Heavy rains and strong winds, last week, laid low several heavy stands of spring grain thus making the task of the reaper difficult. Mr. and Mrs». Chas. Anms‘ and Mr. Arthur Annis of Dunbarton and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lever of Newton- brook called on Mrs. W. Brumwell on Sunday. A goodly number of our young peo- ple aï¬bended the field day at Sharon last Wednesday. Despite the fact that Victoria Square were not play- ing in. the finals, keen interest was taken by our young people in the various events. Victoria Square came second in the number of points in the sports and were awarded the ball and bat. The Athletic program was 'in charge of Mr. Fraser Gee and Mr. Ted Lewis of Nevmiarloet. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumwell are enjoying a vacation motoring through Northern Ontario. Rev. and Mrs. Percy Peacock had‘ tea with Mrs. Ida Nichols and family last Wednesday. The meeting of the WA. on Thurs- day evening at the home of Miss Mable Sanderson was well attend-ed. Mrs. Ha‘ig gave the address “Our Church Relationships†and Mrs. Mur- ray Avison sang a solo, both of which were much appreciated. THE CAPITOL MANUFACTURES ITS OWN WEATHER [I ENJOY PERFECT ENTERTAINMENT IN REFRESH- a INGLY COOL COMFORT . onen=ao=o====o=o===o=o=om U29: Several of our young people en: joyed a cruise on the Muskoka Lakes on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Denby of Milliken visited at Mr. Angus Valliere’s on Sunday evening. '3Days Some of our Junior farmers and their friends took in the Moonlight Excursion, sponsored by Unionvill'e VOL. LVI. 3LDays “STAND UPgSAND CHEER†'0 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY, NOTES VIVA VILLA YONGE & CASTLEFIELD THE SHOW OF 1001 SURPRISES WITH WARNER BAXTER SHIRLEY TEMPLE JAMES DUNN MADGE EVANS Monday, August 6, 1934 to be a CIVIC HOLIDAY flVillage of Richmond Hill. “YORK COUNTY’S NE WSPAPER†N EWSI EST â€" ALSO â€" POPEYE THE SAILOR CONSTANCE CUMMINGS IN THE AMAZING ADVENTURE ROMANCE Richmond Hill, July 26th, 1934 in EDNA FERBER’S POPULAR NOVEL CIVIC HOLIDAY WALLACE BEERY Monday, Tuesday, ‘Wednesggi July 30, 31, Aug. 1 “ GLAMOUR †Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 26, 27, 28 AND ALL STAR CAST ADDED HIT I HEREBY PROCLAIM J.F.A. on Friday evening. His many friends were sorry to hear of the sudden serious illness suffered by Mr. Gordon Mortson when holidaying near Smith’s Falls. Gordon is at present confinevl to Smith’s Falls Hospital where his con dition is reported to be improving. We wish for him a speedy return to health and strength. The Sacrament of’ghe Lord’s Sup- per will be observed in Victoria Square Church on Sunday, Aug. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kerr left on a vacation to Montreal and Quebec. Don’t forget the Ice Cream Social the Mission Band are holcing in the Sunday School on Tuesday, July Slst, at 8 pm. Program will consist of slides and musical selections. Miss Irene Johnson of Whitby is the guest of Mrs. P. Willows. Mr. Atkinson of the Department of Agriculture was in our community 1351: week judging the gardens of the young ladies who are taking part in the garden and canning club project. McKINNONâ€"At Headford on Sun- day, July 22nd, 1934, to Mr. amt Mrs. Milton McKinnon of Sprucedale, a daughter. REAMANâ€"A’c Lang-staff on Mon- day, July 23rd, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Reaman, a daughter. DOWNSâ€"On Sunday, July 22nd, at Toronto General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs.- W. Downs, Richvale, a son (John George). J. A. GREENE, Reeve CAPITOL NEWS MO. 2172 BIRTHS 3 Days 3 Days “In Essentials, Unity: In Non-essentials. Liberty; In 2111 Things, Charity." EICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 26th 1934 Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Coulter of the United Church held a charmingly ar- ranged reception on Saturday, July let, on the occasion of their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. The guests were received by the host and hostess, the latter wearing a becom- ing gown of figured georgette over a pink slip, and corsage of roses, and their daughter, Miss Isobel Coulter, who wore a pale blue satin, and in the evening wore her mother’s wed- ding