Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1934, p. 5

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Dominion Day was not without its toll of casualties and the 'mtersection of Highway No. 7 an d'the Kennedy Road at Unionville was the location of one of them when Mr. Wm. Riley of Toronto and his sister Mrs. Aslhley along with her two little sons George and Billy of South Wayne, Indiana, motoring to Lindsay collided with a car driven by two lads that made a sharp left hand turn directly in front of them. Mrs. Ashley and son George A wedding of interest to many in this vicinity, wpecially around Hagar- man Corners, occurred at the home of Mrs. Haywood, 833 Maryland Ave., Chicago, when her daughter Eileen became the bride of James Gilchrist. son of Mrs. Geo. Gilchrist on Satur- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist will reside in Chicago. Miss Haywood was a member of the staff of the Western Union Company and was tendered a miscellaneous shower by the employ- ees on June 13th, also a late supper shower, with 46 guests in attendance was given the bride-to-be at the home of Mrs. Geo. Gilchrist, 716 Carolina Ave. Congratulations of the many friends in this vicinity are extended to Mr. and) Mrs. Gilchrist. “Then none were for the party, And all were for the State, The rich man helped the poor man, And the poor man helped the grea ” Stressng that the hope of the future is not in a political party but interpreted in terms of human values and human personalities with an aim that favors co-operation, to live and let live, Prof. Jos. McCulley of Pick- ering College, Newmarket, address- ed a large gathering at Glenburn Farms, the summer home of Colonel and Mrs. F. H. Deacon, last Thursday night, when the Junior Farmers or- ganization and Girls Club entertained the Downtown Kiwanis Club of To- romtoy W. Champion and Ruby Reesor, Presidents of the Clubs, receiving the guests. A delightful Garden Party that included a supper served at tables set on the spacious lawn, a delightful drive through the Deacon property, a visit to the Turkey ranch, eta, were pleasures enjoyed preceding the evening’s entertainment, that was in charge of the Agricultural Com- mittee of the Kiwanis Club, with the Secretary, Arthur Payne, in charge. The program was given in the mam- moth barn that had been suitably decorated for the occasion. Bill Champion, in officially welcoming the guests, also expressed appreciation to Colonel and Mrs. Deacon for their kind hospitality and Ruby Reesor on behalf of the Clubs presented Mrs. Deacon with a box of chocolates. On the program were also included Ken- neth Laoheed, Kiwanis President, Col. F. H. Deacon and musical selections by the Junior Farmers Quartette, Fred Johnson, Chas. Whittaker, Ken. MacIntosh, Alex. Allen; John Mosâ€" cow, violinist; Dorothea Brown, solo- ist; piano accordion and harmonica Solos by members of the Kiwanis Boy’s Club. Later in the evening a surprize was accorded' the gathering by the arrival of Ola B. MacNaughton noted reader who delighted the aud- ience with several pleasing selections. An old time Barn Dance to the strains of the Junior Farmers Com Poppers concluded the event. Among those present were Mr. Wells, Mr. Evans; Mr. Coleman of the Liberal Reform Association of Toronto, Miss Ethel Chapman, Miss Petty, Mrs. Stevens, ‘ Miss Wallace of the Department, Mr. and Mrs. Bryden of Montpelier, Ver- mont; Mr. andI Mrs. A. J. H. Eckardt of Toronto, Miss Marion Hood and Mrs. Kennedy of Toronto, Rev. A. E. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Maynard, Mrs. W. M. Smith and Miss M. Som- , merville of Unionvil-le. Be sure that each bundle is tied, Now for the cottage we’ll try It’s a wonderful day for the ride. 5 Edgar Guest Frying pans, clocks and tureens. Pack it in, stack it in high, Molasses and oilcloth and plants, Shelf paper, towels and screens, Stuff to discourage the ants, Eight baskets: of jellies and jams, We can pack it all in if we try, Books, records, a cake and a ham, - A truck is the thing I should buy. Liniments, lotions and pills, A chairâ€"and the paint hasn’t dried A box for receipts and the bills, It’s a. wonderful day for the ride. A punch bowl we won’t use at all. “Good stuff for the cottage" she cries, Bridge prizes she won’t throw aside, Three rug-s, six by nine is the size, It’s a. wonderful day for the ride. Goldfish, canary and dog, Canned goods to last us till faLL A poker to stir up the log, â€"â€"We Start for the Cottageâ€" Candlesticks, blankets and sheets, Carpets and flatirons and shoes, Pile up the floor and the seats With things which in town we can’t use. A trunk or two strapped on the rear, Three suitcases; tied to the side. There’s a b'roomhandle close to my ear It’s a. wondJerful day for the ride. THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Take one large grassy field, One half dozen children, ‘ Two or three small dogs, A pinch of brood:- and some pebbles. Mix the children and the dogs well together and put them in the large grassy field, stirring constantly. Pour the brook over the pebblfi, sprinkle the field with flowers, spread over all a deep blue sky, and bake in the hot sun. When brown set away to coolâ€"in a bath tub. