATE HAD RECORD MAJORITY IN THIS RIDINGâ€" BIG MAJORITY IN RICHMOND HILL AND EVERY MUNICIPALITY EXCEPT AURORAâ€"TUMULTUOUS CELEBRATION GREETED VICTORIOUS CANDIDATE Returns from the very first indi-' cated a Baker win in North York, and early in the night his election was conceded. A tremendous celebration was held here and throughout the riding. The victorious candidate made a tour of the riding and was enthus- iastically greeted everywhere. In Richmond Hill the Richmond Hill Trumpet Band paraded the streets and enthusiastic supporters: followed in a torchlight procession. An old plow was drawn through the crowded street supposedly representing the much talked of “straight-furrow.” An enthusiastic crowd waited up until 2 am. when Mr. Baker arrived here to give him a tumultous reception. Never in this history of North York has any candidate for any party scored such a victory as that won by Morgan Baker on Tuesday. From every municipality in the whole ridâ€" ing except Aurora he received a sub- stantial majority, and even in Aurora the home town of the Henry candidate the majority was reduced from 355 to 124. With official figures for a few scatter-ed polls to hear Mr. Baker's majority is about 3000. Invvictory Morgan Baker was char- acteristically modest. “It is your victory," he said. “The credit for this great victory in North York and in Ontario belongs to the people,” he said. After Richmond Hill, Mr. Baker was accompanied by the Richmond Hill Trumpet Band on a triumphal tour of North York Township. The almost complete returns for the riding are as follows: North York Joins In Liberal Landslide and Elects. Morgan Baker Total 923 Baker Majority 116 NORTH YORK TWP., WARD 2 Div Baker Case Wark 1 82 75 18 3 81 59 25 5 116 49 33 7 97 49 15 9 42 46 30 11 90 87 24 13 â€" 83 64 28 14 as 99 12 15 81 67 5 16 79 121 47 17 134 9t 16 807 253 Total 932 Baker Majority 248 Total 1601 Baker Majority 558 Total 383 Baker Majority 88 Total Case Majority Total 258 Baker Majority 15 7 (28 maj. for 8 124 67 9 76 43 10 ‘79 26 Baker Majority 325’ SUTTON Baker Case Wark Total 2'71 217 9 Baker Majority 54 5 100 6 160 7 124 8 134 Baker Majority 492 5 270 6 108 7 44 Baker Majority 348 NEWMARK ET Baker Majority 416 NORTH YORK TWP., WARD 3 Div mammthH-A <5 Baker 125 114 186 187 132 113 137 100 114 118 82 193 Div 1A N) 014309 Baker 55 28 97 189 1 13 72 Case 28 62 52 96 118 41 Wark 18 30 71 13 Div iv U mange-me Baker 111 130 193 125 86 99 Case '74 119 168 75 72 82 Wark mmowmoo Div Baker Case Wark 1 196 120 8 Div Div Baker Case Div Baker Case Wark VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP ZB EAST GWILLIMBURY KING TOWNSHIP RICHMOND HILL Baker Case Wark 93 77 7 82 61 2 54 49 6 77 61 3 77 47 4 WHITCHURCH WOODBRIDGE Baker Case Wark AURORA 156 107 669 124 123 135 179 129 220 1043 684 Case 121 26 82 141 97 44 66 66 40 69 110 181 295 119 108 81 214 184 243 793 153 121 61 65 117 37 78 Baker) Wark Wark Q 286 113 22 The large attendance at the funeral service was evidence of the esteem and affection of a wide circle of friends in Richmond Hill and in Vau- ghan and King Townships where the late Mr. Ireland was so well known. Sincere sympathy is extended to the family in. their bereavement. TESTON STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL NEXT TUESDAY The annual Strawberry Festival at' Teston United Church Will be held next Tuesday evening, June 26th. Supper served 5:30 to 8 p.m. If you have ever attended Teston Stmw- berry Festival we know you will not miss it. If you have never attended take our tip, you have missed some- thing real good. Remember the date next Tuesday evening, June 26th.. There will \be special services to mark the Sunday Schol anniversary on June 24th. In the morning the pastor, Rev. Douglas Davis, will speak and there will by the New- market Male Quartette. At 7:30 p. m. Rev. Lorne Graham of St. George’s Church Toronto will he the speaker and Newtonbrook choir will supply the music. The funeral of the late John Ire- land who passed away Wednesday, June 13th, was held from his late residence, Richmond Street, Friday afternoon, June 15th, and was largely attended by friends and relatives. The late Mr. Ireland was in his eighty- fifth year and was well and favorably known throughout the district. He was born at Cashel and spent his early years in King Township and later farmed for thirtyiive years on the 6th concession of that municipal- ity. Fourteen years ago he retired