Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1934, p. 4

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“Here you are, sir,” said a. bus con- ductor as the bus pulled up. Man didn’t invent lying. Nature's “protective coloration” makes the animals say they aren’t what they are. “Can’t the driver go a little closer to the curb ?” inquired a fussy 01d gentleman. inâ€"Iaw.” Now that’s what I call a lady.” There still is a wide difference of opinion on the subject of what consti- tutes a real lady. A taxi driver charg (-d With using profane language pro- tested the complaint, a. woman, was no “lady.” “Indeed,” said the mag‘is.L irate. “I wonder if you know a lady when you see one.” “Of course I do,” answered the driver indignantly. “Why only the other day I saw one. :She gave me a five dollar bill for a fifty cent fare and walked away. Here lady, what about your change? One on the Wife “I woke up in the night and foumf my Wife going through my pockets.” “What did you do?” “I turned over in bed and laughed.” [ called after her. “Don’t be a. blinkin’ 31d fool,” says she. “Keep it and get lrunk enough to kiss your mother- The compression strength of a concrete block is partly determined by its solidity. A properly tamped 10 inch. concrete block should weigh approximately 70 pounds. All of our blocks are properly tamped and material carefully proportioned. Should a block weigh say 60 pounds and 800 are used for the foundation of a building (the most vital part of any structure) that foundation lacks 8,00 lbs. or 4 tons of Dalton Rumney’s New Barn VICTORIA SQUARE "‘3: 4th Con. Markham. half mile north Victoria Square Under auspices of Victoria Square 1. F. A. material. TOWNSHIP of VAUGHAN Weeds, Weeds Barn Dance- UnionvilleJ.F.A, 6 Piece Orchestra in Attendance Jack Cavanaugh, Floor Mgr. Admission 25c, Friday Evening, July 6th Property Ownersfi‘T-‘Iand Tenants??? It is false economy to use a light block. Quality is the true test of cheapness. Public notice is hereby given to all property owners that unless weeds which are growing on their lands within the Township are cut down or destroyed by July 4, and also subsequently, the Township may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds cut down, charging the costs against the owners concerned in the taxes. Poison Ivy must be either uprooted or as an alternative 3. close board fence erected to prevent its contact with the public. PAGE FOUR TOO Bad! July 4th, 193433 NOTICE IN W. HERON, S. IRELAND, G. DE’FERRARI, A11 speechâ€"making seems silly to the man- who is scared stiff when asked to make a few remarks. A slip of a pen can cause a man a lot of trouble, says an exchange. But so can a slip of a girl. Yet think what fun it would be to wash dishes if men claimed the job as a masculine privilege. The man who needs $10,000 to get him out of a hole must envy the fel- low who needs‘ only $5.00. Nothing is worse than to be stuck with a fancy name- that’s completely out of style. Knocking never built a business, improved a community, or helped anyone. In every town there are a lot of men Who should stop dbing things they ought not to do and start doing the things they should do. If it is true that all of the vitamins are in the peeling, think what a blonde loses when she sunburns; The middle class is that fortunate group neither high enough nor low enough to get in the headlines. For Those Who Care Weed Inspectors. Gwenv; be to your husband A kind, loving wife, And then he will love you The rest of your life. Nelson, be a good sport Don’t be cranky or pout, Then your Wife will be happy, When you are about. Now on this occasion We have brought you toâ€"night, These our gifts Which we hope you will like. Now if shadows should come Just both whistle and sing, It will make the clouds vanish And much brightness bring We trust that your future Will always be bright, Your pathway be joyous Your troubles be light. Please accept these gifts, As a token we pray Of love and esteem- We shall bear you alway. Signed on behalf of your friends and companions. This evening your true friends Have gathered here, The young lads and lassies To wish you good cheer. The young couple to join, We see them with pride, Ave Nelson Kerr the groom, And Gwen Beck, the bride. Nelson and Gwen responded, thank- ing the people for the beautiful gifts and good wishes and offered their hospitality in their new home at Vellore. We are sorry to report that Mrs. J. Beck is confined to her bed‘. We hope for a speedy recovery. About two hundred friends attended the shower given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerr in the Memorial Hall. The numerous- and useful gifts show the high esteem in which the young couple are held. A well worded address was read by Miss Laurena Rutherford. To. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerr: The preacher declares it, The paper has said That a youth and a maiden Were just lately wed. The recent rains have promoted growth of the spring and roots crops, although interrupting“ haying- which was well under way. The school children are busy with their promotion examinations While the entrance class are cramming their brains with knowledge as their tests are next week. Reâ€"undon of O.A.C. Guelph on Satur- day. A number from the district attend- ed the Edgeley Farmers Club picnic held at E. T. Stephens Farm on Saturâ€" day afternoon, and report a. good time. A number of the girls attended the Orr-Hilliard wedding in Kleinburg United Church on Saturday evening. The Vellore football team are in the semi-finals of the league having de- feated Maple 1-0 on Monday evening. Miss Elma. Farr has been re-engagâ€" ed as teacher of the Vellore school for the ensuing year. The W.M.S. of St. Paul’s Vaughan held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. S. J one-s. The president, Miss Annie Kerr, presided and the roll call was answered by “Items of interest from the Glad Tidings.” A well balanced program was given by Mrs. D. A. McKinnon», Mrs. G. Hoover and Mrs. A. L. McNeil. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess and the committee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rutherford and Mr. and} Mrs. W. E. Hutchis’on visited O.A.C. Guelph on Thursday of last week. They also called on the form- ers cousins Beatty Brothers of Fergus as they are celebrating the Centen- nial Anniversary of the founding of the company by the late George and Matthew Beatty. Mr. Art McNeil spent his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McNeil, and attended the Old Boys Congratulations are extended to Miss Sara. McNeil for passing her Primary Piano at the Toronto Con- servatory of Music. The members of St. Paul’s W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. C. H. Ruther ford on Monday afternoon for a quilt- ing bee. In the evening their families joined with them. A good program consisted of contests, musical num- bers, piano and vocal, readings and community singing. Rev. C. H. Bow- man pastor acted as chairman for the evening. A birthday collection was taken in aid of the Supplies for W. M.S. work. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr. A. L. McNeil to iMr. and Mrs. Rutherford} for their hospitality, also to the W.M.S. mem- bers for inviting the men folk to join with them. Lunch was served by the young people of the church. The “Summer time” affliction is a- gain bothering at least eleven of On- tario’s 28 cities but her rural popula- tion goes calmly on its way in the old accepted “standard time.” VELLORE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July lst, 1934 ‘10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"The Pastor. l7 p.m.-The Pastor. 1-4 tsp. pepper 1-2 tsp. salt 1-8 tsp. paprika 2 tbsps. vinegar 4 tbsps. oil Mix ingredients in order given, beat ing vigorously. This recipe may be varied by the addition of one of the followingâ€"onion juice, finely chopped green peppers, a little chili sauce. Two or three tablespoons of Whipped cream may be added to plain dressing. Lemon juicemay be used instead of vinegar. t Saladhmakin-g is an- art which calls forth a good deal of imagination. There is no end to the variety of salads that can be made. Ingredients may be combined in so many ways that you may never tire of salads. A good cook will be always varying the ingredients to tempt the appetite and the variation should not only be in the ingredients of the salad but also in the dressing. Here is a recipe for a. plain dress- ing which lends itself to a number of variations: Then too‘ the colour combinations and decorations of the salad are of great importance. A salad that is tastefully decorated and pleasing to the eye attracts the appetite. For gar nishing, a bit of jelly, parsley, hard- boiled eggs or radishes cut in fancy shapes are simple but effective dlecor- ations. First, you must be certain your vegetables or fruits are fresh, crisp and cold. In preparing salad greens! such as lettuce, cresses‘, e'ndive and parsley, Wash when picked] or pro- cured from market, cleaning leaf by leaf, roll in wax paper or fresh tea towel and place in refrigerator or in a. cool place to crisp. n preparing head lettuce, cut out the core and hold under running water and it will separate perfectly. Ingredients for salads should be well chilled and cut in pieces of a size to be properly af- fected by seasoning and; dressing. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, July lst 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"The Minister. Themezâ€"“Things New and 01d,” Saturday, June 30th, Annual Sunday School Picnic to Musselman’s Lake. A11 Scholars with their Parents and friends meet at the Church at RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES On sale until June 30th, one cent round trip fares to Western Canada, return limit forty-five days. The steamship business isn’t un- certain. Given the tonnage and horsepower, you can always figure the deficit. The six-hour day won’t work. No Wife can find ways to keep her man busy 18 hours. Friday, July 13th, from stations Richmond Hill and North to Toronto, and various stations East thereof in Ontario on Montreal line, also to var- ious points in Southwestern Onlario district including Hamilton, London, Brantford, Niagara. Falls and Owen Sound. During the hot months nothing is more tempting to the appetite than a delicious salad, and to serve a. salad is a very special art. Mayonnaise or Oil Dressing is very popular and can be made as follows: Mayonnaise Dressing 2 tsps. mustard 1 tsp. salt 2 egg yolks» 3 tbsps. vinegar 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 pound salad oil. . Beat the egg yolks, add salt andl mustard. Beat in a little vinegar, then a little oil, alternately until all the vinegar is used. The remaining oil may be added in a thin stream. Beat in the lemon juice then beat the dressing until very stiff so that it will hold its shape. Keep in a covered jar in a cool place. This mayonnaise is nice thinned with whipped cream, any desired quantity being added before serving. For fruit salads equal parts of mayonnaise and whipped cream may be used. Friday, July 13th, from Toronto points to Chicago. Friday, July 13th», from Toronto to Rochester via Cobourg and ferry. Sal-ad ingredients should be com- bined at the last moment and the dressing added just before serving. It may be put into a salad) bowl lined with lettuce or placed on individual plates on crisp lettuce. Here are some combinations of vegetables that are Very good: Tomatoes, apples, celery, onion, chopped tomatoes, green peppers, cream cheese, molded spinach, diced beets, sliced egg, asparagus, onion, tomato, hard boiled eggs], mushrooms, potatoes, onion, parsley. 