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH‘ St; 1 UNIONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 Fun-â€" 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 8-111.â€" 11 a.m.â€"“How far does bread go?” mun-ion. A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE â€"Ragged Robinsâ€" l 2 egg whites, 1/8 teaspoon salt, '1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 cup fine granulated sugar, 1 cup chopped dates 11/2 cups chopped nuts, 2 cups corn flakes, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat egg whites with salt until foamy, then add baking powder, beating in well. Fold in remaining- ingredients‘. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered pan. Bake in moderate oven for about 10 minâ€" utes. Yield 3 dozen. Miss Grace Harringbon of Toronto is spending holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Harring- tom. Miss Marge Duncan of Toronto Spent the holiday with Miss Labesrta Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell enjoyed a holiday up the Severn River over the week-end. Mrs. E. Little is spending holidays at Lake of Bays, Muskoka. Mrs. K. B. Heisey and family are holidaying at the home of Mrs. W. M. Smith. head, Miss M. Sommerville, Ainslie Hood and Jean Muirhead attended the meeting- of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church held at the home of Mrs. D. Brown, Gormley, on Wednesday last. Mr. and! Mrs. Wiley Greer who have been visiting- friends in Montreal ne- turhed home at the end of the week. Mm. C. A. Hood, Mrs. Jas. Muir- Mrs. N. Cook and daughter Eileen of Scarboro Junction are visiting- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Humphrey of King ston Road spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kincaid. We regret to report Mrs. K. B. Wad;- saon ill in Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Ray Miller and family of To- ronto were guests of Mrs. H.,Mille'r over the holiday. Miss Lillian Parkinson of Toronbo spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Grange of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Glsadson Wilson were guests of Mrs. Spencer Smalley on Sunday and Monday. Miss E. B. Russell was hostess at a delightful dinner party on Sunday with hetz- cousins Mrs. George Moore, Lebanon, New Hampshire, U. S. A., Mrs. M. Hilman, Toronto; Miss Mary Miller, Miss Effie Miller of Toronto; Miss Margaret Reesor of Markham and Miss M. Sommerville as guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Harrington motored to Lake of Bays, Muskoka, on Saturday laxst, Mr. Harrington re- turning on Monday, M13. Harrington remaining to visit» her friend Mis‘s Muriel Armour. Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. W. Seagar of Cleveland, Ohio, Mns. Dennison and Miss Goodie of Torombo were guests of Mrs. M. Hemmin-g'way on Sundjay. Mrs. T. Duncan was a Toronrto vis- itor on Tuesday. 7 Miss Vera Morris of Thornhm is the guest of Miss Velma Findlay. tee for next month imcLudes Cameron MacIntosh, Billly Hood, Fred Hindle‘. A dance in 001. F. H. Deacon’s barn concluded the event. There were 225 in attendance. Final plans for the Moonlight Ex- cursion that will be held on July 20th, the report on the Kiwanis entertain- ment and also on the Woodchuck con- test with Vellore Organization were items of business discussed at the regular meeting of the Junior Farm- ers held in the Township Hall last Monday night. The Woodchuck con- test is indeed unique and will continue until July 14th. The win consisting in entertainment by the losing so-‘ ciety, the organization that obtains by hook or by crook the largest num- ber of woodchucks' qualifying for honors. As tails are to be the evi- dence of captured woodchucks, the Secretary suggests freedom for the little animals and growing another tail. You just can’t beat these Junior Farmers. The lecture of the evening ‘on “Economics” was presented by Rev ‘MacDonald from a new angle, the subject being “The Origin of Capital- ization.” Helen Jarvis and Thomas Darlmgton were the Editors of last month’s paper, Peggy Milroy reading the production. And still another un- believable feat accomplished by the Junior Farmers Clubs. The demolish- ment of 175 ice cream bricks at the luncheon- period. The lunch commit- Mr. and Mrs. W. J‘ â€"PRESERVIN G CHILDREN. suffietred minor injuries, Dr. C. R. MacKay administering first aid. Both cars were badly damaged. 