and since then has resided in Rich- mond Hill. He was a devoted memâ€" ber of the Presbyterian Church and for a number of years was a member of the Session. In politics the de- ceased was a. staunch Liberal. NORTH GWILLIMBURY TWP. Baker Case Wark Total 618 348 13 Baker Majority 270 Total 482 Baker Majority 137 He is survived by his Widow, three daughters Mrs. John Murray of Wood bridge, Mrs. K. Blanchard and Miss Margaret of Richmond Hill, one broâ€" ther Walt/er of Laskay and two sis- ters Mrs. John Robertson of Church- ill and Mrs. Susan Humphries of To- Ionto. The fuxieral service was conducted by Rev. J. D. Cunningham of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church and during the service Miss Emma Barker sang “The City Foursquare.” Interment followed in Richmond Hill cemetery. The pull-bearers were, C. Marsh, J. A. Monkman, J. Beres- ford, J. E. Smith, C. N. Cooper and A. D. Buchanan. COMEDY BABES IN THE GOODS TODD & KELLY NOVELTY MOVIES No. 1 “Wonder Bar THE HOME OF HIGH;CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 P.M. EVENINGS 7:15 & 9:15 Div -â€" \VITH â€" Kay Francis, Dick Powell, Dolores Del Rio LATE JOHN IRELAND Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, June 21, 22, 23 Bedford Theatre Serial “Wolf Dog” Chapter 12. Matinee Only OBITUARY lionel Atwell, Richard Bennett, Mae Clark “ Anna Stem GEORGINA Baker 124 162 54 142 Case 72 147 90 36 Wark 3 1 0 3 COMEDY GOLD NUGGETS PARAMOUNT NEWS MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 26 345 WITH The United Church at Hope and the Community have suffered a severe loss in the death of Sarah Keith, widow of the late Henry Thomas, and sister of Mr. Wm. Keith of Toronto, who passed away on Thursday of last week. Of a kind and sympathetic disposition she had endeared herself to all whom she met and her loss will be deeply mourned by a wide circle of friends. When her health permitted she was always found in her place in the Church and Sabbath School in which she took a great interest. She was always ready to assist others, and was a much loved neighbor and friend. The funeral took place on Saturday and was attended by many relatives and friends. The services were taken by Rev. A. S. Kerr of Bowmanville and Rev. A. M. Par- tridge. Deepest sympathy is extended to the sons and daughters and all the friends in their bereavement. Next Sunday, June 24th, is set apart as Memorial Day at the cemeâ€" tery. Rev. W. N. Chantler, a former pastor, will be the special speaker. The service will be held at 3:30, stan- dard time. The Women’s Institute held its monthly meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Robeson. Two quilts were finished after which the committee served tea to twenty-four members and visitors. Rev. and Mrs. Carl Sorensen and daughter Mary Elizabeth of South Haven, Michigan, are visiting at the Lutheran. Parsonage. GARDEN PARTY Garden Party under the auspices of Trinity Church W.A. Thornhill on the grounds of Major G. A. Basher, Lang- staff, on Wednesday, June 27th. Pro- gram at 8:30 by Andrew Murdison Scotch border minstrel, Harry Binns and Jessie Butt. Ice cream, straw- berries and refreshments served at booth. Admission to g'rqunds 25c., children 2 for 25c. Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald motored to Orillia on Saturday and spent the week-end with friends. Dr. F. Routley left on Friday to attend the Medical Association at Calgary. Dr. Marguerite Bailey of Toronto and Miss Helen Jackson of St. Thomas spent Sunday at Mr. H. C'. Bailey’s. The Connaughts and the Maple foot ball teams had a game on Friday eveâ€" ning, the former being successful. The Oak Ridges baseball team were winners in a game with the Maple team here last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning spent the week-end with friends at Thom- tury. i Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan spent part of Saturday and Sunday at Glen Echo Muskoka. ' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thomas and brothers and sisters Wish to thank their friends for their many kind acts and expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement. The many friends of Miss May Evans of Concord who was taken to the hospital on Sunday last where she was operated on for appendicitis will be pleased to hear she is pro. gressing favorably. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE MAPLE 97 No. 51

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