Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR _________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-- ENJOYABLE PICNIC AT MUSSELMAN’S LAKE The annual picnic of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday School was held last Saturday at Mussel- man’s Lake. A very enjoyable pro- gram of sports was enjoyed after which picnic supper was served. BOWLERS WON THIRD PRIZE A rink of Richmond Hill bowlers won third prize in the tournament at Allendale, Wednesday afternoon. The personnel of the rink was: A. G. Savage, Morley B. Hall, A. A. Eden and E. T. Stephens skip. HOW Markham Township. Voted Henry Sanders Smith Walker Wariner Williams Thornhill . . . . . . . 201 220 14 1 3 32 Elgin Mills . . . . . 102 126 .2 5 Buttonville . . . . . . 69 121 . . . 1 Victoria Square . 70 156 4 1 1 Unionville . . . . . . 177 249 6 1 19 Cashel . . . . . . . . . 43 172 . . 3 1 Rolphs . . . . . . . . . 26 104 2 Q4 Mt. Joy . . . . . . . . 30 61 2 2 Dixon Hill . . . . . . 32 160 1 . 9 Cedar Grove . . . . 69 164 . . 1 i19 Mongolia . . . . . . . 36 141 1 4 Total . . . . . . . 855 1674 30 7 5 107 Garden MODERATE JAS. BUTLER Bandmaster RICHMOND HILL Trumpet Band Open for Engagements Parades Picnics For full particulars :apply to Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Parties CHARGES BERT WOLFREY, President Special PricesonRooIing 1 Ply $1.29 2 Ply $1.49 3 Ply $1.79 Winner Colman Camp Stove FRED BANKS, . MAPLE R. R. D. H. S. 1 Pint 50c. '/z Gal. $1.65 PAINT 1 Qt. 85c. 1 Gal. $2.95 TROWELL HARDWARE DOMINION HARDWARE STORE Authorized Agent for this District We Deliver "Phone 93 NOTICE Township Of Markham PROPERTY OWNERS and TENANIS Weedsteeds Public notice is hereby given to all property owners I: that unless weeds which’are growing on their lands within the Township are cut down or destroyed by Tuesday, July 10th, 1934 and also subsequently, the Township may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds cut down, charging the costs against the owners concerned in the taxes. Poison Ivy must be either uprooted or as an alternative a close board fence erected to prevent its contact with the public. ROBERT STIVER, Weed Inspector THE LIBERAL, RICHMO _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"________â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"__ NEWTONBROOK ‘ A number from here attended the Centennial celebration at the Exhi- bition Park last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Soden and Miss Doris Soden left last Tuesday to spend the summer at Balm Beach. iGeorgian Bay. i The Women’s Association is holding this (Thursday) afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert and Mrs. Harry Smith attended the In- Headford United Church last Friday evening. Misses Janet and Leeta Riddell, Miss Irene Smith, Miss Eva Lockyer, ,Shaw spent the lst July holiday at Georgian Bay. A communion and reception service was held in the United Church last Sunday morning. A beautiful duett was sung by MIS. Glen Shaw and Mr. McMullen. The Loyal Orange Lodges of Wil- lowdale and the surrounding commun- ity marched to the United Church last Sunday evening and were led by the Richmond Hill Orange Flute Band The ladies of the L.O.B.A. attended also. A suitable message was given by the pastor, Rev. A. H. Halbert. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith have re- turned afteir spendnig a month with relatives in Detroit, Michigan. Mr. W. E. .MacKay of Newton- brook won first prize for his display of delphiniums (500 sq. feet) at the Centennial Flower Show at Exhi- bition Park, Toronto, this week. He had a most georgeous variety and it brought forth much admiration from all who saw them. The setting was very beautiful and was the work of a real artist. The North York Horticultural Society also won a prize at the Cen- tennial Flower .Show. Their floral display was very fine also. Mrs. Robert Smith is able to be up again after her recent illness. Mrs. Thomas Street is also improving. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Bennett Richards, Miss Maisie and Mr. Albert Richards of King were guests at the parsonage last Sunday. The Sunday School Executive is holding their regular monthly meet- ing in the Sunday School room of the United Church on Wednesday eves ping. The annual Sunday School Garden Party is to be held on Wednesday, July 25th. Keep this date open and plan to come. UNIONVILLE SCHOOL JUNE EXAMINATIONS Names in order of merit. JR. PR. to SR. PR.