10 awnâ€"Church School. 11 ai.m.â€"-Morning Prayer. Holy Comâ€" Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanderson and’ famin spent the week-end and holi- day near Fenelon Falls. 1:30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2:30 p.m.-â€"“H0w far does bread go? Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. St. Pl_1ilips_ Ayglicgn_ Church The Primary Department of the United Church are holding- their an»- nual picnic on the lawn of Mr. P. Angle’s home, Yonge St., on Saturday July 7th, from 3 to 6 pam. Mothem, babies and small children of the con- gregation cordially invited. Please bring a. picnic basket. Mr and Mrs. A. Waning-ton and' family spent the holiday weekâ€"end with friends at Perth. The Rev. H. W. Davidson of Knox Presbyterian Chm-ch, 'Domonto, will occupy the pulpit in the local Presby- terian Church during- Mr. Cunning- ham’s absence at Camp. ' Miss M. Swan, Miss M. Brimstin and Mrs. H. B. Burwell all formerly of West China were guests of Mrs. Cum- ninvgham at the Manse last week. Mm. Perrcy C. Hill and Miss; Shirley Hill were guests at the Chateau Fron- tenac, Quebec, over the holiday week- end. Mrs. F. Coulte'r left on Thursday of last week to visit friends in Sas- katchewan. Mis Dorothy Angle leaves Friday night for the Taylor Startbon Camp, Algonquin Park, Canoe Lake, whleme she will spend the next two months. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Allison andJ Margaret were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Dean of Thornhill at their cottage, Killarney Bay, Balsam Lake, over the week-end and holiday. Mrs. T. Armstrong and two children of Thornbury, Mrs. Angus and Bobby, Rev. J. J. and Mrs. Coulter of Toronto were guests of Rev. G. E. and! Mrs‘. Coulter on Thursday of last week. A number of Richmond Hill boys left to-day for the Junior Boys Camp on Georgina Island Where they will spend four or five days. Mrs. E. Darby of Weston is spend- ing this week with Mrs. N. Wellwood. Miss Lenore Stone is‘ visiting friends in Beeton. Mrs. J. Bower of Maple is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Coulter, at the Parsonage. Miss Louise Armstrong of Langâ€" staff is holidaying with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Kenneth Blanchard left last Friday for Winnipeg where she will visit friends. Mr. James McLean and Mr. James McLean Jr. left last Friday night for a trip through Western Canada. They will visit points as far west as Vicâ€" toria and will stop over at the main centres on their return journey. They expect to be away about three weeks. Mrs. Milne of Orillia is visiting Mrs. G. Gee, Centre Street East, this week. Rev. Dr. Dunning Idle and Mrs. Idle, Mr. and Mrs. Egerrton Wellwood of Flint, Mich., visited over the week- end With Mrs. N. Wellwood and! Mr. and Mrs. George Gee. The Misses Ann Dimming, Marion Thompson and Elizabeth Wilcox of Aurora, and Katharine and Alice Meâ€" credy of R. R. No. 1 Richmond Hill, pupils of Miss Alexina Mortson, rern- dered delightful piano solosi, adding much to the pleasure of the occasion of the Tea given on the afternoon of June twenty-seventh, at the home of Mrs. Snively “Glenlonely,” in aid of the Women’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges. Misses Catherine and Gladys Stan- ford left this week to spend ten days at the WA. Girls Camp, White House Lake Couchiching'. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. p.m.â€"“A Life-story Mystery Solved.” Mr. Armstrong was again awarded a scholarship by the Law Society of Upper Canada. We extend congratulations to Mr. J. M. Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong, Langstai'f, who has passed the second year Osgoode Hall Examination-s with honours. Mr. R. P. Cardwell of Algonquin Park and Miss K. Gal'de of To- ronto were home on the holiday. Mrs. McKechnie and brother of Montreal visited the Moyle family last week. Social and Personal TH}: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO '7" Evils cure themselves. Kidnap- ping Will end when all the rich people 'are driven to Europe for safety. A tea. in aid of sending girls to camp will be held at the home of Jean Middleton on Tuesday, July 10th from 3 o’clock to 5 o’clock in the af- ternoon. Admissxon 15 cents. The C.G.I.T. camp (inter-denomi- national) Will be held on Georgina Island, Lake Simcoe, from Thursday, July 19th, to Saturday, July 28th. The Senior Boys Will return the day the girls go to camp. For further infor- mation see Jean Middleton. Is this not really worth while? It is not just a waste of time, but, an experience never to be forgotten. How many of you are sending your boy or girl to camp? Or, how many of you are sending somebody else’s boy or girl to camp? If it is finan- cially possible, why not experiment this year and find what a change will come over that one boy or girl you send. If you are an old camper, it would not only be one thought, but many, which would perhaps bring back the thoughts of the fellowship of those with whom you came in contact, the quiet Morning Watch, when you sat in your own special little spot and there communed with God. Perhaps you would think of your Bible Study Group, where you learned how to live more closely in Jesus’ way. Or would you think of the fun in your interest groups, where you learned handicraft, or campcraft, or photo- graphy or other useful things? You might even think of the fun you had when in swimming, the fun of learn- ing to swim, or dive, or some new strokes. The fun of a masquerade and the stories, singâ€"songs, and short plays at campâ€"fine would be brought to your mind‘. But perhaps, the most impressive is the Vesper Service, when you sit on the shore and while singing hymns, and listening to a quiet talk by your leader, the sun dips out of sight, casting its reflec- tion over the calm waters. CAMP! What thoughts does that word bring to you? Does it just make you think oflboys and girls going- off to have a. good time? Signed on behalf of the Pupils of Pine Orchard School. Not only have you taught us the necessary reading, writing and arith- metic but you have given your time unselfisth to guide us in the ways of finer living. Your cheery, kindly manner will long be remembered. We ask you to accept this token of our affection. We wish to express our apprecia- tion of the time you have spent in teaching us during our most impressL ionable years. PRESENTATION The pupils of S. S. No. 4, Whit- church united at the close of school on Friday last to do honor and bid farewell to Miss E. Denne, Junior Teacher of the school for the past four years. Miss Barbara Bosworth read the following address and Master Bobbie Shropshire presented a sterling silver bracelet: Dar Miss Bennie:â€" I’ve probably forgotten some items but we have a small amount of money left to be used next fall. No wond‘er we feel like saying a. hearty “Thank You” to our generous friends. Besides giving out clothing of which we did not keep a record be- cause it was almost impossible to do so, we bought 1 leather coat, 1 cap, 11 sweaters, 12 suits boys underwear, 20 shirts, 16 pair of rubbers, 26 pair boots or shoes, had‘ 7 pair overshoes repaired, 23 pair boots or shoes re~ paired, bought p pair mitts, paid $1 for yarn that a lady kikndkly made in- to mitts for the children. We also had many pairs of mitts donated. Bought 18 pair sox, 8 pair stockings, 18 girls vests, 14 pair bloomers. Dr. Bell ex~ tracted 4 teeth. We also paid for some meals and children often took a hungry child home to dinner or those at school “shared 11p.” THANK YOU! The Teachers of the Richmond Hill Public School Wish to thank all who gave donations to our Public School Fund. Your gifts of either money or clothing helped many children through an exceptionally severe winter. “Rusty” White of " the Fergus ’I'histles was a visitor at. his home here over the week-end. The Thistles are now in third“ place in their league and are improving every game. They have hopes of landing up in first plaCe and “Rusty” is leading his team in goals scored for the season. Fergus play at Mimico next Saturday evening Mr. F. Coulber and Miss Margaret Coulter spent the week-end! with friends at Peterboro, Miss Coulter re- maining for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McTaggart and Mrs. J. P. Pfingle of Noblebon, Mrs. A. A. McTagg-art of McTaggart, Sas- katchewan visited MI. and Mrs. Clar- ence Mylks on Tuesday of this week. M. L. McCONAGHY D=°=°=Ol They all started for home, sunburn, but happy and singing, all looking forward to another week-end camping- in the near future. momouo=o=m Play: Any kind of violent exercise that you would call wage-slavery if you got $3 a day for doing it. The girls were glad' they were camping as they might not have seen it otherwise. Mond‘ay evening came, the girls had tidied up camp, struck tent and pack- Barter’s Garage Camp fire time soon came around again, marshmellows were