Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jul 1934, p. 5

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Unionville is establishing a record for baseball usucoebses this season. The girls club journeyed over to the Claremont Field Day event and won the tournament, while the boy’s team won honors for the local Orange Lodge by winning the East York Orange baseball tournament at the annual picnic held at Centre Island on July 12th. The boys defeated the Ypung Britons Lodge No. 8 , the score 16-0. The line-up of the team was pitcher, Bob Allen; catcher, Len McMullen; 1st base, Ben Myers; 2nd base, Ross Middleton; 3rd base, W. Harrington; short stop, H. Barber; fielders, A. Pellatt, Gerald Freeland, Christ Kennedy. The topic “What should be the churchfs attitude toward divlorce?” prompted a. lively discussion at the meeting of the Y.P.S. of Central United Church held on Monday eve~ hing. Rev. A. E. Owen presean the topic, Marge Wheatly was in charge of the program. The attraction to the Cake and Ice Cream shop continues, the young ladies in charge are to be congratu- lated upon adding this inviting shop to our village. The blue and- white decorative scheme is refreshing to say the least and the cake and Ice cream, wellâ€"they speak for them- selves. A delightful event of the week was the presentation by the W.A of Cen- tral United Church to one of their honored members, Mrs. Jas. Camplin, in remembrance of her birthday that occurred last Friday. A lovely box of chocolates was the gift. “Sweets to the Sweet.” Mrs. T. Burnett on be- half of the committee making the presentation. Sunday School picnics are quite the vogue for this week, St. Philip’s An- glican held the annual at Crosby Mes morial Park on Wednesday and Gen- tral United at Sherwood Park on Thursday. The District Annual Pic- nic for Horticultural Societies was held at Orillia on Wednesday also. J. H. Chant. The July meeting of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church met in the Sunday School room on Thursday last with a good attendance considering the holiday season. Mrs C. M Crawford presiding. The de- cision to hold a special Missionary Service on Sunday, August 5th, was finportant business. It is anticipated that Rev. F. Rae will be the guest speaker on that occasion, complete particulars to be announced later. The afternoon’s program included an interpretation of the 4th chapter of the study book “Living issues in Chimi” by Mrs. W. M. Smith, the Scripture reading from Mark 9 by Mrs. A. Coulson, and the roll call responded to by a verse of scripture containing the word “Charity.” The; dismissal prayer being given by -â€"~Rudward Kipling This is last call to remind you that the Junior Farmer’s moonlight excursion is scheduled for Friday evening, July 20th, and will leave the foot of York Street at 8:15 o’clock (E.S.T.). An opportunity for you to enjoy a mmt delightful outing. may not pass away. For the glory of the garden, it shall never pass away. wren, For there in the cool of the even, God walked with the first of men. And I dream that these gardens close us, . With their shade and their sum flecked sod, And their lilies and bowers of roses; Were laid by the hand of God. The kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God’s heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth. Dorothy Francis Gurney “0h, Adam was a gardener, and God who made him see That half a proper gardeners work is done upon his knees, uwuua. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington paid a visit to Miss Blachlock’s Garden on Tuesday last. This flower garden is rated as one of the finest in Ontario and is located» at Meadowvale. Mrs. Jos. Lesson of Wilkie, Sask., and her sister Mrs. Norman Stephen- son of Unity, Sask., have been visit- ing friends in this locality during the past week. Mrs. J. Kennedy and Miss M. Nel- son of Acton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell. Miss Barbara Thompson of Scar- boro visited Mrs». Susan Gibson on Saturday last. Mrs. Jamison of Uxbridge is vis- So when your work is finished, youiting' her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. can wash your hands, and pray, C amplin. For the glory of the garden, that it I. Mrs- J.