gown of white point d’esprit, fashioned on princess lines, with panel down the front, long sleeves and high neckline. She had) a cor- sage of roses. Delphiniums,‘ lilies, baby’s breath and garden flowers decorated the attractive rooms, and guests were present from Toronto, Stouffville, Barrie, Maple, Newmarkâ€" et, Woodbridge and Markham. The tea table was lovely with white lilies and baby’s breath, with white candles in silver holders. Mrs. T. Caldwell, of Newmarket, and Mrs. J . Bower, of Maple, poured tea in the afternoon and in the evening Mrs. W. A. Park of Barrie and Mrs. A. M. Partridge of Maple presided. The assistants were Mrs." H. Alexander, Maple; Mrs. Walter Shook, Toronto; Miss Erma Holden and Mrs. D. Holden of Stouff- ville LATE MRS. EDWARD McTAGGART The death of Jessie Reid, beloved wife of Edward McTaggart, occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reid, Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, on Sunday morning after, an illness of two years. Deceased‘ was in her 36th year and prior to coming here had lived in Toronto. ‘Twelve years ago she married Ed- ward McTaggm-t who survives, also two children, Margaret and Murray McTaggart, her parents, a sister, Mrs. Stallman of California, and six brothers, Raniel, William, Chisholm, Jenkins, George and Ernest Reid. REV. AND MRS. COULTER CELEBRATE TWENTY- The funeral, held on Tuesday after- noon, was conducted by Rev. J. C. Cunningham of Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church. The pallbearers were John McTaggart, Daniel and William Reid, Lorne Whitmore, Wil- liam Pegg, Htarry Monk. Interment followed in Richmond Hill Cemetery. A profusion of beautiful flowers exâ€" pressed the highest esteem in which Mrs. McTaggart was held. The Liberal joins with the many friends in extending sincere sympaâ€" thy to the family in their bereave- ment. LATE WILLIAM ROBINSON On Sunday, July 22nd, 1934, after an illness of only a few days, William Robinson, beloved husband of the late Annie E. Hannah, passed away at, his residence, R‘edpath Apts., Toronto Mr. Robinson lived on a farm in Rieh‘ mond Hill for many years, where he was Well known, going to Toronto three years ago. The late Mr. Robin- son was in his 7lst year. His wife predeceased him seven years ago. He leaves to mourn his passing two daughters, Mrs. C. W. Martin of Thornhill and Rose at home, also one sister, Mrs. Mary Savage, and one brother, Harry of Toronto. The funeral was held: from F. B. Myers’ parlors, 2335 Yonge St, on Tuesday, ‘at 3 p.m. Interment took place at Richmond Hill Cemetery. LATE ROBERT McGRATH Death came as a relief to Mr. Robert McGrath on Saturday, July 2lst, who had been ill for the past nineteen (months. Mr. McGyrabh mover to Richmond Hill about four years ago from Toronto. He was born in Millbrook, Ontario, 69 years ago, was a returned soldier and a staunch member of the Orange Order The funeral was held from his late residence, Mill Street, on Tuesday, and was conducted by Rev. G. E. Coulter, Pastor of Richmond Hill United Church. The pallbearers were Mr. Douglas, Mr. Hale and Mr. Mc- Intosh of Toronto, and Mr. A. D. Buchanan of Richmond Hill. A woman in Quebec has never seen a movie film and scoffs at the idea that pictures can move and talk. Be- cause of the character of so many of these productions, the Globe thinks the rather widespread opinion will be that she hasn’t missed a great deal. Many a man is supporting twol wives now, but one of them isv Junior’s. d FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OBITUARY “It is eminently fitting that this meeting should take place in York County," said Prof. Henry G. Bell, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ontario Agricultural College, in an: address before this group. “History records that about 100 years ago one oi the first instances of tractor plow- ing took place in this district within a few miles of the meeting, namely near Pickering. In this vicinity, (me John Prout, an Englishman of comâ€" parative wealth and splendid! agri- cultural tvaining, settled near Picker- ing. On this land he put into prac- tice many of the new ideas put out by what is now Rothamsted Station, which methods were engaging the at- tention of leading English farmers. Some