toasted and taps were sung. The girls were just turning in for the night when a huge bright light flashed. Some thought it was the fire starting to burn again. Some thought it was the headlights of a car turning up the lane. It was a meteor, a star almost as large as the moon, a bright bluish white with a tail of fire. It lit up the whole bush almost as light as day. Baseball also helped to work up an appetite. The afternoon was so warm the girls each picked out a quiet spot and curled up with an interesting book or magazine. Sunday morning- dawned with a glorious splendour of gold and orange light heralded in by the choir of the bush nature’s songsters. The camp yawned and stretched and arose to bathe its face in the cold water in the wash basin. It was divided’ into patrols, one to go to the farm for milk and butter, one to assemble and light the fire, one to prepare break- fast, and one to set the table. A hearty breakfast was participated and enjoyed by all. After the table was cleared the girls had a wondlerful time horse back riding. Those who had never ridden 'a. horse before ob- tained a good training in how to mount and descend from a horse. The bedS/ were prepared, some in the tent and some under the stars. Camp fire was built and buns‘ and tea. went down good before retiring. Taps were sung- and everyone tucked them- selves in sailed off to dreamland lulled to sleep by the cool evening- hreeze in the tall pines'. Holiday Week-end Spent at Green Gables Farm Eleven girls arrived at the Bush of the “Green Gable Farm” eleven o’clock Saturday morning. The camp sight was prepared and the tent was pitched. They then took their Pallâ€" iasses (mattresses) over to the barn to fill them with hay for the night. A wash stand was made from four branches square-knotted together by cord. A bottomless pail placed up- side down- in the fire, and a square piece of iron- on four stones formed a perfect cook stove. mile north of Milliken, FRIDAY, JULY 6th. Program by celebrated artists commencing at 8 p.m., stan- dard time, and there will be a refresh- ment booth on the grounds. This will be an outstanding event and the pro- gram will be sure to please. Don’t miss the big Garden Party at Colin- Hood’s, Kennedy Road, to-morrow (Friday) evening. The event is under the auspices of Knox Presbyterian Church, Agincourt. MAMMOTH GARDEN PARTY A mammoth Garden Party will be held at “Rowanwood” the home of Mr. Colin Hood, Kennedy Road, half RICHVALE GeneralRepairs-ExpertWorkmanship GIRL GUIDE RANGER NEWS Yonge Street and Oak Avenue, Stop 22 Yonge St.“ PROTECTS AND MAKES ALL FINISHES LAST LONGER KEEPS COLORS FROM FADING A Simonized car is easily kept clean, then why not let us restore that luster to YOUR car. General Repairs, Greasing, Washing, Accessories Cities Service and Koolmotor Oils and Gas Distillate Oil for Tractors or Oil Stoves Goodrich Tires and Tubes CITIES SERVICE GARAGE SimonizYourCar Battery Smite Brake Dwms Tnch McCall-Frontenac Products Richmond Hill 29 Yonge Street 0=0=0=0g0HC Radio, Spartan, 7 Tube, Spot Dial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Tube Fad‘a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reconditioned One Each 185 Size Waltham, 7 jewel .. 183 15 jewel, American . . . . . . 185 Cresent St. Waltham .. . . 1651 Swiss, 17 jewel . . . . . . . . 165 Swiss, 15 jewel . . . . . . . . l5 Jewel Bracelet Wrist Watch 15 Jewel Bracelet Wrist 1 Ladies 7 jewel Elgin Strap MURPHY-O’LEARY â€" At St. Peter’s R. C. Church on Monday, July 2nd, by Rev. Father Burns, Anna.- Marg'amett, daughter of Mrs. O’Leary of Toronto and‘ the late Thomas O’- Leary became the bride of Ollie J ames Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Richmond Hill. Church Parsonage, Richmond flux, on Saturday, June 30th, by Rev. G. E. Coulter, Violet Elizabeth Cripps of Gonnley to Henry Arnold, Markham Township. Wrist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 1 15 jewel Ladies Waltham Strap 7.00 WEDDINGS RYMAN-DURANTâ€"At the home 01; the bride’s parents at Elgin Mills on Saturday, June 30th, by Rev. G. E: Coul’oetr, A. Durant to Ar- thur Ryman of Aurora. DAIRY RICHMOND HILL DAIRY ARNOLDâ€"CRIPPSâ€"At the United Milk and Cream Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methods it is sure to give satisfaction. Pas- teurized by the most modern methods. ' Because it is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on Phone 42 Richmond Hill WATCHES '5 Richmond Hill G. WALWIN, PI'op. TAYLOR’S 2 Elizabeth St. Phone 12 PAGE FIVE $4.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 3.50 45.00 25.00

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