1 :30 PROMPT SALADS A'ttention of the Toronto Milk Pro- ducers of the Markham and Whit- church districts, a meeting will be held in the/Hall at Unionville on Tuesday night, July 3rd, at 8 p.m., to discuss the Milk and Feeds situation, let us have a good» attendance as we expect to hear the Milk Control situation ex- plained by Mr. Clarke or Mr. Wilmott. J. H. WALLWORK, Secretary Dist. No. 6 SINGLE HORSE MOWER, new. Ap- ply 74 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. CHEVROLET coach, good running condition, 5 good tires‘, new battery. Price $35.00. Apply Norman Bone, phone Maple 1764. HAY, four or five tons of mixed hay, excellent quality. Apply to Box 72 The Liberal Office. SEED BUCKWHEAT, Silver Hulled, government tested. Bruce Brothers, Unionville, telephone Stouffville 3602. FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 210. WASHING MACHINES, new and trade-in machines, refrigerators, gaso- line engines, barn equipment. Apply 74 Yonge Street, phone 92F. RADIO SERVICE, short wave trans- mitters and receivers, 14 years ex- perience. W. Wynn, Maple R. R. 2 Ontario. I hydro, furnace, harwood floors, scree~ ned verandah, electric hot water, wired for electric stove, apple, ash, elm and yvalnut trees, large perennial garden, 2 car garage, breeding pens for 1500 to 2000 hens. Apply Libeal Office, Richmond Hill. BARRED ROCK and Leghorn chicks 8c.; week old 10c., 10% discount on orders for 150 or more; 5% special discount to farmers (ordering any number). H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, opposite Orange Orphanage, telephone King 16r26. Established 10 years. HORSES, young and aged, one farm wagon, 1 set breeching harness. J. Champion, R. R .No. 1 UnionNille, tele phone Unionville 1918. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"â€" HOUSE, 26 Righmond Street, Rich- mond Hill, immediate possession. Ap- ply T. H. Keys, Maple, or S. Reaman. Richmond Hill. THE WORLD’S FINEST Car Radio, with automatic volume control, regu- lar $66.50, now for $46.50. Easy terms. Let us demonstrate this fine machine. G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, Village water, The Regular July meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Veilore Tuesday July 3rd. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Dated at Maple, June 28th. When a man goes away from home for a change he usually comes back with less change than he had when he started See the man lobbying for an appro- priation to buy pills for the poor? Well, he’s the fellow who has pills to sell. Attention, Milk Producers Old-timers didn’t miss :so much. The easier a. girl is to kiss the less fun it is to kiss her. Vaughan Council The man wants. his friends to see his girl; the girl wants her friends to see her ring and wardrobe. MISCELLANEOUS AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Product’s Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill CHAS. GRAHAM “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-"MAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extn each insertion. IF CHARGED '7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE 11 a. m. for the transaction of General Business THURSDAY, APARTMENT, six rooms, all con- veniences. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich mond Hill. MODERN BRICK HOUSE, eight rooms, all conveniences, garage and gardens. Apply 1 Arnold St, phone 156. HOUSE, No. 3 Richmond Street, near Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Apply George Smith, Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill. LADIES’ bed-sitting room, furnished or unfurnished, heat essential, with or without board. Wanted September 1st. Apply to Box 870 The Liberal Office. A GENERAL, must be an experienced cook, good wages. Apply Mrs». Nichol- son, Riverdale Farm, Unionville, phone 4200. Phone 150 FRAME HOUSE, conveniences, large gardlen, fruit trees, hen house, pos- session at once. Apply G. Yerex, 4 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. ‘ BOYS WANTED as caddies, exper- ience not neéessary but desirable. A class: 65 cents per round; B class 40 cents per round. Apply Caddie House The Ladies Golf and Tennis Club, Thornhill. Maple, Ontario. Notice is hereby given that the council of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan have appointed R. D. MacNAUGHTON of Maple as Collector of all Tax Arvears for the year 1933 f,or the whole Township of Vaughan. THE YEAR 1933 are asked to make payment of said arrears to Mr. Mac- Naughton. By Order, VAUGHAN COUNCIL J. B. McLean, Township Clerk Dr. CHARLES C. COLLINS DENTIST At Dr. Bigford,s Office Tuesdays 9-12 2.. m. Thursdays 12-4 1). m. Maple, Ont SIGNS Used Cars- 1932 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN Exceptionally Nice 1932 4 CYLINDER FORDâ€"Panel Delivery. Excellent Condition. lfifii’CHEVROLET COACH 1931 FORD TUDOR 1930 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€" Rumble Seatâ€"A Real Buy 1930 FORD ROADSTERâ€"Rumble Seat Public Notice ALL PARTIES IN ARREARS FOR 1928 CHEVROLET TON TRUCK All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day- Little Brothers SHOW CARDS PRICE TICKETS - BANNERS G. MORLEY BEYNON Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO- 333$375.00 JUNE TO RENT $550.00 WANTED $475.00 $100.00 $325.00 $275.00 $265.00 28th, 1934 Phone Maple 3 76 Yonge St.

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