of the earliest applications of , commercial fertilizers were made at‘ this ‘time. Prout demonstrated that successive crops of cereals could be grown on heavy clay land if it is drained well, and properly fertilized. {With these new ideas of soil manage- ment, he coupled the idea of tractor plowing. On his level fields he plac- ed a steam engine at one side and with the aid of long cables and pul- leys he employed the first tractor plowing apparatus in Canada." “Then, again, the comparative superiority of the crops of York county this year warrant special at- tention to this section,†saidI Prof. Bell. On Tuesday evening, July 17th, the Junior Farmers of York County along with a number of farm owners and operators, gathered at the home of Mr. F. Gee, Gormley, to examine crop and fertility tests being con- ducted on his farm and on several farms in the vicinity of Victoria. Souare. Junior Farmers I Make Interesting F Tests of Crople An excellent barley test was seen - on the farm of Mr. F. Brumwell, ‘ Gormley. Here similar differences & were noted and an additional obser- vation of importance was made that the heads of the barley on the fertil- ’ ized sections were sufficiently far ad- ‘rvanoed that they were hanging down due to increased weight, while those ing and excellent crop of oats, part of which had been treated with 0-12-5 fertilier at 250 lbs. per acre, and part wth 2-12â€"6. It is too early, of oou1'se,"bo predict yields, but con- siderable advantage over neighbor- ing crops was seen in the growing crop. The group called at the W. Brooks farm, Gonnley, where last fall a repâ€" licated series of plots were laid down with winter wheat. The severities of winter weather were too much for the wheat and it was. necessary to! reseed with cast early in the spring-J Many farmers fear that if winter killing necessitates reseeding of fall wheat, fertilizers added to it are lost. There is abundant evidence on the Brooke farm to convince the most sceptical that this is not the case. In this test 1/3 acre blocks side by side across the field are treated with 0-14-6, 2-12-6, 2-12â€"10, 2â€"12-14, and a. block is left without any fertiizer. This is repeated 4 times with an idea of overcoming the natural variation in soil fertility. As in the other ‘fields‘, it is too early to pass an opin- ‘ion on relative merits of the differ- icn't mixtures, but it was quite evident from the thicker, stronger stand of oats where fertilizers had been ap- plied and from the higher crop, that a considerable difference in yield is bound to result. A week ago the fertilized blocks were well in head and the unfertil- ized blocks were just starting. To- day the whole field is in head but the heads of the fertilized blocks are much further filled with good heavy grain than are those on the unferâ€" tilized blocks. An additional observation in the oat crop was that there was con- siderably less smut in the fertilized than in the unfertilized. Apparently the strengthening of the crop gained by the fertilizer, helped it resist this drisease which makes such attacks on Canadian grain crops. R. E. White, Agricultural Repre- sentative of York County, who was in charge of the trip, called! the at- tention of the audience to the neces- sity of more attention to treating seed for control of smut. Definibe counts showed as high as 25% loss in oat crops due to smut which is readily controlable by seed; treat- ment. On Mr. Gee’s farm there was srtand . Mr. R. J. Bryden, fieldman of the ;Dept. of Chemistry, described in some detail the treatments that had been put on the various blocks and discussed the essential stores of ferâ€" tility that tests revealed in the dif- ferent soils. of the unfertilized areas had not fill- ed to the same extent. When darkness made field obser- vation impossible, the group again assemble& at the home of Mr. F. Gee, Whel‘e Professor Bell gave an address on. newer things in fertility maintenance, which address was i]- lustrated with a splendid set of Ian- ternl slides. In the scheme of fertil- ity demonstrations over 5000 such plots have been conducted through- out the province within the last 5 years. York County has shared since about 100 plots have been lo- cated in this area. Mr. E. K. Hampsmr, of the Potash