-__Cunn_ingham_ is spending 'lhe Lord God planted a. garden, The first white days of the world, And he set an angel warden In: a. garment of light unfurled. So near to the peace of Heaven That a. hawk might nest with the BROWN BROS., Unionville WEEKLY. NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT SPECIAL SALE OF Misses and Ladies’ Summer Dresses One Day Only, F ri., July 20 THURSDAY, JULY 19th, 1934 The newest offering in styles and fabrics at remarkable low prices- sizes 14 to 50 Others at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 and up We Invite Your Inspection One: group 98c. “Why Should he stop,” he said, pointing to a man who was watching the conflagration with‘ considerable interest, “andJ I move on?” A crowd had assembled at the scene of a fire, and a policeman was moving them on. One man, however, refused to go. 1:30 p.m.â€"Church Schooi. """ 2:30 p.m., Continuingâ€"“Christ’s ables of Modern Life.” St. Philips Anglican Church Rev. J. J. Robbin- 10 a.m.-â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Moming Prayer. 8 Wrong.” p.m., Mondayâ€"Y P S ables» of Modern Life.” 7 p.m.â€"“Wh-en the World goes Said the Sparrow to the Robin: “Friend I think that it must be, That they trust no Heavenly Father Such as cares far you and me.” CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH UNIONVILLE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m., (bntinuingâ€"â€"“Christ’s Parâ€" Verse for the Kiddies Said the Robin to the Sparrow: “I would really like to know Why these restless human beings Rush about and worry so.” â€"Jiffy Fruit Wafers-â€" 1 cup each finely chopped dates, :nuts, cherries, 12 marshmallows, 12 {graham flacken-s. {Mix ingredients and mold with hands in a roll. Chill. Cut in slices and serve. Peanut Butter Icing Cream together 2 tablespoons pea- nut butter and 1% tablespoons but- ter, add 2 tablespoons icing sugar, Cream again. Then add 2 teaspoons orange juice, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 1 cup icing sugar (sifted). Cream until smooth. Spread on cake and dust ilghtly with powdered cinnamon. Delicious on light cut cake. Mr. E. E. Braithwaibe, Mr. and Mrs- Vernon Trunk motored to Chicago this week. .A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE. Mr. Donald Sabiston has been ap- pointed to the staff of the local branch of the Bank of Commerce. The Contract for resurfacing the 6th Concession has been let to the E. A. Jupp Construction Company and the work already started. This comes as welcome news to everyone but especially those who live in the proximity. Mrs. D. Coulson is spending a week with her son, Mr. Robt. Coulson, Mil- liken. Mrs. S. Morris of Windsor was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Duf- field, last week en route to Big Cedar Pointe where: she will visit her sister, Mrs. F. Harry. Mrs. C. Smales‘ of Dunbarbon visit- ed her sister-in-Iaw, Mrs. M. C. Som- merville, over the week-end. Mrs. Jas. Thompson is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. Grant of Wax- ford. Mrs. F. Roadway is enjoying a week’s holidays with her daughter, Mrs. W. Hendershot at Willow Lake. Mrs. R. J. Cunningham is spending the week with relatives in Toronto. “Well, sir,” he said, “it’s his fire.” Mi‘s. Jos. Lesson of Wilkie, Sask., and her sister Mrs. Norman Stephen- son of Unity, Sask, have been visit- ing friends in this locality during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington paid a visit to Miss Blachlock’s Garden on Tuesday last. This flower garden is rated as one of the finest in Ontario and is Ioca’oedat Meadowvale. Hall’s Lake seems to be a. favorite spot for holidaying, this week Evelyn Perkins entertaining a party of her young friends including Shirley Brown, Evelyn Hun-ell, Dvrothy Hur rel], Gwen Brown and- Kathlene Stotts. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH I Lady Customer: “I should say so! I can buy them cheaper in half a dozen places!” OBSERVANT Shop Assistant: “We are selling these goods, madam, at ridiculous prices!” DUN CANâ€"In ever loving memory of my dear mother, May Edith Dun- can, who passed peacefully to rest, July 17th, 1932. Dear mother how I miss you, In my heart there is a pain; Whenever I see your picture Whenever I speak your name. You left us all so quickly, You never said good-bye; But I know you are matching us, mother, From that wonderful place on high. Sadly missed by daughter Leila. LINSTEADâ€"At Gormley on Fri- day, July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Linstead, a daughter. Iâ€"Violet Currie, Archie Cameron, Irene Puterbaugh, Marjorie Crane. E. FARR, Teacher JR. IIIâ€"Mary McNeil, Stanley Walker, Stanley Downing (r), Robt. Chapman (1‘). JR. IIâ€"June Phillips, :Geo‘a'gve Craib, Ruth Oliveir, Ola. Chapman, Ross Chapman (r). SR. IIIâ€"rGrace McDonald (hon.), Mary Brownlee (hon.), Hrerrb Con- stable, Cora. Julian. SR. IVâ€"â€"Ruby Downing. JR. IVâ€"Maurice Dupius, Stanley McNeil, Stanley Foster, Howard Plunkett, Margaret Brownlee, Beth McDonald. A. Y. P. A. Swimming Party St. Mary’s A.Y.P.A. are having a Swimming Party to Musselman’s Lake on Monday evening, July 23rd. Cars will leave the church at 7:15 p.m. All members and friends are coldjally invited. Rt. Wor. Bro. J. Roy Herring-ton, V. W. Bro. David Hill, W. Bros. H. J. Mills, A. A. Eden, T. H. Trench, D. M. Chamney, P. C. Hill, W. J. Tay ior, J. A. Monkman, W. G. Baldock, J. E. Smith and Bros. Harold Reid and Robert Endean were among those from Richmond Lodge attend- ing the sessions of Grand Lodge A. F. & A.M. in Toronto this week. Mrs. E. M. Rumble and Miss Bertty Rumble are holidaying at Ballydown Beach, Lake Simcoe. Mrs. G. Stephenson. and daughter Madeline have returned home after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Phillips in Welland. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Pugs-ley and Master David left to-day for Sedley, Saskatchewan. Rev. G. E. and Mrs. Coulter will be “At Home” at the United Church Parsonage on Saturday, July 215$, from 3 to 6 o’clock and from 7 to 10 o’clock (D.S.T.) on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary. Messrs. Lewis» Sims and Donald Frisby are this week enjoying a motor trip through the North Country Mrs. Hewison who was called to the city by the sudden illness and passing of her sister, Mrs. Wilkins, returned to Mrs. Cook's on Saturday. The sympathy of Mrs. Hewison’s many friends in this district is ex- tended to her in her bereavement. Messrs. A. G. Savage and J. H. Naughton enjoyed their annual Fish- ing trip: at Wilberforce last week. Mrs. M. Whelton of Agassiz, B. C., spent the weekâ€"end with her aunt, Mrs. C. Harrison. Messrs. Denmis Hargroves and Dick Schurman are enjoying a holiday week at Hydro Glen, Sevem River. SCHOOL REPORT FOR 8.8. No 9 VELLORE Mr. and Mrs. B. Pattenden ‘and Marjorie and Elinor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Linstead of Gormley. Mr. and) Mrs. D. Devons and daughter of Benson Ave. are holidayâ€" ing in Ottawa. Mrs. J. C. Smith of Sandwich was: a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cox and son. Bruce, and Miss Helen Howard of Toronto are guests with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard. Miss M. E. Harrison- of is spending her vacation mother, Mrs. C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson of Windsor were week-end guests of his sister, Mrs. L. W. Zuelfelt._ Mrs. Norman Stevenson and young son Willis have been visiting her sisâ€" ter and other relatives in Toronto. Social and Personal IN MEMORIAM BIRTH TH}: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO Sandwich, with her Too bad we can’t all be as philo- 50phic as a sun dialâ€"which counts only the brighd: hours and forgets the rest. No matter what one’s interests or vocation there is education and recreation for everybody at the Can- adian National