â€"â€"James Mow- bray, Ronald Norton, Madalene Wright (rec.). SR. PR. to FIRSTâ€"Phyllis Roberts (h), Irene Ooulson (h), Oscar Conn (h), Jean Martin (h), Joyce Cooper (h), Arthur Rose, Eleanor Noble, Lenora Noble, Marjorie Latimer (rec) Teddy Hiltz (absent for exams). FIRST CLASS to SECONDâ€"Mar- ein Stiver (h), Myrtle Latimer (h), Nonnie Rae (h), Leone Brookfield (h), Harold Roberts (h), Janet Sabis- ton, Russel Allen, Clara Connell, Gloria Allen, Roy Minton, Buddy Mor- den, Betty Ogden; Charles Heming- way, Kenneth Maynard, Donald Dukes and Gordon Norton (failed). SECOND CLASS to THIRDâ€"-Betty Watson (h), Marjorie Roberts (h), Barbara Wasson (h), Glen Kennedy (h), Nonie Robson (h), Luba Tipe (h), Keith Donnell (h), Douglas Park- inson (h), Stuart Campbell (h), Hazel Norton, Rose Benton, Helen Penstone; Doris Coulson and Charles Coulson (rec.); Betty Rae, Roy Johnston and Russel Hemingway (failed). JR. III to SR. IIIâ€"Jack Watson (h), Bernice Anderson (h), Donald Stiver (h), Eileen Stiver h), Johniny Thomson (h), Carl Tipe (h), Lily .Hawkins, Wesley Clements, Douglas Ogden, Velda Perkin, James Sabiston, Nina Robson; Lenetta Rainey, Nor- ma Dear, Norman Allen, Hdlen Og- den, Marguerite Johnson (rec.); Char- Ie‘ Minton and wruce Pellatt (failed). SR. 111 to JR. IVâ€"Helen Watson (h), Gwen Brown (h), Jack Clements (h), Jean Watson (h), Phyllis Parkin- son (h), Richard Maynard, Elinor Wilton, M=ona Sabiston, Eldred Milne; Doreen Perkin, Kenneth Stiverr and Viola Benton (rec); Muriel Penstone (failed). JR. IV to SR. IVâ€"Marie Forester (h), Charlfi Maynard* (h), Beatrice Mustard (h), Marie Stiver (h), Olive Martin (h), Audrey Maynard’r (h), Dorothy Maynard (h), Reginald Per- kin; Eleanor Parkinson, Jean Forest- er, Aabella Hemingway and Howard Stiver (rec); Luella Clements, Goldie Wasson and Lloyd Allen (failed). Those marked (*) also tried En~ trance examinations in addition to seven other SR. IV pupils. Blanche L. Mason & Alfred M. Hill, Teachers Next time we’ll know, it’s time to sell when preachers, school teachers and Widows begin to buy. There is no doubt about recovery. History shows that strikes increase Wonly when good times are coming. a Basket Picnic to Hanlans Island. duction Service of Rev. F. Gilbert at‘ Miss Alice Jack and Miss Margaret; ND HILL. ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL ‘ UNITED CHURCH l Sunday, July 8th, 1934 110 am.â€"Sunday School. .11 a.m.â€"â€"The Pastor. l p.m.â€"The Pastor. ST. MARY'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Sunday, July 81h, 1934 ‘10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 111 a.m.â€"Morning Service. Rev. C. Muirhead of Willowdale. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Service. Mr. Arthur Jarrett. , RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘ Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday ,JuLy 8th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Rev. H. W. Davidosn, B.A. (Assistant Minister, Knox Presby- terian Church, Toronto). King Township Council Regular Meeting of the King Town ship Council was held in the Commun- ity Hall, Nobleton, on Saturday, June 301b, 1934 at 10:30 a.m. Accounts were passed as follows: Fox-Lawsonâ€"That the Treasurer be authorized to remit a cheque to W. W. Gardhouse, County Treasurer, for $33.87 being this Municipality’s share of Hospitalization for May. Jefferson-T. MacMurchyâ€"That the Clerk be authorized to take up the matter of securing from The Ontario Government the necessary papers authorizing the further expenditure of $10,000 for relief in the Township of King. Fox-Jeffersonâ€"That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to send a cheque to the following for sheep destroyed as per valuators srworn statement, now on file: Elton Armstrong $16.00 John Rainey 8.00 Wilfred Thomson 4.00 L. S. Yolles 17.00 L. S. Yolles 17.00 Fox-Jeffersonâ€"That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to issue a cheque to A. Wellesley for $16.10 for services re School