Company of Canada, complimented the York County farmers highly on the excellency of their crops and farming- methods and pointed out the necessity of more attention to the science of farming as well as the art. Twenty-six rinks competed in the tournament held here on Wednesday including eight rinks from the local club. The greens were in excellent shape and a fine day’s bowling was enjoyed. Skip Button of Stoui’fville won the premier honors of the day, second’ prize going to skip Marshall of Newmarket, third to skip Norman Eade of Aurora, fourth to skip Mc- Laughlan of Lawrence Park and fifth to skip Beamish of Islingtom The annual Eckardt tournament for the beautiful Eckardt trophy was held Menday evening, when eighteen links from the County competed. The coveted trophy will rest for the com’ ing year in Newmarket, skip Harry Marshall winning out in a. tourna- ment Ifeatured by keenly contested games. Friday 1 July 27thâ€"Young Canucks vs Rich- vale Maple vs Night Hawks Tuesday July 3lstâ€"â€"Richva1e vs Night Hawks “THIS MAN 15 MINE†Fviday August 3rdâ€"Thornhi11 vs Night Hawks Maple vs Young Canncks Tuesday August 7thâ€"Richva1e vs‘ Thomhill Friday August 10th~â€"'l'hornhill vs Young - Oanucks Maple vs Richvale ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, JULY 28th ‘LET’S BE RITZY’ Friday and Saturday-“20 MILLION SWEETHEARTS†COLORED NOVELTY â€"â€" “JAILBIRDS of PARADISE†BOWLING NOTES THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE ‘AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 RM. EVENINGS 7:15 & 9:15 PARAMOUNT†NEWS Chapter 5 of “ Pirates Treasure SPECIAL FOR THE CHILDREN SAT. MAT. ONLY ‘ ‘M ANDALAY†Maple vs Thoruhill Night Hawks vs Young Canucks Bedford Theatre PEW AYRES and PATRICIA ELLIS URENE JUV ENILE LACROSSE LEAGUE GAMES IN IN PARAMOUNT PICTORIAL The California Trail “SING AND LIKE IT †The girls’ baseball team won from the Temperanceville beam on Mon- day evening by a score of 15-13. The men’s ball team of Thomhill won a. game from Maple on Monday evening by a. score of 22-18. The skating rink has been fitted up as a. place for the boys’ team for the practice of lacrosse. “Convention City†Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Mrs. R. Fleming and daughter of Vancouver, and Mrs. Walsh and son Mr. P. Walsh of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon last week. Mrs. Caldwell of Barrie visited over Sunday at the Parsonage. Mrs“ C. Crook, Mr. Chas. Crook and Mr. J. Horne and: family are spend- ing a. few weeks in their cottage at Bally Down. Congratulations to Evelyn Forrest and Lloyd Palmer passing- with hon. ours, and to Bertha Thompson, pass- ing the recent Entrance examination. The following pupils at Hope School were also successful, ‘Wilbert Hadwen Hadwen Kyle, Jessie Diceman and Burrwell Jackson. A union picnic of the Mission Bands of St. Andrew’s and: St. Paul’s Churches was Held on the Manse grounds last Saturday. MQI'S‘ J. Grey of Aurora. over the week-end with Miss Miss T. Watson. The ladies of the WA. of St. Stephen’s Church attended the month 1y meeting of the society at the Rec- tory at King City last week. Mrs». Cordy F. Cousins of Hamil- ton, Ohi'o, called at Mrs. T. Cousins on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wright and little son of Toyoma, Japan, and Mr. Herbert Norman who is taking a course at Cambridge University, Eng. are visiting Mrs. C. Norman and Miss Lucy Norman. Mr. and Mrs. D. Allan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson motored on Friday to Detroit and returned on Monday. RASPBERRY TEA A Raspberry Tea will be held Sal:- urday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. H. Bryan at 5 o’clock, under the auspices of the Women’s. Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church. Adults 25c., children 150. Everybody welcome. Dates of the Canadian National Exhibition this year are Friday, August 24th to Saturday, September 8th. Fourteen days and nights of education and recreation. It is clean, wholesome and captivating. Daily, at a stated hour, Ontario’s new premier, will meet representa- tives of the press and answer rea- sonable questions. Thus, through premier and press, the people may be kept informed of problems and progress, BUCK JONES MAPLE No. visited