Exhibition. The dates this year are August 24th to Sept. 8th. Saturday, July 28th, from Toronto to Eastern Lake Ontario points in- cluding Oshawa, Port Hope, Belle- ville and Smiths Falls; ' The above fares are at week-end bargain rates and limits. For fur- ther information enquire of any C.N. R. ticket office. Saturday, July 28th, from Toronto to various points in Lindsay and Peterboro distric, also to Kingsmu, Brockville, Morrisburg and other points in that district. Saturday, July 28th, from Toronto to points northwest thereof including Alliston, Beeton, Drayton, Goderich, Kincardine, Palmerston, Southamp- ton, Wiarton and a score of others in that district. Friday, July 27th, from Toronto to various points: in Central Ontario in- cluding Frankford, Marmora, Iron- dale, Bancroft. Thursday, July 26th, from Toronto to the Maritime Pfdovinoes, tickets good to return leaving destination up to July 315i}. Friday, July 27th, from Toronto to Ailsa Craig, Exeter, Forest, Park- hill, Thedford and othels. ‘ Visitors from the Unitaf States are amazed ’at the scope and magnitude of the Canadian National Exhibition No annual exposition in the United States or elsewhere in the world com- pares with it in the matter of saze and diversity. Saturday, July let, from Toronto to Montreal and Quebec City. Friday, July 20th, from Toronto to Windsor and Detroit. So Say We (Mail am! Empire)â€" Newspapermen ithroruglhaut Omtalrio, regardless of party affiliations, would rejoice if Mr. Hepburn could induce Mr. Stewart Lyon to discharge government duties of any kind. It has been a. loss to the public life of Canada. that for some years Mr. Lyon has ceased to take part in it. A Debatable Point (Edmonton Journal)â€"An Alberta magistrate has ordered three boys, who had broken into a cottage, to attend church every Sunday for six months. Whether “inflicting” church attendance as a punishment: will result in good is‘ a debatable point. STREET DANCE Keep in mind the annual Richmond Hill Street Dance to be held WEDâ€" NESDAY, August 22nd. Reserve this date. Bigger and better than ever this year. Births registered during the five months January-May of this year totalled 33,150, deaths 20,197 and marriagw 10,383 as against 34,588 births, 20,194 deaths and 9,741 mar- riages during the corresponding per- iod last year. This comparison shows a decline of 4 per cent in births, practiwa no change in deaths and an increase of 6% per cent in the number of marriages. Births registered in 68 cities and towns of Canada in May numbered 6,629, deaths 4,270 and marriages 2,407, as compared with 7,309 births, 4,079 deaths and 2,230 marriages in May last year, showing a decrease of 9% per cent in births, and increases of 41/2 per cent in deaths and 8 per cent in marriages. LARGE DECREASE IN BIRTHS LARGE INCREASE MARRIAGES Phone 42 Richmond Hill DAIRY RICHMOND HILL DAIRY G. WALWIN, Prop. Milk and Cream sure to insist on Because is so PURE, so FRESH, and so GOOD be Secured from selected and inspected herds and handled in the most ap- proved methods it is sure to give satisfaction. Pas- teurized by the most modern methods. RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Richmond Hill Ontario Hydro Electric Power Oom- missdon statisticians calculate that Hydro, since its inception, has saved over $600,000,000 to Ontario Hydro users on their electricity bills. The average cost of electricity to Richmond. Hill lighting consumers has been decreased from 2.64 cents per kilowatt hour in 1927 to 2.29 cents in 1933. The 1933 rates of 2.2 and 2.5 cents per kilowatt hour for domestic and commercial electricity are to be compared with private com- pany rates of 8 and 10 cents per kilo~ watt hour in similar sized munici- palities prior to Hydro. Ontario’s average Hydro rate is 1.7 cents per kilowatt hour; that of 25 represen- tative American cities is 5.7 cents; that of New York City is 6 cents per kilowatt hour. Hydro power was first turned on in Richmond Hill in June of 1925. Between 1927 and 1933 the growth of Richmond Hill