Attendance Officer’s work. T. MacMurchy-LaWsonâ€"That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to apportion tax between Messrs. Scott and Holbrook provided that Mr. Scott’s deed for such property is registered in the Registry Office. Lawsonâ€"T. MacMurchyâ€"That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to deduct the cost of meals from cheques issued to any person whose board is unpaid at Township Road Camp. Lawson-Jeffersonâ€"That in regard to the plan as submitted to this Coun- cil for subdivision of Lot 11, Con. 3 (0.8.) that same be returned to Canada Company for revision, namely, that 33 feet along northern part of lot be set aside for roadway the ex- treme one foot of north side of such part be deeded to township, and that when such revised plans are received the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the same for this Municipality. T. MacMurchy-Fokâ€"That Richard Deacon and Harry Proctor be paid the sum of $3.00 each for rent of road- way for three yearsâ€"at rate of $1.00 per year each ($2.00 for time previous to date of signing of Agreement). T. MacMrurchy-Jefferson â€" That Chas. Ross be paid $35.00 on account of salary as collector. J efferson-T. MacMurchyâ€"That the Township Engineer, Mr. Babcock, be authorized to draw up a plan for the building of a. reinforced concrete bridge on the 11th Concession King Township, opposite Lot 2; and upon completion of such plans that ar- rangements be made for the construc- tion of the same; and have engineer have tenders and specifications sub- mitted to the Clerk for consideration of Council thereon. S. S. NO. 8 HAGERMAN PROMOTIONS In order of merit. JR. IV to SR. IVâ€"Mildred Gallow- way (h), Helen Wilson (h), Jean Muir-head, Ruby Miller, Errol Blun- dell, Ian Baron, Clarke Couperthwaite Bill Arbour (sick) (rec.). SR. III to JR. IVâ€"Bert Sheldon, Ainslie Hood, Mary Dixon, Victor Meharg, George Miller, Joan Sheldon (rec.). FLOYD PERKINS, Principal JR. III to SR. IIIâ€"Marrianne Fish- er (h), Muriel Bolton (h), Mildred Tooley (h), Stella S-tackoff (h), So- phie Demiak (h), Billy Milne. II to JR. IIIâ€"Myrl Smith (h), Velma Blaylock (h), Melville Milne (h), Kenneth Bolton (h),, Johin Millecr. I to JR. IIâ€"Mary Sheldon (h), Al- lan Wilson (h), Constance Sims, Robert Milne, Bruce Couperthwaite, Eric Millr (sick). JR. I to SR. Iâ€"TI-essa Smith (h), Bernice Sheldon (h), Ina Sims (h), Clarke Hoad, Ralph Veal. SR. PR.â€"Billy Wilson, Jaroslav Stackoff, Betty Hoadi, Vernon Dixon, Winnifred Ooupe-rthwaibe (sick), Al- lan Leaf (sick). JR. PR.â€"â€"Mary Hoad, Betty Stack- off, Doreen Bolton. MYRTLE HAMILL, Teacher FRESH COW THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 Classified Advs. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATES-Jive lines or less, 25 cents for first irsertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. IF FOR SALE CABBAGE PLANTS, late winter variety. Apply Mrs. Davis, Mill St., Richmond Hill. with Calf. Giles Kerswill, R. R. No. 2, Maple, telephone King 3311. _â€"___.__â€"_â€"â€" THREE GEESE, 8 goslings, Massey- Harris binder and two hay forks. D. Kozak, Richmond Hill. EXPERIMENT no longerâ€"it’s costly. Use Cress Corn Salve. Sold at Aus- tin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. SEED BUCKWHEAT, Silver Hulled, perience. Bruce Brothers, Ontario: government tested. Unionville, telephone Stouffville 3602. FERTILIZER, Empire brand, product of Canadian Fertilizer Co. for sale by Wm. Neal, Richmond Hill, phone 210. _.a AYRSHI'RE COW, 5 years old, in full flow, also single horse wagon. Ap- ply at 74 Richmond Street, Richmond HilL FOR SALE OR RENT, farm, Lot 26, Con. 2 Vaughan. Apply to John His- lop, 4141 Yonge Street, York Mills R. R. 2. WASHING MACHINES, new and trade-in machines, refrigerators, gaso- line engines, barn equipment. Apply 74 Yonge Street, phone 92F. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, Village water, hydro, furnace, harwood floors, scree- ned verandah, electric hot water, wired for electric stove, apple, ash, elm and walnut trees, large perennial garden, 2 car garage, breeding pens for 1500 to 2000 hens. Apply Libeal Office, Richmond Hill. BARRED ROCK and Leghorn chicks 8c.; week old 10c., 10% discount on orders for 150 or more; 5% special discount to farmers (ordering any number). H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, opposite Orange Orphanage, telephone King 16r26. Established- 10 years. WANTED CARETAKER for Thornhill RC. cem- etery. For full particulars, apply to John Lynett, Richmond Hill. HEN HOUSE, large enough for 300 hens. Telephone Richmond Hill 54. NOTICE Citizens of Richmond Hill are here- by asked to take notice that weeds on all property in the Village must be cut not later than July 10th. After that date proceedings will be taken to have same cut and the ex- pense charged against the property. GEORGE SMITH, Weed Inspector. #â€" RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Week-end and effective going Fri- day, July 6th, from stations Rich- mond Hill and north thereof only, to destination-s Belleville, Cobourg, Corns wall and others on Eastern Lake Oni- tario, also to Niagara Falls], London, Windsor, Detroit, and various other points in Southwestern Ontario. Friday, July 13th, from Toronto to points on T. .& N. O. and C.N.R. Trans- - continental Railway, Temagami to Hearst inclusive, also to points on Torontoâ€"Winnipeg line Ardbeg to Hornepayne inclusive. From Toronto to points in Central Ontario, Irondale, Bancroft, Tami- worth and others. Friday, July 13th, to Port Huron, Flint, Mich., and Chicago. Saturday, July 14th, from Toronto to points on North Bay line Aurora to Scotia inclusive, also Mount Albert to Lake Joseph inclusive, also to numerâ€" ous points in Central Ontario Lindsay Haliburton and Peterboro district and to various points in Southwestern On- tario including St. Catharines, Nia- gara Falls, Buffalo, Stratford and others. Above fares are at week-end bar- gain rates and limits. For further information phone any C.N.R. ticket office. I CHAS. GRAHAM AGENT Massey Harris Farm Implements Parts and Repairs Beatty Bros. Products Stable and Water Equipment, etc. Roofing Supplies 74 Church St. Phone 132W Richmond Hill Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. T0 RENT APARTMENT, six rooms, all con- veniences. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich mond Hill. Apply MODERN BRICK HOUSE, eight rooms, all conveniences, garage and gardens. Apply 1 Arnold St., phone 156. MISCELLANEOUS RADIO SERVICE, short wave trans- mitters and receivers, 14 years ex- W. Wynn, Maple R. R. 2 TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the painting of the school, S. S. No. 2 Markham. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. For full particulars, apply to C. R. JAMES, R. R. Richmond Hill Public Notice Notice is hereby given that the council of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan have appointed R. D. MacNAUGHTON of Maple as Collector of all Tax Arrears for for the whole Township of Vaughan. ALL PARTIES IN ARREARS FOR 7 TAXES are asked to make payment of said arrears to Mr. Mac-Naughton. By Order, VAUGHAN COUNCIL J. B. McLean, Township Clerk Ontario. I Maple, Dr. Charles 0. Collins DENTIST At Dr. Bigford,s Office Tuesdays 9-12 8.. m. Thursdays 12-4 p. m. Maple, Ont. Phone Maple 3 SALE REGISTER SATURDAY, JULY nthâ€"Credit Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Harness, Furniture, etc., the property of the estate of the late Charles J. Comisky, Lot 18, Con. 2 Markham. Herd of cattle T.B. Test- ed. No reserve as farm sold. A fine lot of livestock and implements all in good shape. Each. article up to $25.00 cash, over that amount four months credit on approved joint notes, 6 per cent discount for cash. Sale starts at 12 o’clock standard time. Lunch pro- vided. Prentice and Prentice Auc~ tioneers. y . . -â€"-â€"â€".â€".___- Used Cars $53330 1932 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN Exceptionally Nice $475.00 1932 4 CYLINDER FORDâ€"Panel - Delivery. Excellent Condition. â€"‘ $375.00 1931 CHEVROLET COACH $325.00 1931 FORD TUDOR $275.00 1930 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€" Rumble Seatâ€"A Real Buy $265.00 1930 FORD ROADSTERâ€"Rumble Seat $100.00 1928 CHEVROLET TON TRUCK All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day! Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO

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