Hydro has been noted as follows:â€"Tota1 Hydro consumers increased in number from 369 to 398; average horsepower used increased from 175.8 to 285.9 plus 2.8 for water heaters; total revenue increased from $12,494 to $15,696; lighting revenue increased from $7,990 to $11,158; kilowatt hours sold for lighting in- creased from 302,223 to 486,890; and plant capital'increased in value from $19,210 tod $25,000. Richmond Hill, according to the re- port, has accumulated reserves and surplus out of its local Hydro enter- prise of $35,901. These assets, built up without imposition of a. cent of taxation, are comprised as follows:â€" Reserve for equity in Hydro system $8,304; reserve for depreciation on local plant $1,319; debentures paid $8,046; operating surplus $18,231. (By E. George Smith) Richmond Hill is' listed in the On- tario Hydro Electric Power Commisâ€" sion municipal report; as one of 83 Hydro municipalities which are now legarded as “out of debt"â€" is their local Hydro assets exceed their liabilities. This coupon is inserted as a convenience in renewing your subscription. The address label shows you the date up to which your subscription is paid. If it is in arrears we would appreciate your remittance, at $1.50 per year. THE LIBERAL Enclosed find $ . . . . . being my subscription for . . . . years. Please send me a receipt. Street and No., or R. R. No. . . BAKERS â€" GROCERS â€" BUTCHERS BREAD CAKES PIES Specials For This Week-End PROTEC’I‘S AND MAKES ALL FINISHES LAST LONGER A Simonized car is easily kept clean, then why not let restore that luster to YOUR car. General Repairs, Greasing, Washing, Accessories Cities Service and Koolmotor Oils and Gas Distillate Oil for Tractors or Oil Stoves Goodrich Tires and Tubes SimoniZYourCar CITIES SERVICE GARAGE DOM Kerr Brothers~ Richmond Hill HYDRO CUT THIS OUT KEEPS COLORS FROM FADING u‘ LLxu uyuvxul, III. . . . . . . . . . . . . ibKIEs, 2 doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Orange Pekoe Tea & 1 lb. Sugar DE SALMON, small tin . . . . . . . . . . l, Sliced, tin SHORTENING, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ES, 3 pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SALMON, 2 lge. tins . . . . . . . . . . . . [NGS, 2 pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( SARDINES, 5 tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . - o . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Yonge Street 1 Tent Meeting According to the latest 1933 fig- ures the provincial peak load has grown in the last decade from 669,- 000 to 1,511,033 horsepower; the num- ber of municipalities served- has in- creased from 393 to 757; the total number of consumers has increased from 387,983 to 617,000, including rural; capital investment (Hydro) has increased from $179,000,000 to $288,000,00; capital investment (inuni cipal) has increased from $60,000,000 to $112,000,000; miles of rural lines increased during- the decade from 605 to 9,000, and rural customers ink creased in number from 7,700 to 62,â€" 000. In progress now dowu tenth of Markham, 21/2 miles South of No. 7 Highway, held by Breth~- ren in Christ (Tunker) Evanâ€" gelist Bert Shirk, Stevensville. Come and hear full Gospel mes- sage every night until Aug. 5th. EVERYONE WELCOME. Computing Hydfo rates against private company rates in the United States, the Commission’s statisticians ascertain that Ontario Hydro users would be paying on their electricity bills a total of $50,000,000 additional annually at average United States rates. In the provincial field, the people’s light and power business added $3.- 000,000 to provincial commission re- serves during 1933, making a total of $69,000,000. Municipal reserve-s reach-ed a total of $60,000,000. In: February the power load supplied to the municipalities reached its lowest point since 1929 but recovered during the summer to reach in December the largest load in history. Phone 12 PAGE m 29c. 17c. 10c.. 12c. 10c. 25c. 23c. 15c. 